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Dex vs. Ford

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    Originally posted by Calypso
    After Lost Boys! I stand my ground that I like Both Ford and Dex. They have a dynamic that works great! Just please don't kill Ford! Maybe there will be way to save Ford from himself! I don't know the old Ford. Guess I need to get Season one on DVD huh?
    I agree, I like both Ford (especially season II Ford) and Dex. Ford was great in season I as well, but I like him alot more as Enzyme Ford!.

    Originally posted by Calypso
    I guess that's why I don't understand why people hate Dex because they felt he replaced Ford. They just gave Ford a depth to character that is mindblowing. And yes, I like Dex. Couldn't tell by my sig huh?
    To hate Dex just because he replaced Ford is dumb!. I don't think I have seen to much of that from our very wise and scifi savy GW brethern!

    Originally posted by Calypso
    But I love the Toe to toe conversation with Ford and Dex. Awesome.

    And Mr. Francks, thanks for the brilliant portrayal of Ford this season!

    I agree again Calypso, the interaction between Ford and Dex in the few epsiodes we have seen them together this season is just awesome!

    Enzyme Ford is brilliant...really shows your talent RFS!.
    Last edited by the Fifth Race; 26 September 2005, 12:24 PM.
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Originally posted by SmallTimePerson
      Hi Mr. Francks. don't mind technoboy, he doesn't understand that there is people on the otherside of the computer. You are alot better of an actor than whoever plays dex. BTW whats ur website, i did have it but i lost it.
      The role of Ronon Dex is being brilliantly played by Jason Momoa. He is a very talented actor as is the rest of the cast on SGA. In my opinion he is an awesome addition to the show and he is the only reason I started watching it to begin with. But because of him I decided to catch a few eps of season 1 early to find out what it was all about and found it very interesting. It's even better with Jason in it.

      Rainbow is also a very talented actor and I had never heard of him until this show. I think he is a powerful presence on the show now were as it didn't come thru in season 1. hate to see him go if this is the end of Ford. But I wish him the best in his career. Good Luck Rainbow!
      Ronon Dex did not replace Ford. Ronon is an ADDITION to the team.. funny, that doesn't seem hard to understand to me.. guess I'm a McKay!


        If Enzyme Ford is as popular as I think, the writers have to be out there mind to ditch him from the show!....If anything they discovered a new and awesome character in Enzyme Ford.

        Imagine him and Dex on Shep's SGA1 team with Teyla, talk about kick azz
        the Fifth Race

        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


          Originally posted by the Fifth Race
          If Enzyme Ford is as popular as I think, the writers have to be out there mind to ditch him from the show!....If anything they discovered a new and awesome character in Enzyme Ford.

          Imagine him and Dex on Shep's SGA1 team with Teyla, talk about kick azz
          Well enzyme Ford is popular with me! Once in a while you see the softer side and the struggles he is going through and hows hes convinced that he's okay. It really is a great story. We discover a side effect of the Wraith enzyme. Who knew? Until it happened to Ford. Now the trouble is can he be helped? How do you help someone you care about that is completely lost? Sheppard genuinely wants to help Ford. I see an awesome storyline here! And think of all the Stuff Beckett can be useful for. He may find something else about that Enzyme, more about the Wraith and how to help the human's plight for survival against them. There really is way more possibilities with Ford as he is at the moment.


            I adore Ford. He's one of my favourite characters in Atlantis, and I think that, in different circumstances, Ford would have thought Dex was as cool as John does. I can see them having a great siblingy rapport, had Ronon initially met the old Ford.

            It hasn't made losing the character any easier, even though I love Ronon. Ford is a character in his own right, and you can't just think replacing him with someone else entirely will fix it. I've said it before on the Official F.O.R.D. thread, but Aiden brought a lightness and reality to the show. He got excited about the things people would get excited about - as did many of the secondaries I'm always rooting for. He was important, and I don't call what they've done character development, so much as character screwing up.

            The only positive thing about it was how much it has enabled Rainbow to display his skills and talent as an actor.

            Yes, I am bitter.

            Official Member of the Fellowship of Rainbow Defenders
            ...and the Lord said, 'Let there be F.O.R.D.' and there was, and it was good...


              Originally posted by alfirin_kirinki
              I adore Ford. He's one of my favourite characters in Atlantis, and I think that, in different circumstances, Ford would have thought Dex was as cool as John does. I can see them having a great siblingy rapport, had Ronon initially met the old Ford.

              The only positive thing about it was how much it has enabled Rainbow to display his skills and talent as an actor.

              Good points on both accounts.....I would have loved to seen the relationship develope between season I Ford and Dex.

              And I totally agree, Enzyme Ford shows RFS acting skill x 100!.
              the Fifth Race

              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                Originally posted by Calypso
                Well enzyme Ford is popular with me! Once in a while you see the softer side and the struggles he is going through and hows hes convinced that he's okay. It really is a great story. We discover a side effect of the Wraith enzyme. Who knew? Until it happened to Ford. Now the trouble is can he be helped? How do you help someone you care about that is completely lost? Sheppard genuinely wants to help Ford. I see an awesome storyline here! And think of all the Stuff Beckett can be useful for. He may find something else about that Enzyme, more about the Wraith and how to help the human's plight for survival against them. There really is way more possibilities with Ford as he is at the moment.

                It will be very interesting in the future how the storyline arc will play out if and when they do return Ford back to his normal self....I can see it playing out where Beckett eventually figures out a cure or some way to diminish the effects of the enzyme and Shep and company will have to come up with elaborate scheme to nab Ford so they can treat him. I almost hope it does'nt happen for along time, unless it means that Ford will return as a regular character.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
                  Thanks TechnoBoy.... I'd like to know what pisses you off exactly? If you're willing to share? - RSF

                  Like Fifth Race said RFS, ignore someone like TechnoBoy. That guy is an meathead that is probably 14 years old and thinks its cool making ignorant statements like that. God knows, every forum in the world has people like this, he did'nt even bother responding because he does'nt have any guts or reason why he makes stupid statements.

                  Keep up the great work with Enzyme Ford!...The best episodes this season are the ones where you been in them. Look forward to Lost Boys part II and I am gonna have a major problem if they don't bring you back.


                    thanks y'all... just like people to back up their disses. I asked if he was willing. He wasn't. all good. Love you all.


                      Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
                      thanks y'all... just like people to back up their disses. I asked if he was willing. He wasn't. all good. Love you all.
                      Love you back!


                        Dex reminds me of Teal'c, but not in a way that would annoy me, an uber-huge fan of SG1, thinking that they've tried to rip off a tried and true formula to give the Atlantis characters a little bit more zest. He's got a bit of a tough-guy, no nonsense characteristic that is played very well, and has much more of a back-story than Aiden Ford, which is a shame for Ford IMO.

                        Aiden was a little too green and chipper, though that was the way TPTB probably wanted to convey to the audience in much of season1... it was only during the mid to late parts did we see him shine brighter as a character. The twist that they gave Ford has turned a 'somewhat' interesting supporting character into a strong, driven rogue.

                        Super-Ford is much more interesting than 'regular' Ford, at least that's what I think... and if they were to try and bring Ford back into the fold at Atlantis, they have ways that this can be achieved. Ronon does NOT necessarily have to be a part of Sheppard's team - I could happily see him in a supporting role on another team or operating, as he no doubt would do, best on his own.

                        I thought these were good compromises raised by Major Tyler over on the Save F.O.R.D thread, I don't think a Mod will disapprove of this but I'm not quite sure...

                        Originally posted by Major Tyler
                        Though I can't speak for the rest of the FORDies, here is my take on how to bring Ford back:

                        I would like to see Ford return to Atlantis, but with a few changes from season one. When he comes back they are able to return him back to relative normalcy (no more mutated eye) but he is still somewhat dependant on the enzyme. He still periodically has to take the enzyme to live (a la tretonin) but due to the refining done by Jace, and modifications by Beckett, the drug no longer alters his brain chemistry (as much ), and he is able to retain some of his SuperFord abilities. This way, we have our Aiden back and TPTB have the super warrior they want.

                        Think about it...there are so many different angles they could explore. Maybe Ford is still addicted (like a recovering alcoholic) and has to fight the urge to take the pure enzyme from Wraith he kills (kind of like Blade fighting the urge to drink real blood). Maybe Ford (though no longer "crazy") is still somewhat aggressive because of the enzyme and he has to deal with suppressing the "darkness" inside him. There are so many different great plot devices TPTB could pull from this scenario.

                        Ideally I want Aiden back on AR-1 like he used to be, but I wouldn't want TPTB to "pull a Jonas" on Dex. Dex doesn't necessarily have to be on Sheppard's team in order to remain important, so if they could find another role for him, that would be great. On the other hand, the same is true for Ford.

                        This would be an acceptable compromise for me...if/when Ford does return, I'd almost like to see him get his own team, or maybe work with Major Lorne. This would probably be good for Rainbow depending on how much time he has to spend on his new show. Since the filming of his new show will likely be during Atlantis' hiatus, and I imagine Rainbow might want to take it easy during that time, so a recurring role similar to Lorne or Zelenka might work really well for him.
                        Options... these are just options, but good ones. I like what they're doing with both Ford and Dex characters, to sum things up. But I would have to say, to someday get the 'old' Ford back in some small way would do wonders for Sheppard, the rest of the Atlantis expedition, and his family back on Earth especially.

                        PS - It's great that you're posting, RSF, don't let any of the trolls get at you. Fantastic work so far in Season 2, I'm absolutely loving your work now! Coming into your own now, mate! Good luck in all future endeavours!



                          Great post Captain and MT! I can agree with it. I still think that tptb have not developed any of the charcters enough save Shep and McKay! They seem to be creating the Shep and McKay show! Poor Dex and Ford don't stand a chance if tptb don't step up the other team member developement more. IMO


                            Originally posted by purpletoo1
                            Great post Captain and MT! I can agree with it. I still think that tptb have not developed any of the charcters enough save Shep and McKay! They seem to be creating the Shep and McKay show! Poor Dex and Ford don't stand a chance if tptb don't step up the other team member developement more. IMO
                            Yes... but I think we know just enough about the others to suffice, enough to establish them all as a team, bar really Dex whom we're still getting to know. I think more investigation into his reaction to joining the Atlantis expedition, and how he's coping with the destruction of his planet's civilization and much of its people, should be investigated a little more somewhere down the track.

                            What is with just drinking with that one former comrade, then the next morning killing that other guy, his old Taskmaster, being the be-all, end all contact he's had with the other survivors of Sateda?

                            Ford... what's with his experiences in the past? Does he have any combat experience pre-Atlantis expedition? Why, other than because of his training, did Lorne, also a SF-trained commando, have reason to fear Aiden during the episode Runner? I mean, we sort of know why, but not entirely... because there's no backstory there!

                            I don't really know about anyone else, but haven't we seen enough of 'Simon Wallis', AKA Narim?

                            That was sooo blatant to me from the very beginning...



                              Originally posted by purpletoo1
                              Love you back!
                              ~cackles~ Get a room!

                              But on a more serious note:

                              I agree with whoever said that it would do the expedition members good to get Aiden back. It would be a sort of redemption for them, because they've been through hell since they got to Pegasus and in the end, were only saved by the might of Earth. Essentially - and for those in charge - it must feel like to date, they have ultimately failed.

                              They've lost a much-loved member of the AR-1 (I like that name, whoever coined it) team, plus countless other members of their staff to the virus and various Wraith attacks (Sumner, Markham, Bates [shipped out], Gaul, Abrams at least, possibly Stackhouse, too? ) and the b@%^*?d Genii - hell, they woke up an ENTIRE RACE of evil on their first day; they've blown up most of a solar system and - oh yeah - so far Beckett has accidentally allowed the Tollans to destroy themselves and killed the only young Wraith female we've seen, by being lax with his retrovirus.

                              In the past year and a half they WHUMPED THE GALAXY.

                              Way to go, Atlantis expedition!

                              In theory, things should be looking pretty bleak on Atlantis. But what could make everyone (particularly Shep and his blame complex) feel any better than saving Aiden, fixing him up, and bringing him home? Not necessarily in that order...

                              I love Dex, I do. He's one of those characters who'd make you giggle delightedly if he just turned up on screen for thirty seconds an episode (girls, you all have pause, that's as much Dex as we'll ever need ). And maybe a big bunch of macho hottie is what the ratings need, but as far as the characters on Atlantis are concerned, the best thing that could happen would be that hint that they can right their wrongs, not everything is in vain and, y'know... all is not lost. Yet.

                              I've gone on for ages elsewhere (or should that be everywhere?) about how frustrated I am at the loss of the close-knit, community feel of Atlantis, and how everyone is dispensable, now we are back in touch with Earth.

                              Well, I'm sorry, but Aiden isn't. Losing Aiden to the enzyme has got to Shep quite badly, as anyone can see; I don't think there's any way they can lose him altogether without it either resulting in a massive change in Shep or a badly over-looked plot hole.

                              Aiden was, co-incidentally, a lovely little ray of light on Atlantis. And that's sorely missed.

                              The best journey they could have sent the character on, in my opinion, would have simply been watching him grow up.
                              Last edited by alfirin_kirinki; 11 October 2005, 10:00 AM. Reason: Reply to a later comment added

                              Official Member of the Fellowship of Rainbow Defenders
                              ...and the Lord said, 'Let there be F.O.R.D.' and there was, and it was good...


                                Originally posted by alfirin_kirinki
                                ~cackles~ Get a room!

                                But on a more serious note:

                                I agree with whoever said that it would do the expedition members good to get Aiden back. It would be a sort of redemption for them, because they've been through hell since they got to Pegasus and in the end, were only saved by the might of Earth. Essentially - and for those in charge - it must feel like to date, they have ultimately failed.

                                They've lost a much-loved member of the AR-1 (I like that name, whoever coined it) team, plus countless other members of their staff to the virus and various Wraith attacks (Sumner, Markham, Bates [shipped out], Gaul, Abrams at least, possibly Stackhouse, too? ) and the b@%^*?d Genii - hell, they woke up an ENTIRE RACE of evil on their first day; they've blown up most of a solar system and - oh yeah - so far Beckett has accidentally allowed the Tollans to destroy themselves and killed the only young Wraith female we've seen, by being lax with his retrovirus.

                                In the past year and a half they WHUMPED THE GALAXY.

                                Way to go, Atlantis expedition!

                                In theory, things should be looking pretty bleak on Atlantis. But what could make everyone (particularly Shep and his blame complex) feel any better than saving Aiden, fixing him up, and bringing him home? Not necessarily in that order...

                                I love Dex, I do. He's one of those characters who'd make you giggle delightedly if he just turned up on screen for thirty seconds an episode (girls, you all have pause, that's as much Dex as we'll ever need ). And maybe a big bunch of macho hottie is what the ratings need, but as far as the characters on Atlantis are concerned, the best thing that could happen would be that hint that they can right their wrongs, not everything is in vain and, y'know... all is not lost. Yet.

                                I've gone on for ages elsewhere (or should that be everywhere?) about how frustrated I am at the loss of the close-knit, community feel of Atlantis, and how everyone is dispensable, now we are back in touch with Earth.

                                Well, I'm sorry, but Aiden isn't. Losing Aiden to the enzyme has got to Shep quite badly, as anyone can see; I don't think there's any way they can lose him altogether without it either resulting in a massive change in Shep or a badly over-looked plot hole.

                                Aiden was, co-incidentally, a lovely little ray of light on Atlantis. And that's sorely missed.

                                The best journey they could have sent the character on, in my opinion, would have simply been watching him grow up.
                                I think this was well said and thought out AK and reflects my views almost exactly! It brought a tear to my eye about our lost boy!! Drats on TPTB!!

