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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    i love a man in a sweater to reef its all natural
    Last edited by atlantis_babe34; 26 February 2007, 02:10 AM.
    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


      Originally posted by LauraT View Post
      Hey everyone. Im new to this thread but i have to say DAMN!!! I love that man. Lol. Was a bit creeped out by him in Smallville that one time though. Do you think he should get promoted to Lt Col and then be a main character?
      Maybe they'll promote him to Lt. Col. and give him a starring role in the Stargate series. They did it to McKay. Well if they don't, a person can dream, can't they.



          Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
          i love a man in a sweater to reef its all natural
          It looks like Aran to me, I got my season 2 box set today so expect some new caps over the next few days/weeks


            Woohoo! new caps!

            Hope you enjoy the DVD's and i cant wait for the caps!


              morning all
              Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                Originally posted by lissafoss View Post
                Woohoo! new caps!

                Hope you enjoy the DVD's and i cant wait for the caps!
                I'm only on the first disc, which I had anyway so all the caps I can make I've made already

                Never watch Atlantis with an ex soldier, my other half has been picking holes in the miltary proceedues all afternoon


                  what is there a marathon of stargate on right now?
                  Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                    Originally posted by mckaychick View Post
                    what is there a marathon of stargate on right now?
                    'Fraid not, S2 box set was released in the UK today and me and my other half have been watching it this afternoon


                      OMOMGOMG, I totally forgot that was out today! *facepalm*


                        *Slaps ff*

                        How could you forget, I know it hasn't exactly been broadcast from the roof tops but still?


                          My S2 boxset was dispatched on satuarday so i should get it in a few days


                            Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
                            *Slaps ff*

                            How could you forget, I know it hasn't exactly been broadcast from the roof tops but still?
                            I know, I know, for some reason I thought it was the 24th today and not the 26th...*headdesk*


                              Right, I placed my order with amazon and because it's before 6:00pm I should get it tomorrow. *dances*


                                It may be a few quid cheaper from Amazon but going into your high street and actually picking it off the shelf and paying for it has the has the advantage of being able to watch it on the day of release so think of me tonight with my and my knitting watching my box set

