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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
    That was definitely "ringer" worthy! I also just re-watched The Homecoming to follow brother jelgates entire DS9 re-watch, and I still couldn't remember exactly where I heard the name.

    It's funny, but when I re-watch various Trek episodes (TNG, DS9, VOY or ENT), I am always looking for that "ringer" question that will stump you fellow ringers. I'm talking questions that look innocent on the surface, but if you searched every page of google, you still wouldn't find it. That is not an easy thing to do these days, trust me, but I still manage to come up with a few real tough ones every quiz.
    Almost every questio is a ringer question to me


      Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
      Ringer questions that would stump me would probably involve episodes that I've watched no more than once or twice. For example, I've watched TNG's "Attached" only twice now in 17 years--once when it first aired 17 years ago and recently when it was rerun on WGN. Certain Voyager episodes fall into that category as well. For a long time, I never saw the latter half of Voyager's season 3 until I went over to a friend's house about 5 years ago.
      yeah yeah yeah, spoken like a true "ringer" LOL Even though you have only participated in one of my "all purpose Star Trek quizzes", you displayed just how incredibly knowledgeable you are brother Fuzz. I could very well make a bunch of ridiculous questions about names of ship's, planets, characters ..etc.. But I do not want to take the easy way out by asking a bunch of boring and useless minutiae. So there I sit with my ever present note-pad and pen in hand as I re-watch every kind of Star Trek episode or movie. I could think of worse things to do.
      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      Almost every questio is a ringer question to me
      LOL, but with your good looks, sassy humor and cute demeanor, who needs anything else.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        Almost every questio is a ringer question to me
        I've got one for you. What propulsion system is used to transport spacecrafts between systems?

        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
          The episode (Sanctuary) seems to be preaching about Bajor's unwillingness to help outsiders for the sake of preaching, rather than building a solid story around the premise. I also don't care for the completely forced and manipulative ending sequence, where the story sends Haneek's son Tumak (played by Andrew Koenig - RIP) charging toward Bajor in a stolen ship, for the sole reason of killing him off and driving home the would-be message. Yes, there are some valid points here. But there's also a lot of lackluster drama that wants to mean more than it really does. They could have done a lot better.
          Very well said brother Fifth. The issue of a group of people wanting to immigrate to Bajor is interesting, but could have been handled better. The Skreeans demanding to immigrate to Bajor, despite a major famine on the planet, despite the fact that Draylon II was more than adequate for the Skreean's needs, came off as a little preposterous. I lose all of my sympathy for the Skreeans very quickly when they start getting belligerent and angry that they can't live on Bajor. They redeem themselves well though in the ending. I loved the scene at very end where the Skrreean leader Haneek tell's Kira -- "I think you've made a terrible mistake. All of you. Maybe we could have helped you. Maybe we could have helped each other. The Skreeans are farmers, Kira. You have a famine on your planet. Perhaps we could have made that peninsula bloom again. We'll never know, will we? Fifty years of Cardassian rule have made you all frightened and suspicious. I feel sorry for you. You were right. Bajor is not Kentanna."

          I had forgotten that the Skrreean Tumok was portrayed by Andrew Koenig, what a shame.
          The USS Defiant Rocks!


            Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
            Very well said brother Fifth. The issue of a group of people wanting to immigrate to Bajor is interesting, but could have been handled better. The Skreeans demanding to immigrate to Bajor, despite a major famine on the planet, despite the fact that Draylon II was more than adequate for the Skreean's needs, came off as a little preposterous. I lose all of my sympathy for the Skreeans very quickly when they start getting belligerent and angry that they can't live on Bajor. They redeem themselves well though in the ending.
            I think that religion for you. People just passionately believe in something to the point of no reason. Now I'm not saying religion is without reason. I follow a religion after all but that people behind behind the religion are lost of reason. The Skreeans saw Bajor as their Isarel to use a real world example and look how pasionately some feel about that region
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
              yeah yeah yeah, spoken like a true "ringer" LOL Even though you have only participated in one of my "all purpose Star Trek quizzes", you displayed just how incredibly knowledgeable you are brother Fuzz. I could very well make a bunch of ridiculous questions about names of ship's, planets, characters ..etc.. But I do not want to take the easy way out by asking a bunch of boring and useless minutiae. So there I sit with my ever present note-pad and pen in hand as I re-watch every kind of Star Trek episode or movie. I could think of worse things to do. LOL, but with your good looks, sassy humor and cute demeanor, who needs anything else.
              Thanks Brother Fifth. My older brother and I definitely inherited our dad's eidetic memory. My brother often quotes entire scenes of dialogue from the original Star Wars trilogy to his friends--much to their annoyance. In my case, it manifests itself through remembering names, faces, license plates, birthdays, background history...and truckload of sci-fi factoids, especially DS9. It's all become handy in my line of work.


                I rather do not like this episode. And its not because they turned Gunian's people into evil con men. Its not because I really hate Quark. Its because I find the notion of a machine that could alter the the rate of chance quite insane. Its makes no sense with random events like how people tripping to be altered by a machine. I know this science fiction and all but when it contradicts everything I know about physics and chemistry I just can't buy it. And that is why I really do not care for the A story in this episode.

                The B story is another thing. I think Bashir and O'Brein playing racquetball is another evolution of iconic Bashir/O'Brien friendship. Here they are still at the point where they tolerate each other because Miles finds Julian annoying but towards the end as they bond over the ordeal that happens in the raquetball event you so a subtle move to the more friendship that will eventually flourish. And that is the gem of this episode. More development into those two.

                The Alternate
                Odo is my second favorite character (after Sisko) so as you may imagine I love this episode. The plot of the gas mutating Changelings is plausable to me since except a few fossil sample of Odo's ancestors this planet seems void of Changelings. What better reasons for Changelings to abandon the planet then it being deadly. Not that they would admit it but the Changeling's arrogance is a topic for when I get S3.

                And the fact that Odo turns into this primal beast is a great vehicle to show who this character is. In the mannar it shows what angers him the most. After all as this beast he seems to pursue what angers him. That person after all being Dr. Mora. It shows just how frusturated Odo was while being studied. While I personally don't blame him I sometimes think he is a little too hard on Dr. Mora. He did not know what Odo was and was just trying to slove the mystery of the "orange goo." Sometimes perspective is helpful
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  I think that religion for you. People just passionately believe in something to the point of no reason. Now I'm not saying religion is without reason. I follow a religion after all but that people behind behind the religion are lost of reason. The Skreeans saw Bajor as their Isarel to use a real world example and look how pasionately some feel about that region
                  Well stated brother jelgate, the Israel analogy is quite adept. I just wish that the writers would have dug into the Skrreean culture and back-story a little more. It might have put this fringe episode in to a better perspective.
                  The USS Defiant Rocks!


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    I rather do not like this episode. And its not because they turned Gunian's people into evil con men. Its not because I really hate Quark. Its because I find the notion of a machine that could alter the the rate of chance quite insane. Its makes no sense with random events like how people tripping to be altered by a machine. I know this science fiction and all but when it contradicts everything I know about physics and chemistry I just can't buy it. And that is why I really do not care for the A story in this episode.
                    Not the best of episodes, but there is enough sense of whimsy to be respectably entertaining - What I found particularly fun to watch are the humorous character moments surrounding O'Brien and Bashir's racquetball rivalry. Watching O'Brien's frustration over Julian's youth advantage (and yet unknown genetic enhancement) is a delight, and Bashir's own problem of having to beat a person he considers a mentor is a rather clever twist. Less compelling are the implications of Martus' competitive establishment ripping-off all of Quark's customers - though the idea isn't completely unpalatable.
                    The USS Defiant Rocks!


                      I'm watching 'The Visitor' now on TV. Such a fantastic episode, not just for the relationship between Jake and Ben, but the story as a whole. I think it's easily the best Star Trek episode ever, which is a big thing since I am an action whore and would more than likely pick a heavy battle episode than a heavy story episode.



                        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                        LOL, but with your good looks, sassy humor and cute demeanor, who needs anything else.
                        Well, yeah true...You have a point there

                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        I've got one for you. What propulsion system is used to transport spacecrafts between systems?

                        Um....I know this's.....Um........Nope it's gone


                          Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
                          I'm watching 'The Visitor' now on TV. Such a fantastic episode, not just for the relationship between Jake and Ben, but the story as a whole. I think it's easily the best Star Trek episode ever, which is a big thing since I am an action whore and would more than likely pick a heavy battle episode than a heavy story episode.
                          The Visitor is simply brilliant! - This episode is easily Star Trek and DS9's most moving and poignant character piece ever. For me, it's the first episode of Star Trek (or any episodic scifi show for that matter) that actually moved me to tears. Never before has the flashback been used as a narrative tool that is so well-realized and efficiently utilized. Good call brother SB.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            I am sad I just found out that Flash forward and Trauma won't be back for a new season and that Cold Case is in danger of not returning So I am away to sulk in a corner somewhere


                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              I am sad I just found out that Flash forward and Trauma won't be back for a new season and that Cold Case is in danger of not returning So I am away to sulk in a corner somewhere
                              I was digging Flash Forward (not great but intriguing enough). I also read last week that NBC canceled Heroes (another not great but intriguing show I liked to watch), and Law & Order is ending it's 20 year run. I know Supernatural was renewed, I wonder if they are going to bring back V?
                              the Fifth Race

                              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                                Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                                I was digging Flash Forward (not great but intriguing enough). I also read last week that NBC canceled Heroes (another not great but intriguing show I liked to watch), and Law & Order is ending it's 20 year run. I know Supernatural was renewed, I wonder if they are going to bring back V?
                                The first have kinda dragged a bit, but it's really strting to come together in the second half. And then they go and cancel it I liiked Heroes but it was getting a bit tedious and I stopped watching a while ago. One show I can't believe that lasted so long was "Lost" And I can't beileve I wasted all that time watching the whole first season I don't really watch the original L&O, I prefer SVU and Criminal Intent V is good and I like that so I hope they bring it back, or I'm gonna stop watching new American shows

