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Shore Leave 28

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    Sugarshaker, I'm in for attending next year. Too much fun was had to past up going again

    WFAR, Those pics of mini-me are adorable!
    In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

    Life is too short for drama & petty things,
    so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

    Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
    Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
    Hic Comitas Regit
    Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


      Originally posted by LadyJeep
      Sugarshaker, I'm in for attending next year. Too much fun was had to past up going again
      Seriously... It'd be a great tradition to start up, assuming AT and other SG people make it out to Baltimore every year. And if we could all get rooms in the main Marriott, that'd be great!


        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
        Seriously... It'd be a great tradition to start up, assuming AT and other SG people make it out to Baltimore every year. And if we could all get rooms in the main Marriott, that'd be great!
        I.Agree!!! When Kett visits us again let's "ask" her who's on next year's guest wish list!!! Hmmm, I think I should start posting in the Shore Leave 29 thread now!!!


          Mickey and I are already making plans to come back again next year because it was so much fun!

          Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)

          This is me sitting on the Stargate Blanket I made. Stargate #1.

          Please spread the love. Help a fellow GWer. Click this thread link!


            Fly-by post!

            I'm still alive.....and still on the road! Hope to be back home by late Wednesday. With any luck, I can spend most of Thursday on GW catching up! I won't put it all in here, because it's severely off-topic, but the remainder of our trip (post-Baltimore) has been a series of misadventures worthy of a National Lampoon Vacation movie!!! Yep, THAT BAD!

            However, the part of the trip I spent with all of you was terrific! Can't wait to get home, fix some photos, look at some of yours and generally relive our great time!!!!!

            From Danville, Kentucky (because there were no rooms in Lexington),



     more post before I drop into a deep sleep.....

              A photo from a side trip several of us took to the Baltimore waterfront on Friday (before Amanda's arrival/sessions). I love the little sea monster paddleboats, although we didn't have time to ride in them. The tall ship in the background is the U.S.S. Constellation.

              And one of my better digital photos from Amanda's session with Carmen on Sunday. I shot film Saturday, and won't get it developed til I reach home. This hasn't been color-corrected, sharpened, etc., but I loved her expression here!

              Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 11 July 2006, 10:15 PM.


                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                Fly-by post!

                I'm still alive.....and still on the road! Hope to be back home by late Wednesday. With any luck, I can spend most of Thursday on GW catching up! I won't put it all in here, because it's severely off-topic, but the remainder of our trip (post-Baltimore) has been a series of misadventures worthy of a National Lampoon Vacation movie!!! Yep, THAT BAD!

                However, the part of the trip I spent with all of you was terrific! Can't wait to get home, fix some photos, look at some of yours and generally relive our great time!!!!!

                From Danville, Kentucky (because there were no rooms in Lexington),

                Oh no! I hope everything works out for you guys, and I hope you both can look back on that portion of your vacation and laugh some time after you get back. I have this odd vision in my head where your husband is doing a Chevy Chase impression on the road. Hope all is well and happy travels!

                EDIT: Kudos for that nice pic of Carmen and Amanda. I don't know if she does that look on purpose, but it definitely should be a trademark of hers.


                  I've just been soaking up all these con reports and photos for the past few days and I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed it. Each one of you brings something different to the table. Thanks for taking the time to share with the rest of us! Next best thing to being's even made me consider going next year.
                  (The photos are all great---even the Carpet of Doom.)

                  Persephone, I just have to say that your photo with Corin looks as though you've been friends with each other for years.... (And what a funny guy!)


                    Originally posted by LadyJeep
                    Sugarshaker, I'm in for attending next year. Too much fun was had to past up going again

                    WFAR, Those pics of mini-me are adorable!
                    Thanks, lady, and count me in for next year as well!
                    If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

                    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
                    proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
                    Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

                    Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                      Seriously... It'd be a great tradition to start up, assuming AT and other SG people make it out to Baltimore every year. And if we could all get rooms in the main Marriott, that'd be great!
                      Shoud I call for reservations?????
                      In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

                      Life is too short for drama & petty things,
                      so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

                      Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
                      Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
                      Hic Comitas Regit
                      Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                      Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


                        After two days back at work, I'm still on a SL high. I wanted to jot down some of my favorite memories/thoughts while they're still fresh in my mind. Of course, these are besides meeting all of you because that was definitely my #1 high point of the weekend!
                        • Two panel discussions, one on Atlantis and the other on The 4400. I really enjoyed hearing people who are knowledgeable and passionate about the shows analyze relationships and events in a way that I never considered. They talked about the impact of intelligence and physical ability on Rodney's and Shep's relationship, how adding Ronan has given Teyla someone to play off of and the possible roles O'Neill and Carter might have in the crossover episodes. I just started watching The 4400, so any speculation about that was good. Where I wasn't before, I'm now totally psyched up for season 10 and for BSG as well.
                        • The size and organization of the local sci-fi club. I think it's great that they have so many active members that they can put on a huge con like this and staff so many panel discussions.
                        • Dinner at Outback with Mr. and Mrs. Token, tsaxlady and sacme. tsax lives life to the fullest, and when the dinner order got messed up a little, Token made the point that we don't get all that many compliments in our lives, so if you have the chance to tell someone they did a good job why not do it. So true!!!!! I'm going to take that to heart and try to be a better manager. Plus, nobody can say hot fudddggge like a Texan!
                        • Mr. Trupi giving up his seat so I could get one up close when there weren't any left in the GW block. What a gentleman!
                        • LOL4JACK'S question to Sam. "Can you possibly get me a date with Jack O'Neill since you're not doing anything with him?" You should have heard the cheers! All hail LOL4JACK the Great.
                        • Amanda holding a baby. She so loves the little ones!
                        • And on a personal note, I never once thought of work the entire weekend, and the tendonitis in my hand that's been bothering me for days completely disappeared. It was better than a weekend at a fancy spa. Dr. sugarshaker highly recommends a weekend at SL for whatever ails you!

                        s u g a r s h a k e r


                          A question asked to Carmen Argenziano, "Who is your most favorite actor you ever worked with?" Carmen's answer, "Amanda Tapping, ...with all my heart. This lady comes on a set and knows everyone's name and brings with her a certain enthusiasm and positive energy, and ... she just stays that way through out the day." "She's gracious, she's open, she's accessible; she's not a prima donna, she's not a diva" ........ "at time's maybe".......(crowd laughs loudly).....(Amanda strikes a diva pose!) "She's terrific and she's a generous actress and the most pleasurable time I've had working creatively in front of a camera is with this lady right here." Carmen turns to Amanda.


                            Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                            LOL! Yup. That's the carpet! In odd moments during the weekend I tried coming up with a short description for it, and finally decided on "Chinoiserie a la Andy Warhol".

                            And no - I'm neither complaining about the decorating nor mocking the carpet. The Con Organizers and Staff can't control the hotel decor, so it doesn't reflect on them at all, as far as I'm concerned. And, the carpet was part of the entertainment for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment! (It was nearly as good as the company. )
                            OMG! I forgot all about the carpet. Some of the patterns in the salons were even worse. It was so bad it actually distracted from the discussion.

                            s u g a r s h a k e r


                              A question for Amanda Tapping. What can you tell us about the 200th episode? Amanda pauses and thinks. "I can't tell" she says. Crowd then starts prodding her to say something. Amanda formulates a careful answer. She kind of censors her answer to avoid giving to much away in regards to spoilers. I too will edit and leave out spoilers to relieve any tenion this might cause Amanda. Also, I know 'other' eyes are looking at this., so I will not give them any ammo against her.
                              Amanda says, "The 200th to me is, ... ahh... you can tell when you hear Brad Wright & Rob Cooper describe it." "When I sat down in their office and they said 'OK' this is the 200th ..and they literally act by act went through the entire episode for me sitting on the edge of their couches giggling like little gleaful school boys." "And I said, 'Who wrote it?' , and they said we each wrote an act ad everyone had a hand in it....there's like....there's like... 7 writer credits on it and we actually make referance to that in the 200th. " But, ...ahhh.... it's so fun, they did it it with such a sense of joy and we sort of make fun of everything, most especially ourselves." "We make fun of other shows, we make fun of all the little things we've left hanging." "Like who..(spoiler here) "We just take the 'Mickey', which is a British expression, but we make fun of everything and do it with a great sense of joy, so hopefully you'll enjoy it." "We even do a little (spoiler) homage." (crowd hoots) It's really's goofy, it's irreverent, and we answer all th fan questions like are Sam ...(spoiler)..... (big spoiler)......"but I think you'll have a good laugh." "We had the most fun I think any of us have ever had filming an episode; filming the 200th." "It's very cool........I've said too much!!"


                                I realize you can piece together the spoilers I left out in the previous post, but thats totally up to you if you want to know what they are for the 200th.
                                Last edited by sky_blue_waters; 12 July 2006, 10:43 AM.

