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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Morning Pit! *drags self in* soooooo tired *boils kettle*

    GW was running so slow last night. I'm in a rush this morning so I'll have to catch up with everything tonight. Why is it that early nights make you more tired?

    Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
    You're welcome to start the day that way, queen!

    Lovely caps everyone.

    Stars, do you have a link as to where your find your caps?

    This is one of my all time favourite pics of Jensen. He just looks so cool and so very, very hot.
    Hehe, thanks... that one's a good start too... kinda makes you think he's saying 'come and get me!'

    One of the sites I use is called Screencap Paradise...Google it. They have some really good caps...and HUGE!! Sometimes I don't even bother doing my own they're so good on there!



      Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
      You're welcome to start the day that way, queen!

      Lovely caps everyone.

      Stars, do you have a link as to where your find your caps?

      This is one of my all time favourite pics of Jensen. He just looks so cool and so very, very hot.
      Well, hello there, handsome! Car trouble? Trying to hitch a ride?

      Queen introduced me to the Screencap paradise she mentioned (the link for Spn is, and there are also caps of lesser quality on the site ( - you have to click first on the season, the the episode you want.) It also gives you summaries of the eps, trailers, promo shots, etc. Also, these caps are different from the ones on SP so if you're looking for a special cap (as I did last night with the Sam bum shot for Lizzie) try both sites.

      I know you're not as S4 yet, but I'm doing Dean caps for that. Am about 1/3 through the season. They're logo free since they're from iTunes - link is in my sig once you get to that season.

      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
      Morning Pit! *drags self in* soooooo tired *boils kettle*

      GW was running so slow last night. I'm in a rush this morning so I'll have to catch up with everything tonight. Why is it that early nights make you more tired?
      Poor thing! *huggles* Here's something that should help wake you up.

      I noticed too that GW was acting up last night, but it's been working like clockwork lately, so I don't think we can complain.

      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

        Poor thing! *huggles* Here's something that should help wake you up.
        OH...MY...GOD!! That's just...just..guh!!! Look how red his lips are!! Blimey, that's obscene!! thank you! *huggles*



          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          OH...MY...GOD!! That's just...just..guh!!! Look how red his lips are!! Blimey, that's obscene!! thank you! *huggles*
          I could just drown in his eyes in this shot. The color is just amazing. *happy sigh* I've been suspecting him of using tinted contacts - never seen eyes that green - but now that he's had Lasik surgery and won't need corrective lenses anymore we'll see in the next close-ups if the color's still there.

          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


            Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
            I could just drown in his eyes in this shot. The color is just amazing. *happy sigh* I've been suspecting him of using tinted contacts - never seen eyes that green - but now that he's had Lasik surgery and won't need corrective lenses anymore we'll see in the next close-ups if the color's still there.
            They really are lovely! You're right, it'll be interesting to see... and to see whether his right one is still slightly off... I don't know how much the surgery can do. It makes me sick to think about anything near the eyes, but lasers.. *shudders*

            Oh well, I'd better get some work done



              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
              Here's something that should help wake you up.

              Didn't work for me. Just makes me stare and dream.
              The cake is a lie!


                Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                Didn't work for me. Just makes me stare and dream.
                It's now set as my phone wallpaper for the day!



                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                  They really are lovely! You're right, it'll be interesting to see... and to see whether his right one is still slightly off... I don't know how much the surgery can do. It makes me sick to think about anything near the eyes, but lasers.. *shudders*

                  Oh well, I'd better get some work done
                  No, it can only correct the vision, nothing else. My husband had it done a few years ago, and it really made a big difference for him. He said you don't really notice the surgery itself, it's just that he was supposed to look straight at a light, and at first it was blurred (he was extremely near sighted) but then as his vision was corrected it started to slide into focus until he could see it crystal clear.

                  Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                  Didn't work for me. Just makes me stare and dream.
                  In that case I hope you have nothing important planned for this morning.

                  Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

                    In that case I hope you have nothing important planned for this morning.
                    Nah, just, you know packing as I will be away for a couple of days with my parents and going to the Bahn and look if there is any planning needed when you drive from here to Speyer with 30 pubescents in less than 2 weeks , cleaning up so that my neighbours can look after my budgie (I am still thinking budgies - I'll have to find a new mate for Sammy* soon). Washing, ironing, you know the stuff.

                    But the I noticed, that Tall Tales is next on my DVD. Guess everything has to wait just a little bit

                    Edit: Jensen isn't really cross-eyed, isn't he?

                    * Sammy isn't named after Sam W. , he is older than SPN
                    Last edited by iolanda; 14 August 2009, 01:21 AM.
                    The cake is a lie!


                      Morning Pit!

                      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                      LOL, I know exactly what you mean. Can't think of an example now either, but the human factor still has to be believable.
                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      Yep all dirty, sweaty... and drinking from that beer bottle when he gets all dry and thirsty *fans self*
                      Oi Lizzie

                      All I can say is that credit card fraud is alive and well over here unfortunately I know no end of people who've fallen victim.The favourite ones are internet fraud and cloning of cards.
                      I forgive Dean and Sam though.
                      They do save lives after all

                      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                      OMG, yes! Scruffy Dean in a GTOY is just... *swoons* Can you believe that I did not have a single cap of that yet? That's gotta be rectified like NOW. Here you go, feast your eyes, ladies. While I fantasize about giving him a bubble bath to get rid of the grime...
                      GTOY??? Awesome

                      I dreamed about Jared btw
                      Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                      Save Our Seeker!
                      LotS on LJ.


                        New Picture from Andreas.

                        Click it

                        The cake is a lie!


                          Is that a promo shot from season 5? Nice Thanks Iolanda I really gotta get a move on with watching.. Usual Suspects is about to start
                          Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                          Save Our Seeker!
                          LotS on LJ.


                            Thanks, queen and Stars for that link.

                            That's what that pic reminds me of to, queen!

                            I found that site not long ago, Stars when I was looking for something else about Supernatural, its a great site! Thanks for the link.
                            Last edited by Stargate78fan; 14 August 2009, 02:47 AM.
                            Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                            My My Own Website


                              Morning again Pit. Having an early lunch!

                              Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                              Nah, just, you know packing as I will be away for a couple of days with my parents and going to the Bahn and look if there is any planning needed when you drive from here to Speyer with 30 pubescents in less than 2 weeks , cleaning up so that my neighbours can look after my budgie (I am still thinking budgies - I'll have to find a new mate for Sammy* soon). Washing, ironing, you know the stuff.

                              But the I noticed, that Tall Tales is next on my DVD. Guess everything has to wait just a little bit

                              Edit: Jensen isn't really cross-eyed, isn't he?
                              Hey iolanda Have a good time!

                              Oh I LOVE that ep, it's brilliant. Definitely in my 15 maybe?

                              Not so much cross-eyed, just a bit ...wonky I guess lol. I like it...I like the little imperfections like that *sigh*

                              Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                              Morning Pit!

                              GTOY??? Awesome

                              I dreamed about Jared btw
                              Hey San *squishiehuggles*

                              Hehe, and of course a Shep fan knows that acronym straight away!!

                              Really? Into the Pet Shop with you to tell all!! I rarely dream about my thunks... it's usually other people *sigh* one day I might have a normal dream with Jensen in it, and not with rather random things like last time!!

                              Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                              Usual Suspects is about to start
                              Hehe, another goodie!

                              Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                              Thanks, quen and Stars for that link.

                              That's what that pic reminds me of to, queen!
                              You're welcome

                              Hmmm, if only eh?



                                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                                Morning again Pit. Having an early lunch!
                                Hey Queenie Weird timezones I just finished lunch

                                Hey San *squishiehuggles*

                                Hehe, and of course a Shep fan knows that acronym straight away!!
                                Yep I did have to take a look at the colour, 'cause he looks good in green too

                                Really? Into the Pet Shop with you to tell all!! I rarely dream about my thunks... it's usually other people *sigh* one day I might have a normal dream with Jensen in it, and not with rather random things like last time!!
                                *gigglesnort* I gotta go tell them there? LOL It wasn't that special or anything I just remember quite liking him

                                Oh yeah, I usually have weird dreams too, rarely good ones about them.. if I do I wake up really happy LOL

                                Hehe, another goodie!
                                Weren't I just saying they never end up in prison?!?!
                                Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                                Save Our Seeker!
                                LotS on LJ.

