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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    I know there is a slash fandom for Bashir/Garek and Bashir/O'Brien but I've honestly never noticed it being slashy, although I was totally blown away by this episode, and especially the ending when O'Brien was debating going home to Keiko and then finally asks Bashir if he'll go with him, what for three-way fun? I swear.


      I just wanted to congratulate everyone on brother Fifth latest and greatest Trek Quiz. I see that brother USS Defiant and Lady Rac are on the top of the heap again (so what else is new lol) - seriously you two rock!. Good to see brother jelgate back in the Top Dawg's list.
      Originally posted by Alder View Post
      Yay! I got an honourable mention!
      Well done Lady Alder, not bad for a newbie.


        Originally posted by s72450 View Post
        I never watched Season Seven until now. I've been catching up and I'm all the way to 723 - Extreme Measures. While I've never really been huge into slash shipping Trek, I swear this was the Bashir/O'Brien coming out episode. I literally couldn't believe the conversation they were having inside Sloane's mind about how while Miles love Keiko, he liked Julian more and then Julian said he was in love with Ezri, but he liked Miles more. It was so damn gay, complete with jealous little looks during the conversation.

        Anyone else pick up on this?
        LOL, so whats wrong with a little Bromance?. I wouldn't call it gay or it isn't even that they're attracted to each other. It's obvious they love each other like best friends (male or female) do. I will admit it did get a little uncomfortable in that great season 7 episode Extreme Measures, but I don't think it was anything sexual.

        As a married heterosexual male there have been many times I wished my wife was as understanding as some of my male friends. So I can see where having a very close male friend to talk about stuff involving there partner and family is a great asset. Plus, us men tend to lose a lot of our regular guy buddies when we get married, so we like to hang on to male friends that the wife approves of.


          Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
          After watching DS9 up to about mid-point season 2, Odo and Quark are really turning about to be my favorite characters.

          The way they keep messing with each other throughout the show has turned out to be a nice comic-relief.
          I love both characters - The Quark/Odo dynamic is one of my favorites from any scifi series. You will watch there relationship grow over the entire series to the point where they learn to respect each other and almost even like each other. If all you have seen of DS9 is "up to about mid-point season 2" then there is lot of great Quark/Odo story-lines and episodes to come.


            Originally posted by s72450 View Post
            I know there is a slash fandom for Bashir/Garek and Bashir/O'Brien but I've honestly never noticed it being slashy, although I was totally blown away by this episode, and especially the ending when O'Brien was debating going home to Keiko and then finally asks Bashir if he'll go with him, what for three-way fun? I swear.
            Well, there IS the episode Bashir has to deal with his ex-classmate that basically has O'Brien tell him "why can't Keiko be more like you?"
            Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
            Yes, I am!
            Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
            Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
            Peter Pan R.I.P


              Originally posted by Starbase View Post
              LOL, so whats wrong with a little Bromance?. I wouldn't call it gay or it isn't even that they're attracted to each other. It's obvious they love each other like best friends (male or female) do. I will admit it did get a little uncomfortable in that great season 7 episode Extreme Measures, but I don't think it was anything sexual.

              As a married heterosexual male there have been many times I wished my wife was as understanding as some of my male friends. So I can see where having a very close male friend to talk about stuff involving there partner and family is a great asset. Plus, us men tend to lose a lot of our regular guy buddies when we get married, so we like to hang on to male friends that the wife approves of.
              This is how I always saw their friendship. Totally agree, people need friends of their own sex, there are some things that men or women need to talk about to put things in perspective that can only be said to or understood by a friend of the same sex.

              They were brought together to find ways of countering the lonliness and a friendship was born due to a common situation. For O'Brien when Keiko needed to follow her career. Bashir due to being socially awkward due to his high IQ! There is nothing more to their relationship than a need for eachother to keep the other one sane in moments of doubt and frustration. O'Brien's down to earth look on life countered Bashir's analytical one, they complimented eachother and also learned from eachother. This also meant that they began to care about the other person and respect them for who they are without the sexual aspect.


                Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
                And it had Robert Foxworth in it as a guest star (Vice Admiral Leyton, the bad guy), who is one of my favourite actors. Was just reading about him on memory-alpha and found this:

                "Foxworth's Babylon 5 character was killed off-screen in response to Foxworth assuming the role of Admiral Leyton, and Bruce McGill was cast in a similar role to replace him."

                Man, those two shows really didn't like each other, did they. It seemed like a waste to kill off General Hague, but I did like Major Ryan's character, and I like that actor too (Bruce McGill).
                McGill also played (the mildly psychotic) Captain Braxton in VOY. (the ep is Relativity)


                  Watching DS9, "The House of Quark". Overall, it's a fun episode


                    Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                    They were brought together to find ways of countering the lonliness and a friendship was born due to a common situation. For O'Brien when Keiko needed to follow her career. Bashir due to being socially awkward due to his high IQ! There is nothing more to their relationship than a need for eachother to keep the other one sane in moments of doubt and frustration. O'Brien's down to earth look on life countered Bashir's analytical one, they complimented eachother and also learned from eachother. This also meant that they began to care about the other person and respect them for who they are without the sexual aspect.
                    The Bashir/O'Brien friendship was unique in that it was truly a buddy/buddy relationship where the 2 guys were actually best friends. We got glimpse's of this with Kirk/Spock but Spock is Vulcan which makes it different. With Bashir and O'Brien they acted like best friends (not Starfleet friends). They did stuff together in off hours, they both hung out with each others family and they generally enjoyed each others company. I personally have maybe 3 male friends (brothers Starbase & Fifth Race being 2 of them) that are close enough to me that I can confide with them personal stuff I generally wouldn't talk about with my wife or family. As embarrassing as it may look and feel - even us men need an outlet to open up our hearts occasionally.
                    The USS Defiant Rocks!


                      Originally posted by Starbase
                      As a married heterosexual male there have been many times I wished my wife was as understanding as some of my male friends. So I can see where having a very close male friend to talk about stuff involving there partner and family is a great asset. Plus, us men tend to lose a lot of our regular guy buddies when we get married, so we like to hang on to male friends that the wife approves of.
                      LOL amen brother Starbase. My wife likes everyone (great lady!), but a lot of my old habits and friends all disappeared after I got married out of respect to her. I noticed that I am also alot more open about myself since I got married. I will talk about stuff I never would have blabbered on about before I got married lol. Marriage does soften us men up, thank God.
                      Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                      I love both characters - The Quark/Odo dynamic is one of my favorites from any scifi series. You will watch there relationship grow over the entire series to the point where they learn to respect each other and almost even like each other. If all you have seen of DS9 is "up to about mid-point season 2" then there is lot of great Quark/Odo story-lines and episodes to come.
                      I couldn't have said it any better myself. The Quark/Odo relationship is one of the very best from DS9. Even though they grow to eventually respect each other (sort of) they never let up on each other for one minute. Quark finally did manage to influence Odo in the end alot more than Odo ever did to Quark, you got to love those Ferengi lol.
                      The USS Defiant Rocks!


                        Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                        you got to love those Ferengi lol.
                        Or secretly hatch assassination plots...
                        [maybe that's just me...]

                        Also, a quick round of applause to friends generally. I loved the interaction between Bashir and O'Brian. Good to see a healthy friendship now and then! (It reminds me - veering off-topic a bit - of the relationship in the early seasons of ER between Mark Greene and Doug Ross, close, but not without friction. Gave us some great episodes before Clooney left for greener pastures...)


                          Originally posted by Alder View Post
                          Or secretly hatch assassination plots...
                          [maybe that's just me...]

                          Also, a quick round of applause to friends generally. I loved the interaction between Bashir and O'Brian. Good to see a healthy friendship now and then! (It reminds me - veering off-topic a bit - of the relationship in the early seasons of ER between Mark Greene and Doug Ross, close, but not without friction. Gave us some great episodes before Clooney left for greener pastures...)
                          No its not just you. I want all the Ferengi especially Quark dead. I hate them as much as Lady Rac hates McKay
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            No its not just you. I want all the Ferengi especially Quark dead. I hate them as much as Lady Rac hates McKay
                            Yay, someone to plot with, bwahaha.

                            [Edges between the good Lady Rac and McKay.]


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              No its not just you. I want all the Ferengi especially Quark dead. I hate them as much as Lady Rac hates McKay
                              I hate the Ferengi quite a bit as well. Bunch of cartoon characters as far as I'm concerned.

                              But I don't mind Quark, he is miles better than most of the Ferengi characters out there (Rom, those two Ferengi from The Price/False Profits).
                              "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                              DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                                I find it hard to see how people hate the Ferengi so much...... but then I think of how I hate the Neelix character and can understand.

                                I for one find the idea of a society totally based on greed a fun idea! Why not, Humans have the 'greed need' to some extent?! It's just fun to see it taken to extreme and ridiculous levels with the Ferengi!

                                The Odo/Quark dynamic is my favourite one too. It reminds me a bit of the Spock/McCoy one. Two totally different characters who grow to grudgingly like and respect eachother. Also they need the other to throw insults at too in order to better understand where the other is coming from eventually, whilst learning a bit about themselves in the process!

