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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
    I know he's everything i could ever dream of thats for sure! haha that touch of evil is perfect *sighs*

    'night Twinnie

    *hopes to dream of Niko while snuggling with her clone*


      Originally posted by Tesla_Twin View Post
      btw, read your new story, and you gotta stop being this's too painful to wait for more...(just kidding, he, don't stop! )

      it say the least...Poor Niko, I don't like it when he's in pain...*huggles clone*. I like how you took these two characters and found a link between them....

      Respect, Rose...You rock! *bow*
      This made me so happy! I was really worried, cos it's the darkest thing I've ever written, but then again, I had a lot of fun making Niko be a little pathetic--cos he's always so bada** and collected every other time.

      P.S. Totally snagged my clone a lab coat and he's staring at me very suggestively right now with one hand on his hip and the other cradling a glass of wine.

      I...think I'm going to be going now, people. See y' later! (Specially you, Twinnie. Bahahaha! I just had to say it once). Srsly, see ya!

      *drops laptop and tackles clone into bed*


        Originally posted by Rose "Snapjinx" McKnight View Post
        This made me so happy! I was really worried, cos it's the darkest thing I've ever written, but then again, I had a lot of fun making Niko be a little pathetic--cos he's always so bada** and collected every other time.

        P.S. Totally snagged my clone a lab coat and he's staring at me very suggestively right now with one hand on his hip and the other cradling a glass of wine.

        I...think I'm going to be going now, people. See y' later! (Specially you, Twinnie. Bahahaha! I just had to say it once). Srsly, see ya!

        *drops laptop and tackles clone into bed*
        Yeah i loved your story! it was dark and fantastic

        my clone isnt drinking at the mo....*her clone walks in with a bottle of wine in hand* oh, never mind! haha

        Have pleasant dreams with your clone Rose and Twinnie *clinks glasses with hers* here is to a long night, and a longer time spent sleeping in each others arms on the morrow! *clone winks suggestively* oh boy! haha
        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


          I'm not sure you need it after Rose's great story, but Part 10 of From Here to Eternity is finally up.

          I hope some of you will do me the honour of checking it out, even though it's been too long since I've posted a new chapter. <3


            Originally posted by Nikolai_Tesla View Post
            I'm not sure you need it after Rose's great story, but Part 10 of From Here to Eternity is finally up.

            I hope some of you will do me the honour of checking it out, even though it's been too long since I've posted a new chapter. <3
            Hey, I just read and reviewed. Very well done. I love all of your introspective pieces on Nikola--they capture him so well. I do so hope you will continue to follow along with the episodes. It's intriguing to think about what Niko's thinking the whole time.


              *crawls back from oblivion and curls up in the corner of thread*

              elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

              HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

              NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

              HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

              Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                Hey everyone!
                Sorry I'm not here often, my exams are nearly over. I can't wait to be free lol.
                I saw Kali yesterday and Nikola was not part of it =( even if I was quite certain that we would not see him before the new season I felt disappointed.
                Anyway I so hope he will become a main character of the show in season 3!! That would be so unfair.

                I tried to use photoshop in order to make some artworks... and guess what, I failed lol. This software is too difficult to use I nearly cried xD
                If somebody is able to help me with it I will be grateful =)


                  Originally posted by Mamzelle_Malicia View Post
                  I tried to use photoshop in order to make some artworks... and guess what, I failed lol. This software is too difficult to use I nearly cried xD
                  If somebody is able to help me with it I will be grateful =)
                  I'd be happy to help, if I can. Just ask me some questions you might have and I'll try my best to help ya

                  and yeah, they need to bring back Tesla...I miss him....9 months? I'm gonna die for sure

                  I'm watching his movies right now. So after The Fog yesterday, I'm now watching Alien Trespass (he's just so adorable in it! it's unbearable...I'll post some caps later )
                  Then I'll re-watch The Five, Revelations and Sleepers (and EoN too if I have the time....)



                    Originally posted by Tesla_Twin View Post
                    I'd be happy to help, if I can. Just ask me some questions you might have and I'll try my best to help ya

                    and yeah, they need to bring back Tesla...I miss him....9 months? I'm gonna die for sure

                    I'm watching his movies right now. So after The Fog yesterday, I'm now watching Alien Trespass (he's just so adorable in it! it's unbearable...I'll post some caps later )
                    Then I'll re-watch The Five, Revelations and Sleepers (and EoN too if I have the time....)

                    9 months is way too long ><
                    I must find JY's movies, I won't be able to wait! lol

                    I will send you private messages so you can explain me in french^^ I only found the software in english, that's too bad =/ I hope I'll be able to use it one day lol. I want to do some signatures or wallpapers.

                    I'm planning to do a Sanctuary marathon soon... but I'll be all alone it's so sad T_T. I don't know why my friends don't want to see it... the only ones who like it live too far away...


                      Originally posted by Mamzelle_Malicia View Post
                      9 months is way too long ><
                      I must find JY's movies, I won't be able to wait! lol

                      I will send you private messages so you can explain me in french^^ I only found the software in english, that's too bad =/ I hope I'll be able to use it one day lol. I want to do some signatures or wallpapers.

                      I'm planning to do a Sanctuary marathon soon... but I'll be all alone it's so sad T_T. I don't know why my friends don't want to see it... the only ones who like it live too far away...
                      Okay about the PM

                      I think it's best if you have the software in english as a lot of good tutorials are in english

                      Yeah, marathon alone just aren't the friends aren't fans either so I watch 'em at home....with my cat
                      Plus they don't share my obsession over Niko....Their loss


                        Originally posted by Tesla_Twin View Post
                        Okay about the PM

                        I think it's best if you have the software in english as a lot of good tutorials are in english

                        Yeah, marathon alone just aren't the friends aren't fans either so I watch 'em at home....with my cat
                        Plus they don't share my obsession over Niko....Their loss
                        At the same time I think it's better that way, I won't like sharing him with them lol. I think I'm so bothering them with Nikola, they don't want to know more about the show lol, that's a shame though^^

                        I will watch the episodes alone with my stuffed animals xD


                          Originally posted by Mamzelle_Malicia View Post
                          At the same time I think it's better that way, I won't like sharing him with them lol. I think I'm so bothering them with Nikola, they don't want to know more about the show lol, that's a shame though^^

                          I will watch the episodes alone with my stuffed animals xD
                          Yeah, only the Troopers can have him (and a clone). We know the awesomeness and sexyness that is JY

                          We deserve him



                            I'm going to pull a JG Wentworth

                            *Walks to window and opens it*


                            I WANT MY TESLA FIX, AND I WANT IT NOW!
                            "Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." Nikola Tesla


                              Originally posted by CrazyKewl View Post
                              I'm going to pull a JG Wentworth

                              *Walks to window and opens it*


                              I WANT MY TESLA FIX, AND I WANT IT NOW!
                              *shouts the same from her own window*

                              I made these. Some are shippy, but I couldn't bare to cut Helen out of the picture...

                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                already said it on the H/N thread, Nad, but they're awesome! beautiful! Can't pick a favorite

