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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Vyse99 View Post
    Sorry I know I'm a bit of an outsider here but I've been keeping track of this and I just gotta say, what the heck? Did JJ Abrams smash your DVDs? burn all the old Star Trek film reels? Take a magnet to all your old VHS tapes? If you let the new movie effect your enjoyment of older Star Trek in any way shape or from then something is wrong.
    LOL - brother Lt Col Davis is alright. Sure he can be surly sometimes, but he brings it on himself. Just ignore that stuff. Most all of us do.
    Originally posted by Vyse99
    I remember there was a show I used to love called Earth Final Conflict, after the first season they made a TON of changes to the show to make it edgier and I hated all the changes.
    I also love Earth: Final Conflict, a truly great show ahead of its time. They sure liked to kill off characters on that show, especially the regulars. I believe the only character to appear in all 5 seasons was pain in the butt FBI Agent Sandoval. I also remember the Taelons being replaced in that final 5th season with these space vampire type aliens called the Atuvas. Thanx for the great memory and welcome to the DS9 thread Vyse.
    Last edited by Starbase; 11 May 2009, 05:45 AM.


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
      I have never been the biggest fan of the lovely Jadzia character but she nails it here - Farrell always seems present in her scenes, quiet and strong at the same time, she has a very calming presence yet never seems passive, and I believe in the tech that rolls off her tongue because she speaks it with conviction (unlike everyone from VOY).
      LOL - I agree brother Fifth. As you well know I was never a big fan of the Jadzia character myself. - I don't dislike her, I just find her character and Farrell's portrayal rather mediocre. That being said I do agree that she "never does seem passive", quite fearless actually. And she can deliver that technojargon better than most (Data was the best at that technobabble).
      Originally posted by the Fifth Race
      The chemistry between Dax and Sisko is wonderful to watch. They do truly seem like they have been life long friends which is a big testament to both of them.
      How great a job did both Brooks and Farrell do in making the Jadzia/Sisko relationship seem like they were old drinking buddies, they made it seem effortless. Good call on both points brother Fifth.


        Originally posted by Starbase View Post
        LOL - I agree brother Fifth. As you well know I was never a big fan of the Jadzia character myself. - I don't dislike her, I just find her character and Farrell's portrayal rather mediocre. That being said I do agree that she "never does seem passive", quite fearless actually. And she can deliver that technojargon better than most (Data was the best at that technobabble).
        How great a job did both Brooks and Farrell do in making the Jadzia/Sisko relationship seem like they were old drinking buddies, they made it seem effortless. Good call on both points brother Fifth.
        I always loved how sisko called dax "old man", I felt you could "see" the old soul inside of Dax. I thought Terry Farrell did a great job with that aspect of the character.

        Sheeesh i get busy for a few days and this thread gets all "fiesty"... I thought I was usually the instigator! Anyway I stand by my opinion... a good movie, but not "our trek" an alternate timeline version thereof though.


          Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
          I always loved how sisko called dax "old man", I felt you could "see" the old soul inside of Dax. I thought Terry Farrell did a great job with that aspect of the character.
          Old Man, I always loved that as well. For the most part, it was like Cisco never even let the new body change his relationship with his old friend. I thought Terry did a great job with that character.


            First time round watching DS9 the whole idea of a young woman going 'do you remember when...?' with people old enough to be her father slightly creepy.

            Second time I appreciated the acting skill of Terry much more, she remained youthful but carried off the wisdom of generations.
            sig by me


              Originally posted by Spimman View Post
              Old Man, I always loved that as well. For the most part, it was like Cisco never even let the new body change his relationship with his old friend. I thought Terry did a great job with that character.
              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
              I always loved how sisko called dax "old man", I felt you could "see" the old soul inside of Dax. I thought Terry Farrell did a great job with that aspect of the character.
              Ahh yes "Old Man'. It really did come off as totally natural. I think it took maybe 5 seconds when they were introduced during Emissary before Sisko accepted Jadzia as Dax and bust out the 'Old Man' moniker.
              Originally posted by Rac80
              Sheeesh i get busy for a few days and this thread gets all "fiesty"... I thought I was usually the instigator! Anyway I stand by my opinion... a good movie, but not "our trek" an alternate timeline version thereof though.
              LOL, it really wasn't that big a deal. You get one of our wonderful Mod's wandering in to crack a whip about nothing and everyone gets nervous.

              Now everyone has seen new the Trek movie but me. I am going to make a point to go see it in the next day or two.
              the Fifth Race

              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                Originally posted by CarsonsKitty View Post
                First time round watching DS9 the whole idea of a young woman going 'do you remember when...?' with people old enough to be her father slightly creepy.
                LOL indeed Ms Kitty. Although it sure didn't take long for it to become natural.
                Originally posted by CarsonsKitty
                Second time I appreciated the acting skill of Terry much more, she remained youthful but carried off the wisdom of generations.
                As did I. This happens quite often with me. I will watch a show that I like or appreciate, which I will have an issue with or be rubbed the wrong way with, a certain character. And then when I re-watch it at a later time I find myself gravitating to that very character while realizing they really aren't that bad, or even find myself liking said character. Jadzia definetly falls in that category.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                  LOL, it really wasn't that big a deal. You get one of our wonderful Mod's wandering in to crack a whip about nothing and everyone gets nervous.

                  Now everyone has seen new the Trek movie but me. I am going to make a point to go see it in the next day or two.
                  I haven't seen the new Trek movie.

                  And I disagree Lady Rac is always the trouble maker
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                    I also love Earth: Final Conflict, a truly great show ahead of its time. They sure liked to kill off characters on that show, especially the regulars. I believe the only character to appear in all 5 seasons was pain in the butt FBI Agent Sandoval. I also remember the Taelons being replaced in that final 5th season with these space vampire type aliens called the Atuvas. Thanx for the great memory and welcome to the DS9 thread Vyse.
                    To be completely honest I gave up on it after the second season, did it get back to the quality of the first in the later seasons?

                    Thank you for the welcome =)


                      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                      Now everyone has seen new the Trek movie but me. I am going to make a point to go see it in the next day or two.
                      Don't worry Fifth, I still haven't seen it either. The (mostly) positive reaction and the fact that they've already made $112 million is pretty impressive to me.

                      What was the last Star Trek movie that did so well? First Contact back in 1996. Crazy!
                      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                        Originally posted by Vyse99 View Post
                        Sorry I know I'm a bit of an outsider here but I've been keeping track of this and I just gotta say, what the heck? Did JJ Abrams smash your DVDs? burn all the old Star Trek film reels? Take a magnet to all your old VHS tapes? If you let the new movie effect your enjoyment of older Star Trek in any way shape or from then something is wrong.
                        I am a hardcore Star Trek fan and what J.J. did with his "movie" ruined the cannon I loved, set the timeline a sunder. What he did was spit in the face of true Trek fans. I for one did not enjoy the fact that he didn't care about the people who made Trek what it is today. We wrote the letters to get TOS back for a 3rd season. We put together conventions, we helped make Star Trek: The Motion Picture because of out fan base. We made TNG a syndicated hit and it was the #1 syndicated show for it's last few seasons. We even wrote in for a 4th season of Enterprise (and I'm glad I helped because the 4th season ws it's best) I have been watching Star Trek since I was 4. The first movie I ever saw was Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Ever since I could go the the movies on my own I have watched Star Trek. I started a tradition when I was 17 by seeing new Trek films 3 times (4-5 times if they were good) and that tradition continued (even for Nemesis) up until last weekend. What I knew about Trek is gone. And that is J.J. Abrams fault, and to be called out on these forums of all places just because I hate J.J. so much for what he did to Star Trek is just too much. I loved Star Trek, it made me dream of a better humanity, and thanks to J.J. that dream is a nightmare.


                          Originally posted by Descent View Post
                          Don't worry Fifth, I still haven't seen it either. The (mostly) positive reaction and the fact that they've already made $112 million is pretty impressive to me.
                          Very impressive indeed brother Descent!. As much as I might dislike the time line they chose to bring back, I am very glad that the movie is doing so well. The more money in the Trek coffers the better it is for all us fellow Trekkies.
                          Originally posted by Vyse99 View Post
                          To be completely honest I gave up on it after the second season, did it get back to the quality of the first in the later seasons?

                          Thank you for the welcome =)
                          You are quite welcome!. And no the show didn't really get better in seasons 3 & 4 but it was still watchable. Season 5 was interesting with the introduction of the Atuvas.

                          So when are we going to get a shiny new Trek quiz brother Fifth Race?.


                            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                            Now everyone has seen new the Trek movie but me. I am going to make a point to go see it in the next day or two.
                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            I haven't seen the new Trek movie.
                            I feel like the Universe is conspiring against me to force me not to see it. 5 Year Wedding Anniversary on Opening Day (all my friends saw it then), 2 family birthdays this past weekend so I was out of town and now my wife has the flu and 1. She wants to see it with me 2. Her feelings would be hurt if I left her home alone sick after working all day.

                            I'm seeing it this week no matter what!


                              Originally posted by Spimman View Post
                              I feel like the Universe is conspiring against me to force me not to see it. 5 Year Wedding Anniversary on Opening Day (all my friends saw it then), 2 family birthdays this past weekend so I was out of town and now my wife has the flu and 1. She wants to see it with me 2. Her feelings would be hurt if I left her home alone sick after working all day.
                              LOL. I wish I could get my lovely girlfriend to go see it with me, but unfortunetly she isn't a scifi fan in the least. Hang on to that Trek loving wife of yours brother Spimman. Now be a good husband and wait until the little lady is good and ready.

                              Originally posted by Vyse99 View Post
                              To be completely honest I gave up on it after the second season, did it get back to the quality of the first in the later seasons?

                              Thank you for the welcome =)
                              I enjoyed Earth: Final Conflict and I agree that first season was probably the best. Season II went down-hill but seasons III and IV were pretty good. I have not seen season V.

                              And welcome to the thread Vyse, always great to see and meet new Trek/scifi fans.
                              the Fifth Race

                              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                                Heh, I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't seen the new movie yet. Looks like I'll be going this weekend with my dad and his best bud, whose wife'll be away, and he'll be able to get out...

