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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Starbase View Post
    So when are we going to get a shiny new Trek quiz brother Fifth Race?.
    I'm putting the finishing touches on my Trek Quiz #22 right now (dam these are a lot of work!). It will have --

    10 multiple choice questions and 6 multi-part fill-in questions including -

    Name the quote Questions (2 each from TNG - DS9 - VOY) -

    Episode Specific Questions (The Way of the Warrior is in the spot-light) -

    Character Specific Questions (Jean Luc Picard is in the spot-light) -

    Various Trek Movie Questions.

    This quiz will have a medium difficulty level and will be posted next week (Monday May 18th) and as usual, I will leave it up for 3 days before posting the results.
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Ooooooo, that sounds interesting! Looking forward to it.


        Originally posted by Starbase View Post
        Very impressive indeed brother Descent!. As much as I might dislike the time line they chose to bring back, I am very glad that the movie is doing so well. The more money in the Trek coffers the better it is for all us fellow Trekkies.
        You are quite welcome!. And no the show didn't really get better in seasons 3 & 4 but it was still watchable. Season 5 was interesting with the introduction of the Atuvas.
        I thought we were Trekkers. I will never understand the difference between Trekkie and Trekkers
        Originally posted by Alder View Post
        Ooooooo, that sounds interesting! Looking forward to it.
        Don't be surprised if it takes you awhile. It takes me hours but it is nesscarry to beat Lady Rac *shakes fist*
        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        I'm putting the finishing touches on my Trek Quiz #22 right now (dam these are a lot of work!). It will have --

        10 multiple choice questions and 6 multi-part fill-in questions including -

        Name the quote Questions (2 each from TNG - DS9 - VOY) -

        Episode Specific Questions (The Way of the Warrior is in the spot-light) -

        Character Specific Questions (Jean Luc Picard is in the spot-light) -

        Various Trek Movie Questions.

        This quiz will have a medium difficulty level and will be posted next week (Monday May 18th) and as usual, I will leave it up for 3 days before posting the results.
        Any First Contact questions? I just watched First Contact last Friday.
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
          The spirit of TOS?, if you mean bad acting, bad stage set-up and props, not to mention the God awful fashion, then that is the spirit of TOS in a nutshell. Certainly the concept and even most of the storylines were simply brilliant!, but its hard to dress up a mule and make it look like horse, and TNG, DS9, VOY and even ENT are thoroughbreds comparitively speaking. To be keep going back is making this die-hard Trek fan cranky.
          I guess TOS is dear to my heart because of the sheer enjoyment I had watching it for the first time as a kid. All the things you say make it a ‘mule’ is what is so fun about it for me! LOL! Hey, don’t knock that ‘groovy’ fashion! I can still look past the hokey acting, sets and props and see what for me is the ‘spirit’ of adventure and of course the real sense of looking towards the future that it embodied. It was made at a time of great excitement about technology and ‘boldly striding into the future’ feeling with the race to the moon. I guess the younger ones amongst us can’t appreciate fully how TOS reflected that era, unless you experienced the 60’s and 70’s first hand! Don’t get me wrong, there are bits of TOS that make me cringe, ideas that were awful at the time and are still awful today!

          I can understand how going back can make you ‘cranky’. There is so much more of Trek to explore as shown by the subsequent series’ that it can be frustrating to end up going over old ground again. I am open minded about the new movie and it will be interesting to see after I’ve seen it whether my views about ‘going back’ remain the same. Does the new movie reflect the hopes and fears of today as TOS did those of its era? This is what I find interesting, and as a Trek and Science Fiction fan I enjoy as well as the adventure. I watch TNG and find I'm going back to the '80's with the fashions and the ideas of the time reflected in the storylines in the same way TOS did for the late 60's!

          Originally posted by Alder View Post
          I'd also like to say - the Suliban look as if they fell into a vat of split pea soup. I wonder who came up with their makeup...
          LOL! The Suliban were odd to look at, looked to me like people wandering around with really coarse wet sandpaper stuck to their faces!

          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
          Now everyone has seen new the Trek movie but me. I am going to make a point to go see it in the next day or two.
          I haven't yet! You are not alone!

          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
          I'm putting the finishing touches on my Trek Quiz #22 right now (dam these are a lot of work!). It will have --

          10 multiple choice questions and 6 multi-part fill-in questions including -

          Name the quote Questions (2 each from TNG - DS9 - VOY) -

          Episode Specific Questions (The Way of the Warrior is in the spot-light) -

          Character Specific Questions (Jean Luc Picard is in the spot-light) -

          Various Trek Movie Questions.

          This quiz will have a medium difficulty level and will be posted next week (Monday May 18th) and as usual, I will leave it up for 3 days before posting the results.
          Excellent! I really appreciate your hard work, pays off as they are always excellent memory stretching exercises for me and most of all....funl!!! Plus....I do hope there is a TOS question, see if my old creaky memory is up to it after all these years!!!


            Yay, incoming quiz!

            *heads off to wonder why the local theater is not showing Star Trek...*

            My Fanfic


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              I thought we were Trekkers. I will never understand the difference between Trekkie and Trekkers
              I proudly answer to all of the above, including - Trekhead, Treknerd, Trekophile, El Trekko, Trekkamaniac ....etc.... I used to know a whole lot more of those (pardon my Trekabilly speak) LOL
              the Fifth Race

              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                I haven't seen it yet either. I can't find anyone to go with me, and I don't like going to movies alone.


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  I thought we were Trekkers. I will never understand the difference between Trekkie and Trekkers

                  Don't be surprised if it takes you awhile. It takes me hours but it is nesscarry to beat Lady Rac *shakes fist*

                  Any First Contact questions? I just watched First Contact last Friday.
                  you wish!!! *wonders if she coughs on Jelgate's avi he will catch her can hope!*
                  Although with picard questions might have a chance
                  This semester finally ends and I have a miserable cold! go figure! Glad I saw trek last week.
                  I consider myself a trekkie and rather die-hard,
                  but since I had been spoilered and knew already it would be an alternate universe thing I was ok with it.

                  next week I start checking the DS9 seasons out of the local library!


                    Originally posted by gopher65 View Post
                    I haven't seen it yet either. I can't find anyone to go with me, and I don't like going to movies alone.
                    I hear ya brother gopher. I refuse to see any movie by myself. The few buddies I have that would go see it with me (Starbase & USS Defiant) work different hours so it's a big pain. Again, my lovely and beautiful g/f sneers at scifi.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                      Excellent! I really appreciate your hard work, pays off as they are always excellent memory stretching exercises for me and most of all....funl!!! Plus....I do hope there is a TOS question, see if my old creaky memory is up to it after all these years!!!
                      Why thank you kind lady. I complain about it and it really is alot of work, but you all know how much I love putting them together for all of you.

                      I think I put together another winner. - This is going to be the 22nd Trek Quiz I have done on this thread, so you can imagine my pool of questions has been depleted and recharged more than a few times over now. It's getting harder and harder to keep it fresh, but fortunetly Star Trek is so deep (especially all the televison series) with tons of information to know and learn, I always manage to put it together. - Watching episodes of all the shows with pen and pad in hand is how I get 70% of my information. The rest I get from Trek movies, the internet and various Trek manuels and books.

                      I believe I do have one or two TOS and or TOS movie questions. I grew up watching re-runs of Star Trek as kid (long before TNG ever came around). I have fond memories and healthy respect for Kirk, Spock and crew.
                      the Fifth Race

                      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                        I proudly answer to all of the above, including - Trekhead, Treknerd, Trekophile, El Trekko, Trekkamaniac ....etc.... I used to know a whole lot more of those (pardon my Trekabilly speak) LOL
                        Those...cracked me up.

                        I think I'll be using Trekabilly...


                          OK I got a teaser for next weeks Trek Quiz.

                          (Guess the Quote) this one should be easy

                          "I won't risk half the quadrant to satisfy our curiosity."

                          (long deep gasp pause)

                          "It's arrogant and it's irresponsible"

                          (another pause, this time with some anger)

                          "The Final Frontier has some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed, and were looking at one"

                          Tell me the person that spoke it -- and for some extra credit name the episode and the person to which the quote was being spoken too.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                            "I won't risk half the quadrant to satisfy our curiosity."
                            (long deep gasp pause)
                            "It's arrogant and it's irresponsible"
                            (another pause, this time with some anger)
                            "The Final Frontier has some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed, and were looking at one"
                            Tell me the person that spoke it -- and for some extra credit name the episode and the person to which the quote was being spoken too.
                            That would be a fierce looking Captain Janeway speaking to Commander Tuvok while staring at an Omega molecule in a containment chamber in the Astrometrics lab on Voyager. The name of the episode slips my mind. Great quote brother Fifth, that was a good episode. Bring on the quiz.


                              Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                              That would be a fierce looking Captain Janeway speaking to Commander Tuvok while staring at an Omega molecule in a containment chamber in the Astrometrics lab on Voyager. The name of the episode slips my mind. Great quote brother Fifth, that was a good episode. Bring on the quiz.
                              The Omega Directive!

                              Other than that, I'm going to be baaaaaaad at this quiz. Love quotes, never know where they came from.


                                Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                                Again, my lovely and beautiful g/f sneers at scifi.
                                Sneers at scifi? DUUUUMP HEEEEEER!

                                (This is part of the reason why I don't have a girlfriend. I completely ignore any woman who doesn't have at least a passing interest in either scifi or fantasy (both, preferably). There aren't many of them where I live, unfortunately. That cuts the pool of candidates down to the point where it is very difficult to find someone who will have me.)

                                On that note, I think I finally managed to find someone who will go to the movie with me! I've been harassing everyone that I know for the past 2 months (I'm not joking), but I think I found someone. We'll see come Thursday.

