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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Originally posted by GatetheWay
    I have been to but the place is a bit chaotic and big after posting at TWoP for so long. I find it hard to find good conversation because a lot of the posts are sorta nonsense stuff. I'm just hopelessly addicted to TWoP.

    Thanks for listening to me JessM. You're a good therapist.

    Has anyone seen the new promo for Witch Hunt (or whatever it's now called) yet?
    Yeah there is a lot of stuff to keep track of over there. I haven't ventured out too far, I just stick to a couple of threads. I know what you mean about forum addiction though. There've been a few times that I've come close to leaving this place because of various things (nothing on this thread... it's 1 or 2 others). But I'm too addicted and the good things outweigh the bad.

    *grin* Anytime!

    Oh yeah, I saw it last night during the rerun of Bedtime Stories

    (spoilers for Witch Hunt)

    Yep looks like we get some Dean whumpage there! Poor guy.

    Looking forward to that ep!


      Originally posted by RainbowMist View Post
      Wow, you guys are saying what I have been thinking about TWoP. The negativity has gotten to the point that it's disrupting my enjoyment of the show, not because stuff bothers me but when I see something that I know they won't like it just makes me think "Gah! I'm going to have to listen to them complain about that!" I've been making posts here and there trying to inject some positiveness but it never works, and you can't vent because of all the crazy rules they have. But I have to keep reading it because they always have really interesting stuff to say and good ideas. [rant] My biggest gripe is the fact that they seem to dismiss "Bedtime Stories" (which I thought was a great episode) just because of one teensy throw-away line, completly typical of brothers, that was mildly offensive at worst[/rant]

      Oh well negativity happens, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels people are being way too harsh on the show. I think the season is far from a bust and I trust that Kripke knows where he's going. I'm getting really interested to see where the storylines go, too bad there's no way the season will be wrapped up in the next four episodes The preview for the next episode looks really interesting!
      Same here. That's the reason I gave up on the House forums over there.. it was actually starting to ruin my enjoyment of the show. I'd be watching a new ep and thinking, "Oh crap, the anti-Hameron hate is going to be insaaaaane over this!"


        Hmmm. I only read the Smallville forums at TWoP. And yeah, there's a lot of negativity and bashing (especially Lana-bashing). But it's always kind of echoed what I thought about the show , so it didn't bother me. If I'd been enjoying Smallville, I probably wouldn't have stuck around too long. And yeah, I probably wouldn't visit the Supernatural forums since I'm liking the show - I can only imagine what's being said.

        That whole site, though, is geared to be very very hard on shows. And it's done deliberately-that's their marketing approach (Television Without Pity), and it's become very successful using that formula. You want scathing reviews? That's the place to go. They're not there to be nice to the shows. But, since that's how they're set up, I'm sure the negativity does get overwhelming at times, especially if you happen to be enjoying the show.
        Last edited by Killdeer; 11 January 2008, 11:27 AM.
        - Life after Stargate -
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          Witch Hunt Preview:


            It's gotten to the point where the snarky episode recaps are more easy on the episodes than the forum users. I understand they are suppose to be tough but a lot of their complaints contradict each other. One I've heard a ton about is that there are too many demons this season, we've lost the urban legends yet at the same time they determine that the demon war is not getting enough attention and there isn't enough visual indication of it.

            A lot say they would prefer dropping the overarcing plot all together but they never mention that that would leave the show with a ton of loose ends. If they show was principally standalone with nothing threading it together that would bore the hell out of me.

            One thing that's really getting to me that I think is all in their imaginations is that some think the writing staff are conspiring against the character of Dean purposely short changing the character.

            Now, anytime the fans got ridiculous like this Demian, the recaper, would tell them they were being stupid. But now with all the new rules no one can do this any longer. If they do they get banned.

            They say they do it because they care but I'm starting to find that harder and harder to believe.

            God, it feels good the finally vent this somewhere.
            Last edited by GatetheWay; 11 January 2008, 01:21 PM.

            5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


              Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
              Now, anytime the fans got ridiculous like this Demian the recaper would tell them they were being stupid. But now with all the new rules none can do this any longer. If they do they get banned.
              What new rules? I've noticed some things had changed (we got some new mods), and they're really strict about on-topic, but I didn't know about new rules.
              - Life after Stargate -
              Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
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                They have now what they call boards on boards. Meaning in no way shape or form can you refer to the board as a whole or users on the board in conversation. Sometimes it branches out to referring to other boards and the show's fan base in general. It was a very hard rule to learn. Even our new mod accidentally violated it a couple times. I noticed quite a few regular posters disappear when the new rules were put into effect, probably banned. I got a warning against me for starting a post about how I was probably in the minority, so that shows you how strict they are.

                5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                  Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                  They have now what they call boards on boards. Meaning in no way shape or form can you refer to the board as a whole or users on the board in conversation. Sometimes it branches out to referring to other boards and the show's fan base in general. It was a very hard rule to learn. Even our new mod accidentally violated it a couple times. I noticed quite a few regular posters disappear when the new rules were put into effect, probably banned. I got a warning against me for starting a post about how I was probably in the minority, so that shows you how strict they are.
                  I've seen the term, I just never knew what it meant. Hmmm. Good thing I'm just a lurker - not a poster.

                  Speaking of strict mods, though, we better get this conversation back to Supernatural before our own mod comes along and smacks us.
                  - Life after Stargate -
                  Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
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                    Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                    Speaking of strict mods, though, we better get this conversation back to Supernatural before our own mod comes along and smacks us.
                    More of a noodling than a smack, but still....


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      More of a noodling than a smack, but still....
                      - Life after Stargate -
                      Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                      Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                        A new Q&A with Eric Kripke over at

                        5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                          Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                          A new Q&A with Eric Kripke over at
                          Awesome interview - thanks.
                          - Life after Stargate -
                          Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                          Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                            Thanks for the heads up! Very interesting interview.


                              Nice read. Thanks for posting the link.
                              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                                Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                                A new Q&A with Eric Kripke over at
                                That was a fantastic and insightful interview! Thank you very much for posting it, GatetheWay.

                                At first you really lost me with your discussion about TWoP because I didn't have the slightest idea what site you were talking about but after I finally found out, I have to say that I clearly agree with you. I also think that this kind of perspective on the show is what they are aiming for but I totally understand that this approach indeed puts a damper on the enjoyment of watching the show, especially if you like the current episode and then see it getting ripped to shreds in the forums.

                                So far I have only seen 'Magnificent Seven' and 'Children are alright' of the third season but in my humble opinion both episodes were far from a bust! In some aspects I wasn't too fond of 'Magnificent Seven' but it was certainly not the worst episode of the show, and I deeply enjoyed the character moments between the brothers and also the ones with Bobby. I absolutely like the character of Bobby, and I'm glad they brought him into the show and use him more often. To my mind his line in 'Born Under a bad Sign' characterized him perfectly, "Never try to con a conman!"

                                Now the second episode of the season I thoroughly enjoyed. The only minor complaint I have about the episode is the fact that I thought Ben's bahaviour in general was a bit off because I don't think this Dean-like attitude towards girls etc. was all too plausible for an eight-year-old to have. (Otherwise I definitely would have doubted his mother's qualities.) It sure was hilarious but still unrealistic.
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