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Keep The Lion Rampant - SAVE CARSON! Sunday Spoilers

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    I've been trying all day to put my feelings about "Sunday" into words eloquent enough to post here. I've been through the anger, been through the grief, and been through the "but why?" stages.

    I knew it was coming. It wasn't as if I was unprepared. I've been involved in the Save Carson campaign since the outset, and, though I may not have always been the most vocal here on GateWorld, I've been beavering away behind the scenes helping with the campaign organisation. I've believed since day one that he was going to die. I've believed since day one that Atlantis was going to lose its heart in this episode.

    And now I've seen it? Despite everything, I still can't quite believe that TPTB have stooped so low.

    And for what? I'd like to know the REAL reasons behind Carson being killed off. A blunt "this is why we did it", no matter how harsh, no matter how ridiculous, would be better than the silence that we are all subjected to from TPTB.

    We had all been led to believe that "Sunday" was one of the best Atlantis eps ever, that it had a depth of emotion that would leave us all stunned. If we had listened to Martin Gero specifically, we would have believed that this was Emmy-worthy material.

    And what did we get?

    We got a plot stolen straight from a Brosnan movie, and a mish-mash of "personal" moments spread out throughout the cast. And for what? What deep insights into the characters did we gain in the sacrifice of Carson? None that would justify his death.

    In fact, I can't think of a single thing in that ep that would make his death either worthwhile or noteworthy. It's almost as if they got to the allotted length of the script, and said "oh, crap, I'm stuck! How can we finish it? Oh, I know! We'll do something truly groundbreaking and off the doctor!"

    What was the motivation to kill Carson? I see no reason - other than maybe to give Rodney the chance to prove that he DOES have feelings - to have killed him. Personally, I think the episode suffered from the death of a major character - not just Carson, but it would have been the poorer for the needless death of ANY regular. It felt like overkill, a death for death's sake. It didn;t feel "realistic", like they would have us believe, and it didn't feel "satisfying".

    It made me feel cheated, wronged and wondering what on earth the writers were on when they came up with that gem.

    I don't WANT some babe-licious kiddy doc next season. I don't want another female character they can't write for. I don't want the entire show to be thrown even more off kilter than it already would have been with Sam's arrival.

    I want my Carson back, pure and simple.
    Atlantis : Revolutions - an AU "Stargate: Atlantis" RPG


      Originally posted by sueKay View Post
      Note from the new Ken Cuperus interview

      "Vengeance" sees the return of Michael -- who is very much not amused by the recent attempts of the Atlantis team to blow him up. (As seen in "Misbegotten") And Michael's latest science project means a world of hurt to our team.

      I think this is what they meant by McGillion returning as a different character...I think Michael's cloned him using a sample he got when he held Carson hostage.

      Oh, and Ken to me, was one of the most promising writers the show had...and yes you've guessed it...they've 'let him go'



      SG-P: Can you comment on the departure of Paul McGillion?
      KC: Paul is a pro. There was an opportunity to tell a really special, emotional story, and Paul jumped at the chance, even if it meant big changes for his character. And he absolutely NAILED it. People will be talking about this performance for a long time!

      FCOL!! I don't doubt for a second that Paul nailed it, but otherwise that just sounds like the party line again.

      As for Beckett clone...well I want to see Paul again, and at least they would be dealing with what happened rather than pretending everything is as normal.


        Originally posted by Anise76 View Post
        It made me feel cheated, wronged and wondering what on earth the writers were on when they came up with that gem.
        Cheated. Totally. I feel absolutely cheated too. I've been trying to write something all afternoon, but words don't seem enough now.

        Cheated. Utterly cheated, utterly dismayed...

        ... unbelievable.


          So many Threads about this Episode and Carson, why did the Actor leave the Show.


            Originally posted by daventry View Post
            So many Threads about this Episode and Carson, why did the Actor leave the Show.
            That's a good question, Daventry. We really don't know. As far as we can gather, Paul really didn't want to leave, but they killed him off anyway. Only TPTB know why, and they're not telling. Maybe they'll let us in on it now that the ep has aired in Canada, or maybe they'll decide to wait until it's aired in the USA, or maybe they'll never decide to tell us. That's one of the things that's so frustrating about this.


              Not having immensely warm feelings for Joe M right now either. If he'd written that section of blog in this forum, a mod would have snipped it. I wonder if he was behind that "get over it" thread that popped up the other day?


              Is anyone else just tired of this whole 'thing'?


                I hear they pulled a Tasha Yar. That sucks. What a way to go.


                  Originally posted by Chailyn View Post
                  I hear they pulled a Tasha Yar. That sucks. What a way to go.
                  It wasn't a Tasha Yar... The actress that played Tasha, Denise Crosby, wanted to leave because she was afraid she would be typecasted along with the other characters on the show, and because she thought there were better opportunities out there for her. It was probably the biggest mistake of her career.

                  But Paul... No! NONONONONO!!! They just up and got rid of him for no good reason other than they wanted more of a younger (and bustier) female presence, and he didn't wanna go! They had just better be writing something to bring him back permanently, or they won't have enough of an audience left to keep the show around after season 4 begins to air.

                  I personally didn't think Sunday was all that bad, considering. What I feel bad about is that Carson's potential is now utterly WASTED unless they decide to miraculously resurrect him. Will they? Who knows. But don't let denial or a hopeful outlook keep you from voicing your opinion that THIS TOTALLY SUCKS! WRITE THOSE LETTERS! SAVE CARSON!
                  Last edited by Jersey13; 16 January 2007, 11:55 AM.


                    Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                    It wasn't a Tasha Yar... The actress that played Tasha, Denise Crosby, wanted to leave because she was afraid she would be typecasted along with the other characters on the show, and because she thought there were better opportunities out there for her. It was probably the biggest mistake of her career.
                    No, I meant that she died a meaningless death, on a filler-type episode. I haven't see "Sunday" yet, so correct me if I'm wrong. Then again, they brought Tasha back later on...only to die a meaningful death. Okay, this isn't sounding as supportive as I was intending.


                      Originally posted by Chailyn View Post
                      No, I meant that she died a meaningless death, on a filler-type episode. I haven't see "Sunday" yet, so correct me if I'm wrong. Then again, they brought Tasha back later on...only to die a meaningful death. Okay, this isn't sounding as supportive as I was intending.
                      You're trying... it counts. I think it's difficult to make the death of a character seem really meaningful. Not only does it have to be meaningful for Carson, which it was to the extent that he died saving one of his patients, but Carson's death should be meaningful and provoking for Paul as well. As meaningful a death as they meant to give Carson, I don't believe that TPTB will see that his death is treated as anything more than a footnote in the grand scheme of things, and I don't feel any of this was fair to Paul. He was REPLACED for no good reason, the potential of the character and of the actor himself WASTED, and that is essentially the whole reason why I'm pissed.


                        I was definitely nervous before I started to watch the episode. Then I was laughing on Sheppi and Carson was really sweet as always. Then that brave (but also a bit stupid) operation..... My heart was like a hammer.... Gosh it was really scary. Then the boom.... And I started crying.... I really don't believe he's gone!!!!! They can't do this!!!!!


                          They can, and they have.

                          But we believe we can make a difference. Come over and give us a hand at - we want our favourite Scot back in season 4 - for good!
                          Atlantis : Revolutions - an AU "Stargate: Atlantis" RPG


                            Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                            You're trying... it counts. I think it's difficult to make the death of a character seem really meaningful. Not only does it have to be meaningful for Carson, which it was to the extent that he died saving one of his patients, but Carson's death should be meaningful and provoking for Paul as well. As meaningful a death as they meant to give Carson, I don't believe that TPTB will see that his death is treated as anything more than a footnote in the grand scheme of things, and I don't feel any of this was fair to Paul. He was REPLACED for no good reason, the potential of the character and of the actor himself WASTED, and that is essentially the whole reason why I'm pissed.

                            Yup, yup, yup. I know we're not really supposed to just post 'I agree' posts, but - I agree with every word you said there. Couldn't have put it any better.


                              Originally posted by Chailyn View Post
                              No, I meant that she died a meaningless death, on a filler-type episode. I haven't see "Sunday" yet, so correct me if I'm wrong. Then again, they brought Tasha back later on...only to die a meaningful death. Okay, this isn't sounding as supportive as I was intending.
                              If that was your meaning then you are entirely right. I cant hate the episode, I wont because that would deminish Paul's outstanding work on this show and particually that episode. That was a VERY emotional, moving episode, no doubt about it. Paul was his talented and dedicated self right down to the last...and that must have taken real guts.

                              But was it filler?

                              Hell-freaking-yes it was.

                              I dont like to see such a great character so frustratingly under-used, which so much potential go to waste like that. Especially in light of all the promises and grand statements of 'love' for the character made from one face of the TPTB, while they were stabbing us, Paul and the character in the back with the other.

                              In a way the manner of his death had some meaning totally outweighed by tactlessly, merciless and heartless way it was portrayed within an episode where the death itself was almost filler to make the 45 minutes. No where near worthy of his character. It just makes me mad to see so much talent and potential wasted and for no good reason.

                              Joe mentioned the fans were ill-informed. Maybe, but thats because no one has had the decency to make an official statement and give us ANY explanation. We dont know the decisoins behind it he is very right, and we will probably never know.

                              However we can see some of the affects of those decisions which lead us to some conclusions or assumptions, take your pick. He was replaced, almost at the point he was killed by the Jewel look-a-like doctor character (no coincendences there eh?[/sarcasm]). That to me says there are no reasons for killing him off except cheap thrills and the hope of some shock tactics ratings grabs. Jewel is getting 12 eps which is very little difference to Paul's 15 or so a year. Recurring/Main cast, seems its semantics where doctor roles are concerned. Weir is being reduced to accomodated AT after all at least theres some sense to that...non-sense maybe, but I can at least have some inkling of where they're coming from even if I hate the idea.

                              Being replaced by a character Scifi are insisting be brought on is one thing. Being KILLED off to be replaced by a new character for no good reason other then being the wrong gender (gender discrimination!!!!! ). No matter how good 'Sunday' is, and it was good dont get me wrong, it will just been a cheap filler ep and a complete waste of a character whose surface was barely scratched.
                              Last edited by TJuk; 16 January 2007, 12:34 PM.


                                Also makes me wonder if they are trying to recreate the role of Janet, in time for Atlantis to become SG-1.5...
                                Atlantis : Revolutions - an AU "Stargate: Atlantis" RPG

