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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
    They tend to boil everything down to demographics based on polls. The polls usually are between 500 and 1000 people and that is supposed to represent millions. As you said they forget that people don't all fit into these boxes. if they realized this maybe there wouldn't be so many good shows getting canceled.
    ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


      @SciFi_Online Sanctuary Season 2 starts this Thursday on SCI FI. Look out for an exclusive video interview with Amanda Tapping on SCIFI.CO.UK tomorrow.

      @Syfy In other news, #Stargate Universe, Eureka, Warehouse 13 and Sanctuary all start production on their new seasons this month.

      I like this.


        So, how do you feel Sanctuary has been promoted in your country?

        In Canada it has been much better having it on the Space channel than Movie Central. It is a channel that is in far more homes. They advertise it fairly well. However, they could do more in my opinion.

        In addition to the bone-headed move of taking a hiatus only to bring it back during the Olympics, they have a show 4 nights a week called InnerSpace. They spend the first 10 mins or so talking about a show on that night (Lost, Supernatural, etc). Unfortunately, Sanctuary is on Friday night with Universe and TPTB decided they would only talk about Universe. Sent an e-mail to complain but it's made no difference. Now SGU is on a break they are showing Caprica on Fridays and only discussing that show. While they do bits here and there on Sanctuary it is always taking a backseat to other shows.

        The main network that owns Space is CTV. They own other specialty stations as well and have an entertainment show called Etalk on both the main network and the specialty channels but have never featured AT or anything about the show on Etalk.

        Can't understand why they don't do more to promote it. They can only help themselves by increasing the audience.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          So, how do you feel Sanctuary has been promoted in your country?

          In Canada it has been much better having it on the Space channel than Movie Central. It is a channel that is in far more homes. They advertise it fairly well. However, they could do more in my opinion.

          In addition to the bone-headed move of taking a hiatus only to bring it back during the Olympics, they have a show 4 nights a week called InnerSpace. They spend the first 10 mins or so talking about a show on that night (Lost, Supernatural, etc). Unfortunately, Sanctuary is on Friday night with Universe and TPTB decided they would only talk about Universe. Sent an e-mail to complain but it's made no difference. Now SGU is on a break they are showing Caprica on Fridays and only discussing that show. While they do bits here and there on Sanctuary it is always taking a backseat to other shows.

          The main network that owns Space is CTV. They own other specialty stations as well and have an entertainment show called Etalk on both the main network and the specialty channels but have never featured AT or anything about the show on Etalk.

          Can't understand why they don't do more to promote it. They can only help themselves by increasing the audience.
          In the UK it's hardly been promoted at all. ITV4 is a fairly minor channel, and apart from a couple of trailers on ITV1 at the start of the season, it's the only one that ever mentions it No wonder I get blank looks whenever I mention Sanctuary over here

          The only good thing is that we didn't get the break in eps that you all got. It'll be interesting to see what happens with S3's 20 eps, whether they'll show them all straight or break in the middle.

          Maybe if Martin were to come over and do a bit of personal promotion.........

          Last edited by Jumble; 02 March 2010, 01:57 PM.


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            So, how do you feel Sanctuary has been promoted in your country?

            In Canada it has been much better having it on the Space channel than Movie Central. It is a channel that is in far more homes. They advertise it fairly well. However, they could do more in my opinion.

            In addition to the bone-headed move of taking a hiatus only to bring it back during the Olympics, they have a show 4 nights a week called InnerSpace. They spend the first 10 mins or so talking about a show on that night (Lost, Supernatural, etc). Unfortunately, Sanctuary is on Friday night with Universe and TPTB decided they would only talk about Universe. Sent an e-mail to complain but it's made no difference. Now SGU is on a break they are showing Caprica on Fridays and only discussing that show. While they do bits here and there on Sanctuary it is always taking a backseat to other shows.

            The main network that owns Space is CTV. They own other specialty stations as well and have an entertainment show called Etalk on both the main network and the specialty channels but have never featured AT or anything about the show on Etalk.

            Can't understand why they don't do more to promote it. They can only help themselves by increasing the audience.
            Now you're speaking my language.

            I agree, we NEED to sent an e-mail or something to show them we care about our show. They used to do that with Scrubs on NBC, they'd barely talk about it during the promos for the shows. At least we do get the Innerspace interviews and such.

            I'm proud of you EH-T, you becoming your old self again.

            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            In the UK it's hardly been promoted at all. ITV4 is a fairly minor channel, and apart from a couple of trailers on ITV1 at the start of the season, it's the only one that ever mentions it No wonder I get blank looks whenever I mention Sanctuary over here

            The only good thing is that we didn't get the break in eps that you all got. It'll be interesting to see what happens with S3's 22 eps, whether they'll show them all straight or break in the middle.

            Maybe if Martin were to come over and do a bit of personal promotion.........

            It's 20 episodes FYI.

            Hopefully they'll start getting some much needed and deserved attention.
            Last edited by Rocky89; 05 March 2010, 03:32 PM.


              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

              It's 20 episodes FYI.

              Hopefully they'll start getting some much needed and deserved attention.
              That's just me and my wishful thinking


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                In the UK it's hardly been promoted at all. ITV4 is a fairly minor channel, and apart from a couple of trailers on ITV1 at the start of the season, it's the only one that ever mentions it No wonder I get blank looks whenever I mention Sanctuary over here

                The only good thing is that we didn't get the break in eps that you all got. It'll be interesting to see what happens with S3's 20 eps, whether they'll show them all straight or break in the middle.

                Maybe if Martin were to come over and do a bit of personal promotion.........

                It could be more promoted over 'ere and I think that they'd get more viewers (of course I'm biased...), but I have mentioned it to a few people who have, generally, heard of it. One time the woman I was buying fabric off for my Keeper costume knew the show and loved it.

                I get the impression that it's been doing okay on ITV4 without the promotion though, but I don't know what I am basing that on.
                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                My Fanfic~My Femslash


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  In the UK it's hardly been promoted at all. ITV4 is a fairly minor channel, and apart from a couple of trailers on ITV1 at the start of the season, it's the only one that ever mentions it No wonder I get blank looks whenever I mention Sanctuary over here

                  The only good thing is that we didn't get the break in eps that you all got. It'll be interesting to see what happens with S3's 20 eps, whether they'll show them all straight or break in the middle.

                  Maybe if Martin were to come over and do a bit of personal promotion.........

                  I've always said that if AT had the opportunity to go door to door everyone would watch her shows because she is so nice (and talented). I'm sure MW would add to the ratings a lot!

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    I've always said that if AT had the opportunity to go door to door everyone would watch her shows because she is so nice (and talented). I'm sure MW would add to the ratings a lot!
                    Imagine the two of them doing a promotional doorknock. The ratings wood go through the roof


                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      I've always said that if AT had the opportunity to go door to door everyone would watch her shows because she is so nice (and talented). I'm sure MW would add to the ratings a lot!
                      Yes, that is exactly what you said-

                      I've never agreed with you on anything more, but I don't think she uses her fame for her own personal gain, I believe she does it for the fans. There was a time when she wasn't famous and when she didn't have fans, and now that she does, she hasn't let it go to her head.

                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      Imagine the two of them doing a promotional doorknock. The ratings wood go through the roof
                      I agree, if people *really* knew them, they'd look forward to watching their work on TV a lot.


                        I wonder who will be doing commentaries for the S2 DVDs. I'd love to hear AT & RD together in an "actors only" commentary. I have a feeling they'd give some great insights and likely crack each other up too.

                        Actor commentaries are my favorite. the directors are ok, but I'm more interested in the actors' take on things.
                        It will be interesting to see if AD does any.


                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          I wonder who will be doing commentaries for the S2 DVDs. I'd love to hear AT & RD together in an "actors only" commentary. I have a feeling they'd give some great insights and likely crack each other up too.

                          Actor commentaries are my favorite. the directors are ok, but I'm more interested in the actors' take on things.
                          It will be interesting to see if AD does any.
                          I don't know who will do what, but I'd love for AT, RD and MW to do the commentary for PN. I want to know more about the hose scene.



                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            I wonder who will be doing commentaries for the S2 DVDs. I'd love to hear AT & RD together in an "actors only" commentary. I have a feeling they'd give some great insights and likely crack each other up too.

                            Actor commentaries are my favorite. the directors are ok, but I'm more interested in the actors' take on things.
                            It will be interesting to see if AD does any.
                            I also prefer the actor to have a lot of input in the commentary. There was a tweet from DW I believe referring to AT and MS doing the commentary for Penance. Can't wait for that one. One really nice thing about AT being both the lead and an exec producer is that we get to hear her on a lot of commentaries. While I understand the guys (MW and DK) cracking her up (they crack me up too) I would like to hear a little more from her on the commentaries.

                            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                              I like there to be a balance on the commentaries. I like there to be an actor in the mix, but I also like hearing from other people, but a mix is important. I've listened to a few commentaries where it's been almost entirely about the set, or the lighting. That is only interesting for a few minutes unless you're really really into sets and lighting.
                              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                                ^True. the tech stuff only goes so far with me. I almost think those should be separate special features. I think it was James Tichenor on the SG1 commentaries I liked b/c though he was technical he'd throw out good questions to the others.

                                Good point, EH-T on AT's dual role adding to what she can say in commentaries. and yeah, as much as it's fun to hear them having fun, I sometimes feel like yelling at the tv "you're talking over a good scene--tell us about that, stop talking like pirates" or whatever. I've noticed AT sometimes tries to get things back on track.

