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"Andromeda" Appreciation and Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Teelie View Post
    Still, I intend to get the entire series on DVD some day, even the last one.

    Now is the time:

    78$ for the whole series


      Nearly $80. Too much for me to spend right now but much more reasonable than the $200-400 I see many five season series going for.


        Originally posted by Teelie View Post
        Nearly $80. Too much for me to spend right now but much more reasonable than the $200-400 I see many five season series going for.

        Yeah, it's still a lot, but a significant drop from the previous single season sets.


          Just wait a while. Last year, Buck Rogers and Sliders boxsets were in the $70-$80 range. Now you can find them both at Wal Mart for $20.


            i so love this series, i really miss it. i just recently got my s5 box from amazon, at the beginning (half a year ago) it was € 100, but then it got down over then months and when it was at € 38 i bought it. was a uk important. that was really a good buy, but i couldn't afford it for € 100. but amazon doesnt have the 3rd and 4rd season boxes, thats the ones i'm still missing. i'm hoping i'll get them too some time. i've looked in every dvd shop around here, can't get it anywhere so my only chance is the internet.


              Andromeda! I found a thread on Andromeda! Yes!

              Well, I got into it, the first time I saw it. It was good and bad. But mainly funny. Cause of the acting. Kinda weird. But good. I continue to watch it on Show case. Seriously!


                yup i also just found out recently there is a thread about andromeda, but unfortunately it seems to be dead


                  Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                  yup i also just found out recently there is a thread about andromeda, but unfortunately it seems to be dead
                  Then lets liven it put a bit. *Fixes curtains and straightens cushons*


                    i'm all for it
                    *sweeps the dust from the comand bridge*


                      *Sweeps Maru and decks*

                      I think we're done!


                        lets start with the talk whats your fav season?


                          I like Andromeda. I have the Complete Series DVD Box Set


                            thats cool
                            i'm still working on mine, have 1,2, and 5 so far


                              AMEN! Seamus *HARPER* RULES!!
                              no shame for Seamus! (hee-hee!!)

                              Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                              HARPER RULES.
                              Harper 2.0 was an awesome ep.

                              Dylan: Then maybe you should enlighten us.
                              Harper: Enlighten you? The divine is good, don't do flash, and if you're nice to people, they probably won't be nice to you. Now run along kids, Daddy's working.

                              And some other classics.

                              Harper: Look, Dylan, if you think Aquaman and the Silver Surfer here are going to help you stop the Magog, you may as well baste yourself with steak sauce now and avoid the rush. (The others look confused.) Aquaman? Silver Surfer? Did you people even go to school? No classical education whatsoever!

                              Harper: Oh, great! So now we can invite some new scary super villains to the "people who suck" party!

                              Harper: It's half mystical mumbo-jumbo, half putrid poetry, and half bad math.
                              Rommie: That's three halves.
                              Harper: Like I said, bad math.

                              Mckay and Harper so need to work together. Seriously.

                              I so *love* the idea on *that* one.. I always thought of Seamus Harper from the moment I figured out McKay was on SG to stay..

                              anywho... I'm doing my helping out news bit for the actors (who would like and maybe need work.. etc).
                              This one is a HARPER *special*.. or for and about Gordon Michael Woolvett.

                              Gordon Michael Woolvett guest stars on CityTv's viewing this week coming (Monday and whatever other days this is airing) on a supernatural mystery/fantasy program titled BLOOD TIES (or BT -as abbreviated). It was originally on the LIFETIME network, but now it's the rest of the world's turn to enjoy the blessings dedicated BT viewers have already experienced, since the series debut'd in March 2007.

                              Canada's CityTV (CHUM) network will be airing the BT episode titled GIFTED. Gordon Michael Woolvett portrays an antiques car mechanic guy named Steve Jeffries. Steve is daddy to little Sarah. Sarah has developed telekinetic powers and man, if that didn't seem like a Wraith thrashing or Magog creature (in its transparent form), I just don't know what it was (actually, I do know, but won't reveal it here - not just yet anyway - *grin*!).

                              It was worth watching for several reasons, one of those being--
                              -- By golly that's HARPER in there!!!! I didn't recognize him visually, because his haircut was shorter, but his voice is unmistakably HARPER!! *yaaaaay!*
                              ...the other 21 eps are also worth watching (for the romantically inclined)...

                              Please check the (your) local TV guide listings for CityTv this week from
                              this Sunday -- Sept.2,2007 to whatever next Sunday is for dates, times, etc.
                              these are {Synopsis, short blurb} details for "Gifted" - episode number 1x04 (from the bloodtiescentral site)
                              Gifted - episode 1x04


                              When the mother of a young girl is murdered, Vicki's suspicions center on the child's runaway father. The reality behind the murder is much more complicated ... And much more deadly to Vicki and vampire Henry Fitzroy, her new partner.

                              links to visit for further details about the BT series are here--
                              the basic Blood Ties story idea (or the story behind the series' ep substories)
                              some interesting behind-the-scenes photos to various Blood Ties eps
                              (gallery of photos for production dept. art - works in progress, etc.).

                              and a special BLOOD TIES tribute (dated April 3rd, 2007) to and about--
                              Interview with Gordon Michael Woolvett aka Seamus Harper :-).
                              more links to actual interview are at the above linked site.. with a nod to BT's leading Private Investigator, Christina Cox, who also appeared on Andromeda!

                              enjoy... I certainly did! (I also enjoyed the vampire jokes // cliches, too).
                              Last edited by SGalisa; 01 September 2007, 07:47 PM.


                                Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post

                                Like I said I enjoyed the first couple seasons when Tyr was part of the crew, the show was much more edgy and dark, some of those Magog episodes gave me nightmares!.
                                I liked the early season when the Magog mystic was part of the crew and trance was purple, once they were gone something happened the show and a lot of viewers think it jumped the shark.
                                Let it be known for all times there were once two planets in this system. The planet Lister made great television shows. The planet Liber made crap
                                They had to fake the ratings
                                They had to fake the ratings.
                                Let it be known for all times there were once...

