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Shore Leave 28

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    Connor Trinneer followed Amanda - he was enjoyable and talked a bit about Atlantis but mainly about Enterprise.

    After Connor it was off to autographs with Amanda and Connor - Autograph lines were long but it was enjoyable to spent the time in line getting to know other GWorlders

    After autographs with Amanda and Connor it was time for Jamie Bamber -

    **More reports to follow in the next few days - but since it is after 3am I should head off to bed - tomorrow we have Amanda and Carmen together and stage and Amanda promised today to talk a bit about the 200th episode then -
    My View From The Peanut Gallery


      Wow! Love the pics and stories. Keep 'em coming!


        WOW!....great reports and a special thanks to tsaxlady for those lovely photos....

        Deeds xx
        Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
        MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


          Wonderful reports, folks! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences through pics and words, it is tremendous fun reading about the con from this end. Am so happy that you are all having such a good time – keep at it! Enjoy!!


            Originally posted by Seshat
            Wonderful reports, folks! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences through pics and words, it is tremendous fun reading about the con from this end. Am so happy that you are all having such a good time – keep at it! Enjoy!!

            Yes, thanks to everyone for these great reports and pics!! Glad to hear it is going so well!!


              Yeah Thanks everyone for the lovely report and the nice pictures
              All have fun today and enjoy every minute of it


                I've added a few more photos to my photobucket for anyone who is interested in looking at them. You'll have to forgive me for not posting a summary, but I was taking so many photos and laughing so hard during Amanda's Q&A that my mind is a still a huge jumble of information. I promise if I have time I'll post them later today.

                Shore Leave Photos


                  Thanks so much for sharing everyone.....I greened those that it would let me!


                    Wow, you guys are great for taking the time to post about the con instead of just enjoying yourselves! All the reports and photos are really wonderful---wish I were there.....


                      Great reports and photos guys! Keep Em coming! Especially Connor Trinneer ones I just died and went to heaven when I saw his new hair style squeee!

                      David Hewlett is my 'happy place' SQUEEEEE!!!


                        What fun reading the reports and seeing the pictures. Thanks so much to all of you! Look forward to hearing AT's report on episode "200"

                        AT looks lovely, as always....I don't think that lady has a bad angle for the camera. And Jamie Bamber, yum. I didn't know he was going to be at this.
                        Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                          Great pics from everyone. More to follow later?


                            Thanks everyone for sharing your reports & pictures. Very kind.


                              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                              I've added a few more photos to my photobucket for anyone who is interested in looking at them. You'll have to forgive me for not posting a summary, but I was taking so many photos and laughing so hard during Amanda's Q&A that my mind is a still a huge jumble of information. I promise if I have time I'll post them later today.

                              Shore Leave Photos
                              Kat, what a terrific collection of candids! You really got such wonderful poses and captured so much of Amanda's personality through her facial expressions.

                              Kudos! And great job, everyone, with photos and reports! Keep entertaining us with Sunday's events!

                              What was the story on the panda with the flak jacket?!


                                Just got back from SL. Had to leave early, seeing as how tomorrow is Monday. I have to say, for my first con experience, I had a great time. I was with my sister, who alas is not a Stargate fan, so it wasn't as much fun as if I would have gone with another SG fan or even by myself. But we still had a great weekend together, and it took her mind off other stuff (like her husband going to Iraq).
                                Yesterday (Saturday), we got to the hotel early and ran into a few of you GW folks, who automatically made me feel at ease and right at home. We went outside for our group photo (thanks again Skydiver). After we registered, I made my way over to the Amanda and Carmen photo op. Both looked absolutely awesome! It really is true that neither of them can look bad in a picture if they tried (My part of the photo, however is another story. I so do not photograph well!) Then, we didn't really know what to do, so we walked around to look at all the booths. Some great stuff there! We ended up going to the Spice Williams/Todd Bryant talk, and I have to say, hmm, not so good. They talked a bit about Star Trek V and becoming a Klingon, but spent the majority of their time talking about their eating habits and eating raw fish and veggies and stuff like that and dissing the American Medical Association. I don't have a problem with their views, it is just that I don't want to have them pushed on me.
                                After that was Carmen and Corin. People have already written about them here, but I've just gotta say that I love both of them! Amanda came on next. She has quite a bubbly personality and didn't get upset or annoyed when asked dumb questions, like I know I would have. (BTW, Amanda said today that the auction of the "A-panda Bear" actually raised $3000, because the lady who bid the second highest yesterday actually later matched the amount. That was wonderful and generous of all three people who gave their money.) We didn't really do much after the Q&A, got Carmen's autograph for my AT/CA photo and bought some stuff I really don't need. We didn't stay for the masquerade, but came home early and my sister and I went to dinner.
                                Today (Sunday) we went to a workshop entitled "Aliens, language, and psychology," which I think was pretty interesting. The speaker had a PhD in psycholinguistics and was an expert on the Klingon language as well as a scifi writer. Then we went to hear William Shallert (Patty Duke dad as well as Nilz Baris in Star Trek's The trouble with tribbles) and Antoinette Bower. They were really funny together and he was a riot.
                                Of course we stayed for Corin, who was a blast as usual, really funny. For some reason, with his cap and the way he kept standing up and walking around and fiddling with the microphone cord, I felt like I was at a stand up comedy show. Carmen and Amanda were great together! I didn't stop laughing the whole time. I wish I could use better words to describe the Q&A sessions, but I'm not really that good with descriptive words. So I'll let others cover that instead.
                                Seriously though, people, ask some better questions or don't get up on stage. Why ask questions where the answers are obvious or that don't apply to the guest? ("Corin, do you think you are a good and open-minded person?" What, he's gonna say no??) And I came to a con to hear the guest actors speak and answer questions, not to listen to your stories or hear you gush over them. Of course you like them on Stargate and think they are great actors. Isn't that why you are at a con to begin with?? So don't make the audience listen to everyone say it over and over and over. And don't try to go around the con rules by asking for a hug or a picture with them or for your kid or whatever while they are onstage. Like they are going to say no when put on the spot?
                                I finally got my AT/CA pic signed by Amanda today, as well as an impromptu photo with Corin and an autograph at his table. Again, another great pic of Corin and a rotten one of me. Ah, well. Guess I'll just have to go to another con to get better pictures, huh?
                                Thankfully, people are going to post their photos, since for some reason my camera was stupid on Saturday and I didn't get any pictures. I got a few on Sunday, and I'll post them when I get back home.
                                Overall, I had a great time. I finally got to meet you folks that I've been talking with online and finally got to go to a con, something that I've been wanting to do for a very long time.
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