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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    I can not see the Maquis ever trusting Jake. Some of those really freak me out as I think it would go against the very core of his character. Although I do think his role of the son of the Emissary should have been played more
    Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
    I think the only one of those ideas that would remotely have had a chance is being feeling overwhelmed being the son of the Emissary, unfortunately I don't believe the Bajorans gave a crap either way about Jake with the exception of Kira.
    I've never read "Rising Son" but I've heard that Jake does have a role in Bajoran religion as the Emissary's Herald or something to that degree. In the book, he supposedly has quite a few adventures deep in the Gamma Quadrant. Too bad he only got development with a novel, not in the series.
    Last edited by Cold Fuzz; 29 January 2010, 04:09 PM.


      Could never see Jake falling in with the pro-Prophet crowd. If anything, it was because he disagreed with his father in the past on his role as the Emissary (such as taking away the visions) that ultimately made him a good choice for the Kost Amojan.



        If you want Dad and son to clash how about this...

        Instead of Jake gently pushing his Dad towards a relationship with Cassidy, Sisko falls in love with her on his own. Jake is deeply torn between feeling good for his Dad and feeling aweful...thinking his father would betray his Mom.

        Although I do like the 'religion'-angle. That way he could have been sucked into one of Kai Winns intrigues. Could have made some interesting stories as well.
        Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
        Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
        You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

        The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


          >Jake goes on a crusade to prove that the Prophets are not gods. The Vedek version of the Mossad tries to take him out.

          Seriously, there was potential in Jake but it wasn't mined. He was his father's son and that was it.
          Last edited by nx01a; 29 January 2010, 03:58 PM.
          More fun @ Spoofgate!


            Jake knows they aren't God's, just everyone who isn't Bajoran. I remember Kira having to correct herself from saying Prophets to "wormhole aliens" at one point to someone because of that. So even the Bajoran's know the likes of Starfleet don't consider them God's.

            I think that Jake's real potential was showing how non Starfleet humans were in the future. Yes he could have did more, but ultimately doing more isn't what the typical non Starfleet human did. Having him running around like a headless chicken at time really did show that not everyone has a clue.



              You're quite right that he's one of our first extended looks at a human who isn't in Starfleet. And it was a sad one. As much as he didn't want to be a part of Starfleet, he still ended up working as a civilian in the employ of the Federation: a reporter for Federation News Service.
              I guess in the future, just like today, there's exciting people and there's everyone else. Maybe jake was more realistic than we give him credit for.
              More fun @ Spoofgate!


                Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
                Jake knows they aren't God's, just everyone who isn't Bajoran. I remember Kira having to correct herself from saying Prophets to "wormhole aliens" at one point to someone because of that. So even the Bajoran's know the likes of Starfleet don't consider them God's.
                >After his possession, Jake joins a radical Bajoran athiest group bent on proving the Prophets aren't gods by killing the manipulative and intrusive noncorporeal wormhole aliens.

                OK. Sorry. I'm done.
                More fun @ Spoofgate!


                  I think Jake being worshipped by Pah-Wraith followers could have been done, being a host. Could have added something in season 7, with them considering him their Emissary especially after they decided to stab Sisko.



                    Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                    You're quite right that he's one of our first extended looks at a human who isn't in Starfleet. And it was a sad one. As much as he didn't want to be a part of Starfleet, he still ended up working as a civilian in the employ of the Federation: a reporter for Federation News Service.
                    Well, working for the Federation is hardly the same as working for Starfleet. Starfleet is the military/exploration arm of the Federation, while the Federation News Service is most probably just a (public) news service with Federation in the name and nothing more, like BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation. It's no more an extension of the Federation government than the BBC is an extension of the British government.


                      I get that, believe me. After watching 'Homefront' and 'Paradise Lost' and DS9 in general, the division's painfully clear.
                      I just mean that there seems to be no escape from this monolithic entity that has tendrils in every aspect of the lives of most humans in the galaxy, whether it's the carrot [the Federation] or the stick [Starfleet].
                      More fun @ Spoofgate!


                        Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                        You're quite right that he's one of our first extended looks at a human who isn't in Starfleet. And it was a sad one. As much as he didn't want to be a part of Starfleet, he still ended up working as a civilian in the employ of the Federation: a reporter for Federation News Service.
                        I guess in the future, just like today, there's exciting people and there's everyone else. Maybe jake was more realistic than we give him credit for.
                        Great point! This is what I was thinking reading through the discussion on Jake. He's an ordinary guy, he's not following in Dad's footsteps, he's not going to make a mark on human history! He's the product of a loving father who supports him and provides him with the tools to make his own way in life.

                        I really like the free and easy uncomplicated relationship between them. It is a refreshing thing to see amongst the horrible 'angsty' teenage/parent relationships I feel subjected to as a viewer these days. I have a good easy uncomplicated relationship with my son and I could relate to watching Jake grow up to my son growing up too. This is why I think your point about Jake being "realistic" is an extremely good one, there are good relationships between parents and young adults, it is good to see them on screen.


                          Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                          For all his faults, Wesley had something to do. Jake was just there. Loving his dad and being supportive. *gag*
                          There is nothing wrong with that.

                          I realize that losing mom to the Borg and lots of alone time created that bond between them, but maybe Sisko could have smothered and overprotected Jake to try to keep him safe and Jake could have rebelled. Besides, even in the most loving homes, teen rebellion has been known to happen.
                          Sure they exist in real life but I don't believe them until I've known the specimens for years to be sure it's not observer effect.
                          I've only experienced rebellious teens in situations of bad parenting. And it's fairly consistent. Boys do tend to push the authority. It's what we do but parenting isn't just about love...aka hippy style's about discipline...and love. Usually...rebellion is the reaction of most teens to sudden attempt by parents to enforce rules that were never there before or discipline where there was none previously. A child that has not gotten no enforced on them often will not feel obligated to follow, no.

                          I'm very happy their relationship was a good one, but his connection to his father was really the only thing Jake had going for him that worked. Jake the Reporter was all of 7 episodes in the background. Jake the Writer was worth all of 2 episodes [one of which was BAAAAD!]. The Sisko household was boring and could have used some more tension than Jake bringing home a Dabo girl. Well, I think so.
                          I don't think that would be fitting entertainment.
                          I personally liked that Star Trek didn't inundate the screen with bad influences.

                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          Maybe Jake should have been a recurring character and make someone like Nog or Garak a regular so the demands to write interesting stories for him wasn't so high. Its somewhat obvious that the writers for all their talents didn't know where to take. Maybe expand on Sisko's personal life or find him to contribute to the station
                          I agree, sir.
                          A recurring character like Alexander would have been good.
                          But the writers liked using Jake as a plot device...much like women are DID's.


                            Originally posted by Saquist View Post
                            There is nothing wrong with that.

                            I've only experienced rebellious teens in situations of bad parenting. And it's fairly consistent. Boys do tend to push the authority. It's what we do but parenting isn't just about love...aka hippy style's about discipline...and love. Usually...rebellion is the reaction of most teens to sudden attempt by parents to enforce rules that were never there before or discipline where there was none previously. A child that has not gotten no enforced on them often will not feel obligated to follow, no.

                            I don't think that would be fitting entertainment.
                            I personally liked that Star Trek didn't inundate the screen with bad influences.

                            I agree, sir.
                            A recurring character like Alexander would have been good.
                            But the writers liked using Jake as a plot device...much like women are DID's.
                            I think that is a little extreme. Granted their is a link between bad parents and misbehaving children but even the best parents have teenagers who rebell a little. Its just part of natural human developlment.
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Hi all, it's been awhile since I was last here.

                              /\/\ I absolutely love the conversation lately /\/\ Great stuff!. I visited brother Fifth today. He has been staying at his parents house for a couple months now to help his elderly father take care of his mother who has advanced alzheimers. He told me to say hi and say he misses everyone and wished he could be on more. He needs to get a new lap top so he can be online at his parents house when he stays there.

                              The wife and haven't watched anything good lately. What the heck happened to V and that other cool scifi show on ABC?. We both are enjoying Caprica so far. The show is already much better than BSG. SGU is ho hum and the second season of Sanctuary so far stinks to high heaven!.


                                Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                                Great point! This is what I was thinking reading through the discussion on Jake. He's an ordinary guy, he's not following in Dad's footsteps, he's not going to make a mark on human history! He's the product of a loving father who supports him and provides him with the tools to make his own way in life.
                                Well said Lady Kris. I always thought the way Jake's relationship with his father was presented was very realistic and I'm glad the writers didn't turn Jake into a Starfleet automaton.

                                It was was obvious Jake loved Ben a lot. I think that was part of the reason he wanted a job covering the war. He wanted to stay close to his father, especially considering how close they were with Jake losing his mother. The great loyalty he showed Ben by wanting to stay close to his Ben was portrayed with a realism I could understand (being someone who loves there father dearly).

