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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by loserinc View Post
    Hope you like!
    Like? Not at all.
    I LOVE them! They are really well done! Mina looks great in red! I like how you've made the transitions between the colors, from the red to purple to the blue
    And the Laura one is wonderful! The colors you used went great in that one too!
    Thank you!
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      Glad you love them! Hopefully can get around to doing a wall for each of the Queens at some point....I just need to quit drooling over the boys for 5 min


        Ooo! Could you do one of Karl & Shawn if it isn't too much trouble?


          Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
          Ooo! Could you do one of Karl & Shawn if it isn't too much trouble?
          I need to gather more pics, but as soon as I can I could work on one I have a few of Shawn, but none of Karl atm. Hard to find caps, most cap sites are obsessed with Shep and Ronon (sp? don't care) and Rodney. Even a really Wraithy ep has few screenies. *is disappointed in the captaking world*


            You Should visit the gateworld-site itself. if you look under episodes you can find them yourselfs. There are almost caps of every second on some episodes.
            On your knees human!! *hiss*


              For caps I just go to Gateworld's Gallery
              And since I just did, a small Tania pic spam for you



              Edit: Here's a few more GIFs I made. Sexy Queens are sexy




              This one is not Wraith related. It's a Wire Twin from Hellraiser 5, and well, I thought it was kinda funny

              Edit 2: MOAR!

              Michael's Hive from The Last Man taking out two other Hives
              Last edited by Hellraiser-89; 13 August 2011, 04:33 AM.
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                Cool gifs and pics!!!

                But poor Tania looks so much in pain
                On your knees human!! *hiss*


                  Originally posted by Thorthewraith View Post
                  Cool gifs and pics!!!

                  But poor Tania looks so much in pain
                  Thanks! Tania is not in pain though, that's her expressions when I um, how shall I put this, as it's a PG board When I....had fun with her. Yeah that can work *wink wink*

                  Edit: another GIF, a silly one that didn't turn out so good. Laura as a Goa'uld
                  Last edited by Hellraiser-89; 13 August 2011, 08:39 AM.
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                    Hey friends I had recived something strange in Deviantart, a note demanding me a draw, with then tittle of - Stargate atlantis director under psued-

                    The message say this
                    """"As you can tell from the subject I am a stargate atlantis director under a psued and i would like to ask you to draw a detailed picture of this "Kit" and send it to [email protected]. The drawing as well as a few favors I can pull might be enough to bring back Stargate Atlantis for at least 2 years.

                    Her name is Sallsyona, and her avatar picure is a image of Hive 53 from Draco Stellaris, this is a new to get free draws for free? LOL I'm not going to draw nothing.


                      Originally posted by Dianamuca View Post
                      Hey friends I had recived something strange in Deviantart, a note demanding me a draw, with then tittle of - Stargate atlantis director under psued-

                      The message say this
                      """"As you can tell from the subject I am a stargate atlantis director under a psued and i would like to ask you to draw a detailed picture of this "Kit" and send it to [email protected]. The drawing as well as a few favors I can pull might be enough to bring back Stargate Atlantis for at least 2 years.

                      Her name is Sallsyona, and her avatar picure is a image of Hive 53 from Draco Stellaris, this is a new to get free draws for free? LOL I'm not going to draw nothing.
                      Don't touch it with a barge pole, hon. This is a scam to get your personal details, and prolly money. She's been booted off GW, and is trying her luck at dA. I think the site needs to be told about her.


                        Haha why did you link to it? It's probably spam anyway.
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                          Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                          Don't touch it with a barge pole, hon. This is a scam to get your personal details, and prolly money. She's been booted off GW, and is trying her luck at dA. I think the site needs to be told about her.
                          I knew that this was too suspicious hehehee, well we can warn the people, or I can report this in DA maybe I can.


                            Originally posted by loserinc View Post
                            As requested by HR, here are a couple of Queen walls. Hope you like!
                            I like!

                            Originally posted by Thorthewraith View Post
                            You Should visit the gateworld-site itself. if you look under episodes you can find them yourselfs. There are almost caps of every second on some episodes.
                            GateWorld's screencap gallery is one of the best. MGM has some high resolution Karl pictures, but none of Shawn.



                            Originally posted by Hellraiser-89 View Post
                            Thanks! Tania is not in pain though, that's her expressions when I um, how shall I put this, as it's a PG board When I....had fun with her. Yeah that can work *wink wink*
                            All's well that ends well.

                            Originally posted by Dianamuca View Post
                            Hey friends I had recived something strange in Deviantart, a note demanding me a draw, with then tittle of - Stargate atlantis director under psued
                            I would report that to dA.


                              HR, nice picspam and gifs. I must admit, my favorite was the wire twin, geez I love those movies!

                              :: waves to everyone :: Happy weekend!


                                Wraith wraith wraith!
                                "Go to hell!"

                                "Earth first!"

