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Radek Zelenka/Elizabeth Weir Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I support lil ships like this tho i do have others


      I don't know what to say about this ship. I guess I see the chemistry between Weir and Zelenka... but then again, she has great chemistry with a lot of other characters (some more than others ) Honestly I see nothing more than friendship I'm afraid.

      But I have to admit, they have good scenes together.

      Edit: I guess you can consider me a bit in between.


        yeah weir does have more chemistry with a lot of others. poor Radek doesn't have a chance.

        I love this pic....looks so cosy and alone


          another pic


            Originally posted by xkawaiix
            I don't know what to say about this ship. I guess I see the chemistry between Weir and Zelenka... but then again, she has great chemistry with a lot of other characters (some more than others ) Honestly I see nothing more than friendship I'm afraid.

            But I have to admit, they have good scenes together.

            Edit: I guess you can consider me a bit in between.
            To be honest it's not something I see happening. Realistically the only person I'd see Weir getting together with is Sheppard. The idea of Zelenka's wee crush is a really sweet one though. Even if its as a friendship it's something I'd love to see developed, more Zelenka screentime can't fail to be a good thing, he's one of the most endearing characters they have.

            I must now run and hide from the McWiers.

            Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


              Yeah, I know they'll proably never get together. I can dream, though, can't I?

              HyperCaz, thanks for posting the pics. I think my favourite is the third one.

              I can't believe this post already has three pages, I'm so proud!


                Heheh you can dream and ship away till the Ancients come home! (And I'll be right there with you. )

                'Caz taking up her position as queen of pics as usual, ta.

                Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


                  Oh, my! I just realised weirfan517 created the Dr. Weir/Dr. Zelenka ship thread before me. I'm ususally so good about looking up threads, too.
                  Well, it's pretty groovy that someone besides me is a big enough fan of the relationship to create a thread of it!


                    Hehe both the David Nykl and Torri Higginson interviews have small mentions of the relationships between Zelenka and Weir so we can't be the only nutters who've read that far into it . Either that or because we have we've drawn attention to it, either way, they've noticed so potentially more interactions, yey!

                    Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


                      Perhaps I won't just have to dream...?


                        Radek + Lizzy = Razzy!

                        Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                          That's cute! It makes me think of a raspberry candy!


                            Queen of Pics? I'm liking that title...the secret to my success lies in countless albums I have stored everywhere open at one single command. Mwhaha.

                            Radek: What do I do? She's looking at me!


                              Clearly, it's time for him to make his move!

                              HyperCaz, there's no worry of picture shortages with you around!


                                indeed, my legion of Photo Albums is prepped for the Ship Wars.

                                Razzy Time!

                                I'm still waiting for a follow up on that cute "you are the loop" scene. We haven't even got so much as a veiled expression from Zelenka about his love he just follows orders.

