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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Solla View Post
    A lovely idea

    Keller is visiting Todd in his room.

    KELLER: What's funny?

    TODD: I find it amusing Teyla’s son having pale skin and yellow eyes.

    KELLER: That's 'cause you don't understand compassion.

    TODD: I am all ears!

    KELLER: Even though his father saved Colonel Sheppard's life and helped him stop the hives from reaching Earth, they still placed him under guard. I think you understand well how lonely, how hurt he felt. How desperately he needed a friendly visit, tender hug, gentle touch...

    TODD: I'm not sure Colonel Sheppard would agree with you.

    KELLER: No – I think he is willing to show compassion. He just has a different set of tools.

    TODD: Hmm!


      I hit the dreaded character limit so my reply will be in three parts.

      Originally posted by leksa View Post
      I know that. But then you have difference between fantasy and science fiction. Science fiction stories at least need to be plausible in our, real universe.
      I'd class Stargate as science fantasy.

      Originally posted by leksa View Post
      I was wondering about this too. Especially because the Wraith sort of evolved to feed only on humans. How could they evolve to be depended on only one source of the food, the source which was, at the time of their evolution, far, far away (in the other galaxy)? Real puzzle, that one....
      The first scene in 'Rising Part One' is a flashback to when Atlantis left Earth for Pegasus. We're told it happened several million years ago. Once they were settled in the Lanteans got to work.

      HOLOGRAM: ... in the hope of spreading new life in a galaxy where there appeared to be none. Soon the new life grew, prospered

      HOLOGRAM: ... exchange knowledge and friendship. (Above her head a three dimensional holographic map of the galaxy appears.) In time, a thousand worlds bore the fruit of life in this form.

      I'm guessing that the Lanteans were only concerned with intelligent humanoid life because the Pegasus galaxy is full of humans. Logically the Iratus bugs evolved in Pegasus before the Lanteans filled it up with an alien (to that galaxy) species.. Some bugs had access to humans for lunch and eventually evolved into Wraith with their over specialised diet. The bugs without access to humans continued to feed on what they'd always fed on and are still around to act as useful plot devices.

      This still doesn't explain how the Lanteans didn't know the Wraith existed until they'd become a power to rival theirs.

      Originally posted by leksa View Post
      I'm talking about the impact of the society structure has on the development of the brain and the subsequently knowledge and technology.
      Neither of those animals ever developed the brain complex enough so that they can communicate abstract thought. Why? Because they found evolutionary "solution" which made for them possible to survive as they are.
      Nobody has really figured out how and why humans came to specialise in 'big brains' etc. Richard Dawkins introduced the idea of memes and Susan Blackmore expanded on this in 'The Meme Machine'. If she's correct, the Wraith would have developed into meme machines because of their human DNA. If our special abilities are due to something else the Wraith would still have developed them due to their human DNA. Human DNA is that magic ingredient.

      Originally posted by leksa View Post
      Any society structure which has dominant "ruler" is doomed to be stuck on the same level. Please, look up the anthropology studies. Hominoids of each category did not have a "leader". They lived in small tribes, and different individuals were in charge for different aspects of life. There was a division of the responsibilities and work. The cooperation was the most important aspect of our evolution. Cooperation was our solution for the survival. That's why we developed into what we are today.
      Real world anthropology will only take us so far. You can find all kinds of information on species such as Homo habilis, Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis etc. but nobody's made a study of the evolution of Homo iratus because this species doesn't exist.

      Insects living within a social group would have already evolved co-operation. Todd's career gives the impression that Wraith can't co-operate to save their lives but I've had further thoughts on this which are explained at the end of part three. It all hinges on the fact that he's a male, not a Queen.

      Now to the Kalahari Bushmen who are still living in small, co-operative groups.

      The Cosmic Nature Of Bushman Law

      Subsistence hunting and gathering requires group formation. In a habitat as barren as the central Kalahari Desert, the groups or ?bands?, as they are known in the literature, are per force small in size and highly mobile. In fact, a central Kalahari Bushman band seldom numbers more than fifty members.

      The band has no chief or leader. Kalahari Bushman society simply does not lend itself to a centralized, hierarchical structure with specialized personnel. Decisions affecting the social life of the band are arrived at through discussions in which all adult and near-adult members of the band, irrespective of whether they are male or female, are welcome to participate. Discussion is informal, is not conducted in any special place, and seldom takes the form of a single, set-piece debate.

      Originally posted by leksa View Post
      Later in history, when we start to settle and develop agriculture "rulers" appeared. Not before. Our all nature is evolved to support the cooperation. And I can tell you, as a scientist, that without a cooperation you cannot have an advancements in science. No way.
      Farming allowed the formation of much larger groups so rulers appeared because the old hunter/gatherer social system would have become unworkable. Societies then took on a form which isn't all that different to Wraith society in a lot of ways. The ruler was at the top and the rest of the society was divided into different groups which performed specialist functions so they ended up with something like a priestly caste, a warrior caste, an artisan caste and a land working caste etc. (A rough generalisation, of course, because human societies vary in detail) Britain ended up with a class system which was far more rigid when my mother was born in 1913 than it is today. We had the upper class, middle class and working class and even during WW2 -

      We had a boy and a girl who arrived from the Old Kent Road. As children we seemed to have no problem adjusting to the evacuees; however they didn't stay long and returned to London soon after. Mothers with young children found it hard adjusting to life in the country and were often disliked by the locals. I felt sorry for them because it was hard enough leaving home without the culture shock of the countryside. I think they found the class system there almost feudal and often made jokes about it, with remarks like 'God bless the squire and his relations, And keep us in our proper stations!!'

      Some members of the English population were challenging this kind of social system hundreds of years earlier.

      "When Adam delved, and Eve span
      Who was then a gentleman?"

      This rhyme is one of the oldest known English Rhymes and can be dated to the English Peasant Revolt of 1381.

      So back to Wraith. From what we've seen so far, there's a division of responsibilities and work on a hive because some faced males specialise as scientists while others seem to be pilots or in charge of groups of masked warriors. They co-operate under a Queen in a way that isn't too dissimilar to how humans in large groups co-operated under monarchs. The difference between Wraith and humans is that Wraith evolved to co-operate in a group with a ruler while it must have been a very difficult adjustment for humans to make. Democracy with votes and referendums is the nearest we've got to our our original small group decision making process.
      Last edited by ciannwn; 17 January 2009, 03:54 AM.


        Part Two.

        Originally posted by leksa View Post
        Not really. They were cruel towards non-germans, not towards the whole population. Please, do not use only generalizations to form an opinion.
        I have done some research on Nazi Germany and which groups of the population they were cruel to but more about that later. . First comes the question of what, exactly, is a totalitarian regime. Needless to say 'experts' argue over whether certain regimes were totalitarian or authoritarian as shown in this section of an article on the matter.

        Problems of Identification and Distinction: Stalinism, Nazism and Totalitarianism

        Much of this debate ultimately revolves around the question of the meaning of the term socialism, making argument on the subject frequently as much about semantics as about actual substantive differences.

        So whose definition do we pick? I'm opting for this one because it includes regimes which are often considered totalitarian and draws a useful distinction between the Soviet Union during and after Stalin's rule.

        Some analysts have argued that totalitarianism requires a cult of personality around a charismatic "great leader" glorified as the legitimator of the regime. Many regimes often considered totalitarian fit this model — for example, those of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, and Kim Il-Sung. Partially for this reason, some scholars do not consider the post-Stalin Soviet Union and most of the Warsaw Pact nations as totalitarian.

        I'm now going to an article which puts things plainly and simply.

        A totalitarian regime is a government which controls every aspect of the life of the people. People living under a totalitarian regime generally also support it, sometimes almost cultishly, thanks to extensive propaganda missions which are designed to promote a positive view of the government. Citizens are also usually afraid to criticize the government, so they may be outspoken supporters to avoid closer scrutiny.

        Nazi Germany's propaganda was under the direction of Joseph Goebbels.

        Dr Joseph Goebbels was in charge of propaganda. Goebbels official title was Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment.

        He was kept very busy.

        As Minister of Enlightenment, Goebbels had two main tasks:

        to ensure nobody in Germany could read or see anything that was hostile or damaging to the Nazi Party.

        to ensure that the views of the Nazis were put across in the most persuasive manner possible

        His methods -

        To ensure that everybody thought in the correct manner, Goebbels set up the Reich Chamber of Commerce in 1933. This organisation dealt with literature, art, music, radio, film, newspapers etc. To produce anything that was in these groups, you had to be a member of the Reich Chamber. The Nazi Party decided if you had the right credentials to be a member. Any person who was not admitted was not allowed to have any work published or performed. Disobedience brought with it severe punishments. As a result of this policy, Nazi Germany introduced a system of censorship. You could only read, see and hear what the Nazis wanted you to read, see and hear. In this way, if you believed what you were told, the Nazi leaders logically assumed that opposition to their rule would be very small and practiced only by those on the very extreme who would be easy to catch.

        Goebbels still needed some help.

        To ensure success, Goebbels had to work with the SS and Gestapo and Albert Speer. The former hunted out those who might produce articles defamatory to the Nazis and Hitler while Speer helped Goebbels with public displays of propaganda.

        Why did they go to all this trouble?

        At no time up to 1933, did the Nazi Party win a majority of votes at elections. They may have been the largest political party in 1933, but they did not have a majority of support among the people. Therefore, those who had supported the Nazis needed to be informed on how correct their choice was with an emphasis on the strength of the party and the leadership. Those who opposed the Nazi Party had to be convinced that it was pointless continuing with their opposition. The fact that Goebbels had so much power is indicative of how important Hitler thought it was to ensure that the people were won over or intimidated into accepting Nazi rule.

        Originally posted by leksa View Post
        Hitler was the one who stopped economical problems in the country, the one who gave the people the jobs and strong feeling of the community and cooperation.
        Goebbels, being very good at his own job, would have helped this feeling of community and co-operation along.

        "The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it." Goebbels

        It's also a lot easier to be enthusiastic about one's community if one happens to be a desirable member of it. So who, besides, non-Germans, were the victims of cruelty?

        The Nazi Eugenics Programs

        A eugenics program was started by the Weimar government.

        In 1932, inspired in part by Laughlin's Model Eugenics Law and other writings in the United States, the Weimar government drafted a plan for sterilizations of individuals with "hereditary illnesses." Many people were living in institutions, and they were costly to the country. Sterilizing them would prevent them from having children; some might then also be able to leave the institution and live on their own. The plan involved those to be sterilized (or their guardians) in decision making, requiring prior consent to the procedure.

        In 1933 the National Socialist German Workers’ Party came into power.

        The next year, the National Socialists-Nazis-took control of Germany. On July 14, 1933, the new government issued its "Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases." This law was far more directive than the Weimar government's plan. People with so-called hereditary illnesses had to be sterilized, even if they objected. And the list of persons classified as hereditarily ill included those suffering from "congenital feeble-mindedness, schizophrenia, manic depression, hereditary epilepsy, Huntington's chorea, hereditary blindness, hereditary deafness, and serious physical deformities." People with chronic alcoholism could also be sterilized. The law established some 200 Genetic Health Courts at which teams of lawyers and doctors would subpoena medical records in order to choose candidates for sterilization. The Court proceedings were secret, and the decisions could rarely be reversed.

        They didn't stop there.

        By the late 1930s, the Nazi government was using propaganda movies to persuade the public that those who were hereditarily ill and, therefore, dangerous to the health of the nation should be exterminated rather than kept alive as "neutered beings." The targets for extermination were objectified as "beings of lesser worth," "life unworthy of life," "ballast existences," "useless eaters."

        In the autumn of 1939, Hitler approved the Aktion T-4 program, which authorized specific doctors and officials to carry out mercy deaths-euthanasia-of those the state deemed unworthy of life.

        Here is a propaganda poster.

        Originally posted by leksa View Post
        Again, there was the sense of cooperation and wish for the group you belong to to succeed. The group was put before the individual. That is the basic of the Communist ideology which was imperative then.
        This feeling of community was also helped along by propaganda. Here's a selection of posters-

        Originally posted by leksa View Post
        Also at that time, people still remembered how it was to live under the Emperor, so from their point of view communists brought the better life. When that stopped to be true, country collapsed.
        This is an introduction to Stalin's regime. It explains why being enthusiastic about things like gigantic factories and eight million tons of pig iron was a very wise move.

        Stalin soon revealed himself to be immodest, ruthless, and a despot of grotesque proportions. Beginning with his fiftieth birthday in 1929, he was celebrated by an ever more extravagant personality cult. Nearly all his adversaries of the 1920s met a violent end during the Great Purge of the late 1930s. A handful were convicted in public show trials and shot; many more were seized by the Soviet political police, the NKVD (the Russian acronym for People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs), and put to death without trial or dispatched to labor camps in Siberia or other remote areas. Trotsky was assassinated in 1940 while in exile in Mexico. Stalin’s campaign of terror was not confined to the Soviet elite; it penetrated all corners of society. Untold numbers of innocent peasants, workers, party members, government officials, army officers—essentially anyone alleged to have reservations about his policies—met immediate death by shooting or suffered slow death in labor camps. By some estimates, 10 million or more people were arrested for political offenses during the Stalin period. Roughly 1 million were executed. Several million at a time populated the Gulag—the far-flung network of concentration camps, forced labor camps, and exile sites. Millions of informers passed on tips about their fellow citizens to the police. The Stalinist regime also exerted totalitarian controls over artists, writers, musicians, scientists, and other intellectuals, squelching all dissent and subjecting them to recurrent campaigns to enforce conformity. Thousands of intellectuals perished in the terror wave of the 1930s, and smaller numbers died in persecutions after World War II.
        Last edited by ciannwn; 16 January 2009, 05:27 PM.


          Part Three

          Originally posted by leksa View Post
          Genii are formed as sloppy as the rest of the SGA characters. They are generalization of the Russians. For frack sake, the major "bad" guy had a Russian name!
          However, again, you can find how would the average person from the population see that group benefit was more important than individual one. They had great enemy to fight with, and due to existence of the Wraith worshipers they could not trust any outsiders. So, there you go, you have a society which cooperates.
          Even with guys like Kolya around the Genii population is likely to have been genuinely thrilled by advances in anti-Wraith technology.

          Originally posted by leksa View Post
          Not possible. The Wraith was portrayed as back-stabbing, uncooperative species. So if you assume that they were like that trough the whole of their evolution they would never, ever, reach that level.
          I think that a hive would be a co-operative society under a Queen.

          In 'The Queen' we learn that it's permissible for one Queen to assassinate another in order to gain control of a hive. It is not permissible for a male to assassinate a Queen, though, which is why Todd needed Teyla.

          It's likely that males within a hive are very competitive for rank and status so there could be a lot of intrigue going on but too many assassinations within the hive would be counter productive. I can't see a Queen being too pleased if her best scientist was assassinated by her second best scientist.

          Most males want to be ruled and fear being without a Queen but 'rogue males' like Todd would rather be the ruler. His career indicates that it's far more difficult for a male to stay in charge. In 'Spoils Of War' we learn that he was betrayed by an underling. This male must have preferred the idea of being ruled by a Queen. In 'EATG' we learn that he was betrayed by one of his scientists. The Wraith concerned must have been of the opinion that if a male was going to be in charge he'd rather it was himself. This suggests that a community ruled by a male is less co-operative than one ruled by a female because of Wraith psychological make-up.

          It's likely that the Wraith's drive to invent technology involved better culling methods leading to darts with culling beams and developing hive ships to protect their feeding grounds from being taken over by other groups. (Luckily for them the Lanteans failed to spot any hive ships flying they remained blissfully unaware of what was going on until it was too late.) The average faced male Wraith would probably have been very enthusiastic about participating in Five Year Plans which would result in more meals .

          Originally posted by leksa View Post
          It's not problem in gender of the ruler, but the idea of the ruler itself. If you assume that the Wraith had a ruler trough their whole history, then they would never, ever develop any culture or civilization. The reason why human societies developed even when there was a strong ruler was because they had a feeling they belong to the group, that their group is important. Our old ideas about the cooperation, those things which were installed into our genes by evolution were called into play.
          We saw Iratus bugs living in a large group in 'Conversion'. A hive is a group so why couldn't Wraith feel that they belong to their hive groups and that their hive groups are important? We know that they have telepathic abilities so being able to tune into one's hive network would surely result in a feeling of belonging.

          PS: Another reason why real world anthropology can only take us so far is that Stargate humans are second generation humans and they came on the scene because the Ancients used the Dakara device to recreate life in the Milky Way after a great plague. Going by what Jim/Anubis said the Dakara device can be used to shape things to the user's liking. If so, Earth humans evolved because the Ancients ensured that they would. The Ancients themselves evolved in another galaxy untold millions of years earlier so the emergence of a species almost identical to them on a planet in the Milky Way is too much of a co-incidence. Stargate humans aren't really us so maybe their DNA is even more magical as an ingredient than ours would be when it comes to shaping Wraith evolution. It guarantees an intelligent, big brained end product which can develop technology.
          Last edited by ciannwn; 17 January 2009, 04:04 AM.


            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
            Puddle Jumper emerges from Stargate and flies splat into an enormous blob of nasty looking goo.

            Sheppard: What the heck is that stuff?

            McKay: How am I supposed to know? Give me a minute to scan it and analyse the data.

            Sheppard: You've got thirty seconds because I can't see where we're going.

            McKay: Eeeew! It's a big pile of hive ship doo-doo.

            Sheppard: I'm gonna kill Todd. He gave us these co-ordinates so he must have known what would happen.

            McKay: I'm picking up a transmission. It's from Todd.

            Sheppard: What's it say?.

            McKay: Just a little Wraith humour.

            Originally posted by leksa View Post
            OK, OK. You're the second one who asked me to stop.
            don't stop, it's fun.


              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

              I wish I got to know you better.


                Does someone feel like requoting that one by das? The one that had the complete board in a rofl? The Wraith dream one?

                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                I wish I got to know you better.


                  I finally found it das's masterpiece! I hope she doesn't mind?
                  It was great reading back through all the old posts, we've sure had some laughs

                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  Well, Greg's ship in The Defiant One was a supply ship - meaning that it was just stocked full of tasty humans to feed the Wraith fighting on the front line.

                  I would have loved to see exactly how Wraith go about feeding in groups - Do they just eat whenever they need to, or do they prefer to feed in groups, like humans and many different types of animals?

                  And I'd love to hear Wraith dialogue when they are forced to be around humans, without being allowed to eat them. Let's just take Todd, Kenny, and the other one who boarded the Daedalus with them - let's call him Bullseye.

                  I can just hear the telepathic communication now - in that scene when they first came on board...let's just tweak that scene a bit...

                  WOOLSEY: Thank you for coming.

                  TODD: Thank you for having us.

                  (Richard clears his throat, while Kenny and Bullseye take deep breaths, inhaling the human scent.)

                  BULLSEYE: many humans, it makes the entire ship smell quite delicious...

                  KENNY: I'm hungry....

                  WOOLSEY: Today is an historic day. Robert Grosseteste once said ...

                  BULLSEYE: You're aways hungry.

                  KENNY: Am not!

                  BULLSEYE: Are too! You constantly think about food...

                  TODD (interrupting Woolsey): I would like to get started as soon as possible.

                  KENNY: I do not.

                  TODD: Yes, you DO. Your next meal...your last meal...your 'fantasy' meal involving two human females and something called 'whipped cream'...I must ask John Sheppard about that one...

                  BULLSEYE: You even woke me up once in the middle of a good hibernation to tell me about one of your sordid little feeding dreams...

                  KENNY: What else was I to do? I woke up in a cold sweat, covered all over with enzyme and everything...

                  WOOLSEY: Y-yes, of course. But I wanted to recognise ...

                  TODD (to Jennifer): I have my doubts that your plan will be effective ... (it turns to Richard) ... so shall we drop these unfounded pleasantries and get to work? To Kenny and Bullseye: Will you two be silent! I cannot hear myself think! I think...I think I may have just told this human to bugger off...

                  BULLSEYE & KENNY: Our apologies, Commander.

                  WOOLSEY: Very well. Doctor Keller, lead the way.

                  KELLER (to the Wraith): Please, come with me.

                  KENNY (looking at Keller's behind): Wow. Nice glutes. Bet she'll make one tasty meal...

                  TODD: I call dibs!

                  Hey - what can I say? It's good to be commander!

                  Cass Todd -


                    Love you sig Todds' worshiper - its great.
                    I came, I saw, I conquered!
                    We are unique! Created unique!


                      Thankyou, I love it too and it was a lot of fun to make
                      Cass Todd -


                        Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                        And also didn't the bug feed off of Ancients?
                        ' Rising Part One' -

                        HOLOGRAM: Then one day our people stepped foot upon a dark world where a terrible enemy slept. Never before had we encountered beings with powers that rivalled our own. In our over-confidence, we were unprepared and outnumbered.

                        These had to be fully evolved Wraith with advanced technology and hive ships because that's the only way this terrible enemy could have qualified as beings with powers to rival the Ancients' own.

                        Sheppard has his encounter with an Iratus bug in 'Thirty Eight Minutes'. It happens on a planet with an orbital Stargate. In 'Conversion' they decide to go on an egg hunt.

                        McKAY: The Ancient database has quite a lot of information about the iratus bug. We know what planet it's on, we know that it likes cool damp dark places to lay its eggs.

                        There's nothing odd about the egg hunters being on foot when they're looking for a bug nest because Sheppard and co. often park a Puddle Jumper and go somewhere on foot. When they have to make a retreat from the nest, though, Lorne says -

                        LORNE: .. I'm pulling the plug on this mission. Let's get back to the Gate.

                        This implies that they didn't arrive on the bug planet via an orbital Stargate and our suspicions are confirmed when we see the egg hunters leave through the Atlantis gate on foot on their second attempt. Going by what we know of Stargates, 'Conversion' and 'Thirty Eight Minutes' involve two different planets rather than one planet which has both an orbital Stargate and a land based one. So how did bugs get from planet to planet when they wouldn't be capable of using land based Stargates let alone orbital ones? Well, the Ancients were fond of having humans everywhere. Maybe the Wraith were fond of Iratus bugs and seeded them on a number of different planets once they had space ships with hyperdrives so they could manage locations with orbital gates. Another possibility is that TPTB forgot that the bug planet had an orbital gate.

                        Where did the Wraith evolve? We have no idea because that dark world referred to by the hologram wasn't neccessarily their planet of origin. We were told that the enemy was sleeping so maybe the Wraith were hibernating and the Ancients came across a planet where one or more hive ships had been parked.

                        So what can we deduce from this muddle?

                        1: The Wraith originated on a world which had been seeded with humans.

                        2: The original world was in some far flung corner of the Pegasus galaxy because the Ancients forgot about it, This corner was so far flung, in fact, that hive ships could fly around without the Ancients noticing.

                        3: If the Ancients had discovered the original world and one of them had met up with a bug in the way that Sheppard did the other Ancients would have found a way of removing it from lunch. The bug would then have become an interesting study specimen. If some bugs on this planet had already started on the evolutionary route to becoming Wraith the Ancients would have found this interesting too. Maybe they just didn't bother going back to monitor the evolving bugs but would they have been so careless as to neglect adding a warning to the information in their database? Well, we know they had a tendency to be careless so maybe this information didn't include a warning. Every so often somebody would visit the planet and get fed on and nobody at home noticed that he/she had gone missing or bothered to send out a search party.

                        In 'The Defiant One' Greg says -

                        WRAITH: I've fed upon countless thousands of humans, Atlanteans, even a part of my own crew. And I will feed upon you before this day is done.

                        This could just mean that Wraith didn't get to feed on Ancients until the war.

                        Now to another question.

                        Sheppard didn't start turning into a bug after he'd been fed on in 'Thirty Eight Minutes'. His mutating was the result of Ellia infecting him with Beckett's prototype retrovirus.

                        TODD: A terminally ill Wraith could occasionally restore himself to perfect health if he allowed an iratus bug, as you call them – specifically a queen – to feed on him.

                        It's only queen bugs which have that magic ingredient which turned Todd back into to a healthy, human-eating Wraith. If the bugs are like Wraith in that a colony consists of one queen and hundreds of males the odds are that Sheppard encountered a male. If so the bug wouldn't have had that magic ingredient.


                          Thank you, TW.

                          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                          I wish I got to know you better.


                            Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
                            I finally found it das's masterpiece! I hope she doesn't mind?
                            It was great reading back through all the old posts, we've sure had some laughs

                            Awww...gee. I changed the url on that smilie...I think it was this one:

                            I guess I have to go back and edit all my smilies now....

                            My favorite one is probably Todd learning his name, the stray cats thingy, and the one where Todd is dating Jennifer, and meets her parents...

                            Stray Cats: &


                            Todd's name:

                            Oh, and this one - the Dracula one:

                            (The 'humans are weird/planet is weird' thing is a tribute to Ronon's line in Outcast)

                            And...lemme see...there's the Rodney and Wraith take a shower one:

                            There may have been more, I dunno. Most you guys have probably already seen, but some newer members haven't. Enjoy!

                            Last edited by dasNdanger; 17 January 2009, 06:49 AM.


                              Originally posted by MCH View Post
                              Michael did say he allowed the bug to gorge themselves on a human to ingest the human DNA. The trick was to get the Queen to lay eggs as soon as possible after feeding so the eggs had human DNA in them.So I guessing if the Queen usually has gotten rid of the human DNA before she lays her eggs. So producing eggs with no human dna. This takes care of other victims DNA effecting the bug DNA so the species remain as they where when they first envolved.

                              This would be the same as mosquitoes; creatures that also need human blood to lay eggs. Now I don't know any human mosquitoes, but I've known a few people that can suck you dry.

                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                And...lemme see...there's the Rodney and Wraith take a shower one:

                                There may have been more, I dunno. Most you guys have probably already seen, but some newer members haven't. Enjoy!

                                Das thank you SO much for lightening the mood!!!
                                Needless to say the shower scene was my favourite - and my own sordid little imagination managed to finish that one off just nicely thank you - I was just in the mood for a nice refreshing shower!!!
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

