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Helen Magnus/John Druitt Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Wow! Great conversations going on in here!

    Shamefully I can't think of anything to say because my brain is still fried from my class

    *goes to get a Magnett fix*
    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


      Originally posted by Artie View Post
      My thought, possibly upsetting.

      Given the technology of the time, I think Helen is grasping at straws about freezing the embryo. She can't actually have any reasonable expectation of being able to implant and use it, not even 1%. (Remember, the first In Vitro Fertilization was only 30 years ago!) Removing it is essentially an abortion. The chances that it wouldn't die and would be viable at some future date are almost nil. I think she freezes it to make it easier for herself, to tell herself that she's not ending the pregnancy, merely postponing it. It's Helen's way of coping with finding out that not only is she pregnant out of wedlock in a society that will be very censuring, but that her baby's father is an insane serial killer!

      And so she temporizes. She comes up with a way to do this that she can handle.

      So when she's talking to John on the bridge, she's not saying, "Oh, and btw I was pregnant and I got (James?) to cut the fetus out of me just like you mutiliating all those women's corpses and I keep our frozen fetus lying around the icebox." I mean, John is not the only one a little off around here!

      I totally get why she's done that, but there is something a bit gruesome.
      Not upsetting. You maybe right.
      But again, I like to believe that The Five had access to technology the general population hadn't even heard off. And while it was probably all experimental and Helen wasn't sure than frozing the embryo might work, I believe she thought it was the best thing she could do. IMO, she didn't want to have John's child right after founding out he was the Ripper. So, the other choice was the best for her at that time. Plus, what a scandal it would have been for her - a single woman with a child wasn't exactly common.
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      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


        Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
        Not upsetting. You maybe right.
        But again, I like to believe that The Five had access to technology the general population hadn't even heard off. And while it was probably all experimental and Helen wasn't sure than frozing the embryo might work, I believe she thought it was the best thing she could do. IMO, she didn't want to have John's child right after founding out he was the Ripper. So, the other choice was the best for her at that time. Plus, what a scandal it would have been for her - a single woman with a child wasn't exactly common.
        It would have been a dreadful scandal. She would certainly have lost her professional standing and her respectability. A single woman doctor is barely permissable. With an out of wedlock child she'd lose her work as well. She could give the baby up for adoption. She could go away somewhere and start life in a new identity pretending to be a widow. But neither of those choices is good either.
        sigpicsig by Isolde


          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
          Yes, you heard correctly.

          And while we're all discussing the significance and context of that one line, may I just say what genius writers we have on this show. I actually like that on first view of an episode a line like that kind of catches you off balance, and you say to yourself, "What on earth did he mean by 'dance'?". Then as you think about it, and rewatch the episode, you realize just how much sense to their relationship it actually makes. It's sarcasm conveying their unorthodox relationship while showing the relationship they wish they could have, but never will. So many layers.

          ((((Hugs to the writers))))
          So perfectly put!! The writers are incredible. This is one of the reasons I wanted to be an English major in college. I love every moment of analyzing something like this. I love layers!! Speaking of layers, "Inception" comes out on DVD tomorrow!

          Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
          So, I write a big post and she says it way better than me in like 6 lines. *sigh*
          You're right. We have amazing writers.

          Originally posted by Artie View Post
          My thought, possibly upsetting.

          Given the technology of the time, I think Helen is grasping at straws about freezing the embryo. She can't actually have any reasonable expectation of being able to implant and use it, not even 1%. (Remember, the first In Vitro Fertilization was only 30 years ago!) Removing it is essentially an abortion. The chances that it wouldn't die and would be viable at some future date are almost nil. I think she freezes it to make it easier for herself, to tell herself that she's not ending the pregnancy, merely postponing it. It's Helen's way of coping with finding out that not only is she pregnant out of wedlock in a society that will be very censuring, but that her baby's father is an insane serial killer!

          And so she temporizes. She comes up with a way to do this that she can handle.

          So when she's talking to John on the bridge, she's not saying, "Oh, and btw I was pregnant and I got (James?) to cut the fetus out of me just like you mutiliating all those women's corpses and I keep our frozen fetus lying around the icebox." I mean, John is not the only one a little off around here!

          I totally get why she's done that, but there is something a bit gruesome.
          Can't say that I agree, but it is a very interesting idea. If I learned nothing else in my years at college, I learned that you don't always have to agree with what everyone else says, but you should consider how they may be right and appreciate the perspective of others.
          Though, I must say that I did have questions as to how she saved the embryo. Even though she was at the height of science at the time, I don't know how it would have worked. I guess I never thought of Helen and John actually sleeping together, but how else would she have an embryo. Anyway. It is definitely worth thinking about.
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            One thing I am really liking is how Magnus is getting more in touch with her darkness.


              Originally posted by ClassicCouples View Post
              Still working on my review of FK&C . . . and had a question for all of you:
              Does anyone have any thoughts about Helen and John's conversation on the bridge? I don't know how they think that they can continue on with their lives, considering what he has done. John sounded very sarcastic when he talks about the cottage by the sea. And Helen, despite the fact that she says she can never forgive him, and she can't forgive herself (great place to have a relationship - someone on here mentioned that theirs was a relationship built on self-punishment - I agree), sounds like things will be fine. Maybe John was more in control of his demon at this point, but he still was a murderer. The only thing I can think of is that when John says "dance", he means the beginning of her hunt for him. I don't know. Thoughts, anyone? I have included the conversation:

              J: Just so you know, I’ve forgiven you for shooting me.
              H: Just tell me the killing has stopped.
              J: So, we’re returning to lying to one another.
              H: Once this is over. When we find Adam…
              J: You and I will settle down in a quaint little cottage by the sea, and I’ll write poetry. Sonnets, perhaps.
              H: As much as I can never forgive you for what you’ve done, I can never forgive myself for not seeing it sooner.
              J: When this is over you and I will begin our dance, and you…
              H: Count on it.
              I rewatched that scene again and he was totally being sacastic about the cottage i could never see them doing that as sweet as it would be but the last part said so much for me especially when he touched her hand then teleported away .

              John:''When this is over you and i will begin our dance anew''
              Helen:''Count on it''

              There body language said so much they both love eachother still but at the time it was still hard for her and from what i saw it looked like John not only enjoy's the thrill of the hunt but the thrill of being hunted himself and knowing it's Helen who will never stop chasing him through time it drives them both.

              No matter there wrongs they have commited over time there love drives them as does the need to always be there for eachother and i see for this that with Helen chasing him through time for her he's never gone and he's to far away he always there and she is never far from him it's a comfort for both of them.

              (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                I rewatched that scene again and he was totally being sacastic about the cottage i could never see them doing that as sweet as it would be but the last part said so much for me especially when he touched her hand then teleported away .

                John:''When this is over you and i will begin our dance anew''
                Helen:''Count on it''

                There body language said so much they both love eachother still but at the time it was still hard for her and from what i saw it looked like John not only enjoy's the thrill of the hunt but the thrill of being hunted himself and knowing it's Helen who will never stop chasing him through time it drives them both.

                No matter there wrongs they have commited over time there love drives them as does the need to always be there for eachother and i see for this that with Helen chasing him through time for her he's never gone and he's to far away he always there and she is never far from him it's a comfort for both of them.

                I agree with you sis!

                Helen and John are far too active to ever settle down somewhere, even by the sea. Love the sarcasm though and it would be funny for Helen to mention it in a sarcastic manner to him later on.


                  Originally posted by AresLover452 View Post
                  I agree with you sis!

                  Helen and John are far too active to ever settle down somewhere, even by the sea. Love the sarcasm though and it would be funny for Helen to mention it in a sarcastic manner to him later on.
                  That would be so cool! sis! i loved where she snuggled into him when he had passedout when i saw that i was like OMG!
                  !! thats so cute i melted i've watched it over and over i cant wait to see the next eps
                  (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                    After Friday's episode I had to go back to watch Haunted again. Now knowing how Helen reacts to John that next time she sees him does make that episode quite a bit shippier.


                      A little tidbit from TBW chapter 6 (As drug out of my by Ladyj XD)

                      Warning: While the overall fic is Magnett, this scene was designed to make the Teslen's go crazy. You are only getting a small slice.

                      “Nikola I demand that you release me at once!” Helen cried, trying to pull her arm out from the vampire’s grasp. Nikola growled and spun her around, grabbing both her arms and pushing her back into the wall. Helen took a sharp breath and looked up at him with terrified eyes, quickly placing her hands on his chest as he closed the distance between them. Nikola bent down and Helen quickly turned her head to the side to avoid his lips. She bit her lower lip instead as he slowly dragged his fangs over her pulse point, moving so softly that it raised tiny goose bumps on her skin. He pulled back slightly and her breath hitched as he pressed a kiss where he had previously had his fangs.

                      “What makes you think,” He whispered, his hot breath against her throat sending shivers down her spine. “You are in any position to make demands?”


                        Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                        That would be so cool! sis! i loved where she snuggled into him when he had passedout when i saw that i was like OMG!
                        !! thats so cute i melted i've watched it over and over i cant wait to see the next eps

                        It would be funny for john to bring up what woul dhappen after adam and then helen interupts him being sarcastic about the cottage and the poetry.


                          Originally posted by Emengee View Post
                          A little tidbit from TBW chapter 6 (As drug out of my by Ladyj XD)

                          Warning: While the overall fic is Magnett, this scene was designed to make the Teslen's go crazy. You are only getting a small slice.

                          “Nikola I demand that you release me at once!” Helen cried, trying to pull her arm out from the vampire’s grasp. Nikola growled and spun her around, grabbing both her arms and pushing her back into the wall. Helen took a sharp breath and looked up at him with terrified eyes, quickly placing her hands on his chest as he closed the distance between them. Nikola bent down and Helen quickly turned her head to the side to avoid his lips. She bit her lower lip instead as he slowly dragged his fangs over her pulse point, moving so softly that it raised tiny goose bumps on her skin. He pulled back slightly and her breath hitched as he pressed a kiss where he had previously had his fangs.

                          “What makes you think,” He whispered, his hot breath against her throat sending shivers down her spine. “You are in any position to make demands?”

                          That is the only way Telsa could have her.... force.

                          Love it EM


                            Thanks Ares!


                              Originally posted by Emengee View Post
                              A little tidbit from TBW chapter 6 (As drug out of my by Ladyj XD)

                              Warning: While the overall fic is Magnett, this scene was designed to make the Teslen's go crazy. You are only getting a small slice.

                              “Nikola I demand that you release me at once!” Helen cried, trying to pull her arm out from the vampire’s grasp. Nikola growled and spun her around, grabbing both her arms and pushing her back into the wall. Helen took a sharp breath and looked up at him with terrified eyes, quickly placing her hands on his chest as he closed the distance between them. Nikola bent down and Helen quickly turned her head to the side to avoid his lips. She bit her lower lip instead as he slowly dragged his fangs over her pulse point, moving so softly that it raised tiny goose bumps on her skin. He pulled back slightly and her breath hitched as he pressed a kiss where he had previously had his fangs.

                              “What makes you think,” He whispered, his hot breath against her throat sending shivers down her spine. “You are in any position to make demands?”
                              Wow! thats hawt!Emengee
                              Does John findout
                              (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                                You bet your sweet nibblets he does... and he isn't all too thrilled about it! (But I warn you, he doesn't find out for at least another chapter!

