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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
    LOL. Actually the story didn't quite go like you remembered brother Base. -- It was Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and like you stated we waited in line knowing we were going to have crappy seats. We weren't in the front row but it was either the second or third row. We were trying to move past all the people seated without stepping on anyone's toe's when this one guy seated with his girlfriend ignored us and wouldn't move his legs or feet in for us - so after saying excuse me for the third time I tried to step over him and ended up spilling half my buttered and greasy popcorn in his lap. I don't know who was more mad - me for losing half my bucket of popcorn or the jerk who had to act like a tough guy in front of his girlfriend. So I angrily told the guy thanks for not moving your legs and I called him a nasty superlative (use your imagination) LOL. He called me some name back so I said ok - here have the rest of my popcorn and I proceeded to dump it over his head while challenging the guy to stand up and fight. By then the whole theater was staring at us and the manager was fuming at us both. Anyway we both calmed down and watched the movie without incident. In after thought I flew off the handle and should not have dumped my popcorn over his head, but some times you get pushed to the point where you instinctually push back no matter the consequences. And I was kind of hot-head when I was younger.
    awww you little hot head you! I bet you were one tough guy! Oh the wild and reckless days of youth!
    this is one of the funny things about memory... we all remember differing aspects and don't always agree with those others there. (that is why "eye witness" testimony is considered so unreliable these days...)


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
      LOL. Actually the story didn't quite go like you remembered brother Base. -- It was Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and like you stated we waited in line knowing we were going to have crappy seats. We weren't in the front row but it was either the second or third row. We were trying to move past all the people seated without stepping on anyone's toe's when this one guy seated with his girlfriend ignored us and wouldn't move his legs or feet in for us - so after saying excuse me for the third time I tried to step over him and ended up spilling half my buttered and greasy popcorn in his lap. I don't know who was more mad - me for losing half my bucket of popcorn or the jerk who had to act like a tough guy in front of his girlfriend. So I angrily told the guy thanks for not moving your legs and I called him a nasty superlative (use your imagination) LOL. He called me some name back so I said ok - here have the rest of my popcorn and I proceeded to dump it over his head while challenging the guy to stand up and fight. By then the whole theater was staring at us and the manager was fuming at us both. Anyway we both calmed down and watched the movie without incident. In after thought I flew off the handle and should not have dumped my popcorn over his head, but some times you get pushed to the point where you instinctually push back no matter the consequences. And I was kind of hot-head when I was younger.
      We are all hot headded at time (especailly Lady Rac). It is part of being human that sometimes our emotions take over. I can remember simliar instances of things where I should have been more calm. Like the time a person locked a special education student into a basketball cage at my high school. I proceeded to give the "thug" a bloody lip. Sure I got suspended but the "thug" got a criminal record for that.
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
        It was Martok....but he was changeling then! that's interesting. I wasn't sure when he was actually swapped for a changeling. Hmmm...<looks thoughtful>


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          We are all hot headded at time (especailly Lady Rac). It is part of being human that sometimes our emotions take over. I can remember simliar instances of things where I should have been more calm. Like the time a person locked a special education student into a basketball cage at my high school. I proceeded to give the "thug" a bloody lip. Sure I got suspended but the "thug" got a criminal record for that.
          I always knew you were a valiant soul jel-baby. I bet the "thug" added to his criminal record over the years too
          nawwww I'm no hot-head, when I do something outragous it is after cool, calm consideration. my hubby can be on occassion though. (siiiigh..)


            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
            awww you little hot head you! I bet you were one tough guy! Oh the wild and reckless days of youth!
            He is still a hot head. Just kidding my friend (now don't beat me up) Brother Fifth was rather edgy back in the day, even in High School he was a physical specimen (big and strong). For those who do not know brother Fifth personally he is not someone you want to pick a fight with, especially with his MMA and wrestling background not to mention he was a competitive power-lifter and goes about 6'1" with 250lbs of mostly muscle. Brother Fifth and I have been lifting weights at Gold's gym 4 to 5 times a week for the better part of 20 years now, and the amount of Iron he can push, pull and lift is simply amazing. I mean I am pretty well built and very strong myself, but no where near him. He is the last person you want to get into a physical confrontation with.
            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            Like the time a person locked a special education student into a basketball cage at my high school. I proceeded to give the "thug" a bloody lip. Sure I got suspended but the "thug" got a criminal record for that.
            Hazzah!, well done brother jelgate. It sounds like that guy deserved everything he got.

            I absolutely love your McKay/Orion Slave Girl avatar Lady Alder
            The USS Defiant Rocks!


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              Like the time a person locked a special education student into a basketball cage at my high school. I proceeded to give the "thug" a bloody lip. Sure I got suspended but the "thug" got a criminal record for that.
              Far be it for me to advocate, I'd've been tempted myself. And I'm a five foot two weakling.
              I wield a mean umbrella though.

              Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
              I absolutely love your McKay/Orion Slave Girl avatar Lady Alder.
              Heh...I'm so glad. And I'll pass it on to Carson'sKitty who made it for me.

              (I can't take a word that I post seriously when I see it, though...there's several in-jokes in it.)


                Originally posted by Alder View Post
                Far be it for me to advocate, I'd've been tempted myself. And I'm a five foot two weakling.
                I wield a mean umbrella though.

                Heh...I'm so glad. And I'll pass it on to Carson'sKitty who made it for me.

                (I can't take a word that I post seriously when I see it, though...there's several in-jokes in it.)
                that is why I get so sarcastic Alder, I am only 5'3 and can insult someone without them realizing it!

                I can see mckay being "controlled' by orion slave girls. loved the ENT ep with them in it.


                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  that is why I get so sarcastic Alder, I am only 5'3 and can insult someone without them realizing it!
                  I know! They think you're so wee and dinky that you can't possibly have meant that...!

                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  I can see mckay being "controlled' by orion slave girls. loved the ENT ep with them in it.
                  Heh, you take what you want from it Lady Rac...

                  What season is that in Enterprise? Don't think I've got to that yet.


                    Originally posted by alder View Post

                    what season is that in enterprise? Don't think i've got to that yet.
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      figures jel would know exactly where to find the sexy orion slave girls!


                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                        figures jel would know exactly where to find the sexy orion slave girls!
                        Mirror Hoshi had the Orion Slave Girls beat no problem
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          I know! After all that bed-hopping and a fight with T'Pol, she wasn't even winded.
                          More fun @ Spoofgate!


                            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                            that is why I get so sarcastic Alder, I am only 5'3 and can insult someone without them realizing it!
                            I can see mckay being "controlled' by orion slave girls. loved the ENT ep with them in it.
                            I'm only 6'4" and I usually do insult people without them realizing it. It's fun.
                            'Bound' was one of the weaker episodes in ENT s4, but it was enjoyable. Kelby. *giggle*
                            More fun @ Spoofgate!


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              Mirror Hoshi had the Orion Slave Girls beat no problem
                              *mutters to self: jel-baby is soooo shallow*
                              yep I must agree she did. I loved her becoming the Empress at the end...absolutely fabulous twist.
                              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                              I'm only 6'4" and I usually do insult people without them realizing it. It's fun.
                              'Bound' was one of the weaker episodes in ENT s4, but it was enjoyable. Kelby. *giggle*
                              "ONLY" 6'4... braggart!!!! (but then I love tall men!) My vocabulary and love of archaic words is one of my greatest weapons. that and a killer sense of humor.


                                6'4 1/2", actually.
                                It not not about using big words to insult people... It's about using small words in the right combinations.
                                More fun @ Spoofgate!

