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Wraith Defenders Club

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    PowerDVD takes screencaps, don't know how accessible that is to you though....

    Ok, gonna ask for hopefully some help here. I'm admin on another forum for all things sci-fi and geeky, and am in the process of working on a Wraith section. Unfortunately, I do not have the dvds, nor a lot of pictures. I'd like to get a list of all names, and some pictures so I can get at least that section up for now, as right now I just have a thunk thread over there

    Google search is not much help, neither is the wiki, which only lists the main Wraith.


      @loserinc, where is your forum located?

      For the Wraith namelist:

      For sites with screencaps:

      For WDC member-made screencap collections:


        Thank you....hopefully some of the caps are named (only into season 2, so don't quite know all the Wraith by name)

        link is in siggie, the Futurist Unlimited one.


          Originally posted by loserinc View Post
          link is in siggie, the Futurist Unlimited one.
          Got it, thanks!


            eeeesh, this is going to take forever :: headdesk ::

            What do you think of the place? It's still under construction, but it's getting there.


              Originally posted by loserinc View Post
              eeeesh, this is going to take forever :: headdesk ::

              What do you think of the place? It's still under construction, but it's getting there.
              It's off to a good start and loads much more quickly than the freeforums.


                You guys are more than welcome to move over if you like, I did notice it was slow over there, but just thought it was my connection. I can set up a subforum for the games. I don't know how much work that would be for you guys though, but let me know


                  Originally posted by loserinc View Post
                  You guys are more than welcome to move over if you like, I did notice it was slow over there, but just thought it was my connection. I can set up a subforum for the games. I don't know how much work that would be for you guys though, but let me know
                  Thanks for the offer. For now, we will probably stay on the freeforums. The character list alone took several hours to paste in. >.<


                    yikes! That is quite a bit of work Glad to see you made it over to the weird little corner of the internets though!


                      Originally posted by loserinc View Post
             internet was down for a short bit, so made a couple of avatars
                      Darren is accepting submissions for new avatars...


                        oooh, I may have to submit over there! thanks


                          Another quick question. Does anyone have a problem with me using some of your pics for the forum? Credit is given at the top of the threads for this thread and they WWA site. I have a bunch of pics, but just not for some of the lesser known Wraith.


                            Originally posted by loserinc View Post
                            Another quick question. Does anyone have a problem with me using some of your pics for the forum? Credit is given at the top of the threads for this thread and they WWA site. I have a bunch of pics, but just not for some of the lesser known Wraith.
                            Sure, I want my Wraithy photo collections to be shared and enjoyed.


                              I'll do a resources thread as well Geez, I always forget how much work this stuff is, until I commit to something and am like...oh crap, what have I gotten myself into now


                                Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                                Darren is accepting submissions for new avatars...
                                Oh, it would be nice to have a few of Todd, as well as the JL Wraith. Not that I dislike them, it's just that they are a bit generic.

                                On GOM: it would seem that there is no function to take pics from DVD's and I checked it into the wee small hours. However, that you can screenshot bursts is prolly the best feature of the program. What I use (I also have Irfanview, but it doesn't allow much wiggle room) to take other screenshots is Gadwin Printscreen.

                                This explains how to do captures from DVD's, and other media sources.
                                Last edited by Isolde; 06 August 2011, 01:44 AM.

