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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    Quite frankly, I wish we'd seen some more character development for Will. He had so much screentime in the series and yet seemed so bland. How is it that he can dominate the show and have so little to actually care about, other than a rather aesthetically pleasing body (which coincidentally seems to be displayed every other episode).
    since i thought i was pretty much alone in not caring for will, i spoke about my probs with the character to another sanctuary fan in private. i didn't want to offend anyone or start ragging on the character when he was so new.

    but this has opened up the opportunity to share some of my ideas for revving the will character up.

    i thought about maybe having will get some kind of a disease, but after being offered to have it cured by an abnormal, he declines and decides to live with it. and he would live, but just have to use a cane or something.

    i thought it would add conflict to him being around the abnormals, because he chose to not be one of them (and some might find that offensive), and it would humble him and make him more vulnerable, which i find more attractive than him thinking he'd hot and cool stud guy. plus, he's be considered someone with a handicap, but still able to do his job well enough to join helen and company on excursions.

    i think i had another idea, but i can't remember it now.



      Originally posted by Inward Wind View Post
      I'm not so sure that Ashley's inability to run the Sanctuary at this time has so much to do with personality as it does maturity. Both of her parents, to me, seem to be people with competent leadership skills. Druitt even seems to be a very rational person since he's become "good". Ashley already has shown that she cares about abnormals; when she tries to convince Henry not to have surgery and when she was talking with the Cabal lady, comes to mind. Druitt has talked to her about trying to get her to "think" rather than "act" first, which suggests to me that she could mature into that type of person. Many people over the course of years change their priorities and how they react to various situations when they gain more maturity
      I'm not sure the point is, for me, so much about who's going to 'be in charge' as it is about who is going to do what. Even if Ashley were 'in charge' of the Sanctuary years from now (which isn't something, I agree, Helen's going to push for all the reasons already mentioned), Helen herself still needs a protegee Not simply for running the place, but for doing what Helen does - the scientific research and understanding of the abnormals and getting through to them and helping them through science.

      I do agree, too, that Helen has overlooked some of Ashley's innate ability to be helpful in that aspect of the work, and I think that's tied to John's frustration in The Five with her 'bagging and tagging whatever Mummy tells her' to bag. Still, even once (and I'm assuming she will) Helen accepts Ashley as a fully capable adult friend and partner, Helen will still need someone else to follow in her own footsteps in the day-to-day scientific/research/understanding abnormals area. And I think it's that she needs a protegee for more than simply 'running' the place.

      There's also a difference between formal and informal leadership, and it was fairly clear from The Five just exactly what Will is really in charge of in Helen's absence. After all, remember who called the meeting off without anyone even bothering to tell Will...


        The thing with Will is he really needs more time, which would be ok in RL but not usually possible in a tv show. Helen wants him in the Sanctuary for life effectively and once he's been in the role for a while he will feel more confident in himself and in more of a take charge frame of mind, but that really will only come with time and experience.

        Let's face it, although we haven't a definitive idea of how much time has passed in the Sanctuary world from episode 1 - 13, it can't have been that long. Probably only a few months, a year at the most.

        This is a life changing role for him, having to accept a whole new world and find his way around it. It's not a 9-5 job, as evidenced by the fact that he seems to have moved into the Sanctuary. This isn't going to be a job you go home and forget about at the end of the day and it's going to take him time to come to terms with that and all it means to him. It's not designed to be a role that you work at a few years and then move on to bigger and better with another 'firm'. He has to accept that if he wants to stay at the Sanctuary this will be the entirety of his existance. There won't be any half measures and that's a lot to accept.

        Personally I don't mind Will. I prefer the others to him but that's just because of the chemistry and history between them all.


          I have good news We just got a new aerial. This means that if Season Two of Sanctuary is on ITV4, or even ITV3 and I am still living here I'll be able to watch it

          If I'm not living here I'll just invite myself round to watch it anyway.
          Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
          My Fanfic~My Femslash


            Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
            I have good news We just got a new aerial. This means that if Season Two of Sanctuary is on ITV4, or even ITV3 and I am still living here I'll be able to watch it

            If I'm not living here I'll just invite myself round to watch it anyway.
            That's good, the more viewers the better . btw, where do you live?


              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
              That's good, the more viewers the better . btw, where do you live?
              In the Shire. *pokes tongue out at Titta*

              Okay, okay, I'm packing! Sheesh, girl.
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                *sings* Where ever I lay my hat....

                for the foreseeable future I live in Sheffield, England. I depended on ITV catch up to watch most of Season One.
                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                My Fanfic~My Femslash


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                  In the Shire. *pokes tongue out at Titta*

                  Okay, okay, I'm packing! Sheesh, girl.
                  Hey Tracy, black out's over! Our useless right wing government has scrapped the amendment today.
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    From Facebook:

                    Damian Kindler is watching Amanda drive MY CAR in a high speed car chase!!


                      Originally posted by antoa View Post
                      From Facebook:
             it for the show...or is it just Amanda

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        Hey Tracy, black out's over! Our useless right wing government has scrapped the amendment today.
                        I know it is, Neep, I'm just lazy.
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                          The thing with Will is he really needs more time, which would be ok in RL but not usually possible in a tv show. Helen wants him in the Sanctuary for life effectively and once he's been in the role for a while he will feel more confident in himself and in more of a take charge frame of mind, but that really will only come with time and experience.

                          Let's face it, although we haven't a definitive idea of how much time has passed in the Sanctuary world from episode 1 - 13, it can't have been that long. Probably only a few months, a year at the most.

                          This is a life changing role for him, having to accept a whole new world and find his way around it. It's not a 9-5 job, as evidenced by the fact that he seems to have moved into the Sanctuary. This isn't going to be a job you go home and forget about at the end of the day and it's going to take him time to come to terms with that and all it means to him. It's not designed to be a role that you work at a few years and then move on to bigger and better with another 'firm'. He has to accept that if he wants to stay at the Sanctuary this will be the entirety of his existance. There won't be any half measures and that's a lot to accept.
                          Well said. I can't say Will is my favorite character either, but I really like that he's still not entire comfortable in the Sanctuary, though the difference between Fata Morgana and Instinct shows he's getting there.

                          I think it's also important to keep in mind that, as far as we know, Will is really the only 'normal' human at the Sanctuary, everyone else has some abnormal aspect to them. For someone who spent most of his life denying abnormals' existence, it must be an insane learning curve to accept a life completely surrounded by them.

                          I kinda hope they keep Will 'normal' for the time being, it's something that makes him stand out at the Sanctuary and gives him a different motivation for working with and for abnormals, I think.

                          Originally posted by antoa View Post
                          From Facebook: Damian Kindler is watching Amanda drive MY CAR in a high speed car chase!!
                          Very cool!! Thanks for posting that!

                          EDIT: LOL! That was post number 666



                            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                   it for the show...or is it just Amanda
                            My interpretation is that it's re the show. He might have lent his car for filming (saves some budget money!) in which case Woo Hoo!!!!!


                              I'm just popping in real quick time to play but thought I should mention that my son came running in the house earlier this evening all exited having heard an advert on the radio for mentioned "SyFy's Amanda Tapping chasing aliens in Sanctuary". Ok...we all know its not aliens but this is apparently all Tom remembers about the ad. The fact they are advertising it on Australian radio is a good thing but the fact that it's not coming to free to air tv and therefor missing a huge audience is still irking me to no end.
                              Anyhoo, I'm just kinda happy that Amanda and her show were mentioned on the radio tonight...just thought I'd say!!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                The Facebook stuff, all I have to do is create a profile?
                                Is there a direct link to it?

