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Elizabeth Weir/Torri Higginson WOW Thread - Part 2

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    pretty icons Leelakin.


      Originally posted by xfkirsten
      *crawls back in* Long time no see, everyone! Life's been a wee bit crazy. Been sick all week, just got another job application rejection (in marine mammal training, you get used to that very fast) and have spent all afternoon working on another application... in short, I need pretties to make me feel better.

      I also made my mommy (who's also a Stargate fan) watch The Return with me the other day, just so I could watch it again.
      Welcome back, Kirsten!

      Hope you're feeling better soon (seems to be a lot of it going around atm) and you know, Fate is saving the bestest job for you...she's just making you wait a little because she's a cow like that.



      [Raspy voice]: "What's your favourite scary movie?"

      *is gutted she just missed Scream on tv even though she has the trilogy on video and DVD*


        nice icons and WP!

        Originally posted by billy_red_ocean
        Yeah, funny, it somehow came never up between us *hugs back*
        well I posted it somewhere... *look for it* ah here

        But i never knew you are such A BIG fan of Torri/Weir.. shame on my I missed that, sorry :-( *in die Ecke geh und mich schähm*
        Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
        Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
        If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
        "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


          Originally posted by leelakin
          Heeeee, lovely wallpaper! =)

          Apropos graphics:

          Two icons I made recently. I'm still learning, though.
          These are great! I like the second one the best.

          Lovebar made by natz099
          My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
            Welcome back, Kirsten!

            Hope you're feeling better soon (seems to be a lot of it going around atm) and you know, Fate is saving the bestest job for you...she's just making you wait a little because she's a cow like that.



            [Raspy voice]: "What's your favourite scary movie?"

            *is gutted she just missed Scream on tv even though she has the trilogy on video and DVD*
            Heeeee! VERY nice pics! Those are totally my favorite scenes of the episode.

            Love the caption on the last one! I haven't watched those movies in YEARS.
            "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
            My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


              Hi Gang

              We just found out that not everyone knows the Picture posting guidelines so we are reminding everyone and hopefully we will have these placed in the FAQ soon so there won't be any questions so this is just an
              FYI Post

              picture posting rules :

              There is a great way to attach pictures to the thread, using them to make thumbnails so that folks can see what's there without that same picture downloading over and over and over. Just use the attachments button below. This is the preferred way of posting pictures!

              If you choose to put the photos in your post, they do have to fit a couple of criteria;

              They cannot be larger than the forum boundaries, 300x400 is a good size. They cannot be larger than 75K.

              If they are called from another server you must have permission to hotlink to them. Links like this do put a drain on servers and too many folks linking to too many pictures has been known to take a server down every once in a while.

              You cannot quote the pictures in your replies. Multiple copies of the pics just drain more bandwidth.

              Last but not least, please do not post pictures that spoil season 9/10 of Stargate SG-1 or season 2/3 of Stargate:Atlantis! Feel free to post links to those pictures with the appropriate warning of spoilers though.

              Please remember: these rules are not here to diminish your enjoyment but to make this thread accessible and enjoyable for everyone - including those forum members on a slow dial-up connection!

              If you have any questions or problems please contact me or any of the other mods.

              Thanks for listening, now let the thunking continue!
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                Last but not least, please do not post pictures that spoil season 9/10 of Stargate SG-1 or season 2/3 of Stargate:Atlantis! Feel free to post links to those pictures with the appropriate warning of spoilers though.
                Just links? Or are spoiler tags alright?

                Lovebar made by natz099
                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                  Originally posted by leelakin
                  Heeeee, lovely wallpaper! =)

                  Apropos graphics:

                  Two icons I made recently. I'm still learning, though.
                  Gorgeous icons!! Especially the second one!

                  Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                    thanks Sapp, I think we found my muse again^^
                    and for whoever posted the original pic in the first place here (I have awful memory and I am lazy to look it up^^)
                    (where is that interview pic from actually?)

                    Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
                    Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
                    If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
                    "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


                      Yay for Teh Muse!

                      I posted it a while back, but I snagged it from someone who snagged it from another person who... yeah you get it

                      From the same interview, but not sure which one it is...

                      Lovebar made by natz099
                      My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                        thanks for the pic! (even if it's a bit arrent to post a ~110kb pic when only 75kb is allowed and the mod just posted the rules )

                        *go an dlook for the Muses* come musey musey musey, come musey musey, come to mama
                        Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
                        Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
                        If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
                        "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


                          Originally posted by Orovingwen
                          *go an dlook for the Muses* come musey musey musey, come musey musey, come to mama
                          Mine do that to me, too. I think there's a weak spot in the fence.

                          It seems as though they only run off when I actually have time to write. And then, upon the instant my schedule becomes swamped once again, they show up, demanding attention. *sigh*
                          My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

                          Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


                            there is a fence?

                            Somehow I have the muse but my PC is so slow *meh* I really need afaster one (schouldn't think abaout computers.. that make me wanne buy much stuff for my honey bunny sweety comp *pet*.. and I shouldn't write on GW whenit's 5:30 am in the morning and I haven't slept but am full of coffein )
                            Nice banner/sig. I like it that you have a color vs. b/w in there

                            oh and sapp.. you fault again^^

                            I love that jacket btw^^ it really looks great on her
                            Last edited by Orovingwen; 05 October 2006, 07:49 PM.
                            Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
                            Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
                            If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
                            "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


                              Originally posted by Orovingwen
                              there is a fence?

                              Somehow I have the muse but my PC is so slow *meh* I really need afaster one (schouldn't think abaout computers.. that make me wanne buy much stuff for my honey bunny sweety comp *pet*.. and I shouldn't write on GW whenit's 5:30 am in the morning and I haven't slept but am full of coffein )
                              Nice banner/sig. I like it that you have a color vs. b/w in there

                              I love that jacket btw^^ it really looks great on her

                              I got to play around with PhotoShop today, and now I am extremely jealous of all those that have it. (just 'cause it's green: ) My comp and my budget don't support such programs, though.

                              My sig was made by Whistler84 - her memorium thread is here.

                              Ah, the power of caffiene... yes, yet another reason why my muse tends to run off - I think I scare it with the frequent intake of coffee, Mountain Dew, etc. It usually comes back, though, when I bribe it with chocolate.

                              My muse has selective taste. Combined with bad timing, that can make for one frustrated fangirl!

                              <<< --- this is funny!!!

                              (I am also easily distracted. This may, or may not, have an affect on my productivity.)
                              Last edited by firedust22; 05 October 2006, 08:32 PM.
                              My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

                              Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


                                Originally posted by Orovingwen
                                oh and sapp.. you fault again^^

                                I love that jacket btw^^ it really looks great on her
                                I take full responsibility

                                Originally posted by firedust22
                                My sig was made by Whistler84 - it links you to her memorium thread upon clicking.
                                I have the same one that she made for me except mine doesn't have the writing. It's so so sad She was really nice. I didn't realise she had a thread tho... *goes to squiz*

                                Lovebar made by natz099
                                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets

