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      Dark Eyes 3 Recording Underway

      K-9, CLASS and much more...


        Series 8 Filming: Volcano Day

        With the recent announcement of Doctor Who filming in Lanzarote alongside Moffat’s tease of the Doctor “returning to the scene of an old adventure”, speculation has gone wild.

        Spoilers for speculation


        One prominent theory is that the 12th Doctor will revisit Pompeii. This was brought on by Moffat’s tease last year where he stated that Capaldi’s past appearances in the Whoniverse will not be ignored:

        “I remember Russell [T Davies] told me that he had a big old plan as to why there were two Peter Capaldi’s in the Who universe: one in Pompeii and one in Torchwood. When I cast Peter and Russell got in touch to say how pleased he was, I said, ‘Okay, what was your theory and does it still work?” and he said, ‘Yes it does. Here it is…’

        “We’ll play that one out over time. It’s actually quite neat.”
        Something that might support this is that filming is taking place at the Volcán del Cuervo, aka the Raven’s Volcano. The show’s make-up artist, Claire Pritchard, recently tweeted some pics of the filming base and a view of the volcano (at the link above).

        Then of course there’s the other theory that it could be a follow up to the 1984 Fifth Doctor adventure “Planet of Fire” which saw Lanzarote used as itself and the volcanic planet Sarn.

        However, there’s conflicting earlier reports that the story will take place on the moon, with the rumoured title

        “Kill the Moon”.

        The landscape could just as easily provide suitable landscapes for that. As ever, time will tell…

        Edit -

        And just a thought. The Moff introduced the Great Intelligence to modern audiences and a few months later The Web of Fear, a previously missing episode featuring the Great Intelligence, was found and released to adoring fans. So this time the Moff says the Doctor is "returning to the scene of an old adventure".

        Now wasn't Power of the Daleks (another missing episode) set on the planet Vulcan....?
        Last edited by Blencathra; 13 May 2014, 10:52 AM.


          Doctor Who series 8: Peter Capaldi's Doctor won't flirt, says Moffat

          Doctor Who's Steven Moffat has branded Peter Capaldi's new Doctor "bright", "boyish" and "fierce".

          Moffat told Radio Times that Capaldi's iteration of the Time Lord "goes back to being the trickier version of the Doctor, the fiercer alien wanderer".

          'Doctor Who' TV series filming, Cardiff, Wales, Britain - 28 Jan 2014 Jenna-Louise Coleman and Peter Capaldi 28 Jan 2014

          "He's not a human being, however much he larks around pretending he is," the BBC drama's head writer said. "He is different and it's time to stop play-acting.

          "He's not apologising, he's not flirting with you - that's over."

          Moffat added that there is a "terribly boyish" quality to Capaldi's Doctor, who will feature in his first full series later this year on BBC One.

          "I always thought Matt [Smith], while a very young man, had something of the demeanour of a much older man," he explained, "whereas Peter is a man in his 50s but is terribly boyish and young at times."

          Doctor Who series 8 will see Capaldi joined on-screen by the returning Jenna Coleman (Clara) and guest stars Hermione Norris, Tom Riley and Ben Miller.

          Doctor Who: Peter Harness, Jamie Mathieson among series 8 writers


            Doctor Who currently filming in Lanzarote
            The production team has set up a base near the El Cuervo volcano and Timanfaya National Park
            Written By
            Radio Times Staff
            4:50 PM, 14 May 2014

            The Doctor returns to the Spanish island for the first time since 1984, and the Planet of Fire episode.

            Eyewitnesses on the island have reported that the team has set up camp on the southwestern part of Lanzarote near the dramatic looking El Cuervo volcano. A local source said, “they’ve erected a huge marquee, have trailers, toilets and a van.”

            The Doctor is returning to the scene of an old adventure – but there have been sinister changes since his last visit," explained Doctor Who writer Steven Moffat earlier this week.

            BBC filming is good for the reputation of the island and will create tourism,” added the Canary Islands source.

            The Lanzarote episode has been written by Wallander's Peter Harness, and will be produced by Peter Bennett. It will also feature Spooks star Hermione Norris. Moffat explained: "It's a testament to the quality of Peter Harness's intense and emotional script, that we've been able to attract an actress of the brilliance of Hermione Norris.”

            In the original Canary Islands episode The Doctor arrives with the fifth Doctor’s companion, Vislor Turlough, to investigate a signal. It’s known for the bikini scene with actress Nicola Bryant, who played American college student Peri Brown.

            See below:

            Link to original article here:

            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
            K-9, CLASS and much more...


              Rachel Talalay directing in season 8.


                Another New Companion for Series 8 (Series 34- Alan )?
                Published May 15, 2014

                Will Series 8 (Series 34 - Alan ) of Doctor Who see another new companion?

                Evidence is mounting that newcomer Ellis George will be joining Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Samuel Anderson for a trip in the TARDIS.

                Rumours first began last month when Anderson tweeted “There’s a new member in the Who Crew, my little sis.” This was alongside the image to the right.

                This week’s announcement of the Lanzarote shoot then confirmed that George will guest star in the episode, which makes it her second this series (that we know about so far). Her first being in episode 6, where she is believed to be a student of Coal Hill School.

                So is Steven Moffat recreating the original TARDIS crew – an older Doctor, two teachers and a student from Coal Hill? It’s certainly looking that way.

                Link to original article here:
                Last edited by Alan; 15 May 2014, 09:44 AM.

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  Frank Skinner cast in season 8.


                    Good. I Like Frank Skinner.

                    Injury Forces Matt Smith to Withdraw from SoccerAid


                    Matt Smith has released a statement via SoccerAid expressing his disappointment at having to withdraw from this year's tournament due to injury:

                    "It is with great disappointment that I will have to withdraw from this year's Soccer Aid as a result of injury. I have always wanted to play at Old Trafford, a personal dream, and was hugely excited to have the opportunity to support UNICEF. I do hope I will be invited to join Soccer Aid and UNICEF in the future and play football for such a good cause.

                    I really am so sorry to disappoint anyone whom may have bought tickets to see me play, I can't express my apologies enough, however I am certain this year's incredible line up will still entertain and most importantly continue to raise money for children all over the world."
                    Looks like we'll have to wait until the next tournament to see him in action on the football pitch.


                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      Good. I Like Frank Skinner.
                      He did a small role Dark Eyes 2 just recently. I knew he was a fan, but listening to the interview with him made me realise just how passionate he is for Doctor Who. Having an actual physical role to play must be a dream come true for him.

                      Injury Forces Matt Smith to Withdraw from SoccerAid


                      Matt Smith has released a statement via SoccerAid expressing his disappointment at having to withdraw from this year's tournament due to injury:

                      Looks like we'll have to wait until the next tournament to see him in action on the football pitch.
                      That's a great pity. I hope Matt gets the opportunity to take part next time.

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        Moffats most difficult script ever.


                          Finale to be a two parter?


                            Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
                            I'd like that. You can't beat a good cliffhanger ending.
                            Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                            To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                            Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                            And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                              BAFTA - spoilered as the TV is an hour behind

                              Tweet from Doctor Who News (@DoctorWhoNews)

                              #BAFTA2014 Doctor Who Wins Radio Times Audience Award for The Day of the Doctor


                                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                                Tweet from Doctor Who News (?@DoctorWhoNews)


                                YES!!!!! HOORAY!!!!! Very, very happy with that news!!!!! Well deserved indeed!!!!! Congratulations to the cast and crew of Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor!!!!!

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

