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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
    ugh that sounds bad! (*note to self- avoid wendy's!* ?* )
    I refuse to eat at Burger King since I got food poisioned there
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Greets Ds9ers,

      Got a new job a few months back and only had enough time for my annual Babylon 5 watching. Now I'm back to Ds9 and am on disk 2 of season 2. Anyway, I am here for a specific reason. The season of Ds9 I have not seen yet and do not own is season 4 (The Klingon season). As my purse is improving, I would like to buy it by the time I get there in my cycle. That's probably 6 weeks or so (told you I don't have much time..)

      Anyway, where would you go to buy season 4 and what would you pay?




        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
        I refuse to eat at Burger King since I got food poisioned there
        there is actually a condition called Taste Aversion Response that will make a human not want to eat what they had eaten when they were sick. i.e. I ate a lot of cheerios when I was pregnant and very sick with morning sickness, to this day (25 years later) I cannot stand the smell of cheerios on my hubby's breath. My daughter once went to Pizza Hut and that night came down with a nasty stomach bug and now won't go near a pizza hut. It is a learned response inwhich the food may or may not be the cause of the illness, just the human body will associate that food with being sick and will avoid it. (oh my motivation prof would be so proud to know I remember all this!!)


          Originally posted by kmiller1610 View Post
          Greets Ds9ers,

          Got a new job a few months back and only had enough time for my annual Babylon 5 watching. Now I'm back to Ds9 and am on disk 2 of season 2. Anyway, I am here for a specific reason. The season of Ds9 I have not seen yet and do not own is season 4 (The Klingon season). As my purse is improving, I would like to buy it by the time I get there in my cycle. That's probably 6 weeks or so (told you I don't have much time..)

          Anyway, where would you go to buy season 4 and what would you pay?


          Hi ya brother kmiller, great to see you back on the DS9 thread. The best price on DVD's I have found anywhere is at, here is the link for DS9 .... They have brand new Season IV DS9 Box Sets for $43.90. That is even cheaper than used ones on

          I am currently re-watching season IV right now to come up with new Trek trivia questions for my quizzes. I will be done in a couple weeks, I can then loan you season IV Box Set. Just let me know my friend.
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
            there is actually a condition called Taste Aversion Response that will make a human not want to eat what they had eaten when they were sick. i.e. I ate a lot of cheerios when I was pregnant and very sick with morning sickness, to this day (25 years later) I cannot stand the smell of cheerios on my hubby's breath. My daughter once went to Pizza Hut and that night came down with a nasty stomach bug and now won't go near a pizza hut. It is a learned response inwhich the food may or may not be the cause of the illness, just the human body will associate that food with being sick and will avoid it. (oh my motivation prof would be so proud to know I remember all this!!)
            I know that condition quite well myself. I ate Cotton Candy at the Circus for the first time as a 10 year old. I got so sick from it that I can't even stand the sight let alone the smell of it even to this day. I also had a bad experience when I was about 25 years old with Jack Daniels Whiskey. I got so sick that even today when I smell any kind Sour Mash Whiskey I feel nauseous. (I got no problems with Single Malt Whisky's)

            Even though it's not a food aversion (because I love the flavor), I am deathly allergic to raw banana's. The first time it hit me I was in High School on a date at the movie theater. - When I ate the banana, I almost immediatly went in to anaphylactic shock. By the time the ambulance showed up I could hardly breath because my esophagus swelled shut. I made the same mistake about 10 year later (I don't know what I was thinking?) and took a bite of a raw banana and immediatly started going in to shock again. I can eat cooked or dehydrated banana's, which I love, with no problems.
            the Fifth Race

            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              I refuse to eat at Burger King since I got food poisioned there
              How can that be? They use precooked frozen burgers, they use this machine to burn on the grill marks and then they nuke them in the microwave.


                Haha, that just reminded me of that episode of Home Improvement where they were showing off the ultimate "man's kitchen" that had a nuclear microwave.
                Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

                Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
                Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
                Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
                --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


                  Originally posted by Xicer View Post
                  Haha, that just reminded me of that episode of Home Improvement where they were showing off the ultimate "man's kitchen" that had a nuclear microwave.
                  that ep was awesome
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                    How can that be? They use precooked frozen burgers, they use this machine to burn on the grill marks and then they nuke them in the microwave.
                    easily enough if the meat was infected with ecoli at the processing plant (as so often happens these days).


                      You can't use a microwave to cook burgers.

                      Microwaves only heat polar molecules under certain conditions (in food, mostly the water is what gets heated). A microwave is much less efficient at heating steam than at heating liquid water, so it cannot reliably heat food to above 100 Celsius. Also, microwaves don't heat food evenly, relying on conduction to heat up the parts of the food that they miss. This means that even when food comes out of a microwave and it is piping hot on average across the whole of the food item, there may be areas that are completely unheated, and areas that are superheated. Usually the heat will eventually spread out more or less evenly, but that doesn't always happen, since the process is chaotic.

                      This is fine for reheating food, or for heating up liquids (provided that they are mostly water), but it isn't good for cooking food the first time.
                      Last edited by gopher65; 03 February 2008, 05:47 PM.


                        Just went and read about this a bit. In addition to what I listed above, ice absorbs far less microwave radiation than water does. This means that if a small part of the food is frozen, that part will thaw and then cook far slower than non-frozen parts of the food. So if they grill the burgers and then microwave them, a small portion of the burger could remain uncooked even though the rest of the burger was crunchy burgerking yuckiness (I can't stand Burger King).

                        Also, the very centre of a microwave oven receives fewer microwaves per cubic centimetre than other parts of the oven. So if they put a plate of burgers in the oven, and one burger is in the exact centre, the middle of that burger will cook more slowly than the surrounding meat, or the surrounding burgers.

                        So if the person who cooks your burger in a microwave is an idiot who doesn't know what they are doing, then they could well poison you if the meat is contaminated. Suffice to say, that when I was a cook we *never* used our microwaves for cooking things. They were used to defrost things and sometimes to heat desserts, if they required that sort of thing (the sauce for sticky toffee pudding for instance).


                          HOLY COW!! Just finnished watching season 4 and what an ending. Gowron a Changling?! :-O DS9 is turning out to be a hell of a lot better than i thought. Sadly working close to 50 hours a week i don't get much time to watch anymore :-(


                            isn't it amazing all the esoteric infomation we have on this thread? DS9 fans are truly a brilliant bunch!


                              NOTE: Sorry folks, no quiz this week. I am on hiatus for a couple weeks while I build up my pool of quiz questions. I got a bunch of various Trek shows and episodes all ready to view with pen in hand to take notes while I am off of work all this week.
                              Originally posted by radiosgalore View Post
                              HOLY COW!! Just finnished watching season 4 and what an ending. Gowron a Changling?! :-O DS9 is turning out to be a hell of a lot better than i thought. Sadly working close to 50 hours a week i don't get much time to watch anymore :-(
                              Great to hear radiosgalore, and it's good to see you on the superior thread again. If you liked season IV you are going to love seasons V, VI & VII. The show builds to an incredible ending with truly brilliant episodes. Please check in again to update us on your progress.
                              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                              isn't it amazing all the esoteric infomation we have on this thread? DS9 fans are truly a brilliant bunch!
                              We are "truly a brilliant bunch" Lady Rac. Trek fans in general are very smart and IMHO DS9fans stand above them all. Hence the aprepoe title I chose for this epic thread - 'Deep Space 9 Superior'.
                              the Fifth Race

                              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                                I might post a quiz(only about 5-8 questions) tomorrow if I ever get out of this bad dream where the Pats lost.......

