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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
    i think i did bc wel lets be honest. i kinda of already OWNED the whole waterfall thing
    no need to be that modest XD
    if I keep saying beautiful things about you, you're gonna need to get a special room for your ego XD
    even though
    I do have lots of reasons to love that waterfall fic


      Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
      no need to be that modest XD
      if I keep saying beautiful things about you, you're gonna need to get a special room for your ego XD
      even though
      I do have lots of reasons to love that waterfall fic
      LOL I'll be even more like Niko!!! *win*

      and yes yes you do have plenty of reasons to love that story
      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


        Working on the Teslen section of my fic right now

        I DID promise "MAJOR development"
        Sig by ME!!!


          Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
          Working on the Teslen section of my fic right now

          I DID promise "MAJOR development"
          the question is how major?
          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


            You expect me to tell you? Not going to work, my friend...
            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
            Sig by ME!!!


              Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
              You expect me to tell you? Not going to work, my friend...
              haha no no, it was rhetorical ik you're not gonna tell me im just waiting to see if these development are as major as you're making 'em sound
              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                Major enough to "raise a little hell"
                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                Sig by ME!!!


                  Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                  Major enough to "raise a little hell"
                  haha like i said, i'll wait
                  thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                    Wow, I can't believe I just made Helen lose her marbles completely. xD poor woman is going to be in for it in the next chapter lmao
                    "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                    Sig by ME!!!


                      Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                      Wow, I can't believe what I just wrote. Helen's all but lost her mind xD
                      either share or shush
                      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                        noo but I like being evil

                        "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                        Sig by ME!!!


                          Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                          noo but I like being evil

                          thats you being evil? lmao xD
                          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                            DARE YOU QUESTION MY METHODS OF TORTURE?!

                            “What is it, Helen?”

                            Helen’s entire body shuddered involuntarily at the way he said her name. God, it sounded so heavenly coming from his lips, as if all the delicate sweetness of a dessert wine had somehow become infused with his voice. She wanted to drink up that sound, to taste it and let the flavor sink in and seep through her veins, spreading its delightful poison all throughout her body—


                            She was still distracted. She immediately took notice of the fact that his shirt was completely drenched with sweat and was now sticking to his skin, allowing her a tiny glimpse of what was beneath. He must be uncomfortable, she thought to herself. He should change out of that shirt. Let the cool air touch his skin and maybe draw a lovely sigh of relief from his throat, the kind of sigh that had always made her skin prickle and her heartbeat run wild.


                            “You need to change,” Helen blurted out, and without further ado, she closed the space between her and Nikola and went straight for his shirt buttons.

                            neeheeeeeeeeeeee *runs around giggling like a maniac*

                            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                            Sig by ME!!!


                              Originally posted by Mimzy View Post

                              DARE YOU QUESTION MY METHODS OF TORTURE?!

                              “What is it, Helen?”

                              Helen’s entire body shuddered involuntarily at the way he said her name. God, it sounded so heavenly coming from his lips, as if all the delicate sweetness of a dessert wine had somehow become infused with his voice. She wanted to drink up that sound, to taste it and let the flavor sink in and seep through her veins, spreading its delightful poison all throughout her body—


                              She was still distracted. She immediately took notice of the fact that his shirt was completely drenched with sweat and was now sticking to his skin, allowing her a tiny glimpse of what was beneath. He must be uncomfortable, she thought to herself. He should change out of that shirt. Let the cool air touch his skin and maybe draw a lovely sigh of relief from his throat, the kind of sigh that had always made her skin prickle and her heartbeat run wild.


                              “You need to change,” Helen blurted out, and without further ado, she closed the space between her and Nikola and went straight for his shirt buttons.

                              neeheeeeeeeeeeee *runs around giggling like a maniac*

                              *blinks* is that your best shot? *giggles* you slay me with your futile attempts to tortue me. do you forget who i am? Grand Duchess of the Gutter. thats just foreplay right there for me
                              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                                Well, then, I admit defeat for now. Because I can't top the Grand Duchess of the Gutter. However, being the Duchess of Angst, I shall completely annihilate you next month with my September fic.

                                Yes, ANNIHILATE.

                                And cause mass psychological confusion.

                                After which I will then crown myself EMPRESS of Angst and exact my power upon all who dare to come into my presence.


                                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                                Sig by ME!!!

