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    Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
    I'm not sure about the exact one but there's


    but it could also be


    *drool* Do you want any more?

    Oh drool think it the last one ...yup last one sure of it..

    But then maybe I'll just check again. Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks to DS for my siggy


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      Dammit. He's gorgeous in those pictures! I kinda miss his old browline...he looks younger, or something. Or, maybe he just doesn't look like such a worrywart.
      I was inspired to change my avatar to a more Todd-friendly's one of my favs, even if it is just a behind the scenes shot.
      Thanks for all the pics!
      I do too, the wrinkles make him look more troubled, which is good for some of the S5 episodes but it really seems like someone stuffed up with his make-up and they've had to keep doing it ever since
      They magically appeared so I don't see why they can't magically disappear? Of course it doesn't change my love for him in the slightest
      Nothing could ever change that!! No matter what TPTB do to him!
      Cass Todd -


        Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
        I do too, the wrinkles make him look more troubled, which is good for some of the S5 episodes but it really seems like someone stuffed up with his make-up and they've had to keep doing it ever since
        They magically appeared so I don't see why they can't magically disappear? Of course it doesn't change my love for him in the slightest
        Nothing could ever change that!! No matter what TPTB do to him!
        The wrinkles bother me somewhat in "The Queen", but they seem more natural in the following episodes. I think they learnt to light the scene just like it takes to let us make them out without them being too obvious.

        But of course we all love him no matter what. Even with the somewhat different makeup in "The Seer" (he has a larger, rounder face in the brig) and "Spoils of War" (his face seems squarer in this one), he's just the best.

        Who wants a little human humour? (Somewhat spoilery pic from "Enemy at the Gate")

        My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
        Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


          Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
          The wrinkles bother me somewhat in "The Queen", but they seem more natural in the following episodes. I think they learnt to light the scene just like it takes to let us make them out without them being too obvious.

          But of course we all love him no matter what. Even with the somewhat different makeup in "The Seer" (he has a larger, rounder face in the brig) and "Spoils of War" (his face seems squarer in this one), he's just the best.

          Who wants a little human humour? (Somewhat spoilery pic from "Enemy at the Gate")

 How did I miss that EatG picture??!

          The certainly looks like a prisoner being interrogated...but is that 'our' Todd, or Todd from Vegas, or what? Ugh. I really, REALLY can't wait for January 10th, when this will all be more speculation.

          Are there more Todd pics from EatG or Vegas that I've missed?


          PS: Forgot to say about the pic:
          Todd does look a bit naughty, and Shep a bit aggravated with him...I believe he's even pouting!

          I don't know why - I'd gladly sit on that lovely green lap!
          Last edited by dasNdanger; 20 December 2008, 03:54 AM.


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
   How did I miss that EatG picture??!
            Are there more Todd pics from EatG or Vegas that I've missed?
            Alas, not that I know of. This one is new from just yesterday or the day before; it comes from SpoilerTV along with some other new super high resolution EATG pics: Unfortunately, this one is the only Todd one.

            The certainly looks like a prisoner being interrogated...but is that 'our' Todd, or Todd from Vegas, or what? Ugh. I really, REALLY can't wait for January 10th, when this will all be more speculation.
            Actually, I don't think
            Todd (whether this is "our" Todd or the "Vegas"-verse one) is a prisoner. It looks like Sheppard requires something from him and Todd drives him up the wall, yes, but wouldn't he be restrained if he were a prisoner? There are not even loads of armed marines pointing their guns at him. Also the original picture is a bit larger on the right and you see light behind Sheppard's feet: It looks like the room door is opened. You wouldn't see that in an interrogation of a prisoner, I think.

            And there will be the movie after that... with an awfully long speculation period, considering it should air next fall.

            PS: Forgot to say about the pic:
            Todd does look a bit naughty, and Shep a bit aggravated with him...I believe he's even pouting!
            I don't know why - I'd gladly sit on that lovely green lap!
            Oh, I know perfectly well why I would gladly sit on his lap!
            My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
            Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


              Todd in Vegas/EatG:

              Here's my big fear - 'our' Todd doesn't survive his illness/treatment...ergo Sheppard's look after Todd goes through the gate in if he knows it'll be the last time he sees him. But they run into an AU Todd in Vegas, and bring him back (for whatever reason), so that we are left with an AU Todd, while our Todd is dead. This is my biggest fear, because it's OUR Todd that we've made the journey with, not a Todd from a different dimension.

              It just seems to me that we're going to be dealing with an AU Todd - and to see him in that jumpsuit in two episodes, back to back, just gives me a really bad feeling that something bad has happened to our Todd. They would be IDIOTS if they did this to us, but look what they did to I would not put it past them. Afterall, Mallozzi said 'arcs' - plural - would be ending this season. We've had an end to Michael, and Weir - so could they be ending our Todd's arc as well?

              I'll never forgive them if they do...



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                Todd in Vegas/EatG:

                Here's my big fear - 'our' Todd doesn't survive his illness/treatment...ergo Sheppard's look after Todd goes through the gate in if he knows it'll be the last time he sees him. But they run into an AU Todd in Vegas, and bring him back (for whatever reason), so that we are left with an AU Todd, while our Todd is dead. This is my biggest fear, because it's OUR Todd that we've made the journey with, not a Todd from a different dimension.

                It just seems to me that we're going to be dealing with an AU Todd - and to see him in that jumpsuit in two episodes, back to back, just gives me a really bad feeling that something bad has happened to our Todd. They would be IDIOTS if they did this to us, but look what they did to I would not put it past them. Afterall, Mallozzi said 'arcs' - plural - would be ending this season. We've had an end to Michael, and Weir - so could they be ending our Todd's arc as well?

                I'll never forgive them if they do...

                Would they trust an AU Todd this much that they wouldn't have him handcuffed with guards around?? I would think they would only trust OUR Todd that much since they have a history with him.
                Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                  Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                  The wrinkles bother me somewhat in "The Queen", but they seem more natural in the following episodes. I think they learnt to light the scene just like it takes to let us make them out without them being too obvious.

                  But of course we all love him no matter what. Even with the somewhat different makeup in "The Seer" (he has a larger, rounder face in the brig) and "Spoils of War" (his face seems squarer in this one), he's just the best.

                  Who wants a little human humour? (Somewhat spoilery pic from "Enemy at the Gate")

                  The pic was cute! I'd gladly change places with Shep!!
                  Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                    Todd in Vegas/EatG:
                    Here's my big fear - 'our' Todd doesn't survive his illness/treatment...ergo Sheppard's look after Todd goes through the gate in if he knows it'll be the last time he sees him. But they run into an AU Todd in Vegas, and bring him back (for whatever reason), so that we are left with an AU Todd, while our Todd is dead. This is my biggest fear, because it's OUR Todd that we've made the journey with, not a Todd from a different dimension.
                    It may just be wishful thinking from me, but I don't believe it will be the case. The spoilers from "Enemy at the Gate" say that
                    Todd warns Atlantis of the super-hive and urges them to stop it; after it beats the crap out of the Daedalus, it jumps into hyperspace and they understand it received a data transmission from another universe. So to me, the Todd who warns them can only be our original one, because there's no contact with he AU before the data transmission. If he dies, he'll only die during EATG, not because of the iratus queen. His death still remains possible, however: What if the other wraith kill him for betraying them to the humans of Atlantis?

                    Anyway, there's another problem if they decide to replace our real Todd with AU Todd: The latter just doesn't have the same history with Atlantis and especially Sheppard, so why would he even help them? They may threaten him and force him to cooperate, but he will never be the ally our Todd was despite his hidden agenda. So... Back to turning Todd into a villain? I don't see them doing it, that would be plain stupid, considering how much people in general love Todd, not just us groupies.
                    My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                    Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                      Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                      It may just be wishful thinking from me, but I don't believe it will be the case. The spoilers from "Enemy at the Gate" say that
                      Todd warns Atlantis of the super-hive and urges them to stop it; after it beats the crap out of the Daedalus, it jumps into hyperspace and they understand it received a data transmission from another universe. So to me, the Todd who warns them can only be our original one, because there's no contact with he AU before the data transmission. If he dies, he'll only die during EATG, not because of the iratus queen. His death still remains possible, however: What if the other wraith kill him for betraying them to the humans of Atlantis?

                      Anyway, there's another problem if they decide to replace our real Todd with AU Todd: The latter just doesn't have the same history with Atlantis and especially Sheppard, so why would he even help them? They may threaten him and force him to cooperate, but he will never be the ally our Todd was despite his hidden agenda. So... Back to turning Todd into a villain? I don't see them doing it, that would be plain stupid, considering how much people in general love Todd, not just us groupies.
                      I'm with you on this one, Laura Dove. The history with "our" Todd is too important to both the SGA characters and the fans

                      @mfw Thanks for all those awesomely delicious pics *hugs*

                      @Laura Dove and Das: I absolutely love your new avatars! I am so jealous! Only another 1, 800 or so posts to go!
                      Pretty soon this thread will be full of nothing but Todd avatars. How cool would that be?
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                        ... Back to turning Todd into a villain? I don't see them doing it, that would be plain stupid, considering how much people in general love Todd, not just us groupies.
                        Really? I'm not very aware of Todd's popularity amongst the non-worshippers. I'm very insular when it comes to this forum. I tend to stay within threads where I'm pretty sure there won't be flaming or rude posters. (I deal with enough of those people IRL.) I know most people go with the flow and hate the Wraith, but I wasn't sure how warmly Todd was received amongst the anti-Wraith/pro-Atlantis crowd. It was infatuation after Steve and then head-over-heels after "Common Ground", so I can't help but see the world through Wraith-tinted glasses.



                          Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                          Really? I'm not very aware of Todd's popularity amongst the non-worshippers. I'm very insular when it comes to this forum. I tend to stay within threads where I'm pretty sure there won't be flaming or rude posters. (I deal with enough of those people IRL.) I know most people go with the flow and hate the Wraith, but I wasn't sure how warmly Todd was received amongst the anti-Wraith/pro-Atlantis crowd. It was infatuation after Steve and then head-over-heels after "Common Ground", so I can't help but see the world through Wraith-tinted glasses.

                          Like you, I tend to be pretty insular on GW, but I'm also on another forum and it seems like a good percent of them who are pro-Atlantis also like Todd. (There's a percent who'd like to see him killed off, but, on the other hand,that same percent would like to see the regulars go out in a "blaze of glory" too.) Many like Todd because he's unpredictable and they never know what he's going to do. From what I've seen they tend to think he adds a lot to the show and a large chunk of them often vote him as a favorite guest star. I think most of them would not be particularly happy to see him go, thank goodness, and I think most of them really like him. (It's another character they want killed off or at least replaced.)
                          Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                            Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                            Really? I'm not very aware of Todd's popularity amongst the non-worshippers. I'm very insular when it comes to this forum. I tend to stay within threads where I'm pretty sure there won't be flaming or rude posters. (I deal with enough of those people IRL.) I know most people go with the flow and hate the Wraith, but I wasn't sure how warmly Todd was received amongst the anti-Wraith/pro-Atlantis crowd. It was infatuation after Steve and then head-over-heels after "Common Ground", so I can't help but see the world through Wraith-tinted glasses.

                            I also tend to stick to just Todd thunk and Wraith Defenders. I lurked at the Ronon thunk becaus I love his character too, but it was so anti-Wraith I just didn't feel comforable. I thoguth that was a bit of a shame, cos I don't see what's wrong with liking them both!
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Ok, I'm sitting with my dad today while my mom runs errands, so I'm quite bored and I'll chalk that up to why I came up with this (warning bad taste humor ahead):




                                Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                                I also tend to stick to just Todd thunk and Wraith Defenders. I lurked at the Ronon thunk becaus I love his character too, but it was so anti-Wraith I just didn't feel comforable. I thoguth that was a bit of a shame, cos I don't see what's wrong with liking them both!
                                There isn't anything wrong with liking them both, IMO. It's just here. In the other forum I use everyone interacts with everyone and we all have our favorites but can appreciate the others. In fact, we have a SGA men appreciation thread that includes human and wraith alike that we all drool over.

                                Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                                Ok, I'm sitting with my dad today while my mom runs errands, so I'm quite bored and I'll chalk that up to why I came up with this (warning bad taste humor ahead):


                                Very funny.
                                Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris

