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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    You are thinking about this all wrong!

    Yes, maybe the don't have exposed bits...maybe everything's internal, only emerging when or tentacles or something... slithering all over...and...

    Yup. Just got a mental image from The Seed. Shutting up now.

    Nope that sound good to me as you said this IS science fiction- pure make believe.
    I'm with you on The Seed idea...... must stop thinking about das comments

    Thanks to DS for my siggy


      Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
      This is the only pic of the ear I could get (if this is the clip you mean? )


      *HD* I can't get that Mason song out of my head. I think I've watched that bit a few times too many.
      Yup that the right picture.... maybe I could offer to help.....once I've picked myself up off the floor. That's on THUNKABLE piccie.

      Actually after looking at Fandom Addicts screen caps the ears they do have, ear lobes, it appears closer and flatter to the head.
      Spike his ears are smaller but Jean Luc look bigger....picture angle? But you do see the detail inside the ear lobe and that is different to a human ear. This Wraith was very careful with his disguise, if your going to disguise it is better to do the whole disguise than bits and piece of a disguise. The different between a Wraith and human ears would be spotted and noticed so better to cover up.
      Last edited by MCH; 03 January 2009, 04:39 PM. Reason: Had another look at screencaps
      Thanks to DS for my siggy


        Originally posted by MCH View Post
        Yup that the right picture.... maybe I could offer to help.....once I've picked myself up off the floor. That's on THUNKABLE piccie.

        Actually it looks like they do have ears just smaller and a different shape to a human ear.

        A lot of them are! *Thunk* Yummy Wraith


          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Yes, they are...

          That's another thing that bugs me - we, the audience, can see the 'brotherhood' between Todd and Sheppard, but the writers just ignore it and fail to tap into the great possibilities there are for their relationship.

          As far as the ep goes - some think Shep survived. Maybe he did. Maybe Todd did, too. Who knows - we never saw a dead body, and that goes for Spike, too.

          Speaking of which...he was a very cleaver fella. Love the comment about how they like to play games. I've said that before - the Wraith are like children...they take long naps, they're always hungry, and they love to play games!

          Oh...about Todd. Chris did a fantastic job, as usual. But when he was going on about 'busy, busy, busy'...all I could think about were bees. Yes, Wraith are busy bees. They don't just sit back and relax, but they must keep thinking, keep active, keep doing. It makes me wonder if Todd's insanity was as much from hunger as from not being able to keep 'busy'.

          @ Sparrow_hawk - Yup...Queens with boobs are sexier than Queens without. Besides, it's not like they can take them off Andee and the others who have portrayed they have to go along with it. But that doesn't mean they are functioning mammary glands, right? They could be undeveloped, having the form but not the necessary parts (nipples, fully-formed milk ducts, etc) for actual milk production and feeding. Give them another 100,000 years...then maybe. But for now, I like the idea that they are not quite as human as we'd like them to be.

          Well, as some would like them to be. I am perfectly happy thinking about them as beautiful bugs!

          Good evening.
          (Am trying to catch up, but the posting is so fast!)

          See bold above: Yes, they are.
          And in spite of the cunning and deviousness, (they are ecologically predators, after all) they have a noticable innocence. No, i am not being sentimental here. As a society they seem to lack decadence. They work, they serve, they feed, they hibernate, and seem to have a spiritual life as their tendency to be meditative implies. Everything with purpose. I always thought that finding Earth would expose them to all sorts of depravity and unhappiness that they never thought of. Such a hive could never return to be accepted in Pegasus.

          And was it MCH who said
          that Gabriel/Todd's poetry was actually him seeing through the stranded Wraith's eyes? Then his words make sense. And Sheppard realized the connection. I did not catch that at all! And yes, the stranded Wraith was an isolated hive creature, as we saw with Michael, they suffer when alone.

          Someone asked: "What is the connection to E at the G?"
          Because the message containing Earth's location did not reach his (the stranded Wraith's) Pegasus, but opened a space-time rift and leaked into ours. I think MCH said this too somewhere, and love the way you connected this to "Allies". Good thinking.

          What happened at the card game? I did not understand that. Did the Wraith lose? And if so, how was that possible, and wouldn't he also realize that Sheppard is hunting him?

          And i have to agree with everyone's posts; this episode as a whole was positively heartbreaking. I was actually expecting it to be a comedy like "Brainstorm", but a dream with all the team in alternate roles.

          And a sincere thank you to everyone who made screen caps.


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Another example of the Primary commander's ear:


            The uberWraith (Boris!) in Sateda has a similar ear, but it's set into his head a little more. They've only taken the trouble to show the ear with the bald Wraith, so we can't expect Todd and others with long hair to have the 'Wraith' ear...but at least we know how it's supposed to look.

            Actually this and the Uber wraith from Sateda are the only wraith with these ears that I've seen. I have included a collection of wraith ears in a previous post. I have tones of them, I'll find more. They all look pretty average to me.
            Maybe it's a status thing, but then why wouldn't Todd have mutilated ears? Here are some more hotty wraith with average average, oh so average ears.



            I think the weirdest ears on the show are Shepard's, and they're natural!!
            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by Fandom Addict View Post
              Just a few screencaps from Vegas, the part
              where he's making himself look human



              Do you have any of his chest? Because I keep looking at that scene again and again and I can't mange to see the images that's been circulating.

              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                He was cornered. He lashed out and ran. And, would be dangerous to speak in his own voice. Actually, we don't even know if he could speak English. Maybe he couldn't - maybe he just 'did', and never spoke. Lay down his money, take the chips, gesture for another card - a lot can be done without speaking. Now - obviously - he could understand English (I would think), but we still don't know if he could speak it, or speak it clearly.

                This is one big gripe I have about the show. Never really brought it up because I didn't get into the show until S4, and then it was too late to whine...but the whole language thing annoys me. I would love to hear the Wraith language, and would love a scene where there is Wraith and human who can neither understand the other, but - for survival's sake - need to communicate with and help one another (not unlike TNG's Darmok ep, but certainly NOT the copycats). But it won't happen now.

                Oh well.

                I am completely with you here Das. I would love to hear how the wraith speak their language. After all, we have heard the Ancients speak theirs.

                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  Originally posted by masterling View Post
                  i see what your sayn but if i were a wraith in that situation.... i would for go the "communication" aspect of it and just eat the human. less stress to deal with and aleast i wouldnt be hungery for a bit.
                  I didn't think wraith could read human minds? Again, whatever is convenient for a particular episode: they speak; no, they speak telepathically; they can't read human minds; no, they can, or can they? --whaddeva

                  "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Well, you'd have to set up a scenario where one needed the other to live - much like was done in Common Ground. The best way to do it is have the Wraith in some sort of need, with a human who doesn't know what Wraith really are. It could have been done in a situation like this episode - Wraith finds its way to earth, crashes...can't escape. Needs shelter, etc...needs a place to hide, needs stuff to fix his ship. Now - in Vegas
                    we have a situation where the Wraith was smart enough to disguise himself as a human.
                    But what if this Wraith doesn't? He can't exactly go into a hardware store and buy a toolbox, now can he. He'd need human help.

                    Enter the human. It could be male or female - someone, perhaps, fascinated with science and alien life...local looney, perhaps. Or, it could be a real tree-hugger sort who just wants to help 'it', whatever 'it' is. The Wraith cannot risk killing his only human 'ally' on this unfamiliar planet, and the human doesn't know the danger this alien presents.
                    Like in Enemy Mine? The story would have to be done right, because this idea has been so over done, it could be a cliche. I've often thought of this type of story myself.

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
                      Good evening.
                      (Am trying to catch up, but the posting is so fast!)

                      See bold above: Yes, they are.
                      And in spite of the cunning and deviousness, (they are ecologically predators, after all) they have a noticeable innocence. No, i am not being sentimental here. As a society they seem to lack decadence. They work, they serve, they feed, they hibernate, and seem to have a spiritual life as their tendency to be meditative implies. Everything with purpose. I always thought that finding Earth would expose them to all sorts of depravity and unhappiness that they never thought of. Such a hive could never return to be accepted in Pegasus.
                      An innocent Wraith? They are totally focused on their hive and their role they have in that hive. Most Wraith don't interact with humans much they are just food to them. So a human who does interact with Wraith could definitely expose them to all sort of depravity and new ideas that could cause problems within the hive.

                      And was it MCH who said
                      that Gabriel/Todd's poetry was actually him seeing through the stranded Wraith's eyes? Then his words make sense. And Sheppard realized the connection. I did not catch that at all! And yes, the stranded Wraith was an isolated hive creature, as we saw with Michael, they suffer when alone.
                      Don't think it was me originally, but I could have relied to someone else comment. So many comments/post since Vegas aired I can't remember who said what.

                      Someone asked: "What is the connection to E at the G?"
                      Because the message containing Earth's location did not reach his (the stranded Wraith's) Pegasus, but opened a space-time rift and leaked into ours. I think MCH said this too somewhere, and love the way you connected this to "Allies". Good thinking.
                      I picked up that idea from the Vegas thread called Plot Questions

                      What happened at the card game? I did not understand that. Did the Wraith lose? And if so, how was that possible, and wouldn't he also realize that Sheppard is hunting him?
                      I think
                      that Spike realized that Shepherd knew what he was doing and that he was not human. So he ran away.

                      And i have to agree with everyone's posts; this episode as a whole was positively heartbreaking. I was actually expecting it to be a comedy like "Brainstorm", but a dream with all the team in alternate roles.

                      And a sincere thank you to everyone who made screen caps.
                      Heartbreaking yes in parts but very interesting for the fans.
                      Spike back story, for what Todd has become, and for Shepherd and the type of man he is in this reality.

                      Thanks to DS for my siggy


                        Originally posted by leksa View Post
                        Ah, they could put men to play the queens. If there is no breast-feeding of offspring then there is no breasts! But that point is not something human males would appreciate.
                        Also, if the writers go with the "bug" analogy, then females should be twice larger than males so that they are able to produce so many eggs. Again, gigantic shapeless female is simply not enough of the "eye- candy" so....
                        Arrrgg! Again, the male wraith are not designed with female fans in mind, but of course the female wraith are. Why not just give both booage, meaning male aureolae?

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          why is there always loads of post that magically appear whenever i leave this thread i think i need to build a device that freezes time or maybe start keeping more sociable hours

                          i havent seen vegas yet but looking at all of these screen caps i so wanna! (though i cant help the feeling that reading all of the interesting conversation on this thread may have raised my expectations somewhat) was recently rewatching wraithal discrimination and im sure theres a little bit where they mention that the tattoos are supposed to be wraith writing? or indications of rank. so if a wraith has tatoos on his back or upper arms how would that indicate rank since they are usually covered up by black leather, unless they have to strip of every time they are asked to confirm their rank/station when dealing with rival hives

                          on another note someone earlier was asking about ellias age when she was found by her human father which got me thinking about wraith reproduction hence the following ramble

                          it makes sense that wraith drones emerge from their pods fully formed adults since from what i have seen they dont appear to be very intelligent and their actions when not standing guard, feeding or fighting intruders seems to be controlled/directed by faced wraith which implies that they have little intelligence and probably little higher brain functions. if the hive was in a situation where they were forced to cannibalism to survive the masked drones would be first on the menu.

                          on the other hand faced wraith are a lot more intelligent and free thinking so would need to emerge from their birthing pods at a physically younger age. they could potentially remain in their pods until they reach physical maturity however if wraith young are like human young then they need to experiance social interaction and conversation/communication with others in order to develop the language and social skills needed to be accepted and survive in their socioty.

                          there are cases of feral children who were unable to fully develop the necessary language/social skills needed because by the time they were found/rescued they had already passed a certain age

                          also it makes sense for the young faced wraith to eat the way humans do and only develop the need to feed during adolesance when they reach physical maturity and are able to catch their own food. if they were born with the need to feed it would be awkward for them to catch their own prey due to their their smaller stature which would also make them vulnerable. also if young wraith had the need to feed and relied on adults to provide their food they would be outta luck if they got stranded alone somewhere whereas being able to eat like humans means they could survive until they either got rescued or reached adolesence.

                          it should be noted that ellia is an unreliable example of young faced wraith since she is female and it has been shown that the queens are different from the males possesing stronger mental abilities and being unaffected by the retro-virus
                          Quietly, so as not to alarm anyone, she began to go insane


                            Originally posted by MCH View Post
                            Nope that sound good to me as you said this IS science fiction- pure make believe.
                            I'm with you on The Seed idea...... must stop thinking about das comments

                            Fantasy is pure make believe. There can be no plausible answers given because it's all *MAGIC*. As for me, I like science, and therefore, I like science fiction--the fiction that includes the plausible with reasonable answers not just the: it's *MAGIC* that's why. I've always loathed fantasy as a genre because there is no plausibility, and the main reason why I didn't read Tolkien until I was 30.

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
                              Good evening.
                              (Am trying to catch up, but the posting is so fast!)

                              And was it MCH who said
                              that Gabriel/Todd's poetry was actually him seeing through the stranded Wraith's eyes? Then his words make sense. And Sheppard realized the connection. I did not catch that at all! And yes, the stranded Wraith was an isolated hive creature, as we saw with Michael, they suffer when alone.
                              Actually I think it was masterling who first said it, but a lot of us discussed that topic and I think it is correct. It seems to me that
                              his words matched what was happening to the other Wraith too precisely for it to be coincidence.

                              Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
                              What happened at the card game? I did not understand that. Did the Wraith lose? And if so, how was that possible, and wouldn't he also realize that Sheppard is hunting him?
                              My take on what happened is
                              the Wraith did not lose. In this AU it seems that the Wraith can read human minds. I think he was probably reading Sheppard's mind and could tell that he was suspicious of him, so he decided it was time to get out. He won the hand and decided to leave. One of the other players complained about it and grabbed his arm, and he snarled and flung him away. Then all hell broke loose and the chase was on. And what a chase it was!
                              Sparrow hawk



                                Originally posted by rien View Post
                                why is there always loads of post that magically appear whenever i leave this thread i think i need to build a device that freezes time or maybe start keeping more sociable hours

                                i havent seen vegas yet but looking at all of these screen caps i so wanna! (though i cant help the feeling that reading all of the interesting conversation on this thread may have raised my expectations somewhat) was recently rewatching wraithal discrimination and im sure theres a little bit where they mention that the tattoos are supposed to be wraith writing? or indications of rank. so if a wraith has tatoos on his back or upper arms how would that indicate rank since they are usually covered up by black leather, unless they have to strip of every time they are asked to confirm their rank/station when dealing with rival hives
                                What is Wraithal Discrimination? I've seen this several times today.
                                Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris

