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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    oh yes he is


      coptor!!! Darn, missed ya!

      He so is! Just look at those lips!

      Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 12 September 2012, 12:58 PM.
      Sig by ME.


        so i'm watching the movie Stop-Loss.... really good movie, if you get the chance, watch it.... no Jensen, but he'd have been perfect for the lead... esp since the main guy is supposed to be Texan [( his accent doesn't really sound all that Texan, and he certainly doesn't have any bowlegs )] but yea, great movie, could be better with a little Jensen
        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


          Son of a b1tch!!! I forgot that Supernatural was on tonight and I...watched something else instead. I will never get used to it being on Wednesday nights! I only remembered thanks to NCIS. I was watching the teaser where a Marine finds a dead body half buried in sand on the beach. T he deceased was wearing a wet suit which had a name on it...Lt. Jensen. That made me think if our Jensen and SPN and then I realized that OMG that's right it was on tonight...and I completely forgot! I am so, so sorry Dean, Jensen!

          @Lilith: Never heard of that movie...I don't think. Will IMDB it though.
          Sig by ME.


            So what did you watch instead?

            I watched and now I have Dean growly voice running through my head.

            It's too bad it's not. I'd sign up for that with Dean ANYTIME. ;-)


              Originally posted by Freckles View Post
              So what did you watch instead?
              Royal Pains. Totally forgot it was Wednesday. I was also on my laptop too so I guess I was a bit distracted then.

              I watched and now I have Dean growly voice running through my head.

              Love it! His voice is music to my ears.

              It's too bad it's not. I'd sign up for that with Dean ANYTIME. ;-)
              Me too!
              Sig by ME.


                Oooh YUMMY NEW PICS!!!
                More pics here:


                  Mmm... yea... saw those on fb this morning, but didn't really have time to look at them
                  I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                    Happy Thursday! *dances* Less than 3 weeks! I'm so excited.


                      GAH! The Season 7 gagreel is already up on Youtube and people are posting it on tumblr - along with gifs from it...and it keeps popping up on my dash! I DON'T WANNA SEE IT UNTIL THE DVD's COME OUT!

                      Alright, here's the one gif from the S7 gagreel that I just couldn't look away from...
                      ...and you won't be able to either.

                      @Frecks: Thanks for the link to those pictures! So excited for Oct 3!!!

                      @Grace: Happy Thursday to you! *joins in the celebration*
                      Sig by ME.


                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                        GAH! The Season 7 gagreel is already up on Youtube and people are posting it on tumblr - along with gifs from it...and it keeps popping up on my dash! I DON'T WANNA SEE IT UNTIL THE DVD's COME OUT!

                        Alright, here's the one gif from the S7 gagreel that I just couldn't look away from...
                        ...and you won't be able to either.

                        @Frecks: Thanks for the link to those pictures! So excited for Oct 3!!!

                        @Grace: Happy Thursday to you! *joins in the celebration*
                        Ooh! I've got to go find it on youtube! Love gag reels!
                        I'm excited the dvds are coming out soon, but I'm definitely going to wait to buy them until next year, or whenever they go on sale.


                          Originally posted by Grace View Post
                          Ooh! I've got to go find it on youtube! Love gag reels!
                          I'm excited the dvds are coming out soon, but I'm definitely going to wait to buy them until next year, or whenever they go on sale.
                          I can give you the link...

                          Sig by ME.


                            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                            Yep, that's the one I found. Hilarious! SPN needs more comedic moments.


                              Yeah it does! And, heh, same link!

                              I've got a widget on my tumblr counting down to the S8 premier.
                              Sig by ME.


                                Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                                Yeah it does! And, heh, same link!

                                I've got a widget on my tumblr counting down to the S8 premier.
                                Very cool. I have church choir that night, so I'll do the hulu thing on Thursday or whenever it comes on.

