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    *Goes back like 20 pages*

    Posted them here, too!

    Under spoiler tags!

    In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

    I wish I got to know you better.


      I should go to sleep, I'm so dead now. See ya, everybody!
      I have some Wraith DNA in my genetic make-up, that makes me want to use trench coat.


      "Jaffat tulloo... Helmat paukkuu..."


        Originally posted by cryogenic_limbo View Post
        I should go to sleep, I'm so dead now. See ya, everybody!
        Me too!

        And I'm used to being up till 1-2. I wanna go to bed too, but dad has to go first.

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          Here two Wraith Angels


            finished steve.



              Hurry, then!

              In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

              I wish I got to know you better.


                Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post

                GREAT ONE!!!!!!!!!

                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                I wish I got to know you better.


                  I don't know I've seen well almost every wraith
                  I would really enjoy it if they had this hardcore blind wraith
                  to me that would be awesome


                    Thats are great LÖL


                      Originally posted by armte
                      Thoughts & Questions on Michael & Teyla's Connection and I figured I would go to the all knowing wraith forum

                      So last night I watched Submersion and picked up on another reason why Michael can be the father of Teyla’s baby (I think he is). In Submersion Teyla went up against a wraith queen and implanted in her mind a false memory that never happened. So isn’t it possible that all of Teyla’s memories of Kanan were implanted by Michael.

                      Also another thought and I would love other opinions is Teyla has repeated time and time again that a wraith can only access her mind if she opens her mind to them. But Michael (in the episode Michael) was able to get Teyla to release his restraints without Teyla allowing access. But this would also support the fact that Michael could implant false memories without Teyla giving access.

                      But this opens up another question……out of all the other wraiths, why does Michael have this free access to Teyla? Hope this makes sense.

                      Welcome, armte! Please, step into the bowels of the hive, and join us...for a...meal... *evil Wraithy grin*

                      I think GoSpikey left a link to some of her thoughts...and now I'll add mine.

                      I haven't seen Submersion yet, either...but if what you say is true, COULD be that her memories of Kannan are false - which would be totally sweet! I'm gonna wait until tomorrow night - I haven't speculated much on this topic - but I wouldn't mind if Michael is actually the father, and all of her memories about Kannan (sp?) are false. Would be a cool twist!

                      Now - you bring up a very interesting point! WHY can Michael tap into her mind so easily, and not someone like Todd (though Todd may not have tried...especially if he only learned of her abilities to link with Wraith in SoW).

                      Perhaps if a Wraith doesn't know about Teyla's ability, he doesn't even try to pick her brain...though...I think they would sense it, just like she senses their presence. Hmmmmm. Yeah...makes ya wonder. As far as we know, Todd never tried to get inside her head, though that might change now that he knows of her ability to connect with Wraith. Might come in handy for him in the future. But as far as Michael's ability to connect with her - yes, it does seem 'special'.

                      I think Spikey (or someone) suggested that Michael was the original scientist who experimented with the Wraith/human DNA stuff, and is therefore responsible for the Wraith DNA that Teyla has, and that - perhaps - it's even HIS specific DNA. That may explain why he as a special connection with her. He said that he arranged for a 'family reunion' - well, maybe he was talking about Teyla and him, and not Teyla and Kannan.

                      So, there is a possibility either way - Teyla may possess Michael's Wraith DNA, OR, the baby she's carrying may be Michael's, and not Kannan's.

                      Another possibility is that it was just revealed that Kannan also has the Wraith DNA. Okay - so let's say Michael discovered this, and purposely (mentally) maneuvered Teyla and Kannan into a romantic relationship, knowing that their child would possess an extra helping of Wraith DNA. He may then want to clone the child, or something...and make his own army of super soldiers.

                      Gah - just so many possibilities - and we still don't know what the writers have actually come up with! About 25 hours from now, and I'll know - and it's killing me! The ONLY thing that's preventing me from going crazy is knowing that Todd probably won't be in this episode ... that's JUST enough to keep me from getting overly excited about what is to come. (Of course, IF Todd does show up, you'll probably hear my *squeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!* around the world.



                        Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                        THAT is CLASSIC!!!!!

                        Perfect! Great job!



                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Welcome, armte! Please, step into the bowels of the hive, and join us...for a...meal... *evil Wraithy grin*

                          I think GoSpikey left a link to some of her thoughts...and now I'll add mine.

                          I haven't seen Submersion yet, either...but if what you say is true, COULD be that her memories of Kannan are false - which would be totally sweet! I'm gonna wait until tomorrow night - I haven't speculated much on this topic - but I wouldn't mind if Michael is actually the father, and all of her memories about Kannan (sp?) are false. Would be a cool twist!

                          Now - you bring up a very interesting point! WHY can Michael tap into her mind so easily, and not someone like Todd (though Todd may not have tried...especially if he only learned of her abilities to link with Wraith in SoW).

                          Perhaps if a Wraith doesn't know about Teyla's ability, he doesn't even try to pick her brain...though...I think they would sense it, just like she senses their presence. Hmmmmm. Yeah...makes ya wonder. As far as we know, Todd never tried to get inside her head, though that might change now that he knows of her ability to connect with Wraith. Might come in handy for him in the future. But as far as Michael's ability to connect with her - yes, it does seem 'special'.

                          I think Spikey (or someone) suggested that Michael was the original scientist who experimented with the Wraith/human DNA stuff, and is therefore responsible for the Wraith DNA that Teyla has, and that - perhaps - it's even HIS specific DNA. That may explain why he as a special connection with her. He said that he arranged for a 'family reunion' - well, maybe he was talking about Teyla and him, and not Teyla and Kannan.

                          So, there is a possibility either way - Teyla may possess Michael's Wraith DNA, OR, the baby she's carrying may be Michael's, and not Kannan's.

                          Another possibility is that it was just revealed that Kannan also has the Wraith DNA. Okay - so let's say Michael discovered this, and purposely (mentally) maneuvered Teyla and Kannan into a romantic relationship, knowing that their child would possess an extra helping of Wraith DNA. He may then want to clone the child, or something...and make his own army of super soldiers.

                          Gah - just so many possibilities - and we still don't know what the writers have actually come up with! About 25 hours from now, and I'll know - and it's killing me! The ONLY thing that's preventing me from going crazy is knowing that Todd probably won't be in this episode ... that's JUST enough to keep me from getting overly excited about what is to come. (Of course, IF Todd does show up, you'll probably hear my *squeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!* around the world.

                          Hi dasNdanger,

                          All very good points and the part that really bothers me is, I do not think all our questions will be answered by the end of the season.

                          I am sure Todd will be back if not this season the next. In spoils of war you could tell he was so intrigued by Teyla's abilities because he doubted her at first and then he witnessed it. Even though we know her powers were increased due to the child, Teyla was still strong enough to trick a wraith queen without the baby. This could give some weight to spikey theories about Michael being the sciencetist that tested on Teyla's people. Seems like the wraith gene is very strong in her.


                            Originally posted by armte View Post
                            Hi dasNdanger,

                            All very good points and the part that really bothers me is, I do not think all our questions will be answered by the end of the season.

                            I am sure Todd will be back if not this season the next. In spoils of war you could tell he was so intrigued by Teyla's abilities because he doubted her at first and then he witnessed it. Even though we know her powers were increased due to the child, Teyla was still strong enough to trick a wraith queen without the baby. This could give some weight to spikey theories about Michael being the sciencetist that tested on Teyla's people. Seems like the wraith gene is very strong in her.
                            Yup - I agree, with what you say in the spoilers (I will not be surprised), and about not getting all the answers this season. I believe Michael is in the beginning of next season, so I suspect we won't get the answers we want this season. Darn!

                            I know that Todd is to make 'an appearance' in Season 5 - but only sounds like one episode. I sure hope they keep him around. Perhaps, since they devoted a lot of S4 to Wraith, they'll go light on them in S5, and - if they're picked up for a 6th season, refocus their attention on them then.

                            Ugh...that just seems WAY too far away!!

                            (yeah, I'm obsessed... )



                              Originally posted by armte View Post
                              Hi dasNdanger,

                              All very good points and the part that really bothers me is, I do not think all our questions will be answered by the end of the season.

                              I am sure Todd will be back if not this season the next. In spoils of war you could tell he was so intrigued by Teyla's abilities because he doubted her at first and then he witnessed it. Even though we know her powers were increased due to the child, Teyla was still strong enough to trick a wraith queen without the baby. This could give some weight to spikey theories about Michael being the sciencetist that tested on Teyla's people. Seems like the wraith gene is very strong in her.
                              Welcome to our little Wraith sanctuary, Armte!

                              das and Spikey already replied to you Teyla's baby question, which we discussed here a while ago, and I have nothing to add.

                              We know they plan at least SOME Wraith episodes in Season 5, since the had a casting call (see Joe Mallozzi's blog for hilarious details). And, as das said, Todd will make "an appearance". I hope it will be more, but we can only wait and see. And maybe post our praises of the Wraith in general and Todd in particular on JM's blog to make sure he gets the message.

                              On your last point behind the spoiler, does anyone REALLY believe that we will have our questions answered at the end of this Season? Why would they change their pattern now? I've watched Season's 1, 2 and 3 and all of the final shows are cliffhangers. I guess they think it keeps the fans coming back!

                              BTW armte, you might find it interesting to go back through old posts on this thread. That's what I did when I joined. There is a lot of good stuff there, ranging from intelligent, in-depth discussion and speculation on aspects of Wraith as a species to flagrant, silly Wraith-lust. And some really fun dialogs written by das and comics by naamiset.
                              Sparrow hawk



                                I just realized something. there was a question a few pages back of how wraith heal bullet wounds - I just watched the defiant one and it shows the wraith's bullet wound on his arm heal. (I've never noticed it before ) it just heals over, so the bullets must stay inside til they're removed or dissolve.
                                Last edited by naamiaiset; 28 April 2008, 11:55 AM.

