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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
    Hey Kethry

    Enjoy your holiday...

    All that free time now for reading and thunking...*is jealous*
    Hey Lizzie

    Yep...reading (took 3 books), walking and playing with my laptop. First thing tomorrow morning I'll go shopping - everything within easy walking distance. Very nice.

    And fresh rolls every morning.

    I'll gain pounds. That's the downside of this. I'll go out for meals every day and they serve the most delicious fish here. Yummy!
    I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


      Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
      *waves* how's everyone?

      internship o/t
      I got an email on the 20th saying that they were going to make their final selection and let people know if they got it by the end of the week. I didn't get an email by Friday and I didn't check my email yesterday and I want to check it today but at the same time don't want to. I'm soooooo nervous!

      your dose of Lilo
      Good luck EB whether or not you got it your still special here

      Oh and in case you didn't see in my The Game caps there were a TON of new LILO caps for you (feel free to snurch to your hearts content)

      Kethry- so glad you decided to go away on vacation. How long will you be on the island?

      I'm a 60%'er


        So he here had the Lorne party and didn't invite the rest of us still lurking around? Huh? Anybody gonna fess up?........ I'm waiting!!

        Awfully quiet in here.


          A light weekend it seems for the LorneLovers no?

          Major hugs to EB, you gotta check your mail, we all wanna know!

          And Kethry I'm jealous! Here I am at home grading papers and you're off on holiday!

          Here's some Just A Phase caps to stir everyone up


            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
            Good luck EB whether or not you got it your still special here
            awww, thanks mac; that made my day!

            Originally posted by CKO View Post
            well good luck EB *hugs*
            Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
            Hey EB....*fingers still crossed*
            Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
            check your mail, we all wanna know!
            Thanks all, you guys rock! and I'll check it in the morning *crosses fingers*

            love the Flynn icons Kethry and have a nice vacation!

            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


              Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
              So he here had the Lorne party and didn't invite the rest of us still lurking around? Huh? Anybody gonna fess up?........ I'm waiting!!

              Awfully quiet in here.
              okay I admit it, it was me. I was so jazzed by the B I got on the test I thought I for sure failed that I went and threw a party. Sorry I didn't invite you, it was a last minute thing.

              Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
              awww, thanks mac; that made my day!

              Thanks all, you guys rock! and I'll check it in the morning *crosses fingers*
              EB- well it is true(and its MUCH nicer than what my English prof had to say about me) and good luck in the morning

              O/T rant about School-

              So I'm taking an English class right now where we are learning to write "argumentatively". Which wouldn't be so bad *if*:
              A} The Professor was actually teaching us English(in 7 classes, we have had exactly one that has had about 20 minutes of English in it)
              B} We weren't having to basically teach ourselves(we have 4 'text books' and never actually discuss anything they teach us)
              C} Our focus wasn't philosophy. We spend 90%+ of our time in class discussing philosophy that I want to scream.

              We had to do a paper recently that was a 'personal essay' about what shaped/shapes us the most in our life. I wrote a very well written piece(that I edited like mad) and when he handed it back he basically said that I am what happens when you mate a dictionary and a thesaurus- wordy and full of useless information.

              I'm a 60%'er


                Kethry, holidays O/T.

                I hope you're having a great time on your holidays and the weather is really nice!!

                EB, Internship O/T

                Good luck and I hope you get it!! Think possitive thoughts, and I have my fingers and toes crossed for you!!

                MM, School O/T

                Sorry to hear about your English teacher! He sounds like a ******!! After all that hard word and editing it yourself! Huggles you.

                Who owns these two pics does anyone know, so I can credit properly?

                Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                My My Own Website


                  *sneaks in* *looks around* *drops off*

                  *sneaks out*


                    Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                    MM, School O/T

                    Sorry to hear about your English teacher! He sounds like a ******!! After all that hard word and editing it yourself! Huggles you.
                    Thanks for that, I'm just frustrated and needed to vent I guess(though there are a TON more horror stories I could tell, lol. The class could be a whole book of horror stories )

                    Who owns these two pics does anyone know, so I can credit properly?
                    Those two are mine from Burbank Creation

                    I'm a 60%'er


                      *drools contently.*


                        Thanks for letting me know who'se photos they were of Kavan, Kass.

                        School O/T

                        Awe, sorry to hear that class is such a book of horrors! I loved English at school or any related classes. It was one of the few classes I enjoyed and was good at!!
                        Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                        My My Own Website


                          Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                          *sneaks in* *looks around* *drops off*

                          *sneaks out*
                          *stares at the pretty* awesome banner

                          internship o/t
                          didn't get it, however I'm not horribly upset about it because I went into knowing that I didn't get it. But *massive hugs* to everyone here who wished me good luck and everything! You guys are massivly awesome

                          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                            thankie EB


                              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                              *sneaks in* *looks around* *drops off*


                              *sneaks out*
                              Nice Banner

                              Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                              *stares at the pretty* awesome banner

                              internship o/t
                              didn't get it, however I'm not horribly upset about it because I went into knowing that I didn't get it. But *massive hugs* to everyone here who wished me good luck and everything! You guys are massivly awesome
                              Sorry that you didnt get it

                              Banner Made By: Fainne | I'm a 60%er | My Youtube


                                Hey everyone! *huggles*

                                How goes it in Lorne land?

                                Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                                *sneaks in* *looks around* *drops off*


                                *sneaks out*
                                *grasps at thin air* Oi! Get your arse back here young lady!! Good job I know where to find you!!

                                Lovely, as always!


