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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Hi I just prerused the info on the ending of SGA. They TPTB what to sink all their resources into Stargate Universe. So it doesn't surprise me that they will killed off the Wraith. I'm tried of investing my time and interest into TV shows that demise in five years. I know TV is fickle. Well in 2009 they will end SGA then I will have the movie channel disconneted. I don't want to invest into Stargate Universe. Well, at least there is still NCIS. Yeah, I know they will make a direct to DVD to wrap up the story line. Any thoughts?



      Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
      Hi I just prerused the info on the ending of SGA. They TPTB what to sink all their resources into Stargate Universe. So it doesn't surprise me that they will killed off the Wraith. I'm tried of investing my time and interest into TV shows that demise in five years. I know TV is fickle. Well in 2009 they will end SGA then I will have the movie channel disconneted. I don't want to invest into Stargate Universe. Well, at least there is still NCIS. Yeah, I know they will make a direct to DVD to wrap up the story line. Any thoughts?

      JM said wraith aren't going anywhere in S5, but they obviously have to be in the movie. SGU doesn't capture my interest either. I feared SGA would be axed in favour of SGU... and lo and behold, I was right. I feel bad for the actors.

      as for the movie storyline - hopefully wraith aren't wiped out just to make it "nice and tidy" in the PG. maybe the gene therapy/feeding solution could be used, I like that possibility a lot more.
      Last edited by naamiaiset; 20 August 2008, 07:27 PM.


        Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
        Take it as a complement, WK. My local grocery store employs mostly teenagers and it used to creep me out when the cashier and bag boys would hit on me. Now, I figure I should start worrying when they *stop*!

        And I'm so glad you are! I love reading your posts. You always state your case intelligently and always give me plenty to think about. This is the kind of conversation I crave since no one else I know watches the show - well, without me forcing them - and no one I know ever wants to talk about it.

        I laugh-snorted when I read that. Those are actually some of the guys I run around with.

        I understand, otherwise I would have been born speaking Dutch...or German, not learning to speak English. (Which actually would be cool! Like implanting a Rosetta Stone chip in your brain.) I just always thought that it was strange that Wraith never developed their own language, especially if they are so concerned with distancing or differentiating themselves from humans (except for Todd maybe). But then again, it may be just because the writers didn't want to develop an alien language and have communication issues to deal with. (I always hated it on Star Trek TNG when Worf would say, "My people call it the '(insert growly garbled word here)' and it is part of a warrior's initiation blah, blah, blah...."). And I guess their telepathic ability is kind of their own language.


        Ya, ya...feel warm and fuzzy. ya. purring now.
        I remember M. Mustacho the producer of SGA saying that the language thing was probably like a com link translator--anyone who goes through the gate is already understood by everyone else. So Tayla is probably speaking Athosian. So the wraith are probably speaking their language--I wonder what it would sound like? The ancient language sounded like Spanish underwater.

        It is interesting that language really does show the thinking of a particular culture, I guess that's why it's so difficult to translate idioms. I always laugh when I read gov. of Can or Ontario ads on the subway, because French and English translations are so different even though they're trying to say the same thing. An English add for a university will be something like "Believe in yourself! You can achieve your dreams!" The English translation of the same ad. written in French is "Sure, why not? Try anything once." --or something like that. The English image is of a student competing Olympically to get a scholarship--running to the finish line scholarship in hand. The image I get of the French is of a Persian man smoking, wearing a tam and leaning against a wall in a trench coat. "Hey why not?" he says to you as you pass him in the street "Some you win, some you loose n'est-ce pas?" totally two different perspectives on the same ad.

        Thank you for reading my thoughts on wraithie stuff--feels like a cozy blanket around me shoulders. It's nice to be able to really get into it to eh?. Even if there is debate around certain issues, it's always delicious to hash it up--that is where the energy is I think.

        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Just watching NCIS and Connor *******r(sp!)" Micheal" in episode called "Jeopardy" not bad he played a villain. Maybe they won't get rid off the Wraith in Season five but, maybe in the dvd movie or maybe the Wraith get the altered retro virus. No, I not interested in SU if I do get interested I will no doubt end up liking the villains.



            Yeah, so it looks like this is the last season for SGA. We might get a movie or two...but I'm thinking that a movie will only be to finally annihilate the Wraith or something. Shame - so many answers we will never get now.

            But on the bright side, I will have tons more free time now!



              Yeah, I have no interest in SGU, either. I only watched this show for the Wraith, so if there aren't any green life-suckers with long white hair, I'm not interested. I hate getting overly involved in a TV show - the last one I did this with was probably...Star Trek NG & DS9 - otherwise, I watch very little weekly tv. In some ways I'm glad it's ending - I need to get my life back, and I was starting to get disappointed with some things, like the always killing the Wraith thing. So, probably better it ends, and I can move on.

              I will miss these discussions, however...and learning new things about the Wraith, and meeting new Wraith characters. Those things I will miss. And you guys...because, let's face it, we'll all probably move on.

              Last edited by dasNdanger; 20 August 2008, 08:17 PM.


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                Yeah, so it looks like this is the last season for SGA. We might get a movie or two...but I'm thinking that a movie will only be to finally annihilate the Wraith or something. Shame - so many answers we will never get now.

                But on the bright side, I will have tons more free time now!

                We can only speculate on the Wraith because, our questions will never be answered

                And das, you will all ways have Wolverine they will never kill him off can you imagine the outrage!



                  No, I,m not interested in SU or any spin offs. like you das got involved in Star Trek: DSN and Star Trek NG. Like I said TV shows are fickle. Now, may be I will start my new interest in Celtic Mythology. If I do stay with the form I will probably hang out in the Chevrons.



                    Ach! I thought I read that wrong on GW's front page. But, alas, no... I feel like I've been stabbed in the gut. How does ER stay on for so many years and all the show I watch are always either in danger of getting cancelled or cancelled after one season? I guess it comes from being one of those "fringe" people. I don't "consume mass quantities".
                    *sigh* Well, I will get a lot more reading and writing done now. Now I'm just praying, praying, praying that they don't f-up the rest of the season. If they do, I won't even care about the movie.



                      Yeah, We sound a bit negative. And yes, a lot of us will drop in for posting. Some of us will go away, while some of us will stay around.

                      Most likely SU would be on the movie channel where i live so, SU won't premiere sometime in July of 2009 there is not much info on the new spin-off



                        SGA ending eh? It's always been about the money.
                        If this had been one large story arch like Babylon 5 for instance, it would feel like it was a complete story with a beginning, a middle and an end. There would be closure when a show ended. But because this is more of a soap, (am absolutely loath to say it) it's part of people's routine. And people don't like their routines being disrupted. Either an audience can be weaned off of a show because it starts to get crappy, or there is a complete story ark so when the show finishes, it feels finished. This isn't going to be the case with SGA. It will just end, the wraith won't be able to redeem themselves, and Joe M and his side kick will have to go fast forward jamming in all sorts of untied up loose ends--making the show crappy for the final season as well as stopping any potential of the show being brought back.
                        Oh well, that's show business.
                        I feel like I've broken up with the guy who was so much fun but who I always knew was a bit of a twit. Now I'm dealing with his ding-dong –ery full on. Why am I surprised?

                        Bringing out SGA movies eh? Jamming in two hours what can barely be contained in 40 minutes? (In other words, I'm saying some of the episodes seemed like they have been artificially trimmed back--like Whispers. Some stories just need more time to be told.) I like books. I give up on the boob tube.

                        As loath as I am to do this, I said I wouldn't go back, but I'm gonna post on that Frenchman's blog!

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          I go off and do things for a couple of hours, then all hell breaks loose on GW
                          I guess my main gripe is that we will never know the complete story behind the Wraith.

                          Ah well, there's no business like show business.

                          And I will stick around. I may have a thing for the wraith, but it's the socialising that really brings me to GW


                            yeah, It is the socializing but, our socializing is surround by the Wraith. Our speculation on their hive life, mystery of their mating habits if they induge in any kind of arts, entertainments or if they have any kind of mythology. When SGA does end we can still speculate. There is after all fan fiction. We can all ways pop in and say HI!



                              Let's not give up guys. let's fight this!! We saved Carson Becket didn't we??
                              What do we need to do?

                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Well, a petition has been started:


                                I've already signed it.
                                Sorry, I think I'm going to have to go to bed and try to sleep on this and get hopefully some positivity back.
                                I'm almost afraid to check in tomorrow.

