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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Fainne View Post
    heyhey yep, i do an internship at the moment. but it's nothing much to do. we're waiting for an important delivery so my day went by very fast was sent home earlier *hrrhrr*

    these pics are really cute. noone can look as good as Dean while he's sleeping
    Hey, good for you! Hope the weather is as lovely up there as it is here, so you can really enjoy it.

    Got some non-spoilery S5 BTS shots for you. Andron posted the link on the spoiler and the Sam/Jared thread, if you want to see the rest. There were several really nice Impala shots as well.

    Hey look, it's Tiny from Folsom Prison Blues!

    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


      Nice pictures from the recent Vancouver con.
      The cake is a lie!


        hello pit! just a quick fly-by while i catch up... beautiful pics as always ladies... congrats for any and all milestones, and a great warm welcome to the newbies!
        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


          Thanks, Iolanda for the link!

          Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
          My My Own Website


            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
            couldn't have said it better
            you and your bras...
            Thanks...i think....


              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
              heyhey have fun with catching up - and enjoy!
              i'm just not sure if you wish to lighten up will come true
              Haha I do love them when they're a bit angsty though! Makes their eyes glisten. Dean is such a softy at heart, as much as he likes to pretend he's not xD

              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
              But what a great way to get distracted!

              Congrats, you're half way there. And yes he is.

              Well, you know Dean's situation in S3. But especially at the beginning of the season he actually is in pretty high spirits.
              My internet flunked out yesterday, it actually gave me reason the be in a bad mood for the first time ever. I usually don't really mind when it happens and move on to do other things, but I was in the middle of an episode when it froze.
              The picture it froze at wasn't even pretty *pouts*
              Lol xD
              The Tok'ra * Rodney McKay * Whump * Ba'al * // "Electric Sperm!" - Jason Momoa [25.10.09]


                /\ What Dannii said! Some really nice candid shots there.

                And thanks for the wake-up yummies!

                Originally posted by atlantis-abydos View Post
                Haha I do love them when they're a bit angsty though! Makes their eyes glisten. Dean is such a softy at heart, as much as he likes to pretend he's not xD
                That's what fascinates me about Dean's character, and Jensen's acting - the range of different emotions he's capable of. It never gets boring. How far are you in S3? Because there's a great example there, but I don't want to spoiler you.

                Originally posted by atlantis-abydos View Post
                My internet flunked out yesterday, it actually gave me reason the be in a bad mood for the first time ever. I usually don't really mind when it happens and move on to do other things, but I was in the middle of an episode when it froze.
                The picture it froze at wasn't even pretty *pouts*
                Lol xD
                That sucks double time! LOL Here, some pretty S3 stills. Although I sure hope it's up and running again by now!

                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                  just watched "route 666". Best bit:

                  DEAN: Yeah, we went out.
                  SAM: You mean you dated someone? For more than one night?
                  DEAN: Am I speakin’ a language you’re not getting here?

                  I love that!!

                  SAM: Church ground is hallowed ground, whether the church is still there or not. Evil spirits cross over hallowed ground, sometimes they’re destroyed. So, I figured maybe that would get rid of it.
                  DEAN: Maybe? Maybe?! What if you were wrong?
                  SAM: Huh. Honestly, that thought hadn’t occurred to me. (DEAN, clearly furious, hangs up.)
                  DEAN: “Well, that honestly didn’t occur to me”. (He slams his hand on the steering wheel.) I’m gonna kill him.

                  Deans face at the end there is a picture!! lol


                    Originally posted by Kady View Post
                    just watched "route 666". Best bit:

                    DEAN: Yeah, we went out.
                    SAM: You mean you dated someone? For more than one night?
                    DEAN: Am I speakin’ a language you’re not getting here?

                    I love that!!

                    SAM: Church ground is hallowed ground, whether the church is still there or not. Evil spirits cross over hallowed ground, sometimes they’re destroyed. So, I figured maybe that would get rid of it.
                    DEAN: Maybe? Maybe?! What if you were wrong?
                    SAM: Huh. Honestly, that thought hadn’t occurred to me. (DEAN, clearly furious, hangs up.)
                    DEAN: “Well, that honestly didn’t occur to me”. (He slams his hand on the steering wheel.) I’m gonna kill him.

                    Deans face at the end there is a picture!! lol
                    One of the weaker eps, IMHO. Except for the *cough* shirtlessness, of course. I iz shallow, I know. But those scenes were funny. Look, Dean and Sam think so too.

                    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                      Hello Pit

                      Two episode 5x03 stills




                        Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                        Hello Pit

                        Two episode 5x03 stills

                        Great shots, Jen! OMG, I can't wait to see
                        Cas posing as an FBI agent!

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          Morning, Pit! *waves* You all have been chatty. I'll have to catch up another time. I have classes today. *yawns, curls up for a nap*
                          Awesome sig by Laura
                          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                          The randomess that is me
                          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                            Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                            Hello Pit

                            Two episode 5x03 stills


                            I take it thats that angel bloke? He's very delicious!!!


                              Yepp, that's Cas and yes, he is


                                Evening Pit

                                Love all those season 5 pics...I can hardly bear the wait...

                                Found this cap when i was sorting and thought you might like it..


