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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

    *grasps at thin air* Oi! Get your arse back here young lady!! Good job I know where to find you!!

    Lovely, as always!
    huh? i got cought? damn unvisible cloak - should have known not to buy it second hand...

    didn't know you were here too thank you *huggles*


      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
      huh? i got cought? damn unvisible cloak - should have known not to buy it second hand...

      didn't know you were here too thank you *huggles*
      Hehe, next time go straight to Dumbledore, he'll sort you out!

      Yep, I'm in here a lot, lurking mostly atm. I've been *cough* elsewhere. Who are you again?



        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
        Hehe, next time go straight to Dumbledore, he'll sort you out!
        next time...
        Yep, I'm in here a lot, lurking mostly atm. I've been *cough* elsewhere. Who are you again?

        i am Fainne, i love long walks on the beach, sunsets and Evan Lorne... and Dean Winchester and Fish'n'chips and.. um... nope, i think that's it...


          Originally posted by Fainne View Post
          next time...
          Or maybe I can just see through all the cloaks!

          Originally posted by Fainne View Post

          i am Fainne, i love long walks on the beach, sunsets and Evan Lorne... and Dean Winchester and Fish'n'chips and.. um... nope, i think that's it...
          Really? OMG, we sound perfect for each other!!

          You'll be telling me next you're a Carson fan too!

          In the library atm, so no pics I'm afraid... will make up for it later. I owe ff some Garrity, so I think that'll be a good starting point!



            Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
            Sorry that you didnt get it
            that's ok, I'm going to have a full summer anyways taking a summer course, working, and taking trips to Wisconsin with friends.

            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


              Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
              Thanks for letting me know who'se photos they were of Kavan, Kass.

              School O/T

              Awe, sorry to hear that class is such a book of horrors! I loved English at school or any related classes. It was one of the few classes I enjoyed and was good at!!
              No problem, I'm more than happy to share

              School O/T
              I LOVE English generally, and in fact got very perturbed last week when the professor had the gall to insult Homer(as in the Odyssey and the Illiad, NOT Simpson ) I'm pretty sure that my head nearly exploded when I heard him do that.

              I am going to be having a loooooong discussion with him after class today.

              Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
              *stares at the pretty* awesome banner

              internship o/t
              didn't get it, however I'm not horribly upset about it because I went into knowing that I didn't get it. But *massive hugs* to everyone here who wished me good luck and everything! You guys are massivly awesome
              Internship O/t:

              Thats too bad, I think you would have been good at it. Oh well at least you tried right?

              Okay off to edit my English Paper and oggle the new art in the coffee shop

              I'm a 60%'er


                Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                *sneaks in* *looks around* *drops off*


                *sneaks out*
                Love the banner, Fainne!!


                  Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                  *stares at the pretty* awesome banner

                  internship o/t
                  didn't get it, however I'm not horribly upset about it because I went into knowing that I didn't get it. But *massive hugs* to everyone here who wished me good luck and everything! You guys are massivly awesome

                  sorry you didn't get it EB...their loss ..

                  Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                  *sneaks in* *looks around* *drops off*


                  *sneaks out*

                  Oh very very nice...

                  Originally posted by Snowy View Post



                    Not one of my best works, but he is so hot when he smiles!


                      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                      Or maybe I can just see through all the cloaks!
                      well... it's more likely that mine doesn't work anymore

                      Really? OMG, we sound perfect for each other!!

                      You'll be telling me next you're a Carson fan too!

                      In the library atm, so no pics I'm afraid... will make up for it later. I owe ff some Garrity, so I think that'll be a good starting point!
                      whoops, nearly forgot Carson. i just hope my Carson clone didn't notice that *ahem*
                      Originally posted by Snowy View Post
                      thank you

                      OMGOMGOMG this gif is sooo...soooo... i can't discribe it in words
                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      Oh very very nice...


                        Huh, I didn't even realize I haven't been writing anything in here for like a week or something. Rest assured, though, that I did read your postings

                        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                        Guess what? I am on "my" island.
                        Stay there as long as you can and convince everyone to shut the island off from everything. Maybe you'll be the last one standing after the big Swine Flu pandemic of 2009 (and yeah, of course I start sniffing and sneezing just a day after the first two cases in British Columbia were announced and the day the first European victims are announced...)

                        Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                        *sneaks in* *looks around* *drops off*


                        *sneaks out*

                        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                        internship o/t
                        didn't get it, however I'm not horribly upset about it because I went into knowing that I didn't get it. But *massive hugs* to everyone here who wished me good luck and everything! You guys are massivly awesome
                        Awww Would have been cool, wouldn't it?
                        I'm a 60%er.

                        I will always place the mission first.
                        I will never accept defeat.
                        I will never quit.
                        I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                        "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."


                          Thanks guys!

                          BTW did I ever show you my pic with Kavan??

                          Just ignore the ugly woman standing next to him :


                            Originally posted by Snowy View Post
                            Thanks guys!

                            BTW did I ever show you my pic with Kavan??

                            Just ignore the ugly woman standing next to him :
                            awww, you're not ugly! and thats an adorable picture! just his hair is a little bit strange...


                              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                              awww, you're not ugly! and thats an adorable picture! just his hair is a little bit strange...
                              LOL thanks!
                              Well I think it's strange just cause it's not Major Lorne hair.....


                                Originally posted by Snowy View Post
                                LOL thanks!
                                Well I think it's strange just cause it's not Major Lorne hair.....

                                well, i just don't really like this middle parting but he's so adorable he can wear anithing - or nothing

