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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by LauraT View Post
    Do you think he should get promoted to Lt Col and then be a main character?
    YES YES YES!!!!

    Drop Sheppard off the deep end of a long pier and promote Lorne, we may get some decent storylines.

    *Claps hand over mouth before she launches into an anti John and Rodney Show rant*


      Lol. I like Sheppard and McKay though. Lorne really does deserve a promotion. He's been a major for too damn long. Would be nice to see him in the credits lol.

      Tony: I was lucky to get out of Rebecca's apartment alive. She threw this at my head.
      (Holds up a copy of Moby Dick)
      Ziva: Something wrong with reading Moby Dick?
      Tony: No. She was throwing it. I took it so she couldn't rearm.


        Sorry to be a pain. But i have a pic of lorne that i wanna use for my pic and it wont let me. does anyone know how i can fix it?

        Tony: I was lucky to get out of Rebecca's apartment alive. She threw this at my head.
        (Holds up a copy of Moby Dick)
        Ziva: Something wrong with reading Moby Dick?
        Tony: No. She was throwing it. I took it so she couldn't rearm.


          Originally posted by Nici View Post
          i know it must suck that it doesn't work, but there really is nothing I can do about it ... I can chat with my host about it but I've had this issue since 2003 ... *shrugs*

          ANYWHO .. some Kav goodies

          It is just weird that I could access it a few months ago (when I did the interview with him) and now I can't. I know it's not your fault honey
          Originally posted by LauraT View Post
          Hey everyone. Im new to this thread but i have to say DAMN!!! I love that man. Lol. Was a bit creeped out by him in Smallville that one time though. Do you think he should get promoted to Lt Col and then be a main character?
          Welcome to Lornelovers! We would like him to have his own team for sure! Smallville has a lot of creepy characters, LOL
          Originally posted by LauraT View Post
          Sorry to be a pain. But i have a pic of lorne that i wanna use for my pic and it wont let me. does anyone know how i can fix it?
          You have to choose your avatar pic from the ones provided by GW until you reach a post count in the 2200 range.


            You can't get a custom avatar until you reach about 2000 posts. Until then, you have to use one of the ones GW already has

            Wow, purple, you did an interview with Kavan? When?


              Originally posted by LauraT View Post
              Lol. I like Sheppard and McKay though. Lorne really does deserve a promotion. He's been a major for too damn long. Would be nice to see him in the credits lol.
              I like Shep and Rondey too but Lorne needs a promotion!!


                Ah i see about the pics now. thanks for telling me will go change it now lol. You lucky bugger doing an interview with him!!!!!!!!!! Liking the pics of Kavan. Mmmmm

                Tony: I was lucky to get out of Rebecca's apartment alive. She threw this at my head.
                (Holds up a copy of Moby Dick)
                Ziva: Something wrong with reading Moby Dick?
                Tony: No. She was throwing it. I took it so she couldn't rearm.


                  Welcome to the LorneLovers LauraT! If you like pics of Kavan you've come to the right place

                  Now I'm in the mood for some Sweater!Kavan


                    some of my favorite caps Kate! *sigh*


                      Welcome LauraT!
                      And nice Kavan pics here again


                        Hey Thunkers.. New vid up.
                        has some lorne is but its a multi character vid

                        Hot Fudge


                        btw them pics Cathain so cute!
                        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                          Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                          It is just weird that I could access it a few months ago (when I did the interview with him) and now I can't. I know it's not your fault honey
                          Are you using IE:7? according to my other half it's cr@p and could be your problem, he says use a Yahoo browser


                            Oh God what are you trying to do to me woman you know what my two favourite obsessions in one (or several) pictures does to me, now where are my knitting needles


                              hahaha! dont worry reef i've been stareing at them for nearly 10 minutes and i can seem to use any other bodily functions except my arms lol
                              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                                I love a man in a sweater, the sad thing is I can tell you more about the sweater than anything else *sigh* I'm such a geek

