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Elizabeth Weir/Torri Higginson WOW Thread - Part 2

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    Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen View Post
    I think the ones for Phantoms are the newest, because they had The Return pics as ep 309.
    But those were already there last time I visited the site... so I guess there's nothing new for me.


      In the john_elizabeth LJ comm it says there are new Promo pics yet the promo pics are old and they don't even have the other 10 I'm confused

      There are some new ones for Misbegotten, but none of Lizzeh

      Lovebar made by natz099
      My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


        Originally posted by Trialia View Post
        But those were already there last time I visited the site... so I guess there's nothing new for me.
        *Waves* I'm here too.

        Yeah, the photos look very similar. Still, I like the ensemble ones. They haven't been air-brushed out of recognition like some other photos.

        Also, ditto to what Ubi and Trialia said about Elizabeth Weir as a compelling character.
        The fact that she is not a paragon of virtue who can never do anything wrong is what creates this empathy I have for certain characters. She makes decisions which may seem right at the time but may also have devastating consequences further down the road. Weir always set out with the best intentions that don't always pan out and on the surface she appears quite stoic but she is played by Torri as having a certain vulnerability. Kudos to TH for making Elizabeth 3-dimensional.

        BTW, WELCOME NEWBIES and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to those who had them during the upgrade.

        Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


          Originally posted by Trialia View Post
          New pics? The what where? I don't see 'em.
          There's two new ensemble ones (they're a higher res than the ones on Scifi, apparently), and five more up for Misbegotten. No Lizzie in the Misbegotten ones though.

          Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


            Originally posted by ubiquitous View Post
            There's two new ensemble ones (they're a higher res than the ones on Scifi, apparently), and five more up for Misbegotten. No Lizzie in the Misbegotten ones though.
            No Lizzie? Oh well, then not so interested.

            Can somebody help my addled little brain here?

            Just re-read Garwin Sanford's interview (Simon), so was he or was he not Elizabeth's husband? I'm taking it to mean he started off being her husband but then TPTB changed their minds further down the track and just made him her boyfriend.

            Here's part of the interview:

            GW: One of the big questions is was Simon Elizabeth's husband or just her boyfriend? Is that another -- do you know for sure which one he was because they never specifically say. And some of the producers have said "He is her husband."

            GS: Yes, OK. If the producers have said it, so can I. In the first episode I was her husband. And in the second episode I was still her husband because it was a dream sequence --

            GW: -- "Home" --

            GS: -- Yeah, exactly, where they come back. Not a dream sequence, but the aliens give them the ability to live out their life as they would like to have happen. And I think they realized that they painted themselves into a bit of a corner with the character. What are they going to do with this guy? Are they going to take me and make me a regular on the series?

            GW: Which would tie her down.

            GS: Yeah, exactly. I just think they realized that it wasn't a good place to go. They saw where the show was headed and they realized, and I think they made the right choice for the show. It was a smart choice, unfortunately for me. When they brought me back they changed my name.

            GW: Wallace.

            GS: Yes. So the thing was, and I don't think in the first episodes they even had my last name on the credits. So they looked back and they decided. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. That's how you do shows. You look at them, you start something off, and then you realize "This isn't going to service us" about the storytelling. And as far as I'm concerned, that's always where you have to go.

            Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


              I deliver just my opinion, I find that Simon and Elisabeth did not go
              I find that Simon was one can old.Lol.For she.
              Last edited by lizzyana; 14 October 2006, 06:07 PM.


                I always just assumed they were de-facto partners, and had been together for ages and stuff, but weren't actually married.

                I always thought that'd make the writing around their relation ship less complicated cause then in Intruder
                they wouldn't have to deal with a divorce and stuff... Just being safe

                Oh, random question. Does anyone know what happened to Sedge after Intruder? Cause I would have thought
                Liz may have taken him back to Atlantis, but then at the same time it would have been difficult to do with a dog. If Sedge was a cat do you think she would have taken him? She could have taken Sedge and let him live on the main land with the Athosians, and visited him like every week. That's what I would have done...Just being safe...again

                /me is rambling...

                I like this pic, she's kinda... pouting...

                Hmmm... I need to make more caps... Later

                "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
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                  Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                  I always just assumed they were de-facto partners, and had been together for ages and stuff, but weren't actually married.

                  I always thought that'd make the writing around their relation ship less complicated cause then in Intruder
                  they wouldn't have to deal with a divorce and stuff... Just being safe
                  I has always thought that he was her boyfriend (/de facto sorta thing) all along. I never got the impression of him being her husband. Not to mention that it'd be kinda silly to have anyone who is particularly connected to anyone in such away going on a mission like that. But from the excerpt of the interview, my understanding is much the same as yours, Ronnikins.

                  Originally posted by Spacegirlnz
                  Oh, random question. Does anyone know what happened to Sedge after Intruder? Cause I would have thought
                  Liz may have taken him back to Atlantis, but then at the same time it would have been difficult to do with a dog. If Sedge was a cat do you think she would have taken him? She could have taken Sedge and let him live on the main land with the Athosians, and visited him like every week. That's what I would have done...Just being safe...again
                  Well I would think that Liz and Simon would still be friends, and seeing as how he's pretty much the only person close to her who knows about it and Sedge would stay with him. Much as it hurt her, I don't think it's something she'd blame him for, and I think he still cares for her, to a point. On the other hand, in TRW
                  they showed Sedge with her mum so it's possible Sedge could stay with her.

                  Of course, the ideal thing would be for Sedge to come and live in Atlantis and follow Lizzie about all day. ^.^ And that would mean Rodney's cat would go too. And
                  Carson's turtles, if they're still alive

                  Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                    Originally posted by ubiquitous View Post
                    I has always thought that he was her boyfriend (/de facto sorta thing) all along. I never got the impression of him being her husband. Not to mention that it'd be kinda silly to have anyone who is particularly connected to anyone in such away going on a mission like that. But from the excerpt of the interview, my understanding is much the same as yours, Ronnikins.
                    Yeah, if they were married I don't think she would have gone off without telling him in person...

                    Originally posted by ubiquitous View Post
                    Of course, the ideal thing would be for Sedge to come and live in Atlantis and follow Lizzie about all day. ^.^ And that would mean Rodney's cat would go too. And
                    Carson's turtles, if they're still alive
                    That's what I think should happen, cause if Sedge can follow her around the lot all day I'm sure he'd be fine in Atlantis.

                    "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                    "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                    My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                      Torri thinks the wraith are "kind of hot"

                      Just a clip from one of the DVD bonus features.. I love clips of Torri, she's so lively/funny.



                        Originally posted by k1037 View Post
                        Torri thinks the wraith are "kind of hot"

                        Just a clip from one of the DVD bonus features.. I love clips of Torri, she's so lively/funny.

                        Well, she has a point. Take away the life-sucky-ness and they are. I guess. That's why, in the urban rush interview, when she was describing hot aliens she said "long grey dreads"

                        "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                        "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                        My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                          Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                          Well, she has a point. Take away the life-sucky-ness and they are. I guess. That's why, in the urban rush interview, when she was describing hot aliens she said "long grey dreads"
                          She does have a point. They are. Those white flowy's just that horrible 'get too close and you're dead' thing.

                          Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                            Haha, I love that video. XDDD I made an icon out of it (file size is ok for Livejournal):

                            Like I could resist THAT quote. *lol*


                              Argh, I really must figure out this video lark. The list of songs that beg for Atlantis music videos is mounting up.

                              *sings* il mio destino scelgo se riesco a resistere...


                                Originally posted by leelakin View Post
                                Haha, I love that video. XDDD I made an icon out of it (file size is ok for Livejournal):

                                Like I could resist THAT quote. *lol*
                                That was such a good video Nice icon as well

                                Lovebar made by natz099
                                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets

