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Keep The Lion Rampant - SAVE CARSON! Sunday Spoilers

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    the FLV file should play on BS player and probably quick time

    Don't have the avi link though
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      PhatChance: Try googling for VLC and FLV. For some reason the latest VLC lost flv support, where some of the earlier versions have it. If you have a mac, you can use FLVthing or install the Perian codec and then view it in quicktime.

      And unfortunately I can't give you the link to the avi file. It's protected.
      Last edited by localfocus; 15 January 2007, 04:04 PM.


        Sorry guys, took me quite some time to catch up all posts in here.

        I agree with so many on so many levels that I won't/can't comment on everyone and everything. But the one post that struck me most was Anise76's letter. It really summed up what I think of the character of Beckett. I am perfectly convinced they just can't afford getting rid of such a wonderful and unique character on TV! TPTB should rather be proud to have created such a fantastic and much beloved character than torturing their heads how to finally give him the axe.

        As for the 'coincidence' of the Weir news bit, I am very sure that TPTB hoped to destract a large part of the fanbase from saving Beckett once it became clear also Weir was doomed. But I am also pretty sure that we can outsmart them because we are not so dumb as they might think. I will certainly not let the SaveBeckett campaign cease the smallest bit, I will rather double my effort and send them letters, eMails etc. like they haven't received before!

        I more and more get the impression TPTB are swiftly destroying Atlantis. Now we must gather all our strength and let them know, saving both Carson *and* Elizabeth means saving Atlantis as we love it!

        Somehow I can't get around the presentiment that they try to make Atlantis' fourth season the third show of the franchise with hardly anything left of the original SGA we fell in love with. If the changes keep coming at that speed, there will soon be no one left from the original regulars. But this could also mean, the actors themselves get together, continue the real SGA show on their own and let TPTB do with the shreds of the show what ever they want.
        *I can't hit the wall hard enough at their stupidity without hurting myself seriously!*

        Keep Carson! Keep Elizabeth! And keep Atlantis as it is!
        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


          Originally posted by localfocus View Post
          And yes, interviews are frequently filmed like that, where the interviewer is never meant to be heard in the final product. Have edited many interviews that way. Hear, how the interviewer's voice sounds off, the interviewers aren't even miked, it's just to get the responses. It was an incomplete cut. In fact, it probably wasn't edited at all. Pauses in camera can account for most of the breaks. It wasn't only released early, it was released uncompleted. It must have somehow been mistaken for completed and put online.
          I edited interviews like that everyday. The questions are for ease of transcription for online and print, and for referenece in the editing. Sometimes you use them if they're clear enough to make it more understandable, quality doesn't matter because its the actors voice people are interested in.

          I'm just sat here, up late again contemplating tonights episode. I truely can not understand how they could throw away such a unique character. I am sure, as he appeals most to the adverage viewer with his down to earth and NORMAL qualities, that a very very large chunk of the viewers are going to be lost through his death. It was not only great to see a senstively played male character, something very rare in ANY genre, but also someone who was so obviously intelligent, even a genius NOT protrayed as some sterotypical socially inept, emotionally repressed, arrgoant, know it all. I like Beckett's complexities, his subtlies with his heart on his sleeve and in his eyes. It was so refreshing.

          He embodied and carried the international theme of the expedition. And it was SO good to see a Scottish character that wasn't a bagpipe blowing, haggis eating, heavy drinking sterotype. He embodied all the GOOD Scottish sensibilities (more then likely thanks to Paul McGillion) which was something that really made his character stand out, give him great personality, made him REAL.

          And yet they throw it all away to bring in yet another genius which is little more the titilation for the male demographic. Two infact.

          They're not only loosing touch with the fanbase and adverage viewers, the show is loosing touch with any semblence of reality. His death is not 'making it real' its making it wholely UNREAL. Tearing away any anchor is had for the adverage viewer.

          I am sure 'Sunday' will be a great episode, David speaks so highly of it and I'm sure the emtions were running as high on set as they are within the boundries of the story. I have no doubt that it will come through in the on-screen chemistry and it will be a great episode. But what goes up, must come down.


            I for one am going to miss the range of facial expressions Carson has. No one else can make so many and the character is so expressive and wonderful without having to say anything (all due to the easily thunkable Paul of course...)


              I think that whatever reason anybody could try to come up with for writing Paul out, we can just as easily refute it. I think TPTB haven't made any statement of explanation simply because they don't have one. It's rather obvious that whoever made this decision did so without really thinking it through. Why don't they just, acknowledge it, do what we want, and get it over with? They know we're right.


                Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                I think that whatever reason anybody could try to come up with for writing Paul out, we can just as easily refute it. I think TPTB haven't made any statement of explanation simply because they don't have one.
                Their only REAL reason is probably that they don't understand the character, thus don't know what to do with him. ): New writers, anyone?
                I guess we'll have to wait and see...

                (wait, I wanted to go to bed. *lol* Night!)


                  Oh, totally forgot to hit the following topic in my previous post:

                  I think that the 'We want Elizabeth Weir' thread was excelling right now was mainly due to the fact that Weir's demotion was at once spilled officially, there have been rumours around for some time but quite few people payed attention to that, for the danger for our good doctor was more imminent even at that time. The people posting for saving Weir are really worked up and definitely know it's true, while in the beginning of this thread there were merely rumours, which everybody denied to confirm.

                  We in here began our protest at the prospect of possibly losing Carson, not at the official announcement. When the first more or less official hints were let out, our campaign to save Dr Beckett was already well on its way. And I think the fact that we managed to keep the thread and the campaign alive and kicking for so long, not to mention most of the time on page one of the thread list, even without further details and a definite statement or confirmation speaks volumes of its own! And at least according to Paul McGillion's official message to the fans, we have certainly succeeded in making quite an impression.

                  Hopefully, after 'Sunday' airing tonight there will be a lot of people, who don't go to forums like this, that will join our cause!

                  I am very sad that this whole damn business really had to come true. I had so hoped it wouldn't, and we were all working ourselves up for nothing at all. When I first stumbled into this thread by pure accident (saw the save Carson banner in a sig on an episode thread), I was shocked but at the same time just couldn't believe they would ever do such a thing.

                  Sometimes one has to ask oneself, whether TPTB have a bet or something about which stupid decision causes the greatest uproar among the fans...

                  Yet now I come to believe that there won't be too many fans around for much longer if they don't turn around 180°, realizing the team is nothing short of perfect as it is.

                  Don't you dare mess with the team dynamic in such a foolish way!
                  Even God knows that ain't right!
                  Keep your magnificent cast you have wonderfully established!
                  *shakes fist at them*
                  Last edited by twinchaosblade; 15 January 2007, 05:08 PM.
                  twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                    If you read the last 20+ pages of the 'SaveWeir' threads its mainly a discussion about the replacing of her leadership role and the generally bringing on of AT/Carter to Atlantis. As well as a lot of people unfair stirring upset and the resulting large amount of moderation posts...though a lot of that is due to rule breakage on how TPTB are refered to. So lets learn from that and behave ourselves on this thread.

                    Unlike Weir, Carson is not being replaced by an existing character, I dont know if thats good or bad. In some ways it makes me feel more upset for Weir's loss because its like they're saying Carter is better then Weir. She's not. WEIR is SGA, Carter belongs on SG1. I dont want At/Carter on the show and I certainly dont want her at the expense of the wonderful character we already have in Weir. She is a part of what makes SGA its own show, what makes me want to watch and what got me hooked in the first place. Neither the actor, nor the charater, nor their fans deserve this.

                    That being said bringing in a NEW character to replace Paul is just utterly gauling, especially in light of his only recently promotion. Add to the fact that promoton was down a lot to his fan popularity, well the mind boggles. I dont think JS is doing herself any favours or endearing herself to the fans any either. A lot of the blog was also a little childish. I feel for her, I really do, it must be hard and scary and she must feel very worried about how the fans are going to receive her. But she needs to be more careful about what she says online. Saing she's friends with Paul is not going to automatically endear her. She's definately got some big shoes to fill...poor lass.

                    I love Carson, I love his uniqueness. He is the glue that holds the cast together, the 'heart' of the show. I know I've said that a hundred times but I think that is the most important aspect and incredibly important to keep this show alive. The rest of the characters left cant or wont freely express their emotions. It was the part of the dynamic that was Carson's. It doesn't lessen the other characters because its not part of who they are. It IS part of who Carson was and why he was so damn valuable. Just look at who episodes are cut, they constant use Paul's reaction shots because he is just *that* good. He may not contribute to a scene on paper, but its amazing how much he can add on screen. And with the loss of this character, an irreplacable part of all the others goes with him.

                    Any your very right. The Weir rumours have been around for months. With AT joining the cast and bunch of other OFFICIAL information that, while it didn't say it OFFICIALLY, it basically put the writing on the wall that Weir was a goner. I think the fact that Carson fans acted on mere rumour alone, and didn't have to wait for official word which STILL hasn't really come, speaks volumes. It shows the strength of feeling for the character and the actor. The fact people are willing to shout about him just INCASE it was true. I hope now that its confirmed SaveWeir will get the same kind of support, support the actress and character deserve.

                    Dont forget the same addresses for the SaveCarson campaign apply for sending letters in support of Weir, thats TPTB, Scifi AND the genre mags!
                    Last edited by TJuk; 15 January 2007, 06:08 PM.


                      Carson says: SAVE ME!!!


                        Originally posted by localfocus View Post
                        PhatChance: Try googling for VLC and FLV. For some reason the latest VLC lost flv support, where some of the earlier versions have it. If you have a mac, you can use FLVthing or install the Perian codec and then view it in quicktime.

                        And unfortunately I can't give you the link to the avi file. It's protected.

                        I just updated to VLC latest version and the player is able to play FLV files. Now I can go watch David 's interview.
                        Last edited by PhatChance; 15 January 2007, 06:51 PM.


                          Oh, heck!
                          I'm so upset about losing Carson that I can't even go to sleep. It's already 4:30 am where I live and I have to go to work in a few hours, but I just can't get the whole Beckett losing issue out of my head.
                          I woke up every 2 hours the past two nights, always thinking about Carson's untimely demise. And I think the vid by obfreak 'How to save a life' is a brilliant showcase of how endearing and lovely the character of Carson Beckett is. I watch that fantastic vid at least twice a day!

                          I am pretty sure losing the loveable Scottish doc on the show will ruin the now gorgeous team dynamic altogether! I don't think the show has a chance to survive the lack of Carson. His contributions in form of text or actually doing something important were in most cases minor because the writers wouldn't let his character shine as he certainly deserved, but Beckett (and that is predominantly due to Paul McGillion's efforts and his flawless portrayal of the character, which he seems to love so dearly himself) always added so much to the feeling of the show in general. Not only in the episodes he was in, did this characteristic shine through but also in those you just knew he was there, his presence simply implied. (Just think of the episode 'Critical Mass': all the while the others were thinking and talking about torturing Kavanough(spelling?), I sat on the couch and asked myself how in all good heavens they were going to admit this drastic kind of measure to Beckett. And since Kavanough passed out at the sight of Ronon, I don't doubt that there was no way around having to admit it to him. Could you imagine his face? Especially at the fact that their immediate suspect was actually innocent?) This will now be gone, defiled beyond healing...!

                          If only TPTB realize soon enough that they can amend this by employing Paul McGillion again full-time (and this time using him really as a regular) before everything is lost and the show is beyond repair.

                          I do love SGA and it hurts me deeply to see TPTB mess with it in such a way!
                          Why don't they understand that most people watch a show for the characters involved? They want to see the whole show through the eyes of their favourite character, watching from the POV one's fav char provides.
                          Can't they see that so many changes in so short a time are not only a challenge for the viewers but something that kills the show for them? If TPTB want to get another show on the air, then they should rather hurry and bring the third spin-off on the air. There they could make better whatever they think they missed in Atlantis. But as long as the ratings for SGA are still quite acceptable just as the show is, they should leave the cast alone and give them some really good stories instead of trying to cover bad story-telling with character disposal in order to boost the ratings.

                          Let the established team dynamic flourish!

                          P.S.: HyperCaz organized a 7-day wake for Carson Beckett over in the thunk thread if Sunday with its dreaded consequences aired tonight. You're all welcome to join. Feel free to contribute in any way you want to.
                          twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                            Yes indeedy a wake is planned



                            The wake is not because we accept the stupidity of TPTB, we're just trying to enjoy Carson in the only way we can - by reminiscing!! ARrrghhh!! I love the character (it's different from the thunk, honest) and how much he has brought to episodes, even when he wasn't written in properly.

                            And they could have at least given us the curtesy of a bare chested scene this season *growl!*

                            All thunking aside, I would have stopped watching SGA in season 2 if there hadn't been Carson around. The retrovirus/angst/Michael is HIS story arc and would benefit from HIM in the future. He MAKES that story arc - and Carson seems to be the only one capable of feeling sorry about it!! Hence, he IS the heart of Atlantis.


                              The conspiracy theorist in me (sorry, used to work for the federal gov't and in entertainment, I can't help it I've seen too much) thinks there is NO WAY that unedited interview of DH was a mistake. If it really was, someone got fired. Not only did it confirm spoilers, but its just plan unprofessional and a franchise such as Stargate (or any other entertainment firm, label, studio, etc etc) would ever let something like that. Its bad PR just because of how its simply raw footage.

                              DH seemed to joke-y when he made the comment "he's now dead..." imo.

                              I still won't believe it til I see it. Sure I'll make a fuss it better not happen, but watch it all have been some PR stunt to get viewers and either no one kicks it or someone else did. It has been done on a few television shows. Its not a new trick. Its fairly cheap as the viewers do all the work for them spreading the "word"

                              At least thats what I tell myself so I can sleep at night

                              My poor Carson....

                              Visit My Flickr!!


                                So what happens to this thread now?

