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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    screw social life! it's all about the fandom! hm... that actually makes a pretty good rule... -looks in file cabinet, finds list, dusts it off-

    Rules of Fanaticism
    For the up and rising Fangirl/Fanboy

    #01-Expect everything, assume nothing.
    #02-Kinkiness is not an option, it's a requirement.
    #03-Check your sanity at the door.
    #04-Fandom is like mold; you don't know when or where it starts, but when you do find it, it's all consuming.
    #05-Never fault another fan for their fantasy.
    #06-Bring your own drool bucket and thunk mat.
    #07-Bare Skin is the holy grail. The more exposed, the more you're loved.
    #08-Always support your fellow thunker. The stronger the team, the more fun it is to thunk!
    #09-No lurking! Every fangirl is compelled to thunk actively!
    #10-Always alert your fellow thunkers of "viewing opportunities."
    #11-New sources of thunk material will be watched at the first available opportunity. No excuses.
    new~~> #12-Screw social life. It's all about the fandom.
    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


      Awesome pics and caps everyone!!

      Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
      My My Own Website


        Originally posted by iolanda View Post
        Ha! JA!

        Ein Jensen Ackles deutsche Flaggen Shirt! Wanna have, but just together with Jensen
        get a number xD
        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

        Fainne well, that sure IS whump!
        but sorry, that sounded funny!
        yep, one of my many talents: being funny while pissed or worried...
        Originally posted by Lilith View Post

        Rules of Fanaticism
        For the up and rising Fangirl/Fanboy

        #01-Expect everything, assume nothing.
        #02-Kinkiness is not an option, it's a requirement.
        #03-Check your sanity at the door.
        #04-Fandom is like mold; you don't know when or where it starts, but when you do find it, it's all consuming.
        #05-Never fault another fan for their fantasy.
        #06-Bring your own drool bucket and thunk mat.
        #07-Bare Skin is the holy grail. The more exposed, the more you're loved.
        #08-Always support your fellow thunker. The stronger the team, the more fun it is to thunk!
        #09-No lurking! Every fangirl is compelled to thunk actively!
        #10-Always alert your fellow thunkers of "viewing opportunities."
        #11-New sources of thunk material will be watched at the first available opportunity. No excuses.
        new~~> #12-Screw social life. It's all about the fandom.


          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
          I now own Season 4 of Supernatural! *squee* And will try to finish it off as soon as possible, but I'm taking two English Lit courses, so time is not on my side and I need to have a social life.
          Welcome to the club! Wow, two English lit classes, that will be time consuming. Can you send me your reading lists, maybe? I'm always looking for suggestions. OT
          I'm reading 'The Gargoyle' by Andrew Davidson and am about to start 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' by Stieg Larsson. Both pretty dark novels. Oh, and my son will have to read 'Pride and Prefudice' for English A. I'm considering getting him the audio book...

          You may reconsider about your social life once you start watching. Season 4 is simply awesome - except for a slight lull in the middle... I holed up for a whole weekend to zip through the 18 or so eps that had aired already. Couldn't download them fast enough.

          Originally posted by Lilith View Post
          screw social life! it's all about the fandom! hm... that actually makes a pretty good rule... -looks in file cabinet, finds list, dusts it off-

          Rules of Fanaticism
          For the up and rising Fangirl/Fanboy

          <list snipped for length>
          new~~> #12-Screw social life. It's all about the fandom.
          Great list, Lilith! And I like that it's obviously still growing.

          Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
          Awesome pics and caps everyone!!


          Ditto, Dannii. Have you seen Sympathy for the Devil yet?

          So this (non-spoilery) scene from the teaser we've seen...

          ... as well as these (slightly spoilery) ones.

          The rest is yet to come. I'm so excited!!

          Edit Morning, Fainne!

          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


            I've seen it! *jumps around*
            Only once since my day yesterday was quite busy and I was in the cinema in the evening, but still! Gonna watch it again, it was awesome!

            I've got two questions, though


            - Does Dean mean the General Education Development Test with GED?
            - I didn't get the thing with the address, the dogs and the rover.
            The cake is a lie!


              Originally posted by iolanda View Post
              I've seen it! *jumps around*
              Only once since my day yesterday was quite busy and I was in the cinema in the evening, but still! Gonna watch it again, it was awesome!

              I've got two questions, though


              - Does Dean mean the General Education Development Test with GED?
              - I didn't get the thing with the address, the dogs and the rover.
              Good for you! I'm planning on watching it a third time today, you're right, there's so much going on you need several watches to take it all in. As for your questions,
              - I didn't get that myself, but your explanation sounds feasible, since GED may also stand for 'General Education Diploma', and is only taken by students who did not finish High School - this could be another piece of info about Dean's school career. After the way he acted in After School Special it would not suprise me if he dropped out early.
              - 'Rover' is considered the most common name for a dog in English speaking countries. So since the address was '42 Rover Hill Street', it pointed to the '42 dogs hill'.
              Last edited by starg8fans; 12 September 2009, 12:20 AM.

              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                Howdy Pit! *huggles*

                Saw Sympathy for the Devil last night!!!

                Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                And the final part
                love the pics, Jen!! And huggles for the link

                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                Actually, I watched it around noon today. And then I had to watch it again, because I didn't quite get everything. I really felt the need to talk about it, so I didn't wanna come here and spoiler everybody. The kids and I have some pretty wild theories, but again - not telling.
                Yep, pretty confusing it was!

                Jen, you're a STAR! Great caps, love every single one of them! God, Dean was just to die for in this ep, especially when confronting
                (unless you're a total spoilerphobe, it's safe to click.) Definitely a very promising start into S5.
                And can you believe
                season 5 premiere
                that a "good guy" would do that? But wow, wasn´t Dean just the trooper!

                Poor Sam when Bobby told him
                to loose his number!

                For a moment there, I thought we would
                loose Bobby
                and yay!! when
                Cas came back, with a vengeance!!! Now... how DID he come back?
                And WHO put them in that plane!!

                Ok, so now I want ep 5.2

                Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                I now own Season 4 of Supernatural! *squee* And will try to finish it off as soon as possible, but I'm taking two English Lit courses, so time is not on my side and I need to have a social life.
                I got the boxset for Supernatural season 4 today with the mail, too!
                A whole month earlier than announced!!

                Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                lol: get a number xD

                lol: yep, one of my many talents: being funny while pissed or worried...

                lol: true

                Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                  Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                  screw social life! it's all about the fandom! hm... that actually makes a pretty good rule... -looks in file cabinet, finds list, dusts it off-

                  Rules of Fanaticism
                  For the up and rising Fangirl/Fanboy

                  #01-Expect everything, assume nothing.
                  #02-Kinkiness is not an option, it's a requirement.
                  #03-Check your sanity at the door.
                  #04-Fandom is like mold; you don't know when or where it starts, but when you do find it, it's all consuming.
                  #05-Never fault another fan for their fantasy.
                  #06-Bring your own drool bucket and thunk mat.
                  #07-Bare Skin is the holy grail. The more exposed, the more you're loved.
                  #08-Always support your fellow thunker. The stronger the team, the more fun it is to thunk!
                  #09-No lurking! Every fangirl is compelled to thunk actively!
                  #10-Always alert your fellow thunkers of "viewing opportunities."
                  #11-New sources of thunk material will be watched at the first available opportunity. No excuses.
                  new~~> #12-Screw social life. It's all about the fandom.
                  In my defense; there is a guy...

                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  Welcome to the club! Wow, two English lit classes, that will be time consuming. Can you send me your reading lists, maybe? I'm always looking for suggestions. OT
                  I'm reading 'The Gargoyle' by Andrew Davidson and am about to start 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' by Stieg Larsson. Both pretty dark novels. Oh, and my son will have to read 'Pride and Prefudice' for English A. I'm considering getting him the audio book...

                  Two English Lit classes this term and then one next term, I don't know how interesting you'll find my reading lists since it's all classical literature and for one course: parts of the Bible.
                  Reading List
                  The Odessey
                  The Golden Ass
                  The Oresteia
                  Theogony and Works and Days
                  Henry IV pt 1
                  Paradise Lost
                  And some other plays.

                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  You may reconsider about your social life once you start watching. Season 4 is simply awesome - except for a slight lull in the middle... I holed up for a whole weekend to zip through the 18 or so eps that had aired already. Couldn't download them fast enough.
                  I watched It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester last night, simply because I was too tired to go out.

                  Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                  I got the boxset for Supernatural season 4 today with the mail, too!
                  A whole month earlier than announced!!

                  If anyone wants I can cap the gag reel for good quality caps.
                  Awesome sig by Laura
                  "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                  The randomess that is me
                  Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                    WOW Still on the same page...?



                      Jen, thanks for sharing that link with that SPN ep!!

                      Stars, I watched it via that link that Jen kindly put up for us. I may have to watch it again, as I think I missed bits.

                      Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                      My My Own Website


                        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                        Howdy Pit! *huggles*

                        Saw Sympathy for the Devil last night!!! Yep, pretty confusing it was!

                        And can you believe
                        season 5 premiere
                        that a "good guy" would do that? But wow, wasn´t Dean just the trooper!

                        Poor Sam when Bobby told him
                        to loose his number!

                        For a moment there, I thought we would
                        loose Bobby
                        and yay!! when
                        Cas came back, with a vengeance!!! Now... how DID he come back?
                        And WHO put them in that plane!!

                        Ok, so now I want ep 5.2
                        Same here. It was a great appetizer, but leaves you craving more. Especially with all the mystery and questions they left us with.

                        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                        I got the boxset for Supernatural season 4 today with the mail, too!
                        A whole month earlier than announced!!
                        That's great news!

                        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                        In my defense; there is a guy...
                        SQUEEEEEEE!!! So which one of your clones does he resemble the most? (You don't have to answer that if it's too )

                        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                        Two English Lit classes this term and then one next term, I don't know how interesting you'll find my reading lists since it's all classical literature and for one course: parts of the Bible.
                        Reading List
                        The Odessey
                        The Golden Ass
                        The Oresteia
                        Theogony and Works and Days
                        Henry IV pt 1
                        Paradise Lost
                        And some other plays.
                        You're really going back to the beginning here. That's some heavy duty stuff.

                        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                        I watched It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester last night, simply because I was too tired to go out.

                        If anyone wants I can cap the gag reel for good quality caps.
                        A great way to spend an evening at home. And gag reel caps are always welcome, so by all means go for it!

                        Wow Jen, you brought out the heavy artillery here, haven't you? Whumped lips, butt shot...

                        Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                        Jen, thanks for sharing that link with that SPN ep!!

                        Stars, I watched it via that link that Jen kindly put up for us. I may have to watch it again, as I think I missed bits.
                        <snipped for space>
                        Yup, there was a lot to take in there. I'm just glad I've got it on my hard drive, I think I will refer back to this ep quite a bit as the mysteries start to be explained later in the season.

                        So, non-spoilery pics from the 5.02 sneak peek.

                        And a few marginally spoilery ones since they have other characters in them.

                        And this one's for peope who've seen the sneak peek - it does take a bit of a surprise moment away if you haven't or are not planning to. But it is too funny not to post.

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

                          SQUEEEEEEE!!! So which one of your clones does he resemble the most? (You don't have to answer that if it's too )
                          I don't really know... None of them really...Can't tell...

                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          You're really going back to the beginning here. That's some heavy duty stuff.
                          Very, and I'm reading Theogony and this guy can't write it! He rambles about Hekate who was the favorite of Zeus, and then jumps to Zeus' birth! The translator was so right, it's bad!

                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          A great way to spend an evening at home. And gag reel caps are always welcome, so by all means go for it!
                          I also watched Wishful Thinking and capped it, got 300 something, I need to edit them though.
                          Awesome sig by Laura
                          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                          The randomess that is me
                          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                            Originally posted by Salamas View Post

                            If anyone wants I can cap the gag reel for good quality caps.

                            lovely pics this "morning"
                            since it´s already afternoon here

                            Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                            picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                              I don't really know... None of them really...Can't tell...

                              Very, and I'm reading Theogony and this guy can't write it! He rambles about Hekate who was the favorite of Zeus, and then jumps to Zeus' birth! The translator was so right, it's bad!
                              Okay, I won't pry...

                              Oh dear, that sucks. There's hardly anything more annoying than an ancient text that's badly written. Usually the language is convoluted enough to make it a chore, and when the content doesn't grip you it's even worse. You're right, I better stick to my own reading list. (The Gargoyle is amazing!)

                              I also watched Wishful Thinking and capped it, got 300 something, I need to edit them though.
                              That was a great ep. I don't think anything will ever top the bipolar teddy bear! (I got 351 from that ep...)

                              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                              lovely pics this "morning"
                              since it´s already afternoon here
                              Glad you like! Here's more from Heaven and Hell. (Spoilered for size, not content) First up, a mini-run for all the hands-and-finger fans here... *raises hand*

                              Just some Dean cuteness (he did smile in S4 - occasionally...) - I really can't decide which of the first two is my new favorite.

                              Some Doublemint twins...

                              ... and the obligatory gutter dive.

                              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                                Have you seen this ones? My eyes are glued on them the whole day already. Not that I am trying to complete my course books for the last year (a kind of work I loathe):

                                The cake is a lie!

