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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
    What do I need to or have recognized? I can't figure out which post you're responding to,
    The stuff Dean's eating in Tall Tales... chips & cheese & gravy or something gross like that!!

    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
    I know I´m strange....
    Ah, we love you anyway!! *huggles*

    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
    Unfortunately, no - still waiting for season 4
    Well I'd be nice to your postman... he's bringing you something!!

    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
    And now I´m craving ice cream with strawberries
    With Dean on top!

    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
    i´m not all out evil, you know

    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
    you down there?
    Yep! But I gotta go, be back later though!!

    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
    It´s the only guest spot other than SGA I saw him in, I take it he does that a lot, huh?
    I've not seen him in a great deal myself, but yeah

    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    Don't worry, it's probably more of a comfort color for Dean.
    Well with it being my favourite colour and all, I should comfort him!

    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    You know, I wish Queen would get here with the food caps. I don't think you should keep drinking like that on an (almost) empty stomach.
    These will have to do for now... I need to eat myself and I'm getting impatient looks from t'other half!!

    Oh, and with the burger talk...

    Mmmm, this is awesome!



      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
      I'm not going to be able to catch up! I'll just jump in blind!

      I don't have many drinking caps, so I'll post this one from Time Is On My Side, that scene with Rufus had many many smoulder looks! *fans self*

      And it had a bottle of JD blue, so that counts.

      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


        Originally posted by Kady View Post
        Congratulations to SheppAddictedFangirl on being the 10,000th poster here at the Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread!
        YOU GO, GIRL!!!
        I am???



        *shares some pizzas*

        Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
        picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          The stuff Dean's eating in Tall Tales... chips & cheese & gravy or something gross like that!!
          I suspect it to be Poutine which is like fries with gravy, cheese curds and other stuff...

          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
          And it had a bottle of JD blue, so that counts.

          If he looked at me like that I would immediately do unspeakable things to him...
          Awesome sig by Laura
          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

          The randomess that is me
          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
            The stuff Dean's eating in Tall Tales... chips & cheese & gravy or something gross like that!! lol:
            still better than pizza with M&Ms

            *huggles AMC is she happens to lurk*

            Ah, we love you anyway!! *huggles*
            *huggles back*

            Well I'd be nice to your postman... he's bringing you something!!
            can´t wait for it!

            With Dean on top!
            but that´d crush the strawberries..
            now Dean covered in it....!!!!

            oh, come on... a girl gotta have her limits

            Yep! But I gotta go, be back later though!!
            I think I´ll have to step out too, gotta buy me some food!
            and ice cream.... with strawberries

            I've not seen him in a great deal myself, but yeah
            well, that´s too bad!

            These will have to do for now... I need to eat myself and I'm getting impatient looks from t'other half!!
            enjoy dinner

            Oh, and with the burger talk...
   my tummy is growling

            Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
            picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
              though slightly worried
              I bumped my shin pretty hard two months ago into some sharp edge (helping friends with moving to a different home is NEVER good for my health ), and that bruise is slowly fading but the blood curled up into some hard spot Didn´t think anything of it until someone pointed out to me that it might be bad news

              tried calling the doc (hate to go there just for a bruise ) but he´s having an early day off on Fridays (not that I call there often ). Hm. Maybe / Probably nothing but you know, urging folks tend to get me nervous
              You know what, you may have chipped your shin bone. When you have a break, the blood that clots around it hardens and is used in making new bone. Just a guess, I'm not a doctor - I just play one for the kids.

              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
              Say, is that ep like the one on the "X-files"? I noticed, btw, that the whole production/writing staff are a BUNCH of known names from that masterpiece of a show (which I own as well, btw - well, all but season 9 ). No wonder they´re so great with the whump, always were

              Oooh, let him get a little uncomfy
              I wouldn't know, never watched x-files. The only thing I know is that they keep referring to Skully and Moulder (sp?), with Dean pointing out that Sam is a red haired woman... Monster Movie is an homage to the old b/w horror movies. It was the Halloween special, and it's hilarious.

              Okay, that's one kind of whump I'm not really partial too...

              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
              The stuff Dean's eating in Tall Tales... chips & cheese & gravy or something gross like that!!

              With Dean on top!
              Thanks for posting these, they're some of my favorites (of course, since they involve lots of fingers!) Chips & stuff would be okay in my book, but that gruel looks like intestines or something equally disgusting...

              And that's a sundae I could get behind... or under.... or on top of...

              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
              Well with it being my favourite colour and all, I should comfort him!

              These will have to do for now... I need to eat myself and I'm getting impatient looks from t'other half!!

              You never miss a trick, do you? Okay, go and do what you have to, we'll catch you later.

              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
              I suspect it to be Poutine which is like fries with gravy, cheese curds and other stuff...


              If he looked at me like that I would immediately do unspeakable things to him...
              Well, they wouldn't be unspeakable if this wasn't a PG rated forum. *glares at PG line*

              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                You know what, you may have chipped your shin bone. When you have a break, the blood that clots around it hardens and is used in making new bone. Just a guess, I'm not a doctor - I just play one for the kids.
                that sounds scary. I just shrugged it off back then... I´ll try again on monday, better safe than sorry, huh?

                I wouldn't know, never watched x-files. The only thing I know is that they keep referring to Skully and Moulder (sp?), with Dean pointing out that Sam is a red haired woman... Monster Movie is an homage to the old b/w horror movies. It was the Halloween special, and it's hilarious.
                Oh, that Mulder got whumped good
                And so is Dean now

                Okay, that's one kind of whump I'm not really partial too...
                actually, I see your point
                Don´t really do that kind either...
                don´t tell queen!

                Thanks for posting these, they're some of my favorites (of course, since they involve lots of fingers!) Chips & stuff would be okay in my book, but that gruel looks like intestines or something equally disgusting...

                And that's a sundae I could get behind... or under.... or on top of...

                Well, they wouldn't be unspeakable if this wasn't a PG rated forum. *glares at PG line*
                quite the buzz kill, isn´t it!

                I´m off for a bit, see you all later! *huggles*

                Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                  Evening Pit there's a party!

                  Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                  Morning Pit!

                  Oi Lizzie
                  They do save lives after all
                  I dreamed about Jared btw :
                  you did? Lucky you.... Hope it made you feel good. When I had my one and only Jensen and Jared dream I woke up happy and it last all day

                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                  Edit: yay, I got the 500th page post.... picspam to follow!!!
                  Great picspam..yum

                  Originally posted by Kady View Post

                  Oh, i'm fine at the dentist. Once i had to have quiet a large anaestetic injection in the back of my tooth which COMPLETELY numbed the whole left side of my face and tongue. I couldn't talk properly for a while but my brother must have thought it was a good thing as he actually asked me if he could punch me to see if i could feel it!!! Cue the horrified expression on my face and a high-pitched "NO!"
                  only a brother could say that....


                    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                    I don't have many drinking caps, so I'll post this one from Time Is On My Side, that scene with Rufus had many many smoulder looks! *fans self*


                    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                    I bumped my shin pretty hard two months ago into some sharp edge (helping friends with moving to a different home is NEVER good for my health ), and that bruise is slowly fading but the blood curled up into some hard spot Didn´t think anything of it until someone pointed out to me that it might be bad news

                    tried calling the doc (hate to go there just for a bruise ) but he´s having an early day off on Fridays (not that I call there often ). Hm. Maybe / Probably nothing but you know, urging folks tend to get me nervous

                    Best to get it checked out, just to be on the safe side but I'm sure it's nothing serious *huggles* let us know how you get on, ok?

                    Originally posted by Kady View Post
                    Congratulations to SheppAddictedFangirl on being the 10,000th poster here at the Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread!
                    YOU GO, GIRL!!!
                    Woohooo, go SAF!

                    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                    I suspect it to be Poutine which is like fries with gravy, cheese curds and other stuff...
                    That's it! Another 'p' *headdesk*

                    Originally posted by Salamas View Post

                    If he looked at me like that I would immediately do unspeakable things to him...
                    ^^ you're not the only one!!

                    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                    *huggles AMC is she happens to lurk*
                    Really? Being nosey there AMC? *waves*

                    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                    can´t wait for it!
                    Yep! I said I would... just took longer than planned

                    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                    but that´d crush the strawberries..
                    now Dean covered in it....!!!!

                    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                    I think I´ll have to step out too, gotta buy me some food!
                    and ice cream.... with strawberries
                    I'm hungry now too!!

                    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                    Thanks for posting these, they're some of my favorites (of course, since they involve lots of fingers!) Chips & stuff would be okay in my book, but that gruel looks like intestines or something equally disgusting...
                    You're welcome... plenty more where they came from!!

                    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                    And that's a sundae I could get behind... or under.... or on top of...
                    *gutterdive from the gutter*

                    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                    You never miss a trick, do you?

                    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                    Well, they wouldn't be unspeakable if this wasn't a PG rated forum. *glares at PG line*
                    LOL, though sometimes it's a good thing... you never know what would slip out otherwise!!

                    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                    actually, I see your point
                    Don´t really do that kind either...
                    don´t tell queen!
                    Oi! I'm not some tyrant you know!!

                    blimey Lizzie, that's the way to make an entrance!! *fans self* hiya lol

                    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                    When I had my one and only Jensen and Jared dream I woke up happy and it last all day



                      Congratulations on 500 pages Jensen Thunk Thread!!

                      Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                      My My Own Website


                        Morning Pit ... any tea drinkers up yet? *boils kettle just in case*

                        Lovely picspam SG78



                          Morning, and happy weekend, Pit! *sets out tea and coffee*

                          Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                          that sounds scary. I just shrugged it off back then... I´ll try again on monday, better safe than sorry, huh?

                          Oh, that Mulder got whumped good
                          And so is Dean now

                          actually, I see your point
                          Don´t really do that kind either...
                          don´t tell queen!

                          OMG, I didn't mean to scare you - even if that's what it is, it's not serious, believe me - you should definitely have it checked out, but it would take care of itself.

                          Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                          Love the Nanas, Lizzie! And great beer drinking picspam yourself.

                          I never had a brother myself, but I'm getting an idea of what it's like with my kids now...

                          It was quite a party.

                          Wasn't it, Pal?

                          Oh yeah, good times!


                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                          That's it! Another 'p' *headdesk*

                          Really? Being nosey there AMC? *waves*


                          You're welcome... plenty more where they came from!!

                          *gutterdive from the gutter*
                          I guess our 'Deancyclopedia' will have its own volume just for 'P'...

                          AMC? Don't be shy. We don't bite... often

                          Who could resist a whole stack of Dean-stuffing-his-face-with-something-disgusting?

                          Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                          Congratulations on 500 pages Jensen Thunk Thread!!

                          <snipped for lazyness>
                          Thanks for the wakeup-picspam, SG78! I know different timezones can be a pain sometimes, but it's always nice to find a new post here in the morning! *hugs*

                          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                            Morning Stars!

                            I plan to carry on the food and drink theme throughout today once I get to my laptop...unless anyone objects that is?



                              Good morning pit!

                              I'll be away for some days, hunting evil in Lower Saxony.

                              Maybe I'll just go cycling there with my parents, but time will tell

                              I still have to pack my Impala, but I already perfectly disguised it so that it looks like a Toyota. With a bike rack. My EMF is also ready. I reprogrammed it, so that it will help me to find the right way and it looks like a small Tomtom
                              The cake is a lie!


                                Morning Pit Missed fun I see

                                Congrats to everyone on the thread on 500 pages and 10,000 posts!!!

                                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                       for 500 pages!!

                                Did anybody say party? Rock on, Winchesters!

                                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                                *gasps* Kady, wash your mouth out.... I'll have you know San's as innocent as me!!

                                I had to try... did it work? :-p
                                It worked for me

                                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                                Weird? LOL, weird is half four!! ;-) It seems like forever ago since you were here. I miss you! *sniff*
                                I know I so miss you too Genuinely!

                                Aww well he's a softie, what's not to like?
                                So true

                                Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                                you did? Lucky you.... Hope it made you feel good. When I had my one and only Jensen and Jared dream I woke up happy and it last all day
                                Weird isn't it, how such a dream can make you feel good all day and sometimes even longer
                                Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                                Save Our Seeker!
                                LotS on LJ.

