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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
    Say "Not for a million bucks. But I'd like to come any other time."
    But she's scary!! Hehe, not really, she's lovely!

    I have some issues around getting health insurance atm, so it may not be on the cards for now At least I could get some fresh pretzels though... can't find 'em for love nor money over here!!

    Some Garrity




      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
      *guh* all these pretty Kavan pics.. i wish i had more time to make something from them, but i have another lecture tonight *meh* thank you so much, i will browse through it later tonight*huggles*
      Do have fun browsing, and if you take anything from the eps folders just credit me(also the Burbank Con folder) please?

      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
      [CENTER]*cough* just plain nutsy if you ask me!! *cough* *luffs it*
      [sarcasm]I didn't see you complaining when I made those special Shex caps for you [/sarcasm]

      Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
      yup and that just means you're massively awesome (along with everyone else on the thread)
      Awww thank you. I must say I find it odd that everyone finds me 'awesome' as I'm not really you can ask Row.

      o/t ranty
      I'm having on heck of a day; I have a math test that I'm not ready for (probabilities ick) and the Student Government continues to display their incompetience

      I decided to run for the Association but couldn't attend to the "debate" (and I use that term in the broadest sense) and emailed the sga pres to let them know. Then this morning I got an email saying that since I didn't attend it I was dropped from the ballot.

      Ended up resending the email since she couldn't access it from the server and talked with the Advisor about the whole affair.

      It's ironic because part of my platform was to get stuff done and make myself more available to the students
      *hugs* sorry about that let us know how it turns out.

      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
      From Clones R Us...I got the deluxe model with all the extras ....oh yes and the optional holster, goggles, P90 and the boots.....obviously.
      I have no complaints......
      Yes though I got the Super Deluxe model that includes all that plus the bed head and the whumper's kit.

      Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
      You guys got clones, SOME of us have met the original!
      Ah yes some of us did, didn't we

      Originally posted by Lyconia View Post
      that 40% still haunting him
      I think it will always haunt him

      Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
      I have no idea whatsoever as to what you are referring too. There is no probable chance that I drugged him, gagged him, brought him home, and replaced him with a clone produced by my cloning machine... As far as you know.
      seemed pretty real to me when I saw him a week later in Burbank.

      I'm a 60%'er


        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
        [sarcasm]I didn't see you complaining when I made those special Shex caps for you [/sarcasm]
        Nope, not a single complaint! *huggles*

        People who aren't slightly crazy scare me

        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
        Yes though I got the Super Deluxe model that includes all that plus the bed head and the whumper's kit.
        Oh my, you got a great deal on that one. Luckily my clone (Evan, seeing as it never gets used by TPTB ) is pretty good at re-enacting (sp?) the eps for me exactly as I want them!

        Off to bed in a mo, see you all soon *waves*



          Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
          seemed pretty real to me when I saw him a week later in Burbank.
          Just goes to show you how perfect my cloning machine is... was. Remember, I had to put it through a revamp recently.. And if you're having trouble remembering, its the conversation we had when you made a certain comment!!

          Speaking of the original, guess I need to put his leash on and take him for a walk. It gets pretty cramped in that box!!


            You're welcome for the welcoming to the thread, Fainne.

            Kass English O/T

            I read heaps of books when I was growing up and could be found with my nose in a book. Though I didn't read the ones you've mentioned, but read a variety of other stuff. I can't remember off the top off my head and I don't always trust my memory either! I'd like to be a writer but I have trouble finishing the "books" I tend to start and I'm no good at writing poetry. Good luck and I hope you get published someday.

            Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
            English O/T:
            Yes, I have always been an English lover. I was the odd kid out in school so could be found more often with my nose in a book. I love the classical British authors(the Bronte sisters are a favorite) as well as some American writers(Jack London, Louisa May Alcott, and the list goes on and on). Though I've always been a sucker for good 'historical' novels. I loved "The Scarlet Letter" when I read it in middle school and "The Illiad" and "The Odyssey" really drew me into Greek Mythology(though my name also helped there ).

            Someday I'd like to be published(in the 'true' sense of the word, not just fan fiction) but I'm afraid that my strong suit isn't much in demand(poetry) but I keep hoping.
            Thanks for posting the link to your photobucket account. Is it okay to snurch pictures of Lorne/Kavan from there?

            Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
            My My Own Website


              Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
              Thank you for the party and hugs. Though frankly I *should* have had an A but then I went and started second guessing myself and changing answers.
              Oh man that is the *worst*!

              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
              wow.. that's kind of disturbing ... he with blond hair O.Ă´ but his smile is as irresistable as ever
              *laughs* Yes, many LorneLovers are divided by the Blond!Kavan but you’re right, to me the blond makes the smile even more irresistible!

              Originally posted by John's PuddleJumper View Post
              Thanks Nici, good to be back espically with the changes that are happening on GW. I have to admit I am on GW a lot less now.

              I'm only her for the Lorne!
              Ditto JPJ, I’ve shrunk down to only Lorne here on GW.

              Blade Spam!!!


                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                Nope, not a single complaint! *huggles*

                People who aren't slightly crazy scare me
                Did I ever send you the second batch of pics I have for you from a couple other eps?

                Yeah, normal people scare me too

                Oh my, you got a great deal on that one. Luckily my clone (Evan, seeing as it never gets used by TPTB ) is pretty good at re-enacting (sp?) the eps for me exactly as I want them!
                Yes, I got a super special sale price when they first came out. Apparently having connections is a good thing now and again

                Originally posted by Atlantean2005 View Post
                Just goes to show you how perfect my cloning machine is... was. Remember, I had to put it through a revamp recently.. And if you're having trouble remembering, its the conversation we had when you made a certain comment!!

                Speaking of the original, guess I need to put his leash on and take him for a walk. It gets pretty cramped in that box!!
                First off- I thought we agreed to never, ever, ever, ever discuss the offer I accidentally put forth to you in my ticked off fervor last week. That was so NOT what I meant to say to you about the clones.

                Oh didn't I mention I took your original for a walk earlier?

                Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                Kass English O/T

                I read heaps of books when I was growing up and could be found with my nose in a book. Though I didn't read the ones you've mentioned, but read a variety of other stuff. I can't remember off the top off my head and I don't always trust my memory either! I'd like to be a writer but I have trouble finishing the "books" I tend to start and I'm no good at writing poetry. Good luck and I hope you get published someday.
                Yeah I read a wide variety of things that actually often would get me in 'trouble' as we had a 'black list' of books at my school(they were the books that were used in the classroom as 'assignments') as I'd often times already read them before hand.

                I'm slowly perfecting my art of expression through poetry and I'm actually eyeballing a summer English course in strictly poetry as it looks really intriguing to me.

                Thanks for posting the link to your photobucket account. Is it okay to snurch pictures of Lorne/Kavan from there?
                Yes it is completely okay to snurch. I just ask if you use them somewhere that you credit.

                I'm a 60%'er


                  Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                  Oh man that is the *worst*!
                  Yeah, I hate when I do that especially when I *know* that it might be wrong(the answer I was giving) but I find myself doing it all the time *sigh*

                  Ditto JPJ, I’ve shrunk down to only Lorne here on GW.
                  I have quite a few that I read, but only this one that I actually post on. In a way its become home.

                  O/T My GREAT day:

                  I went out to the tulip fields today and had a blast as they are all finally blooming. Ended up getting some pretty fantastic shots, even though one of my 'accomplices' refused to actually walk out in the tulip fields(you know like a normal person) so I had to content myself with shots from the tulip train mostly.



                  I'm a 60%'er


                    Originally posted by RowenaR
                    Eh, does that mean there's a third German on the thread now?
                    yep i'm a proud Berliner

                    btw who's the second german?
                    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                    I've tried to get away, but it seems there's no escape from the Germans!! *huggles all my German friends* I'm hoping to get over for Oktoberfest this year, and that reminds me of an ep of another show I'm watching lol. Wonder how Kavan would look in Lederhosen??
                    O.O Lederhosen? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it's bavarian *spits in the floor and turns in circles three time*

                    just kidding ... i love all my bavarian friends...
                    Originally posted by RowenaR View Post
                    Whoever would want to attend Oktoberfest... voluntarily? (okay, so maybe this is kinda like where me having been born and raised in Berlin comes in...)
                    and are you still here in Berlin????
                    Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                    Do have fun browsing, and if you take anything from the eps folders just credit me(also the Burbank Con folder) please?
                    sure having fun and will credit


                      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                      yep i'm a proud Berliner

                      btw who's the second german?
                      it would be RowenaR, you and Kethryveris (Kethry is currently on vacation though she pops by from time to time).

                      and are you still here in Berlin????
                      If I remember right I don't think she does, but I'm not sure so yeah don't quote me

                      sure having fun and will credit
                      Glad you are having fun! I am in the process of organizing and consolidating some files into better managed systems so there is a bit of change going on at the moment. Please excuse any of the cyberdust you might find.

                      I'm a 60%'er


                        Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                        well, i just don't really like this middle parting but he's so adorable he can wear anithing - or nothing
                        I do agree with you, on both parts. LOL

                        Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                        awww thats a great pic Snowy!!! So much nicer than mine IMHO.
                        Thanks sweetie! And I'm sure that is not true!!

                        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                        That's lovely... Catholic schoolboy strikes again!! I just saw a lovely priest in another thread who he could confess to!! *thinks of the 2 of them & drools uncontrollably*

                        Edit: I'm being slow.... you got him to write Major Dimples... you're a genius!!!
                        Heh" I like how you think!
                        I did! I asked a friend to get a pic signed with "Major Dimples" at P3, but she chickened LOL

                        Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                        @ Snowy - That is a cute pic with Kavan, and I think you must have been sick when you wrote something about an ugly woman next to Kav. Don't see anyone fitting that description next to him, just a very nice-looking lady who's maybe a little too serious.

                        Hey, how did you get him to write "Major Dimples"? What did he say when you asked him to?
                        Aw, your a sweetheart! I was scared stiff... LMAO
                        I just asked him... first at the free authos we got..when I asked him, he looked up with this naughty grin, chuckled and say: Really? Heh.
                        And then when he signed the photo shoot pics, I think it's more fun if they write something fun, rather than just :"Nice to meet you", so I had to ask him agin.... he really got a kick out of it and I got that gorgeous smile again.

                        Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                        Thanks for sharing your photo with Kavan, Snowy. You lok beautiful and you're not ugly. Huggles you.
                        Aww, thanks. *blushes* Hugs!

                        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
                        Oooh pretties… both you and Kavan You got him in his sweater vest!
                        I did and I'm so glad that he didn't have his cap on.

                        Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                        That's lucky girl you....Hehe! Major he loved that!
                        LOL He did!


                          Originally posted by Snowy View Post
                          Thanks sweetie! And I'm sure that is not true!!
                          I know I'm overly hyper-critical of myself and anything I do, so I'm sure it isn't either but I can't convince myself otherwise...

                          just for reference here it is:


                          Aw, your a sweetheart! I was scared stiff... LMAO
                          I just asked him... first at the free authos we got..when I asked him, he looked up with this naughty grin, chuckled and say: Really? Heh.
                          And then when he signed the photo shoot pics, I think it's more fun if they write something fun, rather than just :"Nice to meet you", so I had to ask him agin.... he really got a kick out of it and I got that gorgeous smile again.
                          That is so much better than mine. I got my name and 'pleasure'(okay though I will admit that does give me fan girl squees when I look at it )


                          I'm a 60%'er


                            very tasty *smirks*


                              one day ... one day i'll be able to join the "met kavan" world lol
                              Live a life less ordinary ... Live a life extraordinary with me ...


                                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                                Awww thank you. I must say I find it odd that everyone finds me 'awesome' as I'm not really you can ask Row.
                                Nah, you're not awesome... you're just a very considerate person, a great hostess and overall such a nice person that it's an honor to know you.

                                (Not helpful, huh? BTW, look at my new signature, look at my new signature, look at my new signature Because every time I do, I'm reminded to send that application form to the recruitment agency )

                                Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                                yep i'm a proud Berliner
                                In my arms, fellow Berliner! No... wait... maybe not. I'm still sniffing and sneezing (no stupid flu jokes now, I just had a co-worker calling over the whole floor "OH MY GOD WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" when I sneezed...) so... enthusiastic waving instead

                                and are you still here in Berlin????
                                No, sadly enough not (so yes, mac listened well ). I still have family in Berlin, though, and I used to go up there once or twice a month... until election campaign started I could send you a PM though when I go up again
                                I'm a 60%er.

                                I will always place the mission first.
                                I will never accept defeat.
                                I will never quit.
                                I will never leave a fallen comrade.
                                "There is no problem that cannot be solved by the use of high explosives."

