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Avatar Film Series - News/Discussion/Speculation

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    To me, Avatar is going down in my book as one of the best films I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. It's right up there with the LOTR Trilogy which up till now has been my favorite.

    The story itself is not very original, but the way it's told is fantastic. I'm not crazy about the 3D and really, I'm looking forward to the DVD release so I don't have to be feeling overwhelmed for 2 hours and 30 some minutes. I plan on taking some family members this Friday after all the presents have been opened and people start getting tired of one another.

    If you haven't seen it, I hope you do, it's just plain wonderful!


      Also, I wanted to comment about the movie being a tear-jerker. I guess in a way, it does sort of tug on your emotions a bit. But not to the point where the viewer gets uncomfortable and wishes the scene would hurry up and end. This being from an alpha male perspective. There is only one scene that I wish that they had edited a bit:

      The scene I'm referring to is when the leader of the science team dies as they attempt to move her soul to the alien body. Because of the way the movie is edited, the viewer doesn't really get a chance to know this character except to know that she is sympathetic to the cause. The only thing that was valuable to the movie was was to show it was possible to do this type of thing.


        Cameron: 'Avatar follow-up not prequel'

        James Cameron has claimed that his Avatar follow-up will not be a prequel to the first movie.

        The director said that the second of his two planned sequels will follow on directly from the events of the original.

        "We'll follow [lead characters] Jake and Neytiri," Cameron told MTV News.

        "I have a trilogy-scaled arc of story right now, but I haven't really put any serious work into writing a script."


          Originally posted by Admiral Mappalazarou View Post
          Some people won't like it, but that's with every film. The problem is that some will want it to surpass a decade of expectation for Cameron, which it won't.

          But it's a damn good story, and a beautiful film. The best film I've seen since The Dark Knight.
          I may give it a shot and try watching it, but to me it looks like another G.I. Joe or Transformers. I've heard the good reviews but they aren't persuading me.


            Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
            Did you see it in 2D or 3D?
            Of course in 3D! But I was greatful that there was an intermission in the middle of the movie, cause I felt a headache coming on.

            Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
            Cameron: 'Avatar follow-up not prequel'

            James Cameron has claimed that his Avatar follow-up will not be a prequel to the first movie.

            The director said that the second of his two planned sequels will follow on directly from the events of the original.

            "We'll follow [lead characters] Jake and Neytiri," Cameron told MTV News.

            "I have a trilogy-scaled arc of story right now, but I haven't really put any serious work into writing a script."

            I'm sure the RDA corporation will be back on Pandora, this time with an even greater military force.
            But I don't know if the sequels be able to hold or top the niveau of the first movie. (I smell the foul stench of the matrix sequels)
            My short movie "Red Bag" / The Scifi Guys Podcast / My Twitter account


              Originally posted by Andron View Post
              Of course in 3D! But I was greatful that there was an intermission in the middle of the movie, cause I felt a headache coming on.

              I'm sure the RDA corporation will be back on Pandora, this time with an even greater military force.
              But I don't know if the sequels be able to hold or top the niveau of the first movie. (I smell the foul stench of the matrix sequels)
              How dare you doubt James Cameron. He made Aliens and Terminator 2, two of the best sequels ever. If anyone can make a better sequel than the original, it's Cameron.


                Originally posted by Giantevilhead View Post
                How dare you doubt James Cameron. He made Aliens and Terminator 2, two of the best sequels ever. If anyone can make a better sequel than the original, it's Cameron.
                I don't doubt him and want the sequels to be amazing, but still...
                My short movie "Red Bag" / The Scifi Guys Podcast / My Twitter account


                  I saw Avatar today and I was blow away if I'm honest. The characterisation and visulisation of all the characters, especially of the Na'vi, was nothing short of stunning. I hate to think what the budget was like for those effects, but whatever it was it paid off!
                  If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                    Speaking of cost, the whole debate that's raging about the cost of Avatar is pretty interesting in itself! Time magazine recently reported that that cost of making it was in excess of 300 million. Up till now, the highest budget film on the books was, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End which came in at 300 million. The 300 million that their talking about with Avatar is before press and advertising! That's some serious change folks.

                    But when you think that it did the first weekend, 232 Million globally, it's still going to be a profitable venture.

                    To me anyway, this film looks like it cost big money. It will be interesting to see how this one does a month down the road, then with DVD sales and the licensing of products.


                      Fox said the movie cost $237 million and an additional $150 million in advertising. When Cameron wrote the treatment over 10 years ago, the projected cost was $350 million.


                        So me and my ex went to see it today in 3D; me, the sci-fi nerd who practically drools over anything involving starships and aliens, and he the realist who finds most of science-fiction to be mindless and boring. I absolutely loved it, even though I agree with the reviews that it felt way too long, and I was waiting for it to be over about a half hour before it was. On the other hand, I disagreed that the characters all felt stiff, and Sigourney Weaver was incredible in her role...
                        ...though I'm very sad her character died. I thought she was the best part of the film.

               any event, he found the set up too drawn out and a little boring, but admitted the conclusion was exciting and that the visuals were beyond anything he's ever seen before.

                        All in all, I think it was definitely an amazing movie, but I think Cameron got a bit too caught up in his own mojo. There was a lot that could have been cut to shorten the film, and he should have respected the fact that people generally don't want to sit still for 3+ hours (adding in previews). But all in all, definitely one of the best movies for the genre in a while, though it failed to resonate with me the same way District 9 or Star Trek did.
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                          I take back my post about 3D. That was for a kids movie. What I have read is that this movie must be seen in 3D IMAX and is quite the experience!

                          So my husband and I were kidless in Mississauga which has an IMAX theatre. We get there just after 7pm and all showings are sold out except the last regular 3D. So we decide to use the Fast Lane machine and see if we can buy tickets for Tuesday evening instead and include our son to surprise him (he was annoyed we were going to see the movie without him but the Canadian rating is PG and he love SGA which has lots of gun stuff in it). Only the first showing at 11:20 am and the last showing at 10pm had seats left! The other two showings were sold out. the 10pm was saying it was selling fast. So we used our scene points for 2 adult tickets and bought one child's ticket. Thank goodness we checked the machine because we were just going to show up on Tuesday!
                          Orphan Black: Join the Clone Club Dance Party!


                            i am PA and i recommend everyone see this movie


                              Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                              i am PA and i recommend everyone see this movie
                              Still not convinced...


                                Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                                i am PA and i recommend everyone see this movie
                                This was indeed something else. Not everything I was hoping for, but still a really good film IMO.
                                MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                                "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                                Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead

