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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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    Anthony Head: The Buffy spinoff Ripper may still be possible

    Just as news is breaking that a new Buffy movie is in the works, Head said that he was talking about the proposed spinoff, to be called Ripper, with Whedon just before Whedon began to conceive Fox's Dollhouse.

    "I actually introduced Joss to Julie Gardner, who was the executive producer on [Merlin] with the BBC," Head said in a conference call on Monday during which he was promoting Merlin. "She has long wanted to do something with the project. There are obviously complications with Ripper, because there are lots of tie-ins. There's Fox, there's the Kuzuis [who own the rights to Buffy], there's all sorts of stuff. Basically, it isn't just the simple question of Joss making a series that he wants to make. As far as anything concerned with Buffy, there are a lot of people down the line that would have a say. That's part of the equation, but we were sort of talking about what we might do with it. Pretty much at that point he had this conversation with Eliza [Dushku about Dollhouse], and the rest is history, for the moment."

    Continues here:-


      Anthony Head slams 'Buffy' movie plans

      Speaking to USA Weekend, he said: "I wouldn’t want to see it, no. The Kuzuis didn’t do a great job on the movie the first time around.

      "It was Joss’s script at the age of 19, but they changed a lot of it. They said, 'Look, we know best and we know how to make this movie', and it became quite schlocky and high camp."

      Head, who played Buffy's (Sarah Michelle Gellar) mentor Rupert Giles in the cult series inspired by the original movie, added that "it was madness" to consider a film without the involvement of Whedon.

      "The bottom line is if a movie was ever to be made, it should be made with Joss Whedon, whether it’s a retrospective or not," he said.

      "[The Kuzuis] have the rights to because they have the rights to the original movie, but it should be interesting to see. It may be a bit like watching a car wreck."


        I agree with Anthony Head. And it does sound like they are just trying to jump on the "vampires are cool" bandwagon again. If it weren't for Joss Whedon no one would even remember a Buffy movie was made.
        Orphan Black: Join the Clone Club Dance Party!


          Originally posted by Angela V View Post
          I agree with Anthony Head. And it does sound like they are just trying to jump on the "vampires are cool" bandwagon again. If it weren't for Joss Whedon no one would even remember a Buffy movie was made.
          No argument from me there. Joss did amazing things with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            Originally posted by Angela V View Post
            I agree with Anthony Head. And it does sound like they are just trying to jump on the "vampires are cool" bandwagon again. If it weren't for Joss Whedon no one would even remember a Buffy movie was made.
            Exactly! I think most fans agree with you, too. The Buffy fix can be acquired through the Buffy Comics if need be. We won't be all rabid for this new movie just because it exists. Quality counts and quality is Joss.


              Originally posted by Amalthea View Post
              Exactly! I think most fans agree with you, too. The Buffy fix can be acquired through the Buffy Comics if need be. We won't be all rabid for this new movie just because it exists. Quality counts and quality is Joss.
              Definitely, in this case.
              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                And it does sound like they are just trying to jump on the "vampires are cool" bandwagon again.
                Yep. I blame Twilight (haven't seen it, but it sounds like a really bad ripoff of Buffy).

                I'm really hoping that this movie doesn't happen. Or, if it does, bring Joss, David Fury and Tim Minear in and make it a continuation of the series. I mean... come on!
                "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                  Originally posted by Descent View Post
                  Yep. I blame Twilight (haven't seen it, but it sounds like a really bad ripoff of Buffy).
                  Don't see it, either. I did and I regret it at least once a week.


                    Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
                    Don't see it, either. I did and I regret it at least once a week.
                    That bad, eh?
                    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                      Roy Lee, one of the producers of a proposed new Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, denied to IGN that Megan Fox is being considered for the title role: "The rumors of Megan Fox being involved with Buffy are just rumors. ... While I think she would be great for our project, we are still in the early stages of developing the script."



                        Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                        That bad, eh?
                        Every time someone mentions the books or the movie, it replays in my head and the pain floats back to the surface. :tear:


                          Whedon declines to help new 'Buffy'

                          Joss Whedon has revealed that he turned down an approach to participate in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer remake.

                          Fran Rubel Kuzui, who holds the rights to the franchise, announced last month that she is reviving the property, indicating that producers are open to Whedon's involvement.

                          However, Whedon told Entertainment Weekly that he will not contribute to the Vertigo Entertainment project, saying: "I believe [the producers] did ultimately reach out to my agent after the news broke. I think that's something better left untouched by me. So, I wish them luck."



                            Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
                            Whedon declines to help new 'Buffy'

                            Joss Whedon has revealed that he turned down an approach to participate in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer remake.

                            Fran Rubel Kuzui, who holds the rights to the franchise, announced last month that she is reviving the property, indicating that producers are open to Whedon's involvement.

                            However, Whedon told Entertainment Weekly that he will not contribute to the Vertigo Entertainment project, saying: "I believe [the producers] did ultimately reach out to my agent after the news broke. I think that's something better left untouched by me. So, I wish them luck."

                            Hopefully the Kuzuis will just realize that this whole thing is NOT welcome.


                              Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
                              Whedon declines to help new 'Buffy'

                              Joss Whedon has revealed that he turned down an approach to participate in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer remake.

                              Fran Rubel Kuzui, who holds the rights to the franchise, announced last month that she is reviving the property, indicating that producers are open to Whedon's involvement.

                              However, Whedon told Entertainment Weekly that he will not contribute to the Vertigo Entertainment project, saying: "I believe [the producers] did ultimately reach out to my agent after the news broke. I think that's something better left untouched by me. So, I wish them luck."

                              Buffy the Vampire Slayer rocked. I completely agree with Joss. If they are not going to involve the old cast, directors, and producers, there is no need for a second movie. Gellar and company did a great job, and there is no reason to reboot the franchise. Nothing is wrong. I would try a spin-off, but I wouldn't touch Buffy.


                                I'm just curious if there are any Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans out there (besides me) and if so, who's your favorite character?

                                I'm a BIG Giles fan myself. Anthony Stewart Head is gorgeous!

                                And mods, if I'm in the wrong place here please feel free to put me where I belong.
                                Sig by ME.

