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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
    ZOMG I just watched both eps of The Outer Limits with JY in them and

    I'm NOT kidding!! In "Glyphic" he was this weird skateboarding dude who believed in conspiracy theories and aliens and his hair looked like a GIRL'S! It was SO FUNNY!! And in "The Camp" he had what literally looked like some kind of scraggly mop on top of his head--it looked better than the perfect girl-hair though. But, um, he died in that one I was like NOO lol

    But anyway it was the weirdest thing. His face looked totally out of place with that hair. It didn't fit at ALL LOL

    It's just interesting to see how pretty much every character he's played is some kind of geek or weirdo...and granted, Nikola Tesla is definitely both of those things, but seeing him before you'd honestly never expect to see the same guy as a totally SEXY drool-over geek vampire. Just goes to show, there's a hot guy beneath every weird obsessive science-y nerd. And also that he's an incredibly amazing actor.

    OMG he is just so HOT. I'm actually watching The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants now and squee-ed every time he showed up. Which is not that much, but he's just so funny, even when he's being annoying
    Although I was slightly offended when Tibby called him the "rat-faced boss." Did she not know that his alter ego is a totally sexy genius electric Serbian vampire?

    With the SEXIEST voice on the planet, I might add Every time I hear him talk I just melt. *SIGH*
    Who des he play in Sisterhood???

    CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
    GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
    FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


      OK, I'm a bit squeamish, about this, but I just have to get over it, lol.

      There's a sanctuary RPG comm over on LJ that's currently under construction, and I think that the Tesla is great.

      The comm isn't really up and running yet, but my character needed to be brought into the world, because he's from a different tv show, so we're doing a thread that takes place about twenty years ago where our characters meet. Our characters being Zack Addy(mine) and Nikola Tesla(bastet's)

      I'm sure its not as squee worthy as ROME, but I thought some of you guys might enjoy it. Beware that this is completely unedited--once the other player has replied to a tag, there's nothing we can do to edit it, so some of it will be a little rough.

      We're still going, but its already pretty long, I hope some of you guys enjoy it!

      Also, if any of you are interested in trying out text based RPG for the first time, this would be a great place to get some basic experience. Its still quite small so the mods and more experienced players will have more time to spend with newbies.

      Here's the main comm:

      (Yes I'm pimping it)
      Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

      image from:



        Originally posted by ellymelly View Post
        THE PROMISED ROME lol - for those needing a Tesla fix!

        DUH DUH DUH - don't forget - young munchkins, final warning before rating change.

        ITS UPDATED AAAHH!!! *runs off to read it voraciously and winds up dying of squee*

        Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
        OMG he is just so HOT. I'm actually watching The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants now and squee-ed every time he showed up. Which is not that much, but he's just so funny, even when he's being annoying
        Although I was slightly offended when Tibby called him the "rat-faced boss." Did she not know that his alter ego is a totally sexy genius electric Serbian vampire?

        With the SEXIEST voice on the planet, I might add Every time I hear him talk I just melt. *SIGH*
        i am sooo with you on that one. i *LOVE* his voice. *siigh* its just so incredible sexy
        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


          Originally posted by AnnieS View Post
          Who des he play in Sisterhood???
          He plays Tibby's boss, Duncan

          Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post
          OK, I'm a bit squeamish, about this, but I just have to get over it, lol.

          There's a sanctuary RPG comm over on LJ that's currently under construction, and I think that the Tesla is great.

          The comm isn't really up and running yet, but my character needed to be brought into the world, because he's from a different tv show, so we're doing a thread that takes place about twenty years ago where our characters meet. Our characters being Zack Addy(mine) and Nikola Tesla(bastet's)

          I'm sure its not as squee worthy as ROME, but I thought some of you guys might enjoy it. Beware that this is completely unedited--once the other player has replied to a tag, there's nothing we can do to edit it, so some of it will be a little rough.

          We're still going, but its already pretty long, I hope some of you guys enjoy it!

          Also, if any of you are interested in trying out text based RPG for the first time, this would be a great place to get some basic experience. Its still quite small so the mods and more experienced players will have more time to spend with newbies.

          Here's the main comm:

          (Yes I'm pimping it)
          When I click on the links all I get are blank pages
          Sig by ME!!!


            Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
            When I click on the links all I get are blank pages
            LJ is being evil today...

            I'll wait till they get done with whatever maintenance is happening and repost them.

            We've actually taken our playing into our e-mails for the time being, we can't get to them either.
            Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

            image from:



              Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post
              LJ is being evil today...

              I'll wait till they get done with whatever maintenance is happening and repost them.

              We've actually taken our playing into our e-mails for the time being, we can't get to them either.
              bummer i look forward to reading it once everything gets sorted out
              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                bummer i look forward to reading it once everything gets sorted out
                Here's the first lead in--the one for Nikola.
                LJ is being sporadic today, now I can get on, but I don't know if it will last.

                Twenty Years Ago...
                Nikola woke to the cold antiseptic smell of what he could only guess was a hospital. This was novel. He lay still, trying to collect his thoughts and assess the situation before he let whoever had him knew he was awake.

                He had been in New Delhi on this way back to Rome from trip to Bhalasaam, the city of the Ancient Vampires. The place was in ruins now, long destroyed by the Church but he had found a way into the catacombs. Gregory Magnus had hidden a vial of the blood of the Ancient Ones there after his daughter, Helen, and other four of them had experimented on themselves with it in the latter part of the nineteenth century.

                Each of them had changed, but Nikola's transformation had proved to be the startling. His exposure to the Source Blood had unlocked hidden parts of his DNA. Long recessive traits that had lay dormant for most likely centuries in his family. Traits of the extinct race of the Sanguine Vampirus. To their knowledge he was their last fully realized descendant.

                Nikola had hoped if he could get his hands on the Source blood he could wake up those traits in others, who liked him shared a similar heritage and if the proved unsuccessful, find a way to manipulate their DNA to something a kin to his own. He had been experimenting with his own blood, but with less than successful results. He had hoped the Source Blood would give him the added information he was lacking to carry out his plan.

                Unfortunately, that plan had proved unsuccessful. Gregory Magnus had seemed to anticipated his train of thought and had secured the Source Blood in such a way it required the combined resources and unique gifts of The Five who had used it so long ago. Magnus had devised a series of “tests” each aimed at them utilizing their unique qualities. He had somehow harnessed the knowledge of the Ancient Ones and used their technology to create each of the tests. The plan was genius in its simplicity.

                Nikola turned his attention back to the dilemma at hand: where he was and why.

                He had run into trouble in New Delhi. He had gone to meet his contact in one of the side streets far from the tourist section of the city, but someone else had been waiting for him. He remembered gunfire and being hit, but little beyond that. He had been short before. It hurt, but his Vampire enhanced body could take a great deal of damage before the injures would overwhelm him.

                He could hear someone moving close to him, but he couldn't seem to make his eyes open. He felt hazy and disconnected. His chest, shoulder and leg ached miserably, but a strange lightheadedness wrapped his brain in packing cotton.

                He managed to finally get his eyelids to obey command and he blinked them open slowly.

                A woman with dark red hair and dressed in a lab coat moved around him, her back to him. He tried to will his body to move, but he couldn't do as much as twitch his fingers.

                The woman seemed to sense him and she turned. A beatific smile lit her features. “Doctor Tesla, you're finally awake,” she said said brightly.

                He stared, Doctor Tesla, he hadn't been called that since before Helen had helped him fake his death.

                The woman buzzed around checking machines positioned around him. An erratic beeping noise droned from one of the machines just out of his line of sight.

                Nikola tried to take stock of his body, but he couldn't focus on anything for more than a moment. He couldn't seem to get his breath and his heart was hammering against his breast bone. He felt cold and clammy. He frowned and the woman moved back into his line of sight again.

                “I'm sure you're not feeling very well at the moment, are you?” she said sympathetically. “I'm actually very surprised you woke up at all right now. I did stop the sedative a couple hours ago to let it clear you system before we began the blood draw, but I'm afraid I've had to continue the paralytic. You just can't have you up and moving about yet, now can we?” she said, sweetly. “Once we get what we need, we'll began replacing the blood we've removed. I have eight units in the warmer. That should help take the chill off you.” She rested the back of her hand against his cheek and frown. “Dear me, you are freezing!” she said, moving away. She came back with a blanket in her arms. She spread it out over him. It was blessedly warm. He closed his eyes a moment. This had to be a dream or the woman was mad or he was mad. It was all too unreal. Where was he? It couldn't be a hospital, but it smelled like a hospital.

                Nikola struggled to force his eyes open when something pressed against his face. The woman stood over him, pressing an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth. The edges of his vision had begun to grey and blur. He couldn't seem to get enough air into his lungs even with the added oxygen. He assumed it was oxygen.

                “It shouldn't be much longer,” she informed him, excitement coloring her voice. “This is all so fascinating. I've been dying to get a chance to work with you.”

                Nikola felt his eyes roll up in his head as the beeping from the machine suddenly became more erratic and broke into a wail.

                * * * * *

                Nikola slowly became aware of a slow rhythmic beeping sound and he kept his eyes shut as he struggled to remember what had happened. Anger surged through him when he realized what the beeping sound was. A heart monitor. The shrill sound he remember before he had lost consciousness before was the sound of machine recording his heart stopping.

                He knew who had him. The only group that would want him for something like this—the Cabal.

                He cursed himself. He had managed to keep a few steps ahead of them for years only to finally let them catch him.

                They had taken his blood. A great deal of his blood. He had to get that back. He couldn't let them use his blood to further their agenda. He was the only one who was going to use his blood like that.

                He struggled to keep himself still. The longer they thought him unconscious the longer he had to think this through. He had been shot. The ache in his chest and shoulder could attest to that. His right thigh pained, but differently from the healing gunshot wounds. He could only pray they hadn't gotten ambitious and decided to see if he could grow back a limb. He was rather attached to his limbs.

                He tentatively attempted to wiggling his toes and relaxed when he realized he could. Attached, but still painful.

                He opened his eyes and was relieved to find himself alone. He was even more pleased he could move his head a little. The paralytic must be starting to wear off. He took in his surroundings. He was strapped to some kind of examination chair, metal bands pinned his biceps and forearms. He frowned noticing his right leg was trapped in some kind of medical brace, velcro straps holding his leg in place. More metal bands pinned his chest, hips and both legs above the knee and at the ankles.

                He heard the door open and he quickly lay his head back and closed his eyes again.

                The click of high heels and the soft scent of a woman's perfume wafted over him. Anger flared in him and he struggled to keep himself still and not give himself away.

                “I know you're awake, Doctor Tesla,” the woman told him. He recognized the voice from earlier.

                He sighed and then opened his eyes. “What did you do to me?” he demanded.

                “Simple tests to gauge your regenerative abilities and I have to say, my superiors are very impressed. We've just started analyzing your blood and it is very interesting,” she said, moving into his range of vision. “We'll start testing your strength and agility once your leg is sufficiently healed.”

                “What did you do to my leg,” he growled, grinding his teeth with frustration. This situation was totally out of control. He was not a lab rat to be put though his paces.

                “A simple fracture to gauge the regenerative power of your bones. It's proceeding remarkably well and you should be up and on it shortly.” A slight German accent touched her words and something clicked in Nikola's mind.

                “You must miss South America,” he said suddenly.

                She stopped and then smiled sweetly. “I do. It seems odd to be cold during Christmas time, but there it is,” she responded, turning her attention back to the equipment around him.

                “You must be Rolf's daughter,” he stated, watching her. He wasn't sure why he knew, but he knew she was Josef Mengele's granddaughter.

                She gave him a started look and then smiled. “You are just as quick as I read you were. This is such an honor.” She inclined her head. “Greta,” she introduced herself and then turned her back to him again.

                Nikola lay there trying to focus himself and his fingertips brushed against something. It was tube. Thin and smooth. He caught himself smiling and quickly schooled his features into a neutral expression.

                Greta moved back towards him, syringe in her hand. “How about you get some rest now and then we'll start the next round of tests,” she said, injecting the contents of the syringe into the IV line that hung down beside him.

                Dutifully, his eyes closed and his breathing evened out.

                Greta turned on her heel and headed out of the room.

                Once he heard the door close, Nikola's eyes popped back open. He kept the IV line in his fingers tightly pinched and thereby blocking the medication from his body.

                It took him several tries and his control of his Vampire side was tenuous at best from the drugs and trauma to his body, but he finally manged to break his left arm from the restraints. He pulled the IV line out of his arm before he went to work on restraints on that arm as well. Once he had loosened them up, he made short work of the onces holding him back down on the exam chair and then he freed his legs. He was disgusted that he was nearly naked. Clothes would be his next order of business. He slid out of the chair and carefully tried to put weight on his injured leg. It would hold, if just. He was loose, but he would need a pretty good distraction to give him enough of an advantage to get out of here.

                He limped to the door, using everything he get a his hands on to ease the weight on his leg. The electronic lock on the door was child's play. A simple feedback loop in the polarity of the electrical flow shorted it out easily enough and he slipped into the hall. Not very far down the hall he found a locker room for the workers. He dug around through the lockers after a little work to twist off the locks to find something at least marginally presentable to wear. It was too big, but at least he could keep the pants up.

                He slipped on a lab coat and then slipped back into the hall. He had learned long ago, military and security types ignored lowly researchers.

                He limped his way down the hall. A heavy door with a complicated electronic lock caught his eye. He spied a surveillance camera pointed at the door. He smiled, reaching out his palm to rest on the metal of the wall beside him. He channeled the ambient electricity of the wall up to disrupt the transmission lines of the camera. Simple enough, but soon enough someone would realize how little current it took to damage the lines and it would make this little trick harder for him.

                He make short work of the keypad and had the door open. He eased himself into the hallway and the sudden rush of sound hit him before he even had the door closed. Screams, both human and inhuman reverberated off the walls. He knew what this place was. It was like a corruption of Gregory and Helen Magnus' dream of Sanctuary for Abnormals. Here was everything they had fought again.

                Here was his distraction.
                Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

                image from:



                  Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post
                  Here's the first lead in--the one for Nikola.
                  LJ is being sporadic today, now I can get on, but I don't know if it will last.

                  Twenty Years Ago...
                  Nikola woke to the cold antiseptic smell of what he could only guess was a hospital. This was novel. He lay still, trying to collect his thoughts and assess the situation before he let whoever had him knew he was awake.

                  He had been in New Delhi on this way back to Rome from trip to Bhalasaam, the city of the Ancient Vampires. The place was in ruins now, long destroyed by the Church but he had found a way into the catacombs. Gregory Magnus had hidden a vial of the blood of the Ancient Ones there after his daughter, Helen, and other four of them had experimented on themselves with it in the latter part of the nineteenth century.

                  Each of them had changed, but Nikola's transformation had proved to be the startling. His exposure to the Source Blood had unlocked hidden parts of his DNA. Long recessive traits that had lay dormant for most likely centuries in his family. Traits of the extinct race of the Sanguine Vampirus. To their knowledge he was their last fully realized descendant.

                  Nikola had hoped if he could get his hands on the Source blood he could wake up those traits in others, who liked him shared a similar heritage and if the proved unsuccessful, find a way to manipulate their DNA to something a kin to his own. He had been experimenting with his own blood, but with less than successful results. He had hoped the Source Blood would give him the added information he was lacking to carry out his plan.

                  Unfortunately, that plan had proved unsuccessful. Gregory Magnus had seemed to anticipated his train of thought and had secured the Source Blood in such a way it required the combined resources and unique gifts of The Five who had used it so long ago. Magnus had devised a series of “tests” each aimed at them utilizing their unique qualities. He had somehow harnessed the knowledge of the Ancient Ones and used their technology to create each of the tests. The plan was genius in its simplicity.

                  Nikola turned his attention back to the dilemma at hand: where he was and why.

                  He had run into trouble in New Delhi. He had gone to meet his contact in one of the side streets far from the tourist section of the city, but someone else had been waiting for him. He remembered gunfire and being hit, but little beyond that. He had been short before. It hurt, but his Vampire enhanced body could take a great deal of damage before the injures would overwhelm him.

                  He could hear someone moving close to him, but he couldn't seem to make his eyes open. He felt hazy and disconnected. His chest, shoulder and leg ached miserably, but a strange lightheadedness wrapped his brain in packing cotton.

                  He managed to finally get his eyelids to obey command and he blinked them open slowly.

                  A woman with dark red hair and dressed in a lab coat moved around him, her back to him. He tried to will his body to move, but he couldn't do as much as twitch his fingers.

                  The woman seemed to sense him and she turned. A beatific smile lit her features. “Doctor Tesla, you're finally awake,” she said said brightly.

                  He stared, Doctor Tesla, he hadn't been called that since before Helen had helped him fake his death.

                  The woman buzzed around checking machines positioned around him. An erratic beeping noise droned from one of the machines just out of his line of sight.

                  Nikola tried to take stock of his body, but he couldn't focus on anything for more than a moment. He couldn't seem to get his breath and his heart was hammering against his breast bone. He felt cold and clammy. He frowned and the woman moved back into his line of sight again.

                  “I'm sure you're not feeling very well at the moment, are you?” she said sympathetically. “I'm actually very surprised you woke up at all right now. I did stop the sedative a couple hours ago to let it clear you system before we began the blood draw, but I'm afraid I've had to continue the paralytic. You just can't have you up and moving about yet, now can we?” she said, sweetly. “Once we get what we need, we'll began replacing the blood we've removed. I have eight units in the warmer. That should help take the chill off you.” She rested the back of her hand against his cheek and frown. “Dear me, you are freezing!” she said, moving away. She came back with a blanket in her arms. She spread it out over him. It was blessedly warm. He closed his eyes a moment. This had to be a dream or the woman was mad or he was mad. It was all too unreal. Where was he? It couldn't be a hospital, but it smelled like a hospital.

                  Nikola struggled to force his eyes open when something pressed against his face. The woman stood over him, pressing an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth. The edges of his vision had begun to grey and blur. He couldn't seem to get enough air into his lungs even with the added oxygen. He assumed it was oxygen.

                  “It shouldn't be much longer,” she informed him, excitement coloring her voice. “This is all so fascinating. I've been dying to get a chance to work with you.”

                  Nikola felt his eyes roll up in his head as the beeping from the machine suddenly became more erratic and broke into a wail.

                  * * * * *

                  Nikola slowly became aware of a slow rhythmic beeping sound and he kept his eyes shut as he struggled to remember what had happened. Anger surged through him when he realized what the beeping sound was. A heart monitor. The shrill sound he remember before he had lost consciousness before was the sound of machine recording his heart stopping.

                  He knew who had him. The only group that would want him for something like this—the Cabal.

                  He cursed himself. He had managed to keep a few steps ahead of them for years only to finally let them catch him.

                  They had taken his blood. A great deal of his blood. He had to get that back. He couldn't let them use his blood to further their agenda. He was the only one who was going to use his blood like that.

                  He struggled to keep himself still. The longer they thought him unconscious the longer he had to think this through. He had been shot. The ache in his chest and shoulder could attest to that. His right thigh pained, but differently from the healing gunshot wounds. He could only pray they hadn't gotten ambitious and decided to see if he could grow back a limb. He was rather attached to his limbs.

                  He tentatively attempted to wiggling his toes and relaxed when he realized he could. Attached, but still painful.

                  He opened his eyes and was relieved to find himself alone. He was even more pleased he could move his head a little. The paralytic must be starting to wear off. He took in his surroundings. He was strapped to some kind of examination chair, metal bands pinned his biceps and forearms. He frowned noticing his right leg was trapped in some kind of medical brace, velcro straps holding his leg in place. More metal bands pinned his chest, hips and both legs above the knee and at the ankles.

                  He heard the door open and he quickly lay his head back and closed his eyes again.

                  The click of high heels and the soft scent of a woman's perfume wafted over him. Anger flared in him and he struggled to keep himself still and not give himself away.

                  “I know you're awake, Doctor Tesla,” the woman told him. He recognized the voice from earlier.

                  He sighed and then opened his eyes. “What did you do to me?” he demanded.

                  “Simple tests to gauge your regenerative abilities and I have to say, my superiors are very impressed. We've just started analyzing your blood and it is very interesting,” she said, moving into his range of vision. “We'll start testing your strength and agility once your leg is sufficiently healed.”

                  “What did you do to my leg,” he growled, grinding his teeth with frustration. This situation was totally out of control. He was not a lab rat to be put though his paces.

                  “A simple fracture to gauge the regenerative power of your bones. It's proceeding remarkably well and you should be up and on it shortly.” A slight German accent touched her words and something clicked in Nikola's mind.

                  “You must miss South America,” he said suddenly.

                  She stopped and then smiled sweetly. “I do. It seems odd to be cold during Christmas time, but there it is,” she responded, turning her attention back to the equipment around him.

                  “You must be Rolf's daughter,” he stated, watching her. He wasn't sure why he knew, but he knew she was Josef Mengele's granddaughter.

                  She gave him a started look and then smiled. “You are just as quick as I read you were. This is such an honor.” She inclined her head. “Greta,” she introduced herself and then turned her back to him again.

                  Nikola lay there trying to focus himself and his fingertips brushed against something. It was tube. Thin and smooth. He caught himself smiling and quickly schooled his features into a neutral expression.

                  Greta moved back towards him, syringe in her hand. “How about you get some rest now and then we'll start the next round of tests,” she said, injecting the contents of the syringe into the IV line that hung down beside him.

                  Dutifully, his eyes closed and his breathing evened out.

                  Greta turned on her heel and headed out of the room.

                  Once he heard the door close, Nikola's eyes popped back open. He kept the IV line in his fingers tightly pinched and thereby blocking the medication from his body.

                  It took him several tries and his control of his Vampire side was tenuous at best from the drugs and trauma to his body, but he finally manged to break his left arm from the restraints. He pulled the IV line out of his arm before he went to work on restraints on that arm as well. Once he had loosened them up, he made short work of the onces holding him back down on the exam chair and then he freed his legs. He was disgusted that he was nearly naked. Clothes would be his next order of business. He slid out of the chair and carefully tried to put weight on his injured leg. It would hold, if just. He was loose, but he would need a pretty good distraction to give him enough of an advantage to get out of here.

                  He limped to the door, using everything he get a his hands on to ease the weight on his leg. The electronic lock on the door was child's play. A simple feedback loop in the polarity of the electrical flow shorted it out easily enough and he slipped into the hall. Not very far down the hall he found a locker room for the workers. He dug around through the lockers after a little work to twist off the locks to find something at least marginally presentable to wear. It was too big, but at least he could keep the pants up.

                  He slipped on a lab coat and then slipped back into the hall. He had learned long ago, military and security types ignored lowly researchers.

                  He limped his way down the hall. A heavy door with a complicated electronic lock caught his eye. He spied a surveillance camera pointed at the door. He smiled, reaching out his palm to rest on the metal of the wall beside him. He channeled the ambient electricity of the wall up to disrupt the transmission lines of the camera. Simple enough, but soon enough someone would realize how little current it took to damage the lines and it would make this little trick harder for him.

                  He make short work of the keypad and had the door open. He eased himself into the hallway and the sudden rush of sound hit him before he even had the door closed. Screams, both human and inhuman reverberated off the walls. He knew what this place was. It was like a corruption of Gregory and Helen Magnus' dream of Sanctuary for Abnormals. Here was everything they had fought again.

                  Here was his distraction.
                  *LOVE* it cant wait for the site to work properly to read more
                  thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                    I ran out of characters in the previous post! I didn't know there was a limit...

                    I'd like to clarify that the lead-in to the RP for Nikola was written by Nikola's player, Bastet, not me!

                    This next bit was written by me, and it has nothing to do with Nikola, but the rest of the thread will make more sense if you read it.

                    Walking back to his house one day, Zack was stopped by a strange man.

                    "Come here boy, I have something for you."

                    Like all young children, Zack had had “Don’t talk to strangers!” drilled into him, so, glancing fearfully at the man, he started across the road to avoid him.

                    He had only taken a few steps when felt something sting his leg. Looking down, he saw some sort of a dart embedded in his thigh. His eyes widened as he realized what was happening, but he scarcely had a chance to do anything before he felt his awareness start to slip. He tried to run, but he only stumbled right into the waiting arms of his captors. His feeble attempts at struggling weakened further as his consciousness fled.


                    When he woke up, he was alone in a strange place and nothing felt right. He was fully perceiving everything in this room, his mind processing every tiny detail immediately, and it was too much! Usually he could close his mind, limit the inflow of information to some degree--but not now. He gasped for breath, squirming in the restraints that held him to the uncomfortable metal chair. Gasping and panicking, Zack tried to stop, to relax, to think, but it didn’t work.

                    After only a few minutes it was too much for the boy, and he started to whimper, and soon to scream. After only a few more minutes (though it seemed like forever) an orderly entered the room and injected Zack with a sedative, and he once again lost consciousness, this time gladly.


                    The second waking was worse by far. It only took Zack a few seconds to realize that whatever they had done to him had been intensified, and he couldn’t block out anything. His gut contracted, nausea rising in his stomach as he went into sensory overload. After minutes of shaking and whimpering, more people entered the room. Good, he thought, they’ll inject me with sedatives again, and I won’t have to experience this for much longer.

                    However, Zack was wrong. The people brought in large television screens with rapidly changing and detailed images. All the people and the new stimulation made every thing so much worse. He couldn’t block any of it out, every breath or motion from the people, every line, every letter on the screens- he couldn’t even get his eyes to close!

                    Shaking and squirming as his mind was forced to absorb too much data, Zack soon lost track of time. All he knew was that eventually, he was so exhausted he was almost falling asleep where he sat. The people seemed to know this, and the screens were turned off and he was once again sedated.

                    The next time he was woken up, it seemed even worse, and this time more screens were brought in, stacked up on top of each other. He felt like he couldn’t deal with it, like he was literally going to overload. After a while his emotions seemed to shut down, leaving him feeling strangely blank. He didn’t know how long it lasted, but like the last one, he was sedated at the end, when it felt like his mind was incapable of taking any more.

                    He lost track of how many times he woke and was sedated. It wasn’t like being him, or being alive. He was either unconscious, or absorbing ridiculous amounts of information without a chance to even think.

                    After an interminable amount of this he finally woke somewhere else, a small cell with one small bench, where he lay. Zack tried to think normally, to put everything together and figure out a way out of here, but his mind wouldn’t do what he wanted. Try as he might, he couldn’t get himself to think properly, tears seeped out of his eyes as he realized that his own mind was no longer under his own control.

                    After a few days in this second drugged state, he was brought back to the chair room, and slowly introduced to a new state. He felt even more out of control than before, he answered questions, even though he didn't want to, did whatever the people said to do. The memory faded quickly though, he could only hold the last few things that had happened in his mind before they faded away.


                    Waking up in the cell he had very little memory of what happened, but he was back to the second drugged state and felt horrible. He was brought food and water, not enough to satisfy him, just enough to leave him wanting more.

                    Some time later he fell asleep again, and when he woke, he was back in the room with the chair and the monitors. It became a cycle.

                    Cell, unable to think.
                    Chair room, filled unbearably full with information.
                    Chair room he could never remember afterwords, all he knew was that it made him feel sick.

                    It happened again and again, and he never remembered his trips between them.
                    Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

                    image from:



                      AWESOME!! although I have to ask, what show is Zack from?
                      "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                      Sig by ME!!!


                        Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                        AWESOME!! although I have to ask, what show is Zack from?

                        This takes place twenty years ago, so Zack is actually in his mid to late twenties on his show--Bones.

                        It seems to be working now, so go ahead and check out the actual RP thread:

                        (the second one is format light)
                        Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

                        image from:



                          Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post

                          This takes place twenty years ago, so Zack is actually in his mid to late twenties on his show--Bones.

                          It seems to be working now, so go ahead and check out the actual RP thread:

                          (the second one is format light)
                          I loved that part too!! is it a BONES/Sanctuary crossover? cuz i happen to thoroughly enjoy both shows! haha
                          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                            Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                            I loved that part too!! is it a BONES/Sanctuary crossover? cuz i happen to thoroughly enjoy both shows! haha

                            Well, it depends on what happens in the RPG comm. This thread is just the two of us establishing a history for our characters. Its possible, if we get people to play other characters from Bones, that we might do more crossover things.

                            Like I said, ANYONE from over here is free to go app for that comm. If you want any help, or want to try RP before hand, just let me know, I'll be happy to do whatever I can.
                            Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

                            image from:



                              Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post

                              This takes place twenty years ago, so Zack is actually in his mid to late twenties on his show--Bones.

                              It seems to be working now, so go ahead and check out the actual RP thread:

                              (the second one is format light)
                              Love, love, LOVE IT!!

                              Originally posted by OboeTheres View Post

                              Well, it depends on what happens in the RPG comm. This thread is just the two of us establishing a history for our characters. Its possible, if we get people to play other characters from Bones, that we might do more crossover things.

                              Like I said, ANYONE from over here is free to go app for that comm. If you want any help, or want to try RP before hand, just let me know, I'll be happy to do whatever I can.
                              I've never done this kind of RP or have watched Bones (sadly ...I'd love to if I had time, tho), but I'd love to be a Sanctuary, Helen but that would only work if the rp eventually ends up flash-forwarding to the present at some point. Is it going to stay 20 years in the past or is this just background for something that happens later?
                              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                              Sig by ME!!!


                                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                                Love, love, LOVE IT!!

                                I've never done this kind of RP or have watched Bones (sadly ...I'd love to if I had time, tho), but I'd love to be a Sanctuary, Helen but that would only work if the rp eventually ends up flash-forwarding to the present at some point. Is it going to stay 20 years in the past or is this just background for something that happens later?
                                This thread is just background. The main story will take place in the present in the Sanctuary universe.

                                We have:
                                Helen Magnus
                                Ashley Magnus
                                Will Zimmerman
                                Nikola Tesla
                                and Zack Addy (Bones).

                                All other characters are open!
                                If you already have an LJ you can go here and app:

                                We are accepting any character that would make sense in the world of Sanctuary. (This would probably include most earth-based stargate characters, especially Daniel Jackson)

                                If anyone wants to try RP over here on GW, we could go make a thread in off topic or something! Just let me know!
                                Canceling SGU and letting the cast find out via twitter?

                                image from:


