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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Regarding past Tense, count me as one of those a little underwhelmed by the episode. It wasn't bad, but it didn't shine in the way "City on the Edge of Forever" did for something with similar themes. I guess I came away from it feeling a little let down. Aside from the fact that we saw a closer future earth. About time!

    Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
    Thanks for posting this. I had vaguely heard about it, but I never tracked it down. I liked it, though I'm sure I would appreciate it more if I had gotten around to viewing classic DW. But I already think Peter Davison is great, because he stars in The Last Detective, a mystery series I love, so I'm looking forward to viewing his incarnation of the Doctor at some point.
    I was absolutely thrilled to see Time Crash- I grew up watching Peter Davison as Tristan on "All Creatures Great and Small" every Sunday afternoon.

    Regarding Dr. Who, just wait until the Steven Moffat two-parter. Absolutely brilliant- his stories always feel so transcendent of the episode. The series is in very safe hands when he takes over.


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Ah Doctor Who. A cure for insomnia.
      Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
      *cheers* Yep, TV goes off when the doctor comes on.
      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Yes I do. I watched it a few times and it always gave me a feeling I had wasted an hour.
      I must agree with you gentlemen, Dr. Who never "did it" for me. I remember back in the dark ages when a boston pbs station showed them late saturday and sunday night after monty python's flying circus... that was when I went to bed! (loved monty though! )
      As for david tennet... he is barty crouch jr (h.p. #4) and a very very bad guy!
      and for "donna"
      I can't get past the point of donna being the name of sam beckett's (Scott bakula of ENT of course) wife in quantum leap!
      there nicely brought it back to trek (in a way! )


        Some here would argue with ENT being Trek.

        Past Tense was good, not great, IMO.
        More fun @ Spoofgate!


          Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
          Thanks for posting this. I had vaguely heard about it, but I never tracked it down. I liked it, though I'm sure I would appreciate it more if I had gotten around to viewing classic DW.
          My pleasure, Marielabbott. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And you should really check out the original series starring Davison, but you could also start at the very beginning starring William Hartnell, chronicling the adventures of the first Doctor and his granddaughter, Susan.

          Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
          But I already think Peter Davison is great, because he stars in The Last Detective, a mystery series I love, so I'm looking forward to viewing his incarnation of the Doctor at some point.
          Yes, Davison is great, but he's way underrated by most DW fans in my opinion. And yes, I've hear of The Last Detective and I can't wait to get it on DVD because anything with Davison I will watch. Thank you for pointing that out.

          Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
          Very cool brother WS, thank's for posting it up here. Did you all see the latest episode with the
          cloned Doctor's daughter being created and then brought back from the dead and set-loose on the universe?.
          Yes, I did see it and would you believe that I haven't even seen season three yet? LOL.

          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
          LOLOL, come on the Dr. isn't that bad. If you can get over the cheeky silliness, there is some rather entertaining scifi going on. I didn't care at all for Dr. Who the first couple times I watched it, but like a lot of great shows I gave a chance, it payed off. I hope that wacky, silly and utterly ridiculous show keeps choogling away for a long time.
          That's what I love about DW, its cheesily silly by not taking itself too seriously, which is part of its charm and yet, its slick and hip at the same time. In addition, its quite cerebral too, which is not surprising since its a british show. Also, who can forgot those farting aliens? LOL. The british have a unique sense of humor and I haven't seen any other sci-fi series come up with something very like those farting aliens, very original. LOL. By the way, brother FR, have you seen the original series of DW?
          Last edited by Whitestar; 12 June 2008, 02:58 PM.
          Have you ever remembered what life was like before you were born? That's how it will be like after you're dead.


            Originally posted by whitestar View Post
            its Slick And Hip
            More fun @ Spoofgate!


              Dr. Who is like DS9 if Quark was Sisko.


                The station would be successful and make lots of profit. Females might even be allowed to wear clothes in certain sections.
                More fun @ Spoofgate!


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  Krisz you are mixing up the warp core with the deflector dish.
                  Hic, mixed up theeeeeee, deeefffl…..hic-tor …core you say?!

                  No more wine for that woman!

                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                  Only those wimpy runabout warp core prefer Swiss, those hulking Galaxy class warp core go for the fancy French cheesees like Camembert and Brie or maybe even a Gour Moir.
                  Exactly.....hic.....thassss what I was saying! Hic!

                  Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                  I bet the Oberth likes Swiss. So many holes... So many holes...

                  That miffed me. And yes, my word for annoyance this week is 'mifffed'.

                  Miffed..... now, that's a good word!

                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                  LOLOL, come on the Dr. isn't that bad. If you can get over the cheeky silliness, there is some rather entertaining scifi going on. I didn't care at all for Dr. Who the first couple times I watched it, but like a lot of great shows I gave a chance, it payed off. I hope that wacky, silly and utterly ridiculous show keeps choogling away for a long time.
                  "Choogling" now there's another good word! Hmm, I wonder if you can 'choogle' while you're 'miffed'?

                  Don't mind me folks, need more wine! *staggers out of thread*

                  Seriously....come on! I can be serious!

                  It's strange, I grew up with Doctor Who but I find now that I can't really watch it anymore. I think the last one I watched on TV was that 'Children in Need' special years ago. Other than that it was the 1996 movie which I thought was OK. I think the production values of Dr Who get to me after a while, I can't help preferring American Sci Fi productions. I'm such a bad Brit! LOL!

                  Lady Rac, you like Monty Python too?! Now this sets me off laughing just thinking of some of the sketches let alone watching them. I think we tend to wear out the 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' and 'And Now for Something Completely Different!' DVD's in our house! "Ni!!!"

                  I'm all Brit when it comes to good zany British humour! Although I don't really like the 'lavatorial' farcical humour so 'farting aliens' are not really amusing for me. British men especially find this sort of thing funny, if my husband is any indication!


                    Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                    Doctor Who can be silly, yes, but it has very serious moments and sci-fi concepts and social commentary that a casual viewer won't pick up on.
                    I disagree brother nx, the social commentary from Dr. Who is easily distinguishable and some times quite obvious. Maybe it's a British thing, but TPTB with Dr. Who seem to enjoy throwing social commentary/poltical beliefs in the face of viewers quite often. I sometimes get the feeling there trying to force it down our throats.
                    Originally posted by Whitestar View Post
                    That's what I love about DW, its cheesily silly by not taking itself too seriously, which is part of its charm and yet, its slick and hip at the same time. In addition, its quite cerebral too, which is not surprising since its a british show. Also, who can forgot those farting aliens? LOL. The british have a unique sense of humor and I haven't seen any other sci-fi series come up with something very like those farting aliens, very original. LOL. By the way, brother FR, have you seen the original series of DW?
                    Aww the infamous zipper-headed Slitheen who can't control there flatulence when wearing there human skin suits if there lives depended on it. Only on Dr. Who. The Dr. is my scifi indulgence, I turn off my brain for an hour and enjoy the Whovian universe to its fullest.
                    Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                    "Choogling" now there's another good word! Hmm, I wonder if you can 'choogle' while you're 'miffed'?
                    LOL, I was wondering if someone would pick up on the rarely heard or seen word Choogling I threw out there.
                    Originally posted by Krisz
                    Don't mind me folks, need more wine! *staggers out of thread*
                    Seriously....come on! I can be serious!
                    LOLOL, woohooo tipsy Kris. Pour me a glass young lady and pass some of that Voyager warp core cheese that we have been talking about the last couple days.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      I know the gay-friendly, environment-doomed, big business-bad themes are blatant, but, if you're a casual viewer and don't catch the right episode, you might miss those things, and come away thining Who is dumb and silly.. Pick an episode from season 2. ANY episode from season 2.
                      More fun @ Spoofgate!


                        I hate it when shows preach politics. I decide what is right and wrong and I don't like it when shows dramatize my political decision rather they support it or oppose them. Thats a main reason I don't like the later seasons of M*A*S*H, minus the series finale. (That should please brother Davis)
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                          I know the gay-friendly, environment-doomed, big business-bad themes are blatant, but, if you're a casual viewer and don't catch the right episode, you might miss those things, and come away thining Who is dumb and silly.. Pick an episode from season 2. ANY episode from season 2.
                          Heh. Go watch "The Girl in the Fireplace". One of the best hours of television I've ever seen, an absolutely gorgeous story. But yeah, the second series was weak by comparison. Too much shipping for a start, though I have to say that I loved "Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday" in spite of it.


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            I hate it when shows preach politics. I decide what is right and wrong and I don't like it when shows dramatize my political decision rather they support it or oppose them. Thats a main reason I don't like the later seasons of M*A*S*H, minus the series finale. (That should please brother Davis)
                            I too hate it when politics get shoved down my throat. I don't mind political storylines or arcs, just present them without prejudice or agenda. I guess some people (writers, producers, directors and even actors) take it upon themselves to let it be known what there beliefs are no matter how inappropriate or ridiculous it may seem.

                            M*A*S*H was very preachy with the poltical commentary, but at least they didn't delve into petty liberal/conservative bickering that usually get's everyone pissed off or disinterested. It was more anti-gov't protesting than party favoritism, they were equal opportunity.
                            Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                            I know the gay-friendly, environment-doomed, big business-bad themes are blatant, but, if you're a casual viewer and don't catch the right episode, you might miss those things, and come away thining Who is dumb and silly.. Pick an episode from season 2. ANY episode from season 2.
                            I can't argue that brother nx, S2 was chalk full of hit and miss (mainly miss) episodes.
                            the Fifth Race

                            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                              Well guys my number came up. I waited all week and it looks like I have to report to jury duty on a Friday, think I should wear my Starfleet uniform?


                                Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                                Well guys my number came up. I waited all week and it looks like I have to report to jury duty on a Friday, think I should wear my Starfleet uniform?
                                Just answer all your questions with racist remarks.. Their is no way you'll get selected. Its funny you mention that, I got my first jury duty letter the other day.
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

