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Nikola Tesla/Helen Magnus Shipper Thread

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    I made those a while ago...but it's Aslan

    OH! I have a blouse and the tag on it says "Aslan"...apparently that's the brand? LOL I know Lewis took it from the Turkish word for "lion" or something, but that's still an odd name for a clothing brand


    after lunch today, I went out on the lawn in front of the student center and was lying down in the grass and I saw this guy who could've been Niko from the back if only he had the hair with his little daughter and she was running around in her pretty little dress and he was watching her...IT WAS SO ADORABLE

    And then this mom with her kids came by and the kids were running around and one of them kept yelling, "Hi, sleepyhead!" at me And they looked like they could be *their kids* too. I was like *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE*
    Sig by ME!!!


      Mimzy seems your enjoying lots of teslen these days

      oh btw, I think I found a way to keep up with the monthly teslen challenges as I'm not very good at writing, I just did what I know best


        It makes me so happy to come on here and see discussions about the first Helen/Nikola kiss. I am completely torn on the matter. Part of me thinks he has stolen kisses before when they were young. Especially since in Revelations Nikola says; "Your father liked us better as a couple." So, if they were ever involved even a little they would have kissed, but they may have been a bit more shy about it. They were young and times were different. The other part of me wants them to never have fully crossed that line. I think now, as both of them have matured they both know that if they ever let themselves, a fiery explosion of lust and passion would ignite if they allowed themselves to admit their desire. I mean it has been years and the tension is there. Helen is smart she knows he wants her, that's why she always looks at him *in that seductive way* because she wants him too. All those years of sexual tension could potentially create the hottest kiss ever! Of course in my head I never want it to end there. I like smut way to much to let it end there but that's what fanfic is for. On the show I would be happy with just a passionate kiss!*cue a little Helen moan afterwards*


          Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
          Mimzy seems your enjoying lots of teslen these days

          oh btw, I think I found a way to keep up with the monthly teslen challenges as I'm not very good at writing, I just did what I know best

          Um, I love that?
          Originally posted by xiratania007 View Post
          It makes me so happy to come on here and see discussions about the first Helen/Nikola kiss. I am completely torn on the matter. Part of me thinks he has stolen kisses before when they were young. Especially since in Revelations Nikola says; "Your father liked us better as a couple." So, if they were ever involved even a little they would have kissed, but they may have been a bit more shy about it. They were young and times were different. The other part of me wants them to never have fully crossed that line. I think now, as both of them have matured they both know that if they ever let themselves, a fiery explosion of lust and passion would ignite if they allowed themselves to admit their desire. I mean it has been years and the tension is there. Helen is smart she knows he wants her, that's why she always looks at him *in that seductive way* because she wants him too. All those years of sexual tension could potentially create the hottest kiss ever! Of course in my head I never want it to end there. I like smut way to much to let it end there but that's what fanfic is for. On the show I would be happy with just a passionate kiss!*cue a little Helen moan afterwards*
          XIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *MEGATACKLEHUG*

          btw I agree...
          Sig by ME!!!


            Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
            Mimzy seems your enjoying lots of teslen these days

            oh btw, I think I found a way to keep up with the monthly teslen challenges as I'm not very good at writing, I just did what I know best

            Agree aaaanddd

            LOVE IT

            Originally posted by xiratania007 View Post
            It makes me so happy to come on here and see discussions about the first Helen/Nikola kiss. I am completely torn on the matter. Part of me thinks he has stolen kisses before when they were young. Especially since in Revelations Nikola says; "Your father liked us better as a couple." So, if they were ever involved even a little they would have kissed, but they may have been a bit more shy about it. They were young and times were different. The other part of me wants them to never have fully crossed that line. I think now, as both of them have matured they both know that if they ever let themselves, a fiery explosion of lust and passion would ignite if they allowed themselves to admit their desire. I mean it has been years and the tension is there. Helen is smart she knows he wants her, that's why she always looks at him *in that seductive way* because she wants him too. All those years of sexual tension could potentially create the hottest kiss ever! Of course in my head I never want it to end there. I like smut way to much to let it end there but that's what fanfic is for. On the show I would be happy with just a passionate kiss!*cue a little Helen moan afterwards*
            THIRD THIS!!!!

            and i just said this on twitter but had to put it here:

            Helen/Niko...they put the UST in TRUST

            yes lame i know lol
            Last edited by Keaira Taegan; 05 April 2010, 11:27 AM.
            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


              Originally posted by xiratania007 View Post
              It makes me so happy to come on here and see discussions about the first Helen/Nikola kiss. I am completely torn on the matter. Part of me thinks he has stolen kisses before when they were young. Especially since in Revelations Nikola says; "Your father liked us better as a couple." So, if they were ever involved even a little they would have kissed, but they may have been a bit more shy about it. They were young and times were different. The other part of me wants them to never have fully crossed that line. I think now, as both of them have matured they both know that if they ever let themselves, a fiery explosion of lust and passion would ignite if they allowed themselves to admit their desire. I mean it has been years and the tension is there. Helen is smart she knows he wants her, that's why she always looks at him *in that seductive way* because she wants him too. All those years of sexual tension could potentially create the hottest kiss ever! Of course in my head I never want it to end there. I like smut way to much to let it end there but that's what fanfic is for. On the show I would be happy with just a passionate kiss!*cue a little Helen moan afterwards*
              *HUGE shippy sigh* Yeah, I complete agree about what we should see on screen... but man, you're little bit about the moan at the end there - I've got some TOTAL smut!fics floating around my head now. XD


                Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
                *HUGE shippy sigh* Yeah, I complete agree about what we should see on screen... but man, you're little bit about the moan at the end there - I've got some TOTAL smut!fics floating around my head now. XD
                excellent!!! link me when you've written them
                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                  Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                  excellent!!! link me when you've written them
                  I'll post the links here when I've written them, for sure! It won't be for a while though... I'm actually tearing my hair out with this paper I'm trying to write!!! Gah...... But, yeah, you guys'll definitely see the links here after I post the fics.


                    Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
                    I'll post the links here when I've written them, for sure! It won't be for a while though... I'm actually tearing my hair out with this paper I'm trying to write!!! Gah...... But, yeah, you guys'll definitely see the links here after I post the fics.
                    sorry to hear about the paper...story of my life right now haha
                    I look forward to reading them
                    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                      Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
                      mimzy seems your enjoying lots of teslen these days :d

                      oh btw, i think i found a way to keep up with the monthly teslen challenges :d as i'm not very good at writing, i just did what i know best :d

                      Aww I love it! The best part of Niko and Helen Kissing in the rain is WET NIKO/HELEN kissing in the rain!!

                      Originally posted by mimzy View Post
                      um, i love that? :d

                      xira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *megatacklehug* :d
                      btw i agree...
                      *IZMEGATACKLED* You should all know that even though I did ship Nikola/Helen after I first saw "The Five" Mimzy is the one that turned it into obsession!! Thank you sooooooo much for that!! I have a big goofy smile on my face and take splashes in the gutter all the time because of you!! I hope it makes you feel accomplished!

                      Originally posted by keaira taegan View Post
                      agree aaaanddd

                      love it :d
                      third this!!!! :d
                      and i just said this on twitter but had to put it here:

                      Helen/niko...they put the ust in trust

                      yes lame i know lol :d
                      I kept meaning to say on twitter how happy this makes me. but I get distracted easily so I never actually did. I don't think so anyway.
                      1. Wordplay Hello I love wordplay
                      2. the word trust makes me think of my x-files and my OTP ship from back in the day. I love x-files and anyone that makes me think of it automatically becomes my friend. \
                      3. UST and Nikola/Helen is made of smutbunny WIN!!So yes I was having multiple fangirl squees from that one commet JSYK!

                      Originally posted by _socraticmethod View Post
                      *huge shippy sigh* yeah, i complete agree about what we should see on screen... But man, you're little bit about the moan at the end there - i've got some total smut!fics floating around my head now. xd
                      YES PLEASE!! YES PLEASE! Helen moans and Nikola smut! I want!!! I think I am going to go find all this fanfiction I keep missing out on now. Its time to play catch up!


                        Originally posted by xiratania007 View Post

                        Aww I love it! The best part of Niko and Helen Kissing in the rain is WET NIKO/HELEN kissing in the rain!!
                        "Wet people are naturally hotter"
                        *IZMEGATACKLED* You should all know that even though I did ship Nikola/Helen after I first saw "The Five" Mimzy is the one that turned it into obsession!! Thank you sooooooo much for that!! I have a big goofy smile on my face and take splashes in the gutter all the time because of you!! I hope it makes you feel accomplished!
                        awwh what a lovely true story!! thanks mimzy for making it an obsession

                        I kept meaning to say on twitter how happy this makes me. but I get distracted easily so I never actually did. I don't think so anyway.
                        1. Wordplay Hello I love wordplay
                        2. the word trust makes me think of my x-files and my OTP ship from back in the day. I love x-files and anyone that makes me think of it automatically becomes my friend. \
                        3. UST and Nikola/Helen is made of smutbunny WIN!!So yes I was having multiple fangirl squees from that one commet JSYK!
                        hahaha smutnubbin win indeed
                        totally think some artist out there should totally make an UST in TRUST banner

                        YES PLEASE!! YES PLEASE! Helen moans and Nikola smut! I want!!! I think I am going to go find all this fanfiction I keep missing out on now. Its time to play catch up!
                        YAY for catch up
                        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                          Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post

                          hahaha smutnubbin win indeed
                          totally think some artist out there should totally make an UST in TRUST banner
                          LOL, so am I the only one who first thought of SG1 and The Trust when I saw "TRUST"?

                          On a mildly unrelated note... I was just listening to Jason Mraz, and his song "Butterfly" always makes me think of what must be going through Niko's mind whenever he gives Helen those sultry glances.

                          Oh, I'm not sure if this has been done before or not (if it has, just ignore this, lol!), but last night I was sitting out on our deck and I had an idea for fic-challenge theme.... Stargazing!


                            Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post

                            oh btw, I think I found a way to keep up with the monthly teslen challenges as I'm not very good at writing, I just did what I know best

                            Totally missed this before! It's lovely!!


                              Originally posted by _SocraticMethod View Post
                              LOL, so am I the only one who first thought of SG1 and The Trust when I saw "TRUST"?

                              On a mildly unrelated note... I was just listening to Jason Mraz, and his song "Butterfly" always makes me think of what must be going through Niko's mind whenever he gives Helen those sultry glances.

                              Oh, I'm not sure if this has been done before or not (if it has, just ignore this, lol!), but last night I was sitting out on our deck and I had an idea for fic-challenge theme.... Stargazing!

                              i love it!!! but we shall see if any of the other writers do....though im pretty sure they will cuz thats awesomee

                              EDIT: AH! that was my 4,666 post! go NIKO NUMBERS
                              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                                Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                                Agree aaaanddd

                                LOVE IT

                                THIRD THIS!!!!

                                and i just said this on twitter but had to put it here:

                                Helen/Niko...they put the UST in TRUST

                                yes lame i know lol
                                BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you amuse me.
                                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                                Sig by ME!!!

