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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by SanGate View Post
    Is that a promo shot from season 5? Nice Thanks Iolanda I really gotta get a move on with watching.. Usual Suspects is about to start
    The pictures are tagged as additional promotional pictures for S4.

    Just PM me it you want to have a link to the source.

    Originally posted by SanGate View Post
    GTOY??? Awesome
    Whats GTOY?
    The cake is a lie!


      Originally posted by iolanda View Post
      The pictures are tagged as additional promotional pictures for S4.

      Just PM me it you want to have a link to the source.
      Thanks! Will do

      Whats GTOY?
      TOY stands for:Tshirt Of Yum It started in the JoeFlanigan/John Sheppard thunk thread where we have the BTOY: Black Tshirt Of Yum And Jensen looks mighty fine in his grey's, so Gray Tshirt Of Yum (btw, is it grey or gray? I'm always confused )
      Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
      Save Our Seeker!
      LotS on LJ.


        Originally posted by SanGate View Post
        TOY stands for:Tshirt Of Yum It started in the JoeFlanigan/John Sheppard thunk thread where we have the BTOY: Black Tshirt Of Yum And Jensen looks mighty fine in his grey's, so Gray Tshirt Of Yum (btw, is it grey or gray? I'm always confused )
        Or like you said earlier it could be green lol. But it's grey we mean! he looks good in pretty much anything though...especially black!

        The spelling depends on whether it proper or American English! English English is grey

        I'm just about to leave work...sneaking off early!!



          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          Or like you said earlier it could be green lol. But it's grey we mean! he looks good in pretty much anything though...especially black!
          Oh yes

          The spelling depends on whether it proper or American English! English English is grey
          Thought it was something like that. Thanks!

          I'm just about to leave work...sneaking off early!!
          Ooh I like that idea
          Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
          Save Our Seeker!
          LotS on LJ.


            Hey Pit Seems like we're one post away from the big 500! Is everything prepared for the big party? Pie, purple nurples, strippers?


              Hey Jen! *huggles*

              Off to catch up!

              Edit: yay, I got the 500th page post.... picspam to follow!!!
              Last edited by queen_hathor; 14 August 2009, 07:01 AM.







                  WOHOW for 500 pages! Purple Nurbles for all!
                  The cake is a lie!


                    Yay Partaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!



                      Congrats to all the Jensen thunkers on 500 pages!!!

                      So someone ordered Purple Nurples?



                        So we can't have a party without beer....

                        Last edited by queen_hathor; 14 August 2009, 07:42 AM.



                          for 500 pages!!

                          Did anybody say party? Rock on, Winchesters!

                          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                            We've got beer and purple nurples. So we still need naked clones and some food.

                            *goes searching for food pics*



                              Slowly catching up.... slow being the operative word. I think it's GW as my laptop seems fine today!

                              Originally posted by Kady View Post
                              SanGate, don't play innocent with me, honey, it doesn't work with me!!
                              *gasps* Kady, wash your mouth out.... I'll have you know San's as innocent as me!!

                              I had to try... did it work?

                              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                              heck, I don't suppose any of us is watching this for the logic.
                              LOL, there are many reasons to watch... logic isn't one of them if I'm honest.

                              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                              Hmmm, Wendigo - haven't seen that in a while. I think I'll be ready for a S1 re-re-watch soon.


                              Geez, they both look young!
                              They do, it's scary! I have to say in this ep though, aside from the beginning where Sam's at Jess's grave, Dean looks the youngest!!

                              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                              e'll also be watching Time Is On My Side
                              *sigh* so many reasons to like that ep!

                              Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                              That was just fantastic I can't stop myself thinking about it
                              I'd be shocked and appalled if you weren't... it's bloody wonderful!!

                              Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                              You can't hide it..I know you love him
                              I guess I do... just not quite in the same way as you do!

                              Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                              Yep all dirty, sweaty... and drinking from that beer bottle when he gets all dry and thirsty *fans self*
                              *fans self* now there's a lovely thought....

                              Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                              All I can say is that credit card fraud is alive and well over here unfortunately I know no end of people who've fallen victim.The favourite ones are internet fraud and cloning of cards.
                              I forgive Dean and Sam though.
                              ^^^ what Lizzie said

                              Re-post of some of Stars's caps as they're 2 pages back!



                                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                                Did anybody say party? Rock on, Winchesters!

                                Hehe, I love that. And can I just say YAY for Bobby too!!

                                Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                                We've got beer and purple nurples. So we still need naked clones and some food.

                                *goes searching for food pics*

                                That's great!

                                Hmmm, I may have one or two pics of Dean eating... I'd have to check!


