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Shore Leave 28

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    Originally posted by Traveler Enroute1
    (What, no Jacob smilie??)
    Yeah, why is that? Isn't Jacob loved?

    Just got back into Cincinnati after my nine hour drive from Baltimore. Man, I'm tired of sitting in the car. Off to get ready for work for tomorrow.
    I GoodSearch for the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research
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      Thanks to Bikerchic1977, Mickey23, Nell, Ravinia, Skybluewaters, Skydiver, Shimmeringstar, Tsaxlady and Walteristheman for sharing your stories and pictures from Shore Leave. It is greatly appreciated and I'm glad you all had a good time.

      Oh and I wanted to add; I really hate that Corin and Carmen write better than I do. Sheesh!
      Last edited by Kliggins; 10 July 2006, 11:46 AM.


        Originally posted by lonely_star

        persephone, I'm so glad to see that you made something for Lys !!! I was so down when I learned that Domi wouldn't go to Shore Leave !!! I'm so glad you guys made all that !!! Do you know if Carolina did finally call her when Corin was on stage ? cause she sent me a text message to have her number...I hope she did it !! She's gonna be thrilled by all the things you got her and I hope she'll soon have the opportunity to finally go to the US and meet Amanda, Corin and all of you her Samandan and GW friends !!
        I'm glad you all had a great time!!!
        Never mind Persephone, I just talk to Carolina (LOL4JAck) on the phone and she answered me.
        She was excited and said how much fun she had, and that you guys went to bed at 4am last night !
        She tried to convince me to come next year !not that I need much to be convinced It would have been me I would have come this year but living in France and being unemployed was kinda into the way to Shore Leave !
        Anyway i'll try to be there next year, all your reports and pics made me so jealous !!

        Carolina, if you stop by, thanks for your call, I really appreciate it and thanks for Jamie's pic !! my god can't wait to see it you rock and I'm looking forward meeting you again !! just like I hope to meet you all very soon GW friends !!

        Oh by the way, I was talking to Florence and she said that Lys made the badges for Shore Leave, does any of you have a picture of the badge ? I know how Domi is talented and I wanted to have a look at it, I bet it was awesome !!


          I arrived home about an hour ago (90 minutes southeast of Baltimore) and I'm still on the high of a fabulous weekend!!! If you don't mind, my account of Shore Leave will be in short posts over the next several days.

          First of all, the Shore Leave fan-run con is awesome!!! The SL staff are bright, organized, fun and devoted to the fans and guests to having a quality time!! Kett, the chair for the celebrity guests, is the gal who assisted our group of 12 to have the group photo op with Amanda, Carmen, and Corin. Not only that but weeks before the con Kett visited this thread frequently to answer our questions about the con which was most helpful. Most of us met Kett and she rocks!! She said that after a couple of days sleep to recover, she will visit us again!! Kett was Amanda's host for the con; she shadowed Amanda and assisted her throughout her appearances! CLAP, CLAP, CLAP to Shore Leave Staff!!!

          Secondly, this was my first con experience and I enjoyed meeting my GW friends in person and sharing our passion for sci fi and Stargate SG-1!!! Something new they passed onto me has me now turned on and tuning into Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica. The con pros among us were very helpful to us con virgins!!! With their tips we were able to pace ourselves throughout the weekend. Thanks to hubbies for saving us seats for the panels!! You GW gals rock!!!

          More to follow...


            Originally posted by Kliggins
            Thanks to Bikerchic1977, Mickey23, Nell, Ravinia, Skybluewaters, Skydiver, Shimmeringstar, Tsaxlady and Walteristheman for sharing your stories and pictures from Shore Leave. It is greatly appreciated and I'm glad you all had a good time.

            Oh and I wanted to add; I really hate that Corin and Carmen write better than I do. Sheesh!
            *grins* care to give us a handwriting sample Kliggs?

            Here's posts I made earlier today in the Sam thread for anyone who doesn't swing past there:
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              wow you really had a blast :!!
              thanks for reposting it cause as you said, I didn't swing out there
              looks like Amanda is really great; I think I've never heard someone complain about her before ! that's awesome to read how nice and available she is!

              Carmen and Corin look yummy you gals certainly had load of emotions those past days !!

              And Jamie...drooling also just thinking about him !


                Sounds like Shore Leave is a blast

                I am looking for photos and reports for The Corin Nemec Site. If any of you have any to share that would be so great. You can post them here or send them direct to my email account [email protected]

                I would be so grateful.





                  Hi my name is Helena

                  (Hi Helena)

                  and I run a website for a bunch of balding character actors aka, and I also run a support group for the women that would buff them.

                  Seriously now.

                  I was at Shore Leave, but I didn't bother trying to get any shots of Carmen as I had pretty poor seats for my poor little camera. Would anyone allow me to post their pics on my site? I will thoroughly mark them as your work, give you oodles of credit and you will have Selmak's undying gratitude.

                  Please pm me, so I can discuss it further with you and answer any questions.

                  Thank you,

                  Helena and the very tired, very cranky but still squeeing Selmak the Fanggrrrrl symbiote.

                  Selmak.Org ~ A website dedicated to a Snarky Symbiote & Her Boy Toys.
                  Sel's Memorial to Don Davis.


                    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                    No! Think of chicken scrawls and that pretty much describes it.


                      Honey I'm home!!!!!!!!!!!

                      I'm back and soooooo happy, I have to say, this has been one of my best experiences ever, I never in my life thought that I would have so much fun, I will post my mini report... if there is any thing else to say, but I have very bad memory, but what I have to say....

                      The Convention
                      It was just the best experience ever, organization... speachless, ((((Kett))) you and your team are just amazing, you where great, wonderful and so warm, I always felt helped, my questions welcomed and you have me.... I want my "I belong to Kett too" badge for next year Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! and Thank all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      I have to say, for me in SG there is Jack O'Neill and theeeeeeen the rest of the characters, but it has to do more with RDA than anything else, I'm a big Jack fan and of course SG-1 is a team, so without Sam, Daniel and Teal'c it's nothing and I respect that, but I became an Amanda fan this weekend, I never thought she would be so nice, caring, thoughtful and patient, she is a character on herself, she appreciates her fans and now what they represent to her and what she represents to us, so she puts it all out there, my biggest respect, her panels where the best and I had so much fun and just to share a little of my AT experience when she went to sign my pic, she was using a silver sharpie, when I gave her the picture that also had Carmen in it and that he had signed with a gold sharpie she just changed from the silver to the gold... that has no words for me and she had me at hello....

                      What can I say, he also had me at hello, and goodbye and see ya' he was so charming and adorable, he tried to learn everybody's name and I introduced myself when I had my photo op, gave him my name, everytime I would see him again, walk by him, or anything during the all the time he would say, Hi Carolina! Thank you Carolina, Nice to see you Carolina.... and he is as charming as it can get.... so much that trying to be so not disrespectful I had to tell him in front of everybody how ADORABLE he was and how so many of us had developed a Crush on him that weekend

                      Again, also a suprise, I guess in a way you expect actors to behave different in these kind of situation, but at the end we are all people and he was funny.... when I asked him to sign my photop he wrote, To Carolina, with love, hugs, snuggles, ..... just because, and that is just one of his many crazy autographs... he was nice during the Q & A.... funny.... and damn cute

                      Well, I won't go there, but I can only say that I had 10,000 times more than what I paid for, definitely had the Jamie Bamber experience

                      Walter Is The Man
                      Where were you?????? we wanted to meet you and missed you. Did you ask any questions?

                      When I realized that it was you OMG.... love it... thanks QS for bringing him along... I loved him

                      And last but not least.... the best of the best....

                      I mean.... from going to the begining of my experience when I registered thinking... OMG where did I get myself into to then meeting all of you, to runing into old friends, meeting those that I have been close to in the past years, those that for me are part of the Forum history and a GW institution on their own to those that I had never met and was so pleasently surpised and lucky to share with..... and at the end not wanting to leave.... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! You are just amazing and I'm looking forward to just keep on going
                      Last edited by LOL4JACK; 10 July 2006, 02:24 PM.

                      Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                      Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                      Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                        Helena, you're more than welcome to use some of my pics if you like!

                        Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)

                        P.S.- Thanks to all the GW folks for making Shore Leave awesome! I enjoyed meeting all of you!

                        This is me sitting on the Stargate Blanket I made. Stargate #1.

                        Please spread the love. Help a fellow GWer. Click this thread link!


                          Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                          When I realized that it was you OMG.... love it... thanks QS for bringing him along... I loved him
                          I understand exactly what you mean, as I was thrilled to meet George and Ruby, even tho' Sel and Ruby had that tense standoff at Panera. But they quickly noticed that they had a mutual appreciation for Jamie B, so they parted the closest of friends. George, on the other hand, is still feeling a little miffed.


                          Selmak.Org ~ A website dedicated to a Snarky Symbiote & Her Boy Toys.
                          Sel's Memorial to Don Davis.


                            Originally posted by veryangrystargatefan
                            Helena, you're more than welcome to use some of my pics if you like!

                            Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)

                            P.S.- Thanks to all the GW folks for making Shore Leave awesome! I enjoyed meeting all of you!
                            Thanks Rachel!!! And I can assure everyone that AVeryAngryStargateFan was AVeryHappyStargateFan by the start of the con.


                            Selmak.Org ~ A website dedicated to a Snarky Symbiote & Her Boy Toys.
                            Sel's Memorial to Don Davis.


                              Still more (many more ) photos of the Shoreleave Stargate guests:


                              Random thoughts and mental images:

                              Hope the folks around room 1026 where the photos were taken didn't want to sleep in Saturday am.

                              The Hunt Valley Marriott is a labyrinth, and it has more catering areas than a three day wedding reception.

                              Kett Kettering not only runs a great con (and she does!) she has fashion sense when clothing her staff. Fine selection of Hawaiian shirts to be seen on all the folks whose ID tags carried this cute, yellow note that read: "I Belong To Kett". Even multiple Hawaiian shirts in one day on one of Kett's Kids.

                              Black Ops sound techs. Black Ops sound tech in kilt making a curtsey when told he has nice knees.

                              A guy in full SGC black ops field turnout, with the back fatigues and cover, the utility vest/body armor, patches - I think he even had the weapons - walking past Registration pushing a baby stroller and carrying a little girl dressed like a fairy princess complete with little, netting butterfly wings.

                              The spandex clad X-men arriving at the hotel bar - and discovering that spandex is hard to sew...

                              ...a very cranky blog:


                                hey everyone

                                i fly out tomorrow and am on a borrowed computer, but i did want to say how FANTASTIC!!!!! it was to meet you all. it's so great to put faces to names. I hope to put up the gateworld group pic, complete with sigs, eventually. gimme a few days

                                adele, i did get some nice corin pics that i'll be happy to share

                                quicksilver i also got a few good ones of carmen and amanda

                                Hammy and Ruby were honored to meet Selmak (and yes, ruby has an appreciation of balding men...and she's a good buffer too )

                                i'll catch y'all up in a few days, those of you still traveling i wish you a safe journey

                                Kett, if you're conscious it was a great con and y'all did a wonderful job

                                have fun kids and more to come
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


