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Star Trek Into Darkness : Spec/Ideas/News (SPOILERS)

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    The trailer I saw definitely peaked my interest. I do not think I will be disappointed one bit with this one.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      What does a planet exploding have to do with making planets? Star Trek has already established that an ideal colony planet is easy to find if one is patient and looks hard enough. Didn't future-Spock already select a new planet for the Vulcan survivors to colonize? I'm not seeing a connection between this and Genesis. By the way, aren't we some thirty years early for Genesis to happen? If the movie is about what came before Genesis, that, I'd be up for.


        Benedict Cumberbatch reveals his Star Trek Into Darkness character… but are we going to believe him?

        For what it's worth, Benedict Cumberbatch just revealed the identity of his villain — and he's saying it's John Harrison, the name revealed in a recent official caption and one that quite decidedly isn't Khan, Gary Mitchell, or anyone else who has previously appeared in the Star Trek universe... which, now that I think about it, should be exactly what we all want, but somehow all the uber-secrecy has flipped my brain. Anyway, here's what Cumberbatch has to say about the good Mr. Harrison:

        "I play John Harrison who's a terrorist and an extraordinary character in his own right. He's somebody who is not your two-dimensional cookie cutter villain. He's got an extraordinary purpose, and I hope that at one point or other in the film you might even sympathize with the reasons he's doing what he's doing — not necessarily the means and the destruction he causes. But it was a great ride, not just because he's the bad guy and the antagonist but also because he has a purpose and it's hard not to see his point of view at certain points."
        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


          this is so going to be like The Dark Knight Rises.


            so i saw the hobbit in imax
            and i saw the prologue and i gotta tell you and it was amazing. the effects were unbelievable.


              Star Trek: Into Darkness

              Zachary Quinto has spoken about reprising the role of Spock in Star Trek Into Darkness.

              The actor revealed during a recent press conference that the sequel required a far more physical performance from him than 2009's Star Trek, and spoke about his preparations for the new challenge.

              "This film was a lot more physically demanding for me personally, so there was a lot of eating and running around, lifting things that are heavier than I'm used to.

              "So suit brushes, hairbrushes... we started there and gradually moved up to cereal boxes, soup cans by the third week of filming," Quinto joked.

              "But it was really a great challenge... the way that we all needed to be ready to enter into this world, which is just a lot more, I would say aggressive. And not in a violent way necessarily, but just in a sensory way, I think this world is bigger."

              Benedict Cumberbatch, who joins the cast in the role of mysterious villain John Harrison, chipped in with a similar experience, saying: "It was the most physical role I've ever done, certainly in front of a camera, and I ate an awful lot as well.

              "There wasn't really a five-minute break where a chicken wasn't getting in."
              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                New trailer today!

                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  this is going to be the one movie im going to see more than once.


                    This film looks awesome.
                    Hoping to see the prequel on Thursday


                      Awesomly awesome trailer !!!!!!! 2013 Will be great when it comes to movies: first Star Trek, Oblivion, After Earth, Pacific Rim and Man of Steel, it will be a good year for sci-fi, at least at the big screen !


                        Oblivion? After Earth? Pacific Rim? Is Man of Steel really science-fiction? I always saw Superman as fantasy given that the fictional science in the saga has no bearing on real world science. It only looks science-fiction, because he's an alien from another planet. There's science-fiction window dressing, but it's predominately a fantasy.


                          Smallville was considered Science fiction because it featured time travel, i guess it really does depend on the storyline where Superman is concerned
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                            I hate Smallville with a passion but of course its science fiction. The main character is an alien
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by mr_kennedy View Post
                              Smallville was considered Science fiction because it featured time travel, i guess it really does depend on the storyline where Superman is concerned
                              Time travel can be fantasy or science-fiction, it all depends on how it was used. If it's depicted through fictional science based on real world science for the purposes of speculative fiction, than it's science-fiction. If Clark Kent travels through time because the Fortress of Solitude let him, than it's just fantasy.

                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              I hate Smallville with a passion but of course its science fiction. The main character is an alien
                              Making the protagonist a human-looking alien does not necessarily make the story science-fiction. It all depends on how the story is told and how close it remains tied to reality, or at least a believable fictional version of reality. To me, Smallville was a supernatural teen soap. It never struck me as science-fiction.


                                I'll grant you a teen soap but it was science fiction and yes the alien makes it science fiction. The show is never magical and leaves the science fiction genere of impossible. Highly impropable of course but must scifi tv is highly unlikely
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

