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"Andromeda" Appreciation and Discussion Thread

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    Andromeda had a lot of potential, that it utterly wasted. Its sad, one of the worst sci fi series ever takes place on one of the coolest looking sci fi ships ever. Its near enraging


      I, myself, cannot watch Andromeda or Enterprise. I have tried.
      Last edited by Ancient 1; 19 May 2005, 01:37 PM.

      "We'll keep the light on for you."


        Don;t blame you Anctient 1. i've fallen asleep many a time during both many a tume. Excuse the spelling as i've had too much to drink.

        Star Trek Reborn


          Originally posted by Cymro
          Don;t blame you Anctient 1. i've fallen asleep many a time during both many a tume. Excuse the spelling as i've had too much to drink.
          Andromeda can do that to you. I think its a shame so much promise wasted. The analogy with original Star Trek is uncanny, the aliens all seem so stupid compared to the humans. And the captain running around trying to hump anything that moves, it so embarrassing to watch.


            Originally posted by Ancient 1
            I, myself, cannot watch Andromeda or Enterprise. I have tried.
            Almost the same here. There were a few later episodes on Enterprise that were actually good, including the next to last one, however.

            As to the comparisons of Sorbo to Kirk, no way. Even now the original Star Trek is watchable and entertaining, cultural changes notwithstanding.

            What a shame Lexa is "replacing" Teryl. I still think tptb need to find Janet's identical twin sister.


              Originally posted by trudy
              What a shame Lexa is "replacing" Teryl. I still think tptb need to find Janet's identical twin sister.
              Maybe the Asgard secretly cloned Dr. F. But then she'd be a kid, not adult Janet & that wouldn't be any help. I'm not sure how the cloning stuff would work.


                Oh I have another possible canidate....

                Tremors, the series!

                Ben Browder Follower


                  Andromeda had such great promise as had been said but it just became a train wreck because it was being pulled in so many directions and being reinvented. I have to mention Lexx, Mutant X and Tremors the tv show as being up in that terrible top10 of terribleness.


                    Erm, I don't know if you have some kind of vision problems or something, but the reason Andromeda managed to fit so much effects in there was because they were TERRIBLE, the show had low budget sets, actors, costumes and apparantly, writers to cut back on costs to provide some of the crappiest SFX to hit a TV screen in the last 20 years. I've seen videogames that look more realistic than the FX on Andromeda. Most of their other planet locations on andromeda either look like the same forrestry is we see in SG-1, or the same polystyrene as we used to see on Star Trek TOS.
                    I kind of have to second the original bewliderment here.

                    It's true that for the most part Drom's constumes, makeup and set design did suck some pretty hefty ass however their computer effects have actually grown to be somewhat disturbingly good in the latter seasons. I say disturbingly good because it's disturbing that they're not used on a better show. You have to look at the late seasons though the early ones are just one continuous loop of season1 stock footage.

                    It makes me wonder how they pulled that off if their budget really is as puny as claimed. A lot of the late season episodes included a great deal of essentially one off brand new space combat footage, pretty elaborate stuff to in some cases. So either A: These computer FX guys really are super wizards who can actually get this done with a couple of zip ties, a crayon and a few boxes of pizza or B: Sorbo and friends further gutted the production everwhere else to come up with the FX money since they knew VFX and lowcut tops on all the females was the easiest possible way to carry their twitching corpse of a show to the magic syndicated reruns number. If I was a betting man I'd be placing my marker on B.


                      Well, half the cast was gone by the end, as was the original developer of the show, plus by then they would have already had a fairly large back catalogue of sets to redress and costumes to re-tailor. i've completely lost track of what season of Andromeda we're in, but I've never seen a realistic looking effects shot on there ever. Personally I think the effects on Atlantis and Enterprise are 10 (if not more) times better than anything there ever was on Andromeda.

                      Star Trek Reborn


                        I actually thought the series finale has some nice special effects, but then again, a show needs to be consistant, and it took a while for Andromeda to do that...
                        Amanda, "Wallow Central."


                          Originally posted by thetron
                          Would it be right to say the writers were disadvantaged and limited cause Lexa Doig had her Pregancy. Making most of season 5 a mis-event, No worth watching

                          When Lexa Doig returned in episode 17. Everything was back to normal and andromeda improved
                          Yeah I totally agree!!! When Lexa went back on the show, you definitely
                          felt the chemistry come back to the show. I wished they could have used
                          Lexa more over the years, instead of wondering off to stories that really did
                          not work and made most of the fans leave the show. I believe if they had
                          used Lexa more, the show would have seen two more years.

                          First, I thought the casting choice was a bit flawed. I am in the minority in that I thought Tyr, Harper and Beka were HORRIBLE choices. Especially Harper, one of the most annoying characters. And for Rommie, nice eye candy, but so stale.

                          All the actors on Andromeda were terrible. Sorbo's attempts at being a charismatic hero type are pathetic. None of them could acctually land a real acting job so they ended up on Andromeda, and such high calibre films as Jason X. And the only reason Lexa Doig is going to be on Stargate is because of Shanks.
                          Well this horrible theory that Lexa is on SG1 because of Shanks is totally bogus...and dubious. If anyone would check the true story...the SG1 folks
                          have said they wanted to get Lexa on the show since 2001....years before Lexa and Shanks were married.
                          (This was reported on Gateword years ago as I recall.)

                          Shanks has publically said he had no say in Lexa's place
                          on the show. Shanks does not have that kind of control on SG1.

                          Lexa while on Andromeda has done a lot of great stuff on Canadian TV, and
                          on HBO. She seems to be the only one able to get great parts off of Andromeda. IMO she is the best and favorite one of mine on Andromeda.
                          When she was on screen the show really worked.

                          Originally posted by Cymro
                          but I've never seen a realistic looking effects shot on there ever. Personally I think the effects on Atlantis and Enterprise are 10 (if not more) times better than anything there ever was on Andromeda.
                          Well IMO, Andromeda definitely had the best realistic CGI I have seen on
                          a series. Enterprise has never impressed me at all in it's effects....and the
                          rest of the Trek series have been down right cheesy. I really think Andromeda
                          is light years ahead.

                          I even think the look and design of Andromeda is better than the Star Wars
                          movies, including ROTS. It is also way more clever when in using it's limited budget and looking better than a high budget movie.

                          I remember when the show first came out it was the highest rated syndicated series, my how far it has fallen. It seemed they tried to make the show half popcorn scifi like Star Trek and half serious adult scifi like Earth Final Conflict. And that mixture just did not work. I think most people, even those that saw every ep were completely lost with what was going on.
                          Wolf had a great concept of trying to make Andromeda incorporate a dark
                          and Anime style look that got better ratings in sydincation than Enterprise
                          on UPN in it's last season. Andromeda really rocked the first two years.
                          It was fresh and made the Trek series look pretty plastic.

                          BTW ETC was the worst in it's last season.....they really ruined a good series.

                          Originally posted by trudy
                          What a shame Lexa is "replacing" Teryl. I still think tptb need to find Janet's identical twin sister.
                          I loved Teryl's character and was not happy that they killed her off.....
                          But even if they did not. I am pretty sure the SG1 folks would have found
                          a place of Lexa anyway. They really wanted Lexa for 4 years.
                          IMO Lexa really puts SG1 on a excellent level in terms of talent and energy.
                          She is gonna bring a new spark to a already excellent show.

                          Andromeda-worst Sci-fi Ever?
                          No, IMO it is one of the best Scifi series that was produced as least in visuals
                          and style. The first two seasons were very good....but I agree the show really
                          lost it's way after that. (Not enough Lexa!!!)
                          Last edited by dec55; 21 May 2005, 08:24 PM.
                          Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                            Well IMO, Andromeda definitely had the best realistic CGI I have seen on
                            a series. Enterprise has never impressed me at all in it's effects....and the
                            rest of the Trek series have been down right cheesy. I really think Andromeda
                            is light years ahead.

                            I even think the look and design of Andromeda is better than the Star Wars
                            movies, including ROTS. It is also way more clever when in using it's limited budget and looking better than a high budget movie.

                            Wolf had a great concept of trying to make Andromeda incorporate a dark
                            and Anime style look that got better ratings in sydincation than Enterprise
                            on UPN in it's last season. Andromeda really rocked the first two years.
                            It was fresh and made the Trek series look pretty plastic.

                            No, IMO it is one of the best Scifi series that was produced as least in visuals
                            and style. The first two seasons were very good....but I agree the show really
                            lost it's way after that. (Not enough Lexa!!!)
                            Are you being sarcastic? Please explain how you've come to these conclusions?

                            Star Trek Reborn


                              Originally posted by Cymro
                              Are you being sarcastic? Please explain how you've come to these conclusions?
                              No I am really serious..... And I gave my reasons....
                              IMO Andromeda designs are first rate and original.
                              The angles shot, the scenic views where never static, always flowing.
                              Especially the the battle scenes. What was more refreshing in it's the lack
                              of the typical energy beam fights, but the use of projectiles weapons
                              and missiles instead.

                              Plus the depiction of Slipstream travel was great.

                              The style just worked. As far as the storylines, first two
                              years really interested me. The cast IMO had great chemistry
                              and the show in the begining had excellent potiential.
                              Even though I was a bit dispointed with the last 3 years,
                              over all I think the series was a good one.
                              Last edited by dec55; 21 May 2005, 10:02 PM.
                              Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                                I dont know if there was much of any character development for Dylan... I mean really, Lexa's character(s) had 10 times more than Dylan got... Thats what i thought was dissapointing...
                                Amanda, "Wallow Central."

