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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Re: the movie issue...
    Time travel is handled in whatever way the story dictates. It can be a temporary alternate reality [most Trek time episodes, usually ones where people die and the ship blows up], a permanent alternate parallel reality [the new movie], an independent parallel reality [the Mirror universe]...
    For more, let's to to Memory Alpha...
    Last edited by nx01a; 12 May 2009, 02:39 PM.
    More fun @ Spoofgate!


      Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
      The working title of this episode was "Once Joined." In the original version of the story, Kahn was a man. It was Ronald D. Moore who suggested making Kahn a woman.
      I'm not surprised. RDM has a knack for taking something good and making it more interesting. His handy work is all over DS9's storylines and arcs even when he isn't the one running the show. That was definetly one of strengths of DS9 in that the writers were so compatible with each other. I have read and watched a lot of interviews with the writers where they talked about how well they worked together and fed off each others idea's, plus they truly liked each other, and it showed in there work.

      I had forgotten that Rejoined was Avery Brooks first foray into directing. Not bad considering at the time it was still a rather delicate subject on television. Again not one of favorite episodes, but I did enjoy re-watching it last week.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Originally posted by nx01a View Post
        You voyeur, you!
        yep and a psychology major to boot. Hubby will have me "profile" the people we watch...often to hysterical (and very tongue in cheek) results!

        Gopher--- the best relationships are when couples have goals, standards, etc... in common! I have a hubby who is a scifi fan, but fascinating in other ways too. (despite the fact he loves TNG, I still love him ) what can I say... marriage and families 101!


          Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
          Gopher--- the best relationships are when couples have goals, standards, etc... in common!
          Oh I beg to differ young lady. I have found the best relationships are the ones where you steer clear of each others ambitions, goals and interests. And this is coming from someone who is divorced, and has 2 broken engagments.
          Originally posted by Rac80
          I have a hubby who is a scifi fan, but fascinating in other ways too. (despite the fact he loves TNG, I still love him ) what can I say... marriage and families 101!
          You are a closet TNG lover, admit it.
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
            RDM actually had a big impact on everything. - Moore joined the production staff of DS9 for its third season as a supervising producer, being promoted to a co-executive producer position for the series' final two years.

            During his time on DS9, he continued to write episodes that expanded on Klingon culture such as "The House of Quark", "Sons of Mogh", "Rules of Engagement", "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places", "Soldiers of the Empire", "You Are Cordially Invited..." and "Once More Unto the Breach". He also wrote episodes that dealt with controversial subjects such as genetic engineering ("Doctor Bashir, I Presume?"), co-wrote the episode that featured Star Trek's first same-sex kiss ("Rejoined") and killed off another popular character, Vedek Bareil Antos ("Life Support").

            During his time on DS9, he also made an effort to engage with fans; frequently posting on AOL forums where he would answer fan questions or address their concerns about the show. Brother Fifth Race, Starbase and myself all used to susscribe to all those forums he frequented. He was a very open and engaging guy. He provided a lot of cool inside information about episodes that had already aired and ones that were in production.
            I'm not surprised reading all that about RDM. I wasn't into the online scene when DS9 was airing. However, I was around during BSG, which I was into very much. I like that he interacts with his fans. Do you know where I can find behind the scenes stuff DS9 stuff with RDM? Besides the DVDs lol.


              Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
              Sneers at scifi? DUUUUMP HEEEEEER!

              (This is part of the reason why I don't have a girlfriend. I completely ignore any woman who doesn't have at least a passing interest in either scifi or fantasy (both, preferably). There aren't many of them where I live, unfortunately. That cuts the pool of candidates down to the point where it is very difficult to find someone who will have me.)

              On that note, I think I finally managed to find someone who will go to the movie with me! I've been harassing everyone that I know for the past 2 months (I'm not joking), but I think I found someone. We'll see come Thursday.
              Amen! I absolutely, positively will not date somebody that doesn't like sci-fi.


                Originally posted by Darth kat View Post
                I'm not surprised reading all that about RDM. I wasn't into the online scene when DS9 was airing. However, I was around during BSG, which I was into very much. I like that he interacts with his fans. Do you know where I can find behind the scenes stuff DS9 stuff with RDM? Besides the DVDs lol.
                All the writers from DS9, especially RDM, were very active with the fans. I can remember meeting and seeing Rene Echeverria, Michael Piller and RDM at a handful of Trek conventions back in the day. They always were quite forthright with the fans at the conventions, even leaking out information they shouldn't have a few different times.

                The best experience I had with RDM was at all purpose Star Trek convention in San Francisco in the summer 1998 (brother Fifth Race took Starbase and myself). DS9 was ending, VOY was just hitting its stride and everyone was still awed by TNG (Star Trek heydey's). RDM came on stage to talk about DS9's seventh season (very cool inside info) and towards the end of his talk all everyone wanted to know was how to get an 8th season whether the Dominion War was going end or not. Maybe brother Fifth can finish the story from here, he remembers all the details a lot better than I do.
                The USS Defiant Rocks!


                  This sounds interesting, tell us more!


                    Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                    The best experience I had with RDM was at all purpose Star Trek convention in San Francisco in the summer 1998 (brother Fifth Race took Starbase and myself). DS9 was ending, VOY was just hitting its stride and everyone was still awed by TNG (Star Trek heydey's). RDM came on stage to talk about DS9's seventh season (very cool inside info) and towards the end of his talk all everyone wanted to know was how to get an 8th season whether the Dominion War was going end or not. Maybe brother Fifth can finish the story from here, he remembers all the details a lot better than I do.
                    Ahh the good ole days. I never thought of myself as "covention type of person" who would frequent soemthing like a fan convention of anything, let alone a television show. But Star Trek and DS9 in particular gladly changed all of that.

                    To give you the Readers Digest version - RDM went on to tell us at the convention how Paramount was open and even willing to bring DS9 back for an 8th season but only if the writers agreed to extend the Dominion War storyline for an another season. Which in the end turned out to be impossible considering that almost half of season 7 was already filmed or in production and they had written the finals episodes with how the series was going to end.

                    So RDM and the other writers made Paramount a counter-proposal. They would happily come back and write an 8th season for DS9 but they wanted to do it post-Dominion War. - It would have been set maybe 2 or 3 years after the end of the war. Kira would have taken over as commander of DS9 (yes she became a full-fledged Starfleet officer). Quark, Rom, Ezri, Jake, Nog, Worf and Bashir would all have had a part and stayed with the show. Some of the storylines he talked about were rogue Jem'Hadar who want to break free from the Dominion and start there own society. Another storyline where a new and more powerful threat from the Beta-quadrant threatens the peace. And the coolest storyline he mentioned was one they would have done at the end of season 8 with Sisko becoming corporeal again and coming home.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                      So RDM and the other writers made Paramount a counter-proposal. They would happily come back and write an 8th season for DS9 but they wanted to do it post-Dominion War. - It would have been set maybe 2 or 3 years after the end of the war. Kira would have taken over as commander of DS9 (yes she became a full-fledged Starfleet officer). Quark, Rom, Ezri, Jake, Nog, Worf and Bashir would all have had a part and stayed with the show. Some of the storylines he talked about were rogue Jem'Hadar who want to break free from the Dominion and start there own society. Another storyline where a new and more powerful threat from the Beta-quadrant threatens the peace. And the coolest storyline he mentioned was one they would have done at the end of season 8 with Sisko becoming corporeal again and coming home.
                      Huh! This kind of sounds like the relaunch books. Mind you, I never really read the books, but I've skimmed a few here or there at the local book store. Do you or defiant know where I can find video interviews with RDM and company about DS9? I really wish the DVDs came with commentary. I never really liked them until BSG. Listening to RDM is awesome lol.


                        Originally posted by Darth kat View Post
                        Huh! This kind of sounds like the relaunch books. Mind you, I never really read the books, but I've skimmed a few here or there at the local book store. Do you or defiant know where I can find video interviews with RDM and company about DS9? I really wish the DVDs came with commentary. I never really liked them until BSG. Listening to RDM is awesome lol.
                        Try Youtube? I have found some interesting old video interviews on there. I remember really liking one about Kate Mulgrew about the 7 years she enjoyed playing Janeway
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by Darth kat View Post
                          Huh! This kind of sounds like the relaunch books. Mind you, I never really read the books, but I've skimmed a few here or there at the local book store. Do you or defiant know where I can find video interviews with RDM and company about DS9? I really wish the DVDs came with commentary. I never really liked them until BSG. Listening to RDM is awesome lol.
                          I will work on finding some of those old links that had DS9 interviews (some in text and some had audio). The DS9 DVD Box Set's do have Special Feature Interviews and behind the scenes stuff. I believe there all on the last disc from each season and they also added a hide and seek game using the station itself to find some of the hidden commentaries, very cool stuff.

                          Brother Jelgates suggestion of using YouTube is a great source for finding stuff like this.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            I have a complaint to make about the 'summary' for one episode on the back of my new Enterprise DVDs...
                            It reads "The 'too-good-to-be-true' feeling turns sour when Ensign Mayweather is found dead."
                            If something is too good to be true, then surely when things go wrong, that's expected, rather than 'sour'...maybe.
                            It's badly written, anyway...


                              I don't really see anything wrong with the phrase. Sometimes things that we believe to be too good to be true turn out to BE true. Not often, but still...
                              More fun @ Spoofgate!


                                I think there's a sort of double negative in there...

                                If it said "Their initial enthusiasm turned sour..." that'd make sense. But it's saying that their feeling was slightly negative to start with, since if you think something is too good to be true, you're already pretty sour about it.

                                Och, it's just me being pedantic. Ignore me...

